How to remove tar stain

Tar is a specific secondary product of oil refining, which, it would seem, is not so easy to find on the streets of the city. In fact, there is a lot of this sticky resinous substance in places where roads are being repaired or roofing works. And it is not at all surprising that passing by you can not only step on the black sticky substance, but even stain your clothes in it. Many assume that this pollution cannot be removed and that you will have to say goodbye to the thing. But this is a misconception, it is possible to remove tar from clothes, and at the same time there are many ways to do this.

Features of removing tar from clothes

Tar stains, like any other contamination, are best removed while they are fresh. But even here there are peculiarities that must be taken into account so as not to spoil the thing completely.

The main steps for neutralizing tar should be as follows:

  1. If liquid tar gets on your clothes, in no case should you shake off the residues of the substance or perform rubbing movements. This will make the stain bigger and the resin particles will penetrate even deeper into the fabric. It is best to take a cotton pad, napkin or a piece of paper and grasp the uncured layer.
  2. If, after the discovery of the tar sticking to the clothes, some time has passed and the substance had time to solidify, then in this case it is necessary to scrape off the hardened layer from the fabric with a sharp object, but this should be done especially carefully so as not to damage the fabric product.
Attention! The less tar layer remains on the fabric, and the trail is lighter, the better the result of removing its remnants.

How to wipe bitumen from clothes using folk methods

If, after returning from a walk, work or important business, a tar stain was noticed on the clothes, almost immediately the first thought arises that the thing is damaged and cannot be restored. But do not panic, but rather start taking measures to eliminate pollution. And the sooner you start removing the stain, the more chances you will have to successfully wash it off.

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If a stain of this kind was put on clothes for the first time and, perhaps, in the future, such contamination can be avoided, then there is no point in purchasing special means. In this case, you can use folk methods that can help remove tar without purchasing expensive or special chemicals.

How to remove bitumen from clothes with soda

Caustic soda can help to remove tar stain from natural fabrics. The removal of bitumen in this case is reduced only to soaking things in a specially prepared solution, and this process is performed as follows:

  1. Take 1 tbsp.caustic soda (250 g) and dissolve it in 10 liters of warm water.
  2. Immerse the contaminated clothing in a soda solution and leave it there for 1-2 hours.
  3. After soaking, the item is removed (this action should be performed with gloves) and thoroughly rinsed under running water.
  4. Remaining traces of bitumen should be removed with laundry soap.
Important! Things made of leatherette or leatherette should never be soaked in a soda solution, since caustic soda can quickly corrode these materials.

How to remove tar from clothes with tar soap

You can try to wash the remains of tar from clothes with tar soap:

  1. The contaminated place is moistened with water and soaped abundantly tar soap.
  2. The place is left lathered for 20 minutes.
  3. After the stain is washed with hands until it disappears, and the clothes are rinsed thoroughly.

How to wash bitumen from clothes with butter

As strange as it sounds, the bitumen stain will help wash the butter off. The tar contains resins and paraffins, which dissolve quickly enough with fats. Therefore, it will not be difficult to remove such contamination with butter, and the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. The oil is left at room temperature to soften.
  2. The softened oil is applied in a thin layer to the dirt and lightly rubbed into the stain.
  3. After darkening, the oil layer is wiped off with a paper towel, then the thing is washed.
Advice! Since after processing the fabric with butter, a greasy residue will remain at the place of contamination, it can be washed off with a dishwashing detergent designed to remove grease.

How to wipe tar off clothes with a solution of turpentine, clay and starch

You can wash the bitumen stain from clothes using a prepared mixture based on clay, turpentine and starch. This product should only be used on rough fabrics. You can remove tar as follows:

  1. In a glass bowl, mix equal amounts of white clay, potato starch and turpentine.
  2. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and generously applied to the resinous spot with a sponge.
  3. Withstand it until completely dry, and then clean it off with a brush.
  4. The cleaned place on the clothes is washed, and the thing itself is sent to the washing machine.

How to remove tar from clothes with ammonia

If it is necessary to remove the tar residue from white or light cotton or linen fabric, then this can be done using ammonia:

  1. The clothes are spread over a basin or other container so that the stain is in the middle.
  2. Gently pour ammonia onto the resinous dirt and begin to wipe the stain with a cotton pad.
  3. Then the item is rinsed with warm water and sent to the washing machine.

How to remove bitumen stain from clothes with gasoline

Gasoline is also considered to be an excellent cleaner for removing tar residues. But it is worth noting that this method is more suitable for clothes made from natural fabrics, since synthetic fibers can be damaged and crawled during the cleaning process. You should also use this method as a last resort, and even better only for work items that are heavily soiled with tar. In order to remove bitumen from clothes, you must:

  1. Put clothes in a basin with the dirty area facing up.
  2. Pour a small amount of gasoline on the stain and leave it there for 2-3 hours.
  3. After this time, the clothes should be well wrung out and rinsed under running water.
  4. Then the place must be washed with laundry soap, and then the clothes must be sent to the washing machine.
Attention! Gasoline to remove tar from clothes must be cleaned.

How to wipe bitumen from clothes with cola

With minimal contamination of clothes with tar, you can use the usual "Coca-Cola". This drink has long been used not only for ingestion, but also for household needs. To wash off bitumen, you will need:

  1. Send dirty clothes to the washing machine.
  2. Pour a standard amount of detergent into the washing machine compartment first.
  3. Pour 1 tbsp into the compartment there. carbonated drink.
  4. Then turn on the appropriate washing mode.

If the gum trail was fresh, the contamination should be completely removed.

How to remove bitumen stain from clothes with fir oil

Just like with butter, you can use fir oil to remove tar from clothes. And they do it like this:

  1. Take two cotton pads and moisten them with fir oil.
  2. One disc is placed under the cloth, directly under the resinous track itself.
  3. With the second disc, begin to gently wipe the top of the resinous dirt. After about 3-5 minutes the tar should be gradually removed.
  4. Then a few drops of dishwashing detergent drip onto the greasy trail, rub it in and leave it for 20 minutes.
  5. The cleaned place is thoroughly washed, the clothes themselves are sent to the washing machine.

How to remove bitumen stains using household chemicals

In order to remove tar from clothes, you can also use household chemicals. Today, almost every home has products that have sufficient effect to cope with even such complex pollution.

Household stain removers against bituminous stains

Vanish, Udalix Oxi Ultra and Ace oxi magic are special household products that help remove even the most difficult to remove substances. According to the manufacturers, they can remove not only greasy marks, stains from food, grass, blood, but also resinous dirt, and all due to the fact that they belong to the segment of oxygen products. The very process of removing tar is reduced to soaking clothes. This is done in warm water with the addition of an oxygen agent for a while, after which things are sent to the washing machine.

Using solvents to remove tar from clothing

The use of various kinds of solvents is permissible only for natural fabrics, since these funds have a detrimental effect on synthetic material, up to the spread of fibers.

The most gentle for the fabric is kerosene, you can also use white spirit or an acetone-based solvent. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First, take a small piece of cloth, gauze, or cotton pad and place it under the cloth.
  2. A cotton pad is moistened in a solvent and lightly pressing movements begin to wipe off the dirt from the edges in a circle to the center.
  3. Change the cotton pad as needed.
  4. Remains of dissolved bitumen can be washed off with laundry soap.

Special means for removing tar from clothes

Today, in any specialty store, you can easily find products that are designed specifically to remove tar from various surfaces, including fabric. These tools include:

  • Eltrans;
  • Super Degreaser;
  • Turtle wax bug tar Remover.

Each listed product has detailed instructions for use, which must be followed. Also, the removal of resinous contamination must be carried out in a well-ventilated area using personal protective equipment (gloves, respirators, glasses).

How to scrub tar from shoes

Removing tar from shoes is much easier than removing tar stains from fabrics. The very process of wiping off bitumen from shoes is carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Using a sharp object, remove the top layer of tar.
  2. A small piece of cloth or a cotton pad is moistened in kerosene, gasoline or white spirit, and then, with gentle movements, they begin to wipe off the substance.
  3. Cleaned shoes are carefully wiped with a soft cloth.


It is quite possible to wash tar from clothes using improvised means, and if you find contamination on your favorite thing, you should not be upset. If you start removing the bitumen as early as possible, the result will be more successful.

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