Lymphatic drainage massage: benefits and contraindications, how to do it at home

The property of the lymphatic system to remove harmful substances from the human body plays an important role in eliminating intoxication and inflammatory processes provoked by the accumulation of waste products of vital activity. The benefits and harms of lymphatic drainage massage are becoming a topic of discussion not only for physiotherapists, but also for supporters of a healthy lifestyle.

What is lymphatic drainage massage

The lymphatic system consists of two channels through which lymph flows: the lymphatic vein and the thoracic duct. Unlike the circulatory system, its flow is not stimulated by the heart, but only by the work of muscles related to the lymphatic vessels and respiratory organs. As a result of their delicate contractions, tissue fluid moves in the body. The body also contains numerous lymph nodes that act as biological filters.

In accordance with this, the most important useful function of the lymphatic system is to filter fluid in the body, purify it and protect it from the harm of infections. The lymphatic system flushes waste products and removes germs. The flow of lymph throughout the body has the ability to collect toxins and transport them to the lymph nodes, with their further movement to the kidneys - for removal from the body.

The function of the lymph is influenced by the state of the connective tissue: if it is loose, it means that toxins easily penetrate into it, and then linger and accumulate, not reaching the lymph nodes.

The use of massage in medical therapy dates back to antiquity. Lymphatic drainage massage was developed relatively recently, in 1930, and is a delicate type of action on the body. Its benefit lies in stimulating the body's lymphatic system.

Attention! The main causes of lymph flow disorders are a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, and lack of water in the body.

Since the lymphatic system is not equipped with the same pump as the circulatory system, exercise can provide lymph circulation by contraction of the respiratory muscles.

As a passive method that can improve the outflow of tissue fluid-lymph into the lymphatic vessels, lymphatic drainage massage is intended to bring benefit, which, in fact, is compressive in its effect on the body and can become a good solution to the problems of lymphatic stasis (edema).

In lymphatic drainage massage, very light pressure is used in combination with gentle pumping movements to the lymph nodes.The properties of lymphatic drainage manipulation are beneficial in activating lymph flow, which improves metabolism and provides support to the body in eliminating the harmful effects of waste and toxins. Therefore, it is recommended to drink clean water before the massage to help remove decay products.

Thus, the immune system is strengthened, which leads to a systemic improvement of the body.

Interesting! The lymphatic system consists of: capillaries, blood vessels and lymph nodes, which transport tissue fluid into the blood through the ducts; as well as lymphatic organs: tonsils, parathyroid glands, thymus, spleen. When the lymph flow is disturbed, problems of fluid stagnation arise, swelling and stasis appear.

Why is lymphatic drainage massage useful?

In addition to improving the movement of lymph and eliminating detoxification of the body by improving metabolism and faster removal of metabolic products, the benefits of lymphatic drainage massage are reflected in the whole body:

  • in improving the appearance of the skin: the procedure has a beneficial effect on the face, improving its color and eliminating puffiness and bruises under the eyes;
  • elimination of irregularities on the surface of the skin: when systematically performed, lymphatic drainage massage prevents the harm from the development of inflammatory processes in the subcutaneous layers and the formation of cellulite;
  • reducing blood resistance in the arteries and facilitating the work of the heart;
  • prevention of impaired peripheral circulation, especially in the lower extremities: the method allows you to get rid of the so-called effect of cold feet.

Indications for lymphatic drainage massage

If the lymphatic system for some reason does not work properly, then this leads to disease.

A decrease in the ability of the lymphatic system to remove decay products, provokes an expansion of the lymph nodes, general intoxication of the body, and the formation of edema leads not only to weight gain, but also to the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

The indication for lymphatic drainage massage is, first of all, the need to improve lymph flow and eliminate edema. In addition, lymphatic drainage massage as an element of treatment and subsequent regeneration is beneficial in cases of:

  • elimination of cellulite caused by a violation of tissue structure;
  • losing weight;
  • increasing immunity;
  • getting rid of overstrain, regular headache;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • strengthening skin tone;
  • improving the condition of the face;
  • treatment of gastrointestinal problems with complex therapy;
  • elimination of wrinkles, shallow scars, stretch marks;
  • general rejuvenation of the body.

Lymphatic drainage massage will also be useful in a few weeks after childbirth, its properties will help a weakened untrained body well.

It is also prescribed for biological regeneration and treatment of lymphedema.

The procedure can also be beneficial in the treatment of breast cancer - if prescribed by the treating mammologist.

Types of lymphatic drainage massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is performed on three levels:

  1. Superficial - to activate the lymph capillaries. It is especially useful for tightening and smoothing the skin.
  2. Projection - for the effect on the lymphatic vessels, which is beneficial in the outflow of lymph and the acceleration of metabolism.
  3. Deep - activating the lymph nodes. It has a healing effect on the body, eliminates the harm of cellulite formation and extra pounds.

Depending on the type of exposure, lymphatic drainage massage is performed:

  1. By manual method - tactile manipulations of the masseur.
  2. Hardware - thanks to special devices.


The most popular and natural method of lymphatic drainage massage is manual - an important tool in the hands of physiotherapists, which is used mainly for therapeutic effect, with the benefit of reducing swelling of the extremities, as well as after surgical procedures during which the patient's lymph nodes are removed.

For this, the masseur compresses the body and areas with stagnant fluid with special movements, thanks to which the lymph is directed to the lymph nodes. The nodes themselves are not affected, only the area near them is massaged. The direction of movement is very important: in accordance with the main lymphatic vessels. Lymphatic drainage massage should be done slowly but firmly, without much effort.

The force of pressing depends on the objectives of the massage and the level of impact.


Hardware lymphatic drainage massage is a useful beauty salon procedure aimed at the effect of current on body tissues.

The purpose of this effect is to improve health, strengthen immune functions, help improve blood circulation, and remove stagnant fluid from tissues.

It is often used to get rid of cellulite and excess weight.

The basic principle is its beneficial properties to remove fluids and toxins, relieve swelling and improve skin condition.

Several types of hardware massage have been developed:

  • vacuum lymphatic drainage;
  • pressotherapy;
  • galvanization;
  • electroionophoresis;
  • microcurrent lymphatic drainage massage.

Vacuum massage

Vacuum lymphatic drainage massage can affect different parts of the body.

Most often it is carried out against swelling of the legs, to remove fluid from problem areas. The effect on tissues is carried out by a low-frequency current under low pressure conditions.

The duration of the session is 90 minutes. Recommended course: 10 sessions with a frequency of 2 times a week.

Vacuum lymphatic drainage massage is indicated:

  • to combat excess weight;
  • removing fluid from the body;
  • improving the flow of lymph and blood;
  • eliminate cellulite;
  • relieving tension and pain.

To make the effect of the vacuum massage as high as possible, first perform manual lymphatic drainage massage to activate the metabolism. Thanks to this, the lymphatic and circulatory systems begin to function more efficiently, the nutrition of the cells improves.

At the second stage, vacuum is used with the help of a special device, which has a suction effect on the skin. This causes the destruction of the fat cells responsible for the formation of cellulite. In addition, the treatment with vacuum lymphatic drainage also strengthens blood circulation - thus, the tissues are saturated with oxygen. All this has a beneficial effect on reducing the "orange peel" and has a great effect on strengthening the body.

The main advantages of vacuum lymphatic drainage massage are:

  • its non-invasiveness;
  • high efficiency in reducing persistent cellulite;
  • the ability to shape the figure and increase the elasticity of the skin;
  • accelerate the processes associated with the removal of excess toxins from the body.
Important! The process of losing weight should be comprehensive and systemic: in addition to diet and lymphatic drainage massage, sports activity and a range of supportive cosmetic procedures will be beneficial. This will greatly accelerate the desired results and effectively keep motivation at the highest level.


Pressotherapy, or pneumomassage, as another type of apparatus lymphatic drainage massage, also stimulates the removal of excess fluid accumulations. The procedure is carried out in a gentle mode and is painless, due to which it is indicated for those who are prohibited from manual type of lymphatic drainage massage. It is also called compression massage, since it is performed using a device that supplies compressed air through special cuffs, which, in turn, acts on the lymphatic vessels and capillaries. This activates the receptors of the cells responsible for the breakdown of fat.

Pressotherapy simultaneously nourishes and cleanses the subcutaneous layers. For the sessions, special pants will be needed, which are selected individually. The procedure takes 30 minutes. The recommended course is from 8 to 12 manipulations, with a frequency of up to three times a week.

The effect of pneumomassage is aimed at improving the condition of the skin, increasing stress resistance, immune protection, as well as helping to eliminate problems associated with an inactive lifestyle.

The duration of the session is one hour. Course: from 5 to 7 sessions, once a week is enough.

The main indications for lymphatic drainage massage using the pressotherapy method are:

  • elimination of cellulite;
  • weight loss;
  • muscle toning;
  • chronic venous insufficiency;
  • getting rid of puffiness;
  • problem skin condition.


This type of lymphatic drainage massage is based on the apparatus action of the current, mainly on the upper layers of the epidermis in low voltage conditions.

In terms of duration, the procedure can be either ten minutes or one hour. The recommended course is from 10 to 15 sessions, with a frequency of twice a week.

The benefits of the effects of lymphatic drainage galvanization are manifested:

  • in reducing scars;
  • removal of toxins from tissue fluid;
  • solving problems of oily skin;
  • combating the harm of such a phenomenon as acne;
  • lifting;
  • face contour correction;
  • prevention and elimination of wrinkles;
  • preventing hair loss;
  • skin toning.

Most often, this type of lymphatic drainage massage is prescribed to improve the condition of the facial skin.


A session of lymphatic drainage massage with the use of electroionophoresis consists in the introduction of useful cosmetic preparations using an electric current to obtain a therapeutic effect. The procedure also involves the use of an electrolyte solution, which facilitates the conduction of current with cosmetic components deep into the skin.

It takes up to 15 minutes in duration. The course consists of 6 - 7 procedures carried out no more than once a week.

Useful properties of lymphatic drainage massage by electroionophoresis help to achieve:

  • greater skin elasticity;
  • acceleration of blood flow;
  • strengthening of regeneration processes;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • improving blood circulation;
  • lifting effect.

This type of hardware massage is also most often used to solve problems with the skin of the face.

Microcurrent lymphatic drainage

Microcurrent lymphatic drainage massage is beneficial in the restoration of muscle cells - without affecting muscle contraction.

The duration of microcurrent lymphatic drainage takes up to 15 minutes.

The recommended course is from 6 to 10 sessions, with a frequency of 1 time per week.

Benefits of microcurrent lymphatic drainage massage:

  • in the restoration of atrophied muscle fibers;
  • removing the harm of the consequences of muscle spasms;
  • reduction of the double chin;
  • skin toning;
  • smoothing the nasolabial folds.

Preparation for lymphatic drainage massage

When performing massage in the salon, to optimize the effect, it is important that the manipulations are not performed on a heavy stomach, while drinking pure water will be beneficial. The client undresses and lies down on the couch. Before performing lymphatic drainage massage, the skin is cleansed with a special gel, and then a massage cream or oil is applied: in the salon, the masseur uses essential oils or honey to enhance the elimination of toxins.

Interesting! The benefits of natural bee honey are the ability to improve the elimination of toxins from the human body and regenerate the skin.

When performing lymphatic drainage massage at home, in order to neutralize the sliding effect, which reduces pressure on the lymph flow, oil application should be minimized.

A high-quality natural brush will also be useful: artificial bristles can harm the skin, the formation of microcracks on it.

Technique of lymphatic drainage massage at home

When mastering the principles and rules of procedures, you can perform lymphatic drainage massage yourself. Massaging is carried out from the bottom up, in the direction of movement of the lymph: always along the lymphatic vessels or to the nearest lymph nodes.

  1. The movements at the first stage are warming up: in the area of ​​the area that is being treated, in the direction of the lymph flow.
    Important! Smooth and careful manipulations with lymphatic drainage massage are associated with a slower lymph flow than with blood circulation. In addition, the lymph in areas of the body where stagnation occurs, due to the content of toxins and the slowdown of metabolic processes, is thicker and less fluid. Therefore, hasty movements during massage can lead to harm to injury to blood vessels.
  2. At the second stage, they actively influence the body with the help of the ribs of the hand - strictly in one direction.
  3. At the end of the massage, take a contrast shower.
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In mastering the technique of lymphatic drainage massage, it is important to know the location of the main lymph nodes:

  • under the jawbone;
  • from the sides of the neck;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the elbows;
  • on the back of the knees;
  • in the groin area;
  • in the middle of the chest.

Lymphatic drainage body massage

Lymphatic drainage body massage is best done while lying on your back.

To enhance the effect, the help of households will be useful, since when performing manipulations it is necessary to completely relax and place your hands under your head

The main lines of lymph flow, in accordance with which massage is performed:

  • start from the feet - through the knees - towards the hips;
  • after they move to the stomach, where they use circular movements in a clockwise direction;
  • then they work out the arms: from the hands - towards the shoulders;
  • then massage the neck - chest;
  • finish with small circular rubbing of feet and palms.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the abdomen

The principle of massaging the abdomen is by circular movements in the direction from the navel to the distant regions. Movements - delicate, in order to avoid harm to trauma to the abdominal organs.

  1. To begin with, they pass in a circle with your fingers: starting from the lower right side of the abdomen, moving up, and ending at the bottom on the left side. This corresponds to the location of the ascending, transverse and descending colon.
  2. From the navel in a circle, circular rubbing is carried out in the clockwise direction.
  3. With stroking movements, lymph is driven to the lymph nodes under the arms and in the groin.
  4. Finish the massage by lightly tapping your fingers over the entire abdomen.

The benefit of the abdominal lymphatic drainage massage is to get rid of excess fat, increase the tone of the abdominal muscles.

Lymphatic drainage hand massage

Lymphatic drainage hand massage helps to eliminate fatigue and tension.

  1. Extend the right hand in front of you, grasping the left wrist.
  2. With the help of smooth stroking with the left hand, it is carried out to the elbow with the right. Repeat 5 times, after changing hands.

Lymphatic drainage breast massage

Cleansing the lymph with the help of lymphatic drainage massage in the chest area will be useful for strengthening and returning the elasticity of the pectoral muscles, as well as in the prevention of cysts, mastitis, etc.

  1. When massaging the breasts, at the first stage, superficial strokes of each breast are performed to warm up the tissues. After that, they clasp the gland with their palms and move up in the direction of the armpits with the help of gentle pressure with the fingertips. Then in a circle they return to the center of the chest.
  2. Then they carry out pressing movements between the ribs, from bottom to top, and again return in a circle and again carry out injection with the help of light stroking with the fingertips.
  3. In the direction from bottom to top along the chest, press with closed fingers.

Finish the massage with light rubbing. All manipulations are done gently and carefully.

Attention! In case of mastopathy, swelling, tumors, lymphatic drainage massage can be harmful!

Lymphatic drainage massage of thighs and legs

Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs and thighs is the most common procedure that has been used to relieve swelling and pain in the legs, especially in people who work while standing.In addition, it supports the fight against cellulite, strengthens the skin, and eliminates the problem of cold feet.

A foot massage takes 40 minutes to an hour and a half.

Usually this procedure is painless, although it can be accompanied by an unpleasant sensation during the pumping of the force of influence - especially in case of severe edema. In addition, due to increased pressure, there may be discomfort in the bladder.

Manipulations are performed in the direction of the lymph nodes that are located under the knees and in the groin.

To perform the massage yourself, you need to relax and warm up your legs:

  1. Sitting on a chair and stretching your leg forward, put it on another chair - this will help relieve the load.
  2. Lubricate with hand massage oil and slowly stroke with the pads of your toes from ankle to knee and then to thigh - first from the inner surface and then from the outside.
    Attention! The criterion for the correct conduct of lymphatic drainage massage is the execution of movements in one direction and the absence of painful sensations.
  3. The intensity and pressure gradually increase, move on to a deep study of the tissues, and a new cycle again begins with smooth lines and patting movements.
  4. Having finished working on the problem area, it is necessary to move on to stroking the entire leg, from the feet to the groin: with smooth movements of the fingers upward, along the direction of the lymph flow. After the seventh approach, the intensity of stroking is reduced.
  5. At the end of the session, patting of problem areas in different intensities is performed - for 5 minutes. This will relieve tone and stimulate blood circulation.

The course of anti-cellulite therapy depends on the degree and severity of damage to the subcutaneous layer: the first degree of inflammation will require 3 - 5 sessions, the second - from 6 to 8, and the third - up to 12 procedures. The frequency is 1 session every other day.

Recommended reading:  Anti-cellulite massage: effect, technique, photo and video

Face lymphatic drainage

Lymph nodes on the face are located at the bottom of the face:

  • submandibular - next to the jaw;
  • supraclavicular - in front at the base of the neck.

Lymphatic facial massage is used with benefit in medical cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. It significantly improves blood circulation and eliminates edema. In addition, lymphatic drainage facial massage strengthens the skin and makes existing wrinkles less noticeable: new ones are formed much more slowly. The skin becomes lighter due to the faster metabolism of toxins. It is a pleasant procedure, the benefits of which can be combined with other treatments such as the use of food ampoules or anti-wrinkle ampoules.

The massage will be useful in getting rid of problems with sinuses, puffiness of eyes and other parts of the face, double chin, dark circles under the eyes, sagging skin. The nasolabial folds will become less noticeable, the oval of the face will become clearer, the condition of the epidermis will improve, as will the absorption of nutrients and medicinal substances contained in the cosmetics used.

  1. To prepare the massage, it will be useful to steam the skin: in this way, the pores are opened to facilitate the withdrawal of fluid.
  2. At the first stage, to remove muscle clamps and activate metabolic processes, all manipulations are performed along massage lines, pressing movements in the direction of the lymph flow.
  3. Close the fingers in the center of the forehead and use the fingertips to gently smooth the skin towards the temples.
  4. In the eye area, stroking movements are performed from the bridge of the nose in a circle - to the temple through the bottom of the orbit.
  5. To work out the contour of the chin along its edge, alternate thumbs are pressed from the center towards the ears. From the bottom of the chin - towards the neck, chin lymph nodes.
  6. Finish with a series of strokes along the massage lines.

The daily five-minute procedure is beneficial in prolonging youth without plastic surgery.

Important! Lymphatic drainage massage of the face should not be intense due to the delicacy of the skin.

How often should lymphatic drainage massage be done?

Despite the benefits of lymphatic massage and the obvious effect from the first session, the course of visits will be useful, which is individually selected for the problem with which you have to work. If necessary, the course is repeated after a certain interval.

An overdose of lymphatic drainage procedures is harmful, therefore, it is not recommended to carry out more than 2 - 3 sessions within a week.

Skin care after lymphatic drainage

At the end of the lymphatic drainage massage, it will be useful to cleanse the remaining oil from the skin, apply a toner to the face, and then, depending on the type of skin, you can make a mask and finish the treatment with a protective cream.

After undergoing the procedure, in order to maintain the benefits of exposure to the skin, it is necessary to observe the drinking regime. The desire to drink may arise already 15 minutes after the end of the massage. However, it should be allowed to stand for the first two hours without food or drink. The fact is that lymphatic drainage massage removes excess fluid from tissues, at the same time, fat cells are exposed to stress. Drinking water or food in this state will lead to attempts by fat cells to compensate for the loss of fluid and recruit even more water. Within two hours, the body will adapt and eliminate such compensatory mechanisms.

Compliance with the drinking regimen will be required the next day after the lymphatic drainage procedure: you will need to drink a lot - about two liters of purified water, until 4 pm.

Possible consequences and contraindications

Lymphatic drainage massage is a useful and safe procedure if there are no diagnoses in the client's medical record that are classified as contraindications for manipulation:

  • blood diseases of various etiologies;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • tumor formations;
  • neuralgia;
  • burns;
  • renal failure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • thrombosis, thrombophlebitis;
  • chronic skin diseases;
  • herpes;
  • wounds and cuts;
  • fragility of blood vessels.

The appearance of puffiness and bruises as a result of exposure serves as a signal of possible damage to the tissues: in this case, lymphatic drainage massage is stopped and a doctor is consulted.

One of the factors to prevent the possible harm of lymphatic drainage massage is the choice of a professional massage therapist.

Is it possible to do lymphatic drainage massage during pregnancy

During pregnancy, edema is one of the most common symptoms. This is especially characteristic from the end of the first - the beginning of the second trimesters and can continue until the onset of labor, sometimes even include the lactation period.

Puffiness develops against the background of changes in hormonal levels, an increase in body weight and such a serious harm factor as a sedentary lifestyle.

Common areas of swelling are legs in the ankles and lower legs, face and hands.

In the presence of these factors in healthy women, lymphatic drainage massage can be prescribed by the attending physician - with the benefit of accelerating the outflow of lymph from the swelling zones.

The appointment of lymphatic drainage massage can be either manual or hardware.


The benefits and harms of lymphatic drainage massage is a topical topic, primarily for women. However, the beneficial properties of the procedure do not end with anti-cellulite effects. The functions of lymphatic drainage are much broader: in the absence of contraindications, the method can become a unique means of cleansing and regenerating the body.


Inna Grineva, 43 years old, Moscow
After the microcurrent lymphatic drainage massage, the body condition improved markedly. In total, it took 10 procedures, completely painless: only slight tingling, to which you quickly get used to. Indeed, the method can compete with botox.
Irina Svetlova, 46 years old, Penza
I was prescribed a course of pressotherapy to eliminate the venous network. The result is excellent. I used to think that lymphatic drainage massage is done only for losing weight and against cellulite.
Shcheglova Antonina, 28 years old, Samara
After the lymphatic drainage massage of the legs, I was impressed: stretch marks became less noticeable, fat deposits were removed, and instead of them muscle tone appeared and the skin became smoother. I combined massage with diet. I am glad that I decided on a lymphatic drainage procedure - and solved so many problems!
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