Maxi hair vitamins: composition, instructions, reviews

Reviews of vitamins "Maxi Hair" indicate the effectiveness of the drug in relation to hair and nail growth. Due to its balanced composition, the dietary supplement replenishes the supply of nutrients in the body, thereby preventing the appearance of vitamin deficiency.

Features of vitamins for hair "Maxi Hair"

Maxi Hair is an American-made preparation made on the basis of vitamins and minerals. Today the brand occupies a leading position in the pharmaceutical market. He does not use artificial additives and gluten in the production. In addition, the brand has many awards and certificates confirming the compliance of products with quality standards.

The main features of the "Maxi Hair" vitamin complex include the content of amino acids, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and nails. The required effect is achieved by normalizing protein metabolism. Due to the presence of methylsulfonylmethane in the composition, hair loss is prevented. Together with this, vitamins improve their structure and add shine. When used correctly, the nutritional supplement can also help relieve split, brittle and dry hair. The biotin content helps to strengthen the nail plate and improve the appearance of the skin.

The tablets are oblong and light yellow in color. Due to their medium size, they are not difficult to swallow. But it should be borne in mind that the drug has a specific taste and smell.

A package for 1-1.5 months contains 90 tablets
Attention! Consult a healthcare professional before taking a vitamin supplement.

Composition of vitamins "Maxi Hair"

The vitamin complex is taken for prevention and in order to eliminate the problems that have arisen. Taking Maxi Hair vitamins makes hair stronger and more pleasant to the touch. Experts recommend combining the drug with the use of nutritious care products. A version with a strengthened formula is also on sale. It is called "Maxi Hair Plus". It is distinguished by a higher price and rich composition.

Vitamins "Maxi Hair"

The main active ingredients of "Maxi Hair" are:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B3, B10, B12 and B6;
  • biotin;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin A;
  • organic silicon;
  • selenium;
  • methylsulfonylmethane;
  • choline;
  • vitamin E;
  • L-methionine;
  • vitamin C.

Each component has a specific function. Choline regulates carbohydrate metabolism. By inhibiting the aging process, it makes hair stronger and shinier. Ascorbic acid is responsible for improving the blood circulation process. Due to this, the dormant follicles are stimulated, which affects the growth of the hairline. Group B provides complete nutrition to the hair, making it more attractive. Vitamin A directs its effect on the skin surface, increasing its elasticity and preventing age-related changes. Selenium helps to fight dandruff, while zinc helps to strengthen the hair follicles from the inside out.

Discontinue use if any side effects occur.

Vitamins "Maxi Hair Plus"

A distinctive feature of the Maxi Hair Plus vitamins is the additional content of L-cysteine ​​and L-methionine.These amino acids are considered the building blocks of the nail plate and hair. They provide protection to hair follicles from the harmful effects of free radicals. In addition to amino acids, the composition contains horsetail extract. It stimulates the process of cell renewal in nails, epidermis and hair.

Vitamins "Maxi Hair Plus" can be taken at the stage of pregnancy planning

Indications for the use of vitamins "Maxi Hair"

The food supplement is used exclusively for indications. You should first pass an analysis that determines the level of vitamins and mineral compounds in the body. If a deficiency of nutrients is not found, there is no need to take a vitamin supplement. The indications also include:

  • hair loss;
  • pronounced vitamin deficiency;
  • alopecia;
  • deterioration of the condition of the nails;
  • poor diet;
  • decreased skin elasticity.
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The intake of Maxi Hair vitamins is recommended in times of crisis. They are often prescribed after surgery or a serious illness in order to generally strengthen the body. In some cases, a vitamin supplement is prescribed for lactating women. They especially need to enrich the body with useful substances.

Instructions for the use of vitamins Maxi Hair

Vitamins "Maxi Hair" should be taken according to the instructions. The daily dosage is two tablets. In some cases, it is reduced to one per day. Reception is carried out during meals or some time after it. This is necessary for better absorption of active substances. Increase your water intake while taking a vitamin supplement. The total duration of therapy is 1-3 months. After the course, it is imperative to take a break, during which you should pass an analysis that determines the dynamics of improvements.


Vitamins are harmless only with moderate use. Exceeding the dosage does not carry any benefit, but it can provoke side symptoms. Therefore, during their reception, you must focus on the recommendations in the instructions. It is also undesirable to combine "Maxi Hair" with other food additives. This can lead to nutrient overload. To prevent side symptoms related to the work of digestion, you should refuse to take pills on an empty stomach. Store them in a dry and dark place at room temperature.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the fact that "Maxi Hair" is not a drug, contraindications must be taken into account when taking it. In this case, you can insure yourself against the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms. Contraindications include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • a surplus of one or more vitamins;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • serious liver and kidney disease.

Relative contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding. In the second case, taking a dietary supplement is possible subject to the approval of a gynecologist. Among the most common side symptoms in response to the drug are:

  • stool disturbance;
  • hives;
  • itchy skin;
  • discoloration of urine.
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In rare cases, while taking the drug, heartburn and nausea may appear. These symptoms disappear as soon as you stop using the vitamin supplement. To avoid their occurrence, it is advisable not to take the drug on an empty stomach.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use the food supplement after the expiration date. It is equally important to provide the necessary conditions for storing funds.


Reviews of vitamins "Maxi Hair" are mostly positive. Negative experience is most often due to individual intolerance to the components or improper intake of a food supplement. The result of using vitamins can be judged no earlier than a month later.

Reviews of vitamins "Maxi Hair"

Klyukina Angelina Ivanovna, 26 years old, g.Ekaterinburg
Having studied many reviews, I opted for the "Maxi Hair Plus vitamins". They have a richer and more effective composition. The need for supplements was driven by breakage and hair loss. The result was not immediately visible. Only two months later, I noticed significant hair growth and a stop of the hair loss process.
Markova Irina Viktorovna, 19 years old, Ufa
The cosmetologist prescribed these vitamins for me. The purpose of their intake was to improve the quality of the skin. For a long time I could not cope with the dryness and terrible flaking. It turned out that the problem is inside. Already in the third week of taking Maxi Hair, I noticed a significant improvement in skin condition. I had no side effects.
Elena Aleksandrovna Kosheleva, 25 years old, Moscow
Taking the vitamin supplement has been challenging for me. Due to the size of the tablet, the swallowing process is hardly comfortable. I also noticed the periodic appearance of heartburn. Despite the disadvantages, I was delighted with the drug, as the condition of the nails and the hair structure improved noticeably.
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