How is cocoa useful, properties, how to cook

The history of the existence of cocoa goes back many centuries. The ancient Aztecs used beans as a currency. They also came up with a powder-based drink, which is still in demand. Few people know that this drink has a higher caloric value compared to coffee and tea. The benefits and harms of cocoa depend on the methods of preparation and the amount of consumption.

How cocoa powder is made

Chocolate trees are an evergreen-leaved species that grows throughout South Africa. Trees are cultivated to produce grains, which are actively used by confectioners to make chocolate. In addition, the products obtained from the beans of the chocolate tree are used in medicine.

Powdered drink with added ingredients is also called "cocoa".

The largest producer of powder is the Republic of Cote d'Ivoire. It is located in western Africa and accounts for about 30% of the world's harvest of valuable raw materials. The chocolate tree is often adjacent to the coconut tree, banana trees, rubber trees, or avocados. In favorable climatic conditions, the tree is capable of blooming all year round, and also tends to bear fruit all year round. Fruits on a chocolate tree are formed throughout its life, reaching 30 cm in length, weighing up to 0.5 kg. The fruit is an elongated semi-oval cell, which contains from 30 to 60 beans. The harvest begins before the rainy season.

Interesting! 1 kg of powder is obtained from 1200 beans or 40 fruits of the chocolate tree.

After harvesting, which is most often done by hand, the fruits are dissected and laid out in layers. After 10 days of fermentation, the cocoa beans lose their bitterness and acquire those qualities that can benefit human health.

After fermentation, the fruit is dried. Several centuries ago they were dried in the open sun, now they use special drying installations, in which the process is faster. After drying, the beans are packed in canvas bags and sent to importing countries. In factories for the production of cocoa products from beans are obtained:

  • powder;
  • oil;
  • grated cocoa.

In Europe, the beans are re-roasted, after which they begin to crush them into small pieces using crushing machines. As a result of grinding, a powder is obtained, which is divided into several parts: one of them is put under a hydraulic press, where oil is obtained by heating, the other is subjected to additional processing to obtain a finer powder.

Composition nutritional value and calorie content of cocoa

The benefits and harms of cocoa for the human body directly depend on its composition, nutritional value, ability to influence body systems.

Beans are rich in theobromine, a substance known as a caffeine analog. The grains of the chocolate tree also contain:

  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • minerals (among them - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium);
  • a small amount of trace elements (among them - zinc, fluorine, iron, molybdenum);
  • flavonoids;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins.

Especially valuable is the content of unsaturated fatty acids necessary for the normalization of the activity of all body systems, which are beneficial in regulating most chemical reactions.

The caloric value of the powder is 289 kcal, among them: 24 g of proteins, 15 g of fat, 10 g of carbohydrates. Dietary fiber is 35 g, water is contained in a minimum amount - 5 g. The highest content of potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc.

Useful properties of cocoa

The beneficial properties of cocoa powder are determined by the methods of preparation. The powder itself is not eaten; it is used to prepare drinks, desserts or cosmetics.

  1. The maximum concentration of the powder can affect the production of endorphin hormones. These hormones have a positive effect on brain activity, improve brain performance and improve overall well-being. Endorphins are known to boost mood. This property is used by manufacturers of chocolate or cosmetics who add artificially created aromas of cocoa powder to their products.
  2. The polyphenols contained in the powder have a beneficial effect on blood pressure: the drink is recommended for hypertensive patients as a regulator of increased rates.
  3. Minerals are beneficial for the formation of musculoskeletal tissue, therefore, a drink or dishes based on cocoa can have a preventive effect on people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  4. Zinc and iron stabilize the level of hormones in the body, promote early wound healing, and are a building material for enzyme components.
  5. The content of melanin in the powder makes it useful for the body in protecting the upper layers of the skin from ultraviolet rays. This beneficial property contributes to the prevention of cancer.
  6. Due to the increased content of essential oils, tannins, cocoa powder is able to regulate the body's defenses, provide benefits during the onset of cold symptoms, maintain the level of natural immunity, and also serve as an activator of the liver.

For adult men and women

The health benefits or harms of cocoa powder for an adult are considered in terms of moderate consumption. Drinks or desserts, when consumed regularly, tend to strengthen the capillaries, help improve the appearance of the skin.

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For women, the benefits of taking it lies in balancing emotional states, improving hormonal levels. These medicinal properties of cocoa are especially appreciated during periods of pre- and postmenstrual syndrome.

For the health of men, the benefit or harm from cocoa drink lies in the normalization of reproductive function. Minerals and trace elements help increase testosterone production.

For the elderly

The benefits of drinking cocoa for the elderly lies in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, this is due to the beneficial properties of the product:

  • strengthen blood vessels;
  • reduce the formation of atherosclerotic plaques;
  • reduce the risks of developing blood congestion.

With caution, it is recommended to drink the drink for those who have systematic surges in blood pressure: the tonic properties can harm the indicators.

For children

Cocoa is used as a drink in baby food from the age of 3. It is included in the diet of kindergartens in sanatoriums.

The only contraindication for consuming cocoa in childhood can be an allergic reaction: in this case, the harm from consuming it will be much higher than its benefit.

For athletes

The benefit of the powder for people involved in sports lies in the fact that a glass of the drink after an intense workout helps to restore the lost reserves of nutrients. This is due to the content of easily digestible proteins and carbohydrates. Proteins tend to help strengthen the musculoskeletal system, carbohydrates are necessary for the body to replenish the energy balance. In addition, the intake of the drink helps to restore the water balance lost during exercise.

Is cocoa possible for pregnant and lactating women

The benefits of cocoa powder with milk for women who are in a state of expectation of a child are calculated in several actions:

  • improving hormonal levels;
  • prevention of the development of problems with blood flow;
  • replenishment of essential minerals.

The harm from taking cocoa for pregnant women may exceed the benefits if the woman has allergic reactions to food.

For lactating women, the drink can be useful as a means of increasing lactation, improving the composition of breast milk, and normalizing hormonal levels after stressful delivery.

The benefits or harms of taking a cocoa drink for the body can be talked about only if women do not exceed the permissible daily intake.

Cocoa raises or lowers blood pressure

The benefits of natural cocoa for improving heart function have been proven by all kinds of scientific studies.

Its effect on blood pressure can be viewed in terms of moderate and correct use. A drink with the addition of heavy cream, an excessive amount of edible sugar is unlikely to be beneficial for hypertensive or hypotensive patients. In this case, it can cause harm to health.

Natural products with a minimum content of additional components help to reduce blood pressure, this is explained by the beneficial properties of the powder to influence the nervous system and normalize blood flow processes.

Is it possible to drink cocoa while losing weight

The drink is often used as a tonic replacement during diets or detox programs. The peculiarity of this application lies in the use of a natural product and the minimum addition of additional components. The properties of the drink can have a beneficial effect on cleansing the body of toxins and toxins due to the content of tannins and flavonoids.

Essential oils help to improve metabolic processes, which is an especially important item in the diet.

Information! The benefits of cocoa powder for weight loss are increased if cocoa is prepared in water.

Benefits of cocoa with milk

Cocoa with milk is a drink that resembles childhood. Diluted with cream and sweetened with sugar, cocoa leaves no one indifferent. They talk about the benefits of cocoa powder with milk if there is a need to take it as a means to replenish the body's energy balance.

The drink is useful:

  • during periods of rehabilitation after illnesses;
  • during the first signs of a cold;
  • to improve psychological conditions during prolonged stress.

Useful properties depend on the addition of additional components: the higher the fat content of the milk component, the higher the amount of sweetener, the higher the calorie content of the drink consumed. Its advantage lies in the fact that the indicators of all components can be independently controlled. Hot chocolate lovers have learned to add soy or coconut milk instead of heavy cream, artificial sweeteners or natural fructose. This significantly reduces the calorie content, but retains the taste.

How to make cocoa

Milk or water is used to prepare a healthy drink. The classic option is considered a drink with milk, for which they take:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Milk is boiled, dry ingredients are mixed in a separate container. Then boiling milk is poured in a thin stream. The liquid is left on the stove for 1 - 2 minutes, then removed from the heat.

When and how to drink cocoa

The drink is recommended to be consumed in the morning. The benefits of taking cocoa in the morning have several characteristics:

  • improves mood;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • charges with vigor for the coming day.

Taking cocoa at night is not recommended for people who are prone to insomnia or have periodic sleep problems: the benefits of such a drink will be minimal. And its tonic properties can be harmful and cause increased anxiety.

The use of cocoa in medicine

The application is due to the healing properties of the valuable fruits of the cocoa tree. The substances contained in its composition have useful bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties.

From cough

They take a drink with warm milk, and also prepare products based on cocoa butter. The benefits of taking is to activate expectoration and excretion of phlegm from the body.

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With anemia

Treatment of anemia includes a number of complex measures, including the use of foods with a high iron content. These include a drink based on cocoa powder, which helps replenish nutrients. Essential oils saturate the body and activate metabolic processes.

From worms

The powder has a softening, tonic, tonic effect. It is used in folk medicine as a remedy for helminthiasis. To do this, take:

  • 50 g of powder;
  • 50 g crushed pumpkin seeds;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • some water.

Knead dough from these components, divide it into 15-20 parts, roll it into balls. Healthy and tasty treats are taken throughout the day, avoiding additional food and water.

Information! This traditional medicine recipe is effective for getting rid of worms for adults.

How is cocoa used in cosmetology

The powder is actively used in the preparation of masks for the face or hair in home cosmetology. This is due to the presence of nutrients in the composition.

For facial skin

The product is used as a prophylactic agent for the skin of the face: it tends to have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects.

1 tbsp. l. powder is dissolved in warm boiled water. The product is applied with a cosmetic brush on the face along the massage lines, kept for 15 - 20 minutes, then washed off with water.

Cocoa masks benefit the skin of the face as a means capable of activating the regeneration processes.

Cocoa lifting mask

2 tbsp. l. cocoa is combined with 1 tbsp. l. clay, diluted with raspberry, cherry fruit or lemon juice. The prepared mixture is applied for 20 minutes, and then washed off with water at room temperature.

Attention! If a burning sensation occurs, the mask must be washed off immediately!

The benefits of lifting are noticeable already after the first procedure: fine wrinkles are smoothed out, the complexion is improved, the skin tone returns to normal. Apply once a week.

Cocoa for health and beauty of hair

The powder is used as a natural toning agent for hair and strengthening the hair follicle. It is diluted in warm water, the hair is covered with a mixture along the entire length, left for a while, washed off.

The health benefits of cocoa powder include treating hair loss and preventing split ends.

Cocoa and water gruel is applied to the scalp. The mixture has:

  • warming action;
  • enhancing blood circulation;
  • helping to strengthen the hair follicle.

Cocoa bath

Cocoa benefits not only the hair, the condition of the skin of the face, but also the whole body.Chocolate baths were taken by royalty several millennia ago. Such procedures helped to strengthen the protective properties of the epidermis, increased the processes of cell regeneration. After chocolate baths, the skin becomes smooth and firm. They also have a slight lifting effect.

Cocoa wrap

Recently, chocolate wrapping has become a popular procedure; it can be carried out at home, independently. To do this, the powder is diluted in warm water until uniform, then applied in a dense layer to problem areas. Wrap with plastic wrap, leave for several hours. The procedure helps to increase blood circulation, improve the condition of blood vessels and capillaries. This leads to smoothing of damaged areas, improving the appearance.

The use of cocoa in cooking

The powder and fat base of the fruit of the chocolate tree are the main ingredients for making chocolate or chocolate desserts.

Grated cocoa is the main ingredient for making sweets. The premium powder is used to make Madolein, the most expensive chocolate candy in the world. This truffle is made with powder, cream, vanilla and sugar and costs $ 250 apiece.

Harm of cocoa and contraindications

In addition to its exceptional benefits, the powder can be harmful in the presence of chronic diseases or a tendency to various reactions of the body to food.

  1. The harm can be caused to those people who have allergic reactions to food.
  2. For people with diabetic conditions, the drink can be harmful as a means of increasing blood counts.
  3. The product is not useful for those who are obese, severe kidney disease, gout.
  4. People with increased acidity of the stomach can also experience harm from the intake.
Warning! The benefits of off-process instant cocoa are greatly reduced.


The benefits and harms of cocoa depend on how it is used. The beneficial properties of the powder are actively used in the food industry and cosmetology. There is no person who is not familiar with such a cocoa-based product as chocolate. Moderate consumption of the valuable powder or drink made with it can be beneficial as a natural antidepressant.


Balayan Olga Sergeevna, 34 years old, Novokuzminsk town
I have been using cocoa for a long time to treat coughs. The beneficial properties of this drink were appreciated by my son. On weekends I try to make masks from cocoa for hair, here the useful qualities of the powder help me to give my hair a chocolate shade.
Petrova Inna, 44 years old, Ulyanovsk
Everyone knows that this drink is tasty and healthy, many talk about the dangers that the oversweetened drink brings. I use cocoa not only for drinking, but also for making face or body masks. I'll tell you a secret, cocoa with fructose, boiled in water, does not harm the figure and can easily replace coffee.
Petrov Ivan Sergeevich, 56 years old, Novosibirsk
I buy powder for my grandchildren, they love it very much. Although the daughter-in-law does not like that we add a lot of sugar. I don't think cocoa can be harmful. This is the most favorite drink of childhood.
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