Matsutake mushrooms (spotted ryadovka): useful properties, tincture recipes

The beneficial properties of the matsutaki mushroom are used in folk medicine and cosmetology. In order for a spotted row to have a beneficial effect on the body, you need to study its features and options for use.

What does the shod row look like and where does it grow

Matsutaki (Tricholoma matsutake) is a mushroom from the Ryadovkov family, which can also be found under the names Pine Mushroom, Shoe Row, Japanese Truffle and Spotted Row. Has a convex-rounded dry cap with rolled edges at a young age. As it matures, the top of the fungus becomes flat, although a wide bump remains in the center. Young caps are smooth, nut-colored or light brown, with fibrous scales and remnants of a veil along the edges.

The diameter of a matsutaki row can reach 20 cm

The lower part of the matsutaki mushroom is lamellar, white or cream colored. The pulp of the shod ryadovka is light, dense, with a pleasant smell of cinnamon, fruit and pine resin. The club-shaped stem, deeply submerged in the soil, reaches 20 cm in length, expands or narrows towards the base. It is off-white in shade with an irregular brown fringed ring.

The matsutaki mushroom is native to Northern Europe, North America, Korea, Japan and China. In Russia, you can find it in Eastern Siberia, the Southern Urals, Primorye and the Far East. The ryadovka usually lives in pine and mixed oak-pine forest plantations, is located in groups around trees under fallen leaves. Prefers barren dry soils.

Most often, the shod rowing can be seen from September to October; active fruiting takes only about 20 days. The matsutaki mushroom is considered rare and highly prized.

Chemical composition and calorie content

Photos and descriptions of the spotted ryadovka are of interest to traditional medicine due to the rich chemical composition of the mushroom. The pulp of the product contains:

  • fructose and glucose;
  • B vitamins;
  • betaine;
  • folic acid;
  • lecithin and ergothioneine;
  • polysaccharides;
  • vitamin C;
  • potassium and magnesium;
  • vitamins A and D;
  • niacin;
  • amino acids.
Important! Natural antibiotics clitocin and fomecin in the composition of the fungus are of particular value; they have antiviral and anticancer activity.
There are only 28 calories in 100 g of a row of matsutaki - this makes it a dietary product.

Why are matsutaki mushrooms useful?

Regular use of shod ryadovka has a beneficial effect on the body. Matsutaki mushroom:

  • helps to shed excess weight without losing healthy muscle mass;
  • removes accumulated toxins and toxins from the body;
  • normalizes blood glucose levels and prevents complications in diabetes mellitus;
  • stimulates the immune system and increases resistance to viruses and infections;
  • has a beneficial effect on oncology and activates the internal forces of the body;
  • helps to cope faster with viruses and colds;
  • improves metabolic processes and normalizes digestion.

Matsutaki mushroom promotes facial rejuvenation and slows down the aging process. It can be used with any type of epidermis - masks with a shod ridge nourish the skin, smooth out the first wrinkles and eliminate inflammation.

How to make matsutake tincture

Traditional medicine uses for medicinal purposes a strong tincture of a shod ryadovka. In an alcohol base, the valuable substances in the composition of the fungus are best distributed. The classic recipe for matsutaki vodka tincture looks like this:

  • five small mushrooms are cleaned of debris and earth residues, and then washed well;
  • lightly dry on a towel from moisture, and then put in a glass container;
  • 500 ml of high-quality vodka is poured into raw materials and tightly corked;
  • removed for infusion in a dark place for two weeks.

The finished product must be passed through folded gauze for filtration. Tincture is taken in accordance with a specific recipe, but the dosages are measured in any case small - a maximum of 5 ml at a time.

A tincture of matsutaki can be used for compresses for skin inflammations
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How to infuse matsutake mushrooms for cancer treatment

In the treatment of oncology, a standard recipe for the preparation of a healing tincture is used. Namely:

  • pour 500 ml of vodka in a glass jar five peeled and washed mushrooms;
  • kept in a dark place for two weeks and filtered.

Such a remedy is taken from a spotted row by the "slide" method. On the first day of therapy, only one drop of the drug is consumed. On the second day and further, the dosage is increased daily by another drop. When the daily volumes of the medicinal agent are 25 drops, you will need to start gradually reducing the amount, also drop by drop a day.

Attention! Matsutaki mushroom can be used for oncology only with the approval of a doctor. Despite all the valuable properties, a shod ryadovka cannot serve as the only cure for cancer.

Cooking applications

The shod ryadovka has an exquisite aroma and good nutritional properties. It is widely used in cooking, especially in eastern countries. Matsutaki can:

  • boil;
  • fry over coals;
  • steam;
  • stew;
  • add to salad;
  • salt;
  • pickle for the winter.

Before any method of preparation, the shod row of matsutaki must be prepared. Namely:

  • rinse in cool water;
  • dry on a towel or blot with a clean cloth;
  • remove the hard bottom of the leg;
  • cut the fruit bodies into small slices.

The shoe does not need to be boiled for a long time, while its pleasant aroma is lost and the benefits are reduced. Sometimes matsutaki is even eaten raw.

Matsutaki with rice

One of the recipes suggests making a shod ryadovka with rice and tofu cheese. The following ingredients are needed:

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  • matsutaki - 100 g;
  • fish broth - 300 ml;
  • fried tofu cheese - 100 g;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp l .;
  • rice - 2 cups;
  • sake - 2 tsp

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  • the cereals are washed and put in a rice cooker along with fish broth for half an hour;
  • pure matsutaki mushrooms are cut into strips, and fried tofu is cut into thin strips;
  • put ryadovka and cheese into the kitchen unit and add soy sauce and sake.

Then you need to set the cooking mode and process the ingredients until the rice softens. The dish turns out to be aromatic, tasty and very satisfying.

Row of matsutaki with rice is one of the traditional Japanese dishes

Matsutaki salted for the winter

It is not customary to freeze and dry the shod ryadovka, since at the same time it loses its pleasant aroma and loses its rich taste. But you can save the mushroom for the winter in salting. Prescription requires:

  • matsutaki mushrooms - 500 g;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 4 tsp;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • garlic to taste;
  • bay leaf - 4-5 pcs.

The salting process is as follows:

  • fresh mushrooms are shaken off from debris and washed, and then the legs are separated from the caps;
  • cut the pulp into small pieces of arbitrary shape;
  • lay the row with the caps down in a small layer into pre-sterilized jars, and the legs are placed in the remaining empty spaces;
  • sprinkle the mushrooms on top with salt and spices;
  • lay the next layer of matsutaki.

You need to alternate mushrooms and spices until the jar is full to the neck. In this case, there should be a layer of salt at the top. At the final stage, oppression is installed on the container and sent to a dark, cold place.

In salting, a row of matsutaki will reach readiness in 1.5 months

Application in cosmetology

The medicinal properties of the matsutake mushroom are used in the cosmetic field. The pulp of the shod ryadovka has pronounced rejuvenating and regenerating properties, saturates the skin with nutrients and eliminates inflammation. Matsutaki is used to combat rashes and the first wrinkles, to lighten the epidermis and remove age spots, to tone the face.

You can use the shod ryadovka for cosmetic purposes both fresh and in the form of ready-made masks. In both cases, the algorithm for using matsutaki looks like this:

  • the face is washed and rubbed with lotion to remove impurities and unclog pores;
  • evenly distribute the pulp from the ryadovka pulp over the skin or apply a purchased fabric mask with matsutaki extract;
  • leave the product on the face for 15 minutes;
  • finally, the epidermis is treated with light patting movements and the mask is washed off with warm water.

It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice a week, then the effect will be maximum.

Only fresh fruit bodies of a row of matsutaki can be used for cosmetic purposes. Frozen or dried mushrooms cannot be used. Not only are they not particularly beneficial, but they can cause skin irritation.

Contraindications and possible harm

The benefits of matsutake mushrooms are not always the same, sometimes they can damage the body. It is not recommended to use the shod ryadovka for food or for treatment:

  • with individual intolerance;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during lactation;
  • with chronic pancreatitis and gallbladder dysfunction;
  • with sluggish digestion;
  • with serious diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Side effects may occur if you are allergic to ryadovka or if the quality of matsutaki is low. They are expressed in nausea, diarrhea and severe vomiting, as well as increased salivation. If you experience these symptoms, you should immediately empty your stomach, and then take more activated charcoal and consult a doctor.

Matsutaki is best not offered to children under seven.
Attention! Do not eat matsutaki mushrooms after long storage. In the stale fruit bodies of the rowing, dangerous toxins begin to be produced.

When self-picking, you must put in the basket only those mushrooms, the appearance of which is beyond doubt. If it is not clear whether we are talking about a shod row or a false double similar to it, it is better to leave the fruiting body in place.


The beneficial properties of the matsutaki mushroom help with oncology and other diseases, as well as improve the condition of the skin and allow you to stay young for longer. There are not many contraindications for edible shod ryadovka, but caution is required when using it.

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