How to use peppermint and meadow mint oil for hair

As you know, a variety of plant materials are very successfully used in cosmetology. Scientifically proven benefits of peppermint oil for hair. Natural ingredients stimulate regeneration processes, normalize metabolism at the cellular level, and accelerate tissue healing. Healing ether is obtained from the top of the flowering shoots and leaves of the plant. Using the hydrodistillation process, 45 kg of raw materials produce one liter of the highest quality product, in which all the healing properties of mint are preserved.

Peppermint essential product is a greenish-yellow oily liquid

Benefits of peppermint oil for hair

Peppermint oil is a carrier of a record number of menthol, vitamins (groups B, C, PP, A), micro- and macroelements (iron, magnesium, copper, manganese, calcium, zinc, sodium), fatty acids. Due to its unique composition, the product has undeniable benefits for hair:

  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduced production of sebum on the scalp;
  • cleansing the scalp;
  • neutralization of the influence of fungal spores, assistance in the treatment of seborrhea;
  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • accelerated hair growth;
  • elimination of itching, rash, redness;
  • return of shine to dull hair;
  • strengthening the hair follicle;
  • elimination of dry ends.
The beneficial properties of peppermint and meadow mint are successfully used in the production of hair care products

What hair is peppermint oil suitable for

Essential honey plant essential oil is ideal for weak, dull, brittle hair prone to hair loss. Oily curls with quickly dirty roots and dry ends also need to be nourished with peppermint oil. The drug copes well with the following problems:

  • slow hair growth and loss;
  • excessive fat content and accumulation of greasy secretions;
  • skin irritation;
  • the presence of dandruff;
  • diagnostics of pore clogging processes;
  • lack of shine;
  • tendency to "push".

How to use peppermint and meadow mint essential oil for hair

Mint leaves and flowering shoots can lift your mood and vitality. It is enough to grind a few leaves on your fingers and in just a couple of minutes you can feel a surge of strength. There are many different ways to care for your curls.

Products that include mint ether can be prepared at home

How to add peppermint essential oil to hair shampoo

To enrich your daily shampoo, you can add 8-10 drops of peppermint essential oil to a shampoo bottle up to 300ml. Favorite detergent, enriched with valuable honey plant ether, is suitable for daily use.

Using a caring shampoo with aromatic additives will enhance the growth of healthy and shiny curls

Hair mask with peppermint essential oil for hair growth

There are several options for preparing a mask for the growth of curls.

First and easiest: add three drops of valuable melliferous ether to the usual amount of shampoo intended for daily washing. Apply the mixture to damp hair, massage, leave for 5-7 minutes, rinse. The mask can be applied no more than twice a week.

Second way: take 40 ml of base oil (burdock, olive, peach, wheat germ) and 10-12 drops of mint ether. Apply the healing mixture to wet curls, massage for five minutes and rinse.

Third way: Mix 40 ml of base oil, 20 ml of honey, 10 g of crushed cinnamon powder and 2-3 drops of mint leaf ether. The base is heated in a water bath, other ingredients are added. The mask is applied to wet curls, massaged, insulated and kept for 30 minutes, after which the hair is washed with shampoo.

Mask with valuable melliferous ester helps to restore blood circulation, metabolism at the cellular level, strengthens the hair follicle

Anti-dandruff peppermint oil

Essential oil from valuable melliferous plant with menthol aroma perfectly copes with dandruff as part of the mask. To prepare a healing mixture, dilute a sufficient amount of blue clay with hot water to a creamy paste. Add 10-12 drops of peppermint ether to the mixture. Rub the prepared mixture into the scalp for two minutes, then wrap and hold for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water, wash the curls with shampoo, then rinse.

Attention! During the last rinse after shampooing, it is recommended to add 2-3 drops of aromatic ether to the water.

Peppermint oil for hair loss

The healing power of menthol-scented honey plant oil helps to strengthen the hair follicle and stop hair loss. A therapeutic scalp massage can be used as a wellness procedure. It is enough to rub 5-6 drops of peppermint ether in your palms, massage the scalp for about 7-8 minutes, then rinse with shampoo.

You can fight hair loss with a healing mask: mix 2 tbsp. l. blue clay, one chicken yolk and 2-3 drops of peppermint essential oil. Apply the mixture to the curls, wrap and leave for an hour, then rinse with clean water.

An oil mask with base burdock oil (2-3 tablespoons) and 2-3 drops of peppermint ether is topical for hair loss. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the skin and left for two hours, after which it is washed off with clean water and the hair is washed with shampoo.

The greatest effect can be achieved if you leave the mask on your hair overnight, and in the morning rinse off with clean water and rinse the curls with shampoo.

Elimination of fat content

Ester of valuable melliferous plant with menthol aroma copes well with fat content, cleans the roots from excessive accumulation of sebaceous secretions.

To prepare the mask, you will need 40 ml of any base oil-base (castor, burdock, argan), one grated medium-sized ginger root, four drops of meadow or peppermint ether. Apply the mixture to the curls, wrap and leave for 25 minutes. Rinse off the mask and shampoo your hair.

A fragrant mixture with the addition of meadow or peppermint effectively and carefully removes oily hair without overdrying the scalp


For those who suffer from a problem of dryness, the use of peppermint oil for hair is indicated. Healing masks are most effective:

  1. Add four drops of peppermint ether to the base oil (burdock, peach, wheat germ), 30 ml. Using your fingers, apply the composition to the scalp and rub in with massage movements for five minutes.
  2. 2 tbsp. l. cocoa butter, 2 tbsp. l. Heat jojoba oil in a water bath. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice, 1 tsp. cognac. Stir the mixture and add four drops of peppermint essential oil. Apply the composition to the curls for 1.5-2 hours. Wash off with warm water and shampoo your hair.
  3. 2 tbsp. l. mix castor oil with two drops of peppermint ether. Apply the product to the hair, wrap it up and stand for 45-60 minutes.
Moisturizing masks with essential oil of valuable honey plant with menthol aroma will return the hair a healthy appearance, softness and silkiness
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Peppermint oil to fight split ends

Split ends are one of the most common problems for those who constantly monitor their hair and use various drying and curling aids. To solve the problem, apply masks:

  1. Add seven drops of rosemary essential oil and three drops of peppermint essential oil to the base oil (peach or almond) with a volume of 20 ml. The resulting composition is applied to clean and damp curls, paying attention to the split ends with a wooden comb. Aroma combing should be done along the entire length of the curls, within 10-15 minutes. About an hour after the procedure, you can wash your hair with shampoo.
  2. Mix and heat in a water bath for 1 tsp. shea butter, coconut, olive, jojoba, a small piece of jasmine wax. Add three drops of essential oils of mint, patchouli and limetto to the mixture. Apply the composition to wet strands for an hour, then rinse with clean water and wash your hair with shampoo.
Attention! When treating split ends, products with valuable melliferous ether are applied only to damp hair.

Peppermint oil to support fine hair

Thin hair spoils the look. At the end of the day, the hair looks messy and the hair looks messy. To neutralize the problem of thin hair, you can use folk recipes.

To prepare the mask, you need to take a base oil-base (burdock, peach) in a volume of 60 ml, add 2 tsp. silicone-free hair balm, add three drops of essential peppermint oil. Apply the mixture to the curls along the entire length, wrap and stand for an hour. The mask can be used twice a week.

In addition, you can make a phyto-rinse at home. Add three drops of essential mint oil to a herbal decoction or infusion made from dry mint leaves (2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials per glass of boiling water). You can use the rinse aid at the final stage of shampooing.

With sensitive scalp, you can use the following recipe: take 20 g of dry mint leaves and lime blossom, pour 200 ml of boiling water, bring to a boil and let it brew for 15 minutes. Add three drops of peppermint or meadow mint essential oil to the resulting mint-linden broth.

You can use "home" rinses based on the essential oil of valuable honey plant every day

Peppermint oil for seborrhea

Seborrhea is an unpleasant and unaesthetic disease that manifests itself as itching, irritation, acne, and inflammation. Peppermint Ester is an amazing natural compound that helps to effectively eliminate the problem. To prepare a healing mask at home, mix 20 g of green clay with a little water (to a creamy consistency), add five drops of mint ether. Apply the mask to wet curls, wrap your head with plastic wrap. Wash off the mixture with clean water after 30 minutes.

For the final rinsing after the mask, you can use herbal decoctions with anti-seborrheic action (from burdock root, birch leaves, nettle, oak bark).

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Peppermint oil for rich hair color

The so-called oil wraps can be applied up to twice a week to maintain rich hair color. Recipe options:

  1. Mix and heat in a water bath 30 ml of jojoba and coconut oil. Add 1 tsp to the mixture. cognac, 1 tsp. lemon juice, four drops of meadow or peppermint ether. The mixture is applied to the hair along the entire length, the head is wrapped. The action of the mask is 1.5 hours. The mask is washed off with clean water, the hair is washed with shampoo.
  2. In a water bath, 30 ml of grape seed and almond oil are heated.Four drops of meadow or peppermint ether are added to the mixture. The mask is applied to the hair from roots to ends, the head is wrapped. After 30 minutes, the product is washed off with clean water, the head is washed with daily shampoo.
Attention! If you take 30 ml of wheat germ oil as a base oil, the hair will be manageable in styling.


The unique properties of mint were already known to the inhabitants of Ancient Rome. Leaves were rubbed on the countertops to cheer up and tone up. The benefits of peppermint oil for hair are obvious. Made from carefully selected young flowering shoots, it is an amazing natural product. However, contraindications should be studied so as not to harm health. Ester of valuable honey plant cannot be used for individual intolerance, tendency to allergies, bronchial asthma, pregnancy and lactation, children under seven years old.

Reviews on the use of peppermint essential oil for hair growth

Ekaterina Popovskaya, Moscow, 38 years old
Faced the problem of hair loss in the spring. At first, she associated this problem with vitamin deficiency, drank a course of complex vitamins. But the problem of hair loss did not go away. After each brushing, a huge tuft of hair remained on the comb. On the advice of a friend, I prepared a mask of clay, yolk and essential mint oil. The effect is amazing. Moreover, the hair became shiny and very manageable.
Karina Raduta, Crimea, 41 years old
After ironing my hair looks very bad. My main concern is split ends. I had to cut it every month, but this did not solve the problem. I tried a lot of shampoos, balms, serums for split ends, and spent a lot of money. Last month my master fell ill in the salon, I had to be serviced by another girl. Thanks to her, she advised aroma combing using peach oil and peppermint essential oil. The result is just awesome!

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