Side effects and effects of creatine

Who in our time has not thought about their appearance? For the past two years, a sports figure has become the ideal of many guys and girls. Fitness rooms are overcrowded. At the same time, the popularity of supplements for gaining muscle mass is increasing. But the benefits and harms of creatine are controversial. Is it worth taking a supplement for a quick effect, or is health more important?

What is creatine

Creatine is the most important supplement for all athletes. Every person who wants to quickly and correctly build muscle mass knows how to use this substance correctly, what to combine with and what effect it has. But not everyone understands the nature of this supplement. What is creatine and what are the benefits for men and women?

Creatine is a supplement, more specifically an amino acid. Its derivative is formed in organs such as the liver, pancreas and kidneys from glycine, arginine... You can take these substances from food, mainly red meat.

The first is muscle energy. Thanks to him, the training has an effect and is not done in vain. Thanks to it, protein synthesis, fast metabolism, and improved endurance occur.

Why use chemistry when eating meat? The fact is that 1.3 grams of creatine equals 600 grams of meat. Not everyone can eat such a rate.


Before heading to a sports nutrition store, you need to understand what exactly is needed for training. After all, there are many types of creatine. And each of them acts in its own way, has its own scheme of reception and effectiveness. The benefits of each type of creatine for the body are assessed differently.

Monohydrate - the most popular and simplest type. The benefits and harms of creatine monohydrate have been disclosed more than other types. It contains pure substance and water. It has pros and cons. Of the advantages, its relatively low price is noted. However, its use causes side effects in the form of disorders of the digestive tract.

Citrate, Phosphate, Malate, Tartrate - acids (citric, phosphate, lactic, tartaric) are added to the composition of these types, they help to release energy. It is absorbed quickly, it has more energy. The price of such pleasure is slightly higher. And the concentration of creatine itself is less.

Glutamine-taurine and magnesium additionally contain magnesium and glutamine. Assimilation of the main substance is facilitated, muscle strength increases. However, the admission schedule is misleading.

HMB - a form that accelerates muscle growth, is quickly absorbed by the body and causes minimal harm to the digestive system. You will have to pay the highest price for this type.

Titrate, liquid creatine, effervescent tablets dissolve quickly in water. But their effectiveness is lower than other types.

Chewing lasts longer. However, the price is not at all happy, and the concentration of creatine in these types is less.


The monohydrate contains only creatine! This is the most effective remedy. It contains no proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And there are 1300 kilojoules in one hundred grams.

How to take creatine

In order for the result to be noticeable, you need to know how to properly use the supplement. Many make mistakes at the beginning of their journey. But it's better to know everything in advance so as not to play with your health.

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The approximate daily intake is 2-5 grams. The substance is mixed with carbohydrates. Many people make the mistake of using it before training. Experts have found out that it would be more correct to do this after exercise.

The powder is poorly soluble in water. Crystals are often used like this: they take the required dose in the mouth and wash it down with water. But this is not very convenient. A blender, a shaker comes to the rescue.

Attention! You cannot visually determine the quantity. The doses are very small, it is better to use a kitchen scale.

It should be noted that not all types are used in the same way. For some, an individual regimen is determined. Otherwise, creatine in sports will bring not only benefits, but also harm. There are two schemes for the use of monohydrate:

  1. 4 times a day, 5 grams in sweetened water. Later, 5-10 grams in two doses.
  2. 10 grams in two doses.

It is important to increase your fluid intake while taking your supplements. Every 5 grams - half a liter of water.

The harm of creatine

Not only the benefits, but also the harm of creatine for men is a controversial topic. Many people believe that achieving a result with any supplements is not only temporary, but also entails negative consequences. Indeed, there are a number of side effects of this substance. But there are a lot of "legends" about his harm around him. And most of them are already relics. For example, experts have determined that the muscles do not deflate after the end of the intake, as was commonly believed. And negative effects on some organ systems have not been proven. For example, on the genitals.

Important! However, the supplement still affects the digestive tract, skin, kidneys, pancreas and has a number of side effects.


The first thing that suffers is the digestive system. Despite all the benefits of creatine monohydrate, gastroenterologists have assessed its harm. Manufacturers of new forms of the substance promise to save customers from unpleasant side effects. However, this is just a marketing ploy, nothing more.

Most often, athletes suffer from diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea. This is due to the presence of crystals in the stomach, which do not dissolve well. In addition, almost all forms are not only poorly absorbed, but also slowly cleaned. Citrate and malate do not affect the stomach that much, but no manufacturer can guarantee complete elimination of problems.

To reduce the risk of unpleasant manifestations, athletes consume creatine with sugary water or juice. This allows the body to recognize the substance faster.

Advice! For this, it is not recommended to consume a large dose at a time.

Spasms and cramps

Spasms and cramps are two side effects that have long since become obsolete. There used to be a theory that symptoms were directly related to creatine intake. However, the topic was exhausted when scientists proved that the risk of getting seizures from creatine is minimal. Unpleasant manifestations are associated with great physical exertion, dehydration, and rapid weight growth.

Skin problems

In practice, skin problems cannot be denied. But this happens very rarely. It is due to the increase in testosterone. The phenomenon is natural. The hormone is essential for the growth of mass and muscle. And acne disappears over time. Moreover, their presence indicates the correct action of creatine, which means that the process has begun. And you shouldn't stop taking the supplement. This side effect is a temporary problem.

Water retention

Creatine attracts water. Every athlete knows about this. When the supplement is taken, weight gain is quickly noticeable. The muscles are better visible, they are rounded. This is the mistake of beginners. Mass and muscles grow in the early stages only due to the accumulation of fluid in the body.

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Swelling manifests itself not only externally, but also internally. Creatine attracts water, thereby circulating more fluid throughout the body. The pressure rises and falls throughout the day. If, along with creatine in the diet, a large amount of salt and minerals, then the pressure will increase greatly.The key to a normal balance is proper fluid intake. And at this moment, many also make mistakes. They, despite all the benefits, contribute to the harm from creatine for men and women.

“To remove swelling - you need to drink less water,” - so thinks the majority. In no case should this be done! The fact is that creatine will take its water anyway. The only question is "where". And this will be the extracellular fluid. And this threatens with negative consequences.

The body does not perceive juices, drinks, broths as water. They are not involved in the maintenance of the water-salt balance. Therefore, you need to drink water. Everything else is not included in the daily rate.

The effect of creatine on potency in men

The benefits and harms of creatine for men is an acute topic, and first of all it concerns sexual function. Contrary to all speculation, creatine does not affect male potency. This question has interested many athletes, and scientists have denied the link between reproductive function and creatine. Problems did arise, but against the background of improper intake of low-quality supplements of dubious origin. Modern supplements are gentle on the body.

Attention! Creatine is in no way able to affect the hormonal background of a man, to increase or decrease its potency.

Effects on the liver and kidneys

In recent years, firms have been actively promoting the idea of ​​complete safety of all supplements for athletes. But this should certainly increase sales, no more. In fact, even harmless creatine can negatively affect some organs. The kidneys and liver are at risk. The fact is that 95 percent of the substance is absorbed into the blood, but about 5 percent remains.

The body must put the extra grams of creatine somewhere. Accordingly, they are filtered by the liver and kidneys. It turns out that these organs are subject to an additional, unnecessary load. Doses of more than 1 gram per kilogram of body weight negatively affect the functions of the excretory system. The structure of the tubules is destroyed, the kidneys cannot cope. Stones are formed.

Is there a benefit to creatine

The benefits of creatine have also been questioned. This supplement is used by boxers, bodybuilders and other people who want to build muscle mass, athletes who are engaged in other types of loads. So the supplement is still not useless?

Creatine is primarily able to increase endurance, performance, and give energy. It is due to this that athletes achieve results in the formation of an ideal body, and also increase the effectiveness of training. True, the increase in mass is partly a merit and edema. As it turned out, the harm from taking creatine is still minimal, and many theories have already been refuted. This means that it is worth taking the supplement. But at the same time, you must clearly follow the scheme.


The benefits and harms of creatine are controversial. But one thing is for sure: the substance increases endurance, promotes rapid mass growth. At the same time, there are side effects in the form of abdominal pain and diarrhea. A decrease in potency, like convulsions, has long been refuted. But problems with the kidneys and liver will arise only with huge doses.

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