Red currant: useful properties and contraindications

The benefits and harms of red currants are a question that is especially interesting for those who like to feast on berries from their own garden. To assess the effect of currants on the body, you need to understand the properties of red berries.

Chemical composition of red currant

Small red berries contain a lot of nutrients, despite their size. They include:

  • a wide range of B vitamins, including riboflavin and thiamine;
  • pyridoxine;
  • pantothenic and folic acid;
  • antioxidants;
  • pectin and carotene;
  • ascorbic acid, or vitamin C;
  • essential trace elements - potassium, iron, magnesium and sodium, as well as phosphorus and calcium.

Nutritional value and calorie content of red currant

Small currant berries contain a full range of energetic substances. In particular, about 7.5 g are carbohydrates, much less proteins and fats in fruits - about 0.6 g and about 0.1 g, respectively. The calorie content of the product is quite low - 43 calories per 100 g.

Why is red currant useful for the body

The benefits of red currant for the human body are manifested in relation to all systems and internal organs. If you use the product regularly, then currants:

  • help regulate fluid balance in the body;
  • will contribute to the good assimilation of proteins contained in food;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • will help with colds - reduce fever, have an analgesic effect, cure a cough;
  • will improve the work of the intestines and stomach, relieve the problem of constipation;
  • will have a beneficial effect on metabolism and help get rid of toxins;
  • will help in the treatment of cystitis, gout and other inflammatory diseases;
  • strengthens blood vessels, and with them - the heart system and brain;
  • improve the condition of the skin and hair;
  • protect eyesight and help slightly raise blood pressure;
  • will remove bad cholesterol and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Currants are considered one of the products that serve as the prevention of oncology. Its beneficial properties promote cell regeneration and renewal.

For women

The berry is of particular benefit for the fair sex. First of all, the product has a powerful anti-aging effect that quickly manifests itself in appearance. Currant also relieves nausea, so the benefits of red currant for women are great while waiting for a child.If consumed on a regular basis, currants can help cope with anxiety and depression.

For men

The berry also benefits the male body. Its properties are especially recommended for those men who go in for sports and experience intense physical activity. Currants are used by traditional medicine for the treatment of male infertility, as it increases not only libido, but also the quality of the genetic material.

The benefit of red currants for men is that the use of the product prevents early baldness.

For children

For kids, the beneficial properties of the berry are of great benefit - they promote healthy growth and development of the skeletal system, support digestion, and have a beneficial effect on memory and brain activity. Currant serves as an excellent natural prevention of colds.

You can introduce a berry into the diet quite early - after 7 months of a child's life. But first, you need to offer the baby puree from mashed berries, currant juice or compote - and in small portions. It is better to give fresh berries no earlier than 1 year of life in order to avoid harm - the fruits have seeds, and sometimes they negatively affect digestion.

Attention! Since currants can be harmful if there are contraindications, you should definitely consult your doctor before giving it to your child for the first time.

Is it possible to eat red currant for pregnant and lactating

The benefits of red currants for pregnant women are undeniable - the product is highly recommended for use. Currants replenish the supply of iron and other valuable substances, nourish the woman and the fetus with valuable folic acid. The product helps to cope with edema in the later stages and normalizes the stomach. The anti-cold properties of currants are very useful in situations where it is necessary to lower the temperature or cure a cough, but it is impossible to take pharmacy medicines.

During lactation, it is better to introduce currants into the diet 4 months after childbirth. Otherwise, red currants will be harmful when breastfeeding. Its properties may not be absorbed by the newborn and may cause bloating, colic or diarrhea.

Are frozen red currants healthy?

For long-term storage, red berries are usually frozen. This allows you to cook delicious compotes, jams and other dishes even in the cold season, long after the harvest. But is the benefit of frozen red currant great?

Yes - proper freezing allows you to preserve the entire supply of valuable substances in the product. For this, it is only necessary that the freezing is deep - that is, the berries should be stored at a temperature not higher than - 18 degrees.

The use of red currant in traditional medicine

Considering the useful and medicinal properties of red currant, it is not surprising that it is actively used by traditional medicine. Homemade currant drinks have a positive effect on the whole body and are used for:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • cleaning from slags;
  • treating flu and colds;
  • prevention of vision diseases;
  • strengthening blood vessels and heart.

Several drinks are prepared from berries - and all of them are beneficial in certain conditions.

Red currant juice

The easiest way is to prepare a vitamin and delicious fresh juice from red berries. To do this, you just need to grind the berries, and then squeeze through cheesecloth.

The juice retains all vitamins, natural acids and trace elements present in fresh berries.

  • They usually drink juice to prevent colds.
  • Also, the juice is a good diuretic.
  • If a cold has already begun, the benefits of red currant juice will also help you recover faster. But at the same time, the juice should not be drunk cold, you need it to be at room temperature.

It is best to use the product before meals, three times a day, in small portions - a little less than half a glass.

Important! The peculiarity of fresh juice is that it is approved for use at any age - it can even be given to babies starting from 7 months.

Red currant tincture with vodka

In small dosages, the beneficial properties of alcoholic tincture from red berries are very valuable. It is very simple to prepare a remedy. It is necessary:

  • place about 200 g of fresh berries in a glass vessel;
  • pour them 100 g of sugar;
  • pour the ingredients with vodka, seal the vessel, shake and mix thoroughly, and then put in a dark place for 2 weeks.

Every other day, the tincture must be removed and shaken for a better distribution of components and valuable substances. When the drink is ready, it is filtered and drunk as needed.

The tincture is used for colds and diseases of the digestive tract, to relieve inflammation and strengthen the heart and blood vessels. They drink it in the minimum dosage - a teaspoon three times a day, no longer than 10 days in a row.

Important! The remedy is contraindicated for children and adolescents - only adult adults can use it.

Tea with red currant berries

Another good remedy for all kinds of inflammations and colds is a fragrant and healthy tea with fresh currant berries. Prepare it like this:

  • pour a small spoonful of traditional black tea into a small teapot;
  • add 2 large tablespoons of grated fresh berries to the tea leaves, if desired, also currant leaves;
  • the mixture is poured with boiling water and insisted for about a quarter of an hour, then filtered.

Sweeteners can be added to tea if desired - for example, the benefits of red currants with honey will become even more beneficial. Tea is good for flu and SARS, relieves nasal congestion, reduces fever and relieves sore throat. With infectious and inflammatory processes in the body, for example, with ailments of the stomach and intestines, drinking currant tea is also very useful.

Recommended reading:  Mint tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to make

At the same time, one should not forget about the dosage - the drink will be of great benefit and will not cause harm if you drink it a couple of cups a day.

Infusion of fresh or dried red currant berries

An excellent remedy for vitamin deficiency, vascular diseases and heart ailments is a vitamin infusion based on currant berries. Both fresh and dried red berries are suitable. They must be poured with a sufficient amount of boiling water, covered with a lid and left for 4 hours.

After this time, the infusion is filtered and taken orally. You can drink it in half a glass - in the morning and in the evenings before eating. The infusion will be of great benefit to the body, replenish the supply of vitamins C and A, natural acids and minerals, improve well-being and return vigor.

Features of the use of red currant for some diseases

Whether red berries will bring benefit or harm depends largely on the state of the body. For some ailments, you need to know the rules of use.

With diabetes mellitus

Small red berries contain sugars, but they are all plant-based and do not lead to a sharp jump in blood glucose. The glycemic index of the product is only 30 units. At the same time, red currant berries contain a lot of vitamin C, potassium and iron, which is very valuable for diabetics.

With diabetes mellitus, it is highly recommended to use currants - there will be no harm from it, but it lowers blood cholesterol, relieves swelling, and maintains a healthy metabolism. Thus, currants promotes better absorption of food - and serves as the prevention of obesity, which often develops against the background of the disease.

With pancreatitis

Acute inflammation of the pancreas is a categorical contraindication for the use of currants - like many other products.The substances contained in fresh berries are irritating, harmful and can only worsen the attack of pancreatitis.

However, the product can be consumed during the period of remission of the disease. After the pain symptoms pass, and the tests return to normal, the currants can be returned to the diet in the form of jelly, stewed fruit, fruit drinks, jams and preserves. Fresh berries are also allowed for consumption - but in small quantities, so as not to provoke a new aggravation.

With gastritis

The use of currants for gastritis depends on the type of disease. If the acidity of the stomach is increased, then the red berries will have to be removed from the diet, at least during an exacerbation. The high acid content of currants will harm an irritated stomach and will only intensify inflammation.

But with low acidity, eating berries, drinking fresh juice and using other drinks and red currant dishes is allowed. In this case, the properties of the product will contribute to recovery, since they will help to restore secretion and restore normal digestive functions.

With gastritis of both types, red currants are allowed in remission - but in small quantities and on a full stomach.

The benefits of red currant blanks

On the basis of berries, not only medicinal drinks are prepared. There are many recipes for red currant berry desserts - they taste great and still provide great benefits. And you can use them freely, at will, without looking back at the strict medical dosages.

The benefits of red currant jam

The most popular dessert made from red berries is currant jam. It is easy to prepare, and the taste of the product is simply amazing - at the same time sweet and slightly sour. As a rule, for making jam, fresh berries, washed and dried, are poured into boiling sugar syrup and boiled until the mixture thickens. Then the jam is laid out in banks and firmly rolled.

Heat treatment has practically no effect on the benefits of red currant berries. The jam retains all the anti-inflammatory, tonic, strengthening and cleansing properties of the berries. When consumed with tea, it also helps protect against colds - and helps heal inflammation.

Why is red currant fruit drink useful

Currant juice is a delicious drink, quite simple to prepare. They do it like this - squeeze fresh currant berries, put the juice and pulp in a separate bowl. The remaining pomace is boiled in sugar syrup, and then the filtered juice with pulp is added to the cooled liquid.

Fruit drink serves as an excellent thirst quencher, it saves well from the heat in summer, and in winter it protects the body from viruses and infections. It is very useful to drink a warmed fruit drink after walking along a cold street - this will help prevent a cold.

With angina and acute respiratory viral infections, the beneficial properties of the drink relieve a sore throat, lower the temperature and remove toxins from the body. After heat treatment, the red currant in the fruit drink still retains a full set of vitamins.

Useful properties of red currant compote

In order to make compote from red berries, you need to pour washed and dried berries into large jars, and then pour them with sugar syrup that has just been removed from the stove. If you take more sugar, the compote will turn out to be very sweet, if less - sourness will prevail in it. Jars with compote are tightly closed, sterilized and rolled up for the winter.

Compote can be consumed both cold and heated - it retains a lot of useful properties. The drink helps with colds and infections, serves as a diuretic and diaphoretic, therefore it quickly reduces fever and also removes toxins through the kidneys and pores.

In the heat of summer, cold compote quenches thirst well and helps maintain water balance in the body.

Benefits of red currant jelly

The process of making jelly is very similar to the process of making jam - only they use not whole berries here, but exclusively currant juice. A large amount of sugar is added to it, poured with water and set to cook, stirring until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved in water. After the mixture boils, it is removed from the stove and cooled. Semi-liquid jelly is packaged in sterile jars, tightly closed and stored in the refrigerator.

The benefits of red currant jam are the same as those of currant jam. Sweet dessert is useful for colds and for prevention. In small quantities, the properties of healthy jelly have a beneficial effect on bowel function and prevent constipation.

The benefits and harms of red currant wine

Alcoholic beverages should be approached with great care - but in small doses, red currant wine is beneficial. The finished drink will have a firming effect; if consumed in moderation, it will improve the quality of blood and protect against anemia. Drinking currant wine in small doses helps to improve the heart rate, strengthens blood vessels, and prevents strokes and heart attacks.

As for the harm, the negative consequences from the use of currant wine will be only if you drink too much of it. The recommended dosage of the drink is no more than a glass and no more than twice a week.

Red currant face masks

Mostly red currants are used in the form of drinks and desserts, for internal use. But the properties of the product are also beneficial in cosmetology. The benefits of red currant for the face are that in the composition of the masks the berries tighten the skin, make it more elastic and smooth, and rejuvenate the face. Finds its application in cosmetology and the benefits of red currant seeds - they are used in scrubs.

It is very simple to prepare a nourishing and moisturizing face mask: the berries must be ground in a puree, spread over the skin for a quarter of an hour, and then washed off. It will be beneficial for all skin types.

Advice! The properties of currant masks will be beneficial for sunburns - the juice and pulp of the berries will contribute to healing.

What is the difference between red currant and black

Many gardeners grow both black and red currants on their plots. The question arises - do the berries of the two shrubs differ in something other than color?

  • Black currant contains much more vitamin C. But red is the record holder for vitamin A content.
  • Black currant has a more pronounced aroma and tastes much sweeter than red.
  • Red currants give more juice, and black berries are more difficult to squeeze.

Thus, black currants are more often used for making desserts, and red ones for making drinks. The health benefits and harms of red currants are about the same as black ones. The medicinal value of both varieties is approximately equal, although the volume of some substances in black and red berries is different.

Harm of red currants and contraindications

Even healthy red berries can be harmful if consumed for certain diseases. Contraindications for currants will be:

  • hemophilia;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • hepatitis;
  • individual allergy.

Collection and storage of red currants

Delicious and healthy berries are harvested during the natural ripening period, immediately after the dew has melted. Immediately after collection, they are laid out in a shaded place with good ventilation and dried a little.

Fresh currants at room temperature are stored for a maximum of a couple of weeks, and in the refrigerator - up to one and a half months. But more often the berries are deep-frozen and stored in the freezer.

Freezing is very simple - currant fruits are simply packaged in containers or bags and placed in the freezer. It is important that at the same time the berries are not wet, and the temperature in the freezer is not higher than - 18 degrees.


The benefits and harms of red currants are determined by the state of health - in the absence of contraindications, the berries will not harm. They will be the best home remedy for colds and many other ailments, they will serve as both a medicine and a prevention.

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