Elderberry: benefit and harm, description, photo

A plant growing everywhere in the most unsightly places, with deep black berries: what is the use and harm of elderberry? How to make wonderful jam and healthy berry broth. Useful information for thought.

What does elderberry look like and where does it grow?

Elderberry is a plant that is a common shrub or small tree with clusters of small black berries. The shrub height usually reaches 5-10 meters. The leaves of the plant are small, lanceolate, each branch has 3-5 leaves. Their color is yellowish or greenish. Flowering occurs in May or June.

Black and red berries are more common in nature. The pulp of the plant is reddish. One fruit contains 3-5 small seeds. Fully ripens for about a month (from late summer to mid-autumn). Due to the rather unpleasant smell, the berries of the plant remain untouched by animals.

The plant is distributed in the subtropics and regions with a temperate climate. It grows in Africa, America, Russia, Ukraine, etc. It is mainly found in meadows, forest edges, near roads, in wastelands, in thickets.

The chemical composition and calorie content of elderberry

Elderberry tea and tincture have been used in folk medicine for a long time. They treat various diseases and are used as a prophylactic agent. The fruits of the plant are rich in medicinal substances.

Elderberry is a source of tannin, vitamins A, E, amino acids, tannins, sugars (glucose, etc.), resins and other useful substances.

In addition, the berries and flowers of the plant contain trace elements (zinc, selenium, sodium, iron, and so on).

There are about 75 kcal per 100 g of the product. The amount of carbohydrates in berries is 11 g, proteins 0.7 g, fats 0.45 g.

Why are elderberries useful?

The benefits of black elderberry are known to few, since in most cases its poisonous red "relative" is found.

Almost all plant components (bark, flowers, leaves, berries) are able to have a beneficial effect on the body. Elderberry is used for the manufacture of medicines or as a prophylactic agent. The berry is popular in both folk and traditional medicine.

Long-term storage of plant berries (more than 6 months) negatively affects their composition. The healing components are simply destroyed. Therefore, it is recommended to use the fresh fruits of the plant within six months. Dried berries retain their useful components for several years. Provided proper storage (good ventilation, no moisture).

Attention! It is undesirable to consume fresh berries of the plant, as they have a laxative effect.

To improve metabolism, stomach function, assimilation of elements and to excrete bile, berry broth is used. Due to their low calorie content and high amount of fiber, fruits are often included in the list of dietary foods.

When dried, the berry is useful for people suffering from malaria, skin cancer or stomach cancer. The substances that make up the dried fruit have the ability to stop the development of cancer cells.

Due to the large amount of fiber in the plant, cholesterol is excreted from the body. And this, in turn, almost completely eliminates the risk of problems associated with the cardiovascular system (atherosclerosis, stroke and other diseases).

For women

An infusion of elderberry flowers, in the form of douching, helps in the treatment of many gynecological diseases. And cosmetic products in the form of decoctions based on berries help in the treatment of skin diseases.

For men

Black elderberry juice helps in the treatment of prostatitis, a common male disease.

The healing properties of elderberry flowers

The plant is able to have a diaphoretic and antibacterial effect on the body. From its flowers, infusions are made that help with bronchitis, flu, sore throat.

Flowers are often used in lotions. The tool tones, rejuvenates and heals the skin.

Benefits of elderberry bark, leaves and roots

Berries and other parts of the plant do an excellent job with joint diseases (arthritis, rheumatism). The leaves contain components that have an anti-inflammatory effect. To stop the development of inflammation (furunculosis, burns, and so on), it is necessary to steam the leaves and apply them to the sore spot.

A decoction of young leaves helps with constipation (chronic form). They are boiled and consumed with honey. The finished medicine is taken as a course.

Decoctions from the bark are used to treat kidney diseases. Lotions are used to prevent skin diseases.

Elderberry consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Pregnancy and lactation is a time when a woman should be extremely careful in the use of many products. Elderberry, to some extent, is a toxic plant. Therefore, it is better to refuse to take it during these periods.

Is elderberry good for children?

This berry can be beneficial for both adults and children. It is not recommended to give berries to children under 12 years of age. This opinion is shared by most pediatricians. But at the same time, the berries of this plant are often used to treat childhood coughs, anemia, and colds. If consumed in small quantities, berries do not cause allergic reactions.

Advice! To make children like elderberry, it is recommended to introduce jam into the diet. The child is unlikely to refuse such a delicacy.

Elderberry for weight loss

The benefits of elderberry for the human body are great, however, if you use it in moderation.

The berries of the plant contain a large amount of nutrients (trace elements, vitamins). The composition also contains plant hormones that take part in endocrine processes.

People who decide to lose a few extra pounds should add an elderberry drink, decoctions, tinctures from roots and leaves to the diet. The basic rules for the use of these funds:

  • a decoction of the roots and leaves of the plant should be taken with extreme caution;
  • with the help of juice from the fruits of the plant, you can reduce the level of fluid in the body;
  • berries can be eaten fresh in small quantities (this will help improve metabolic processes).

Regularly consuming elderberry, a person can lose up to 2-3 kg in 14 days.

Folk recipes with elderberry

Traditional medicine offers various recipes to help fight many diseases.

Elderberry tea is good for flu. For this, a handful of dried berries are poured with a small amount of water, brought to a boil and infused for 12-17 minutes. A spoonful of honey is added to the finished tea. Take the remedy 3-4 times a day before meals.

The broth helps in the fight against edema, kidney disease, diabetes and dropsy. Crushed bark, placed in a thermos and filled with water (boiling water). Let it brew for about 6 hours.Use the prepared solution in 100-150 ml.

The roots of the plant cope well with diseases of the female reproductive system. Boil the root for 3-6 minutes. This broth can be used for douching or regular baths. A positive result is noticeable after a month of treatment.

In case of constipation, dry berries must be placed in a small container, filled with boiled water, let it brew and filtered. The solution is taken once a day, 125-140 ml.

Flower tea is used for coughs, gout, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections, laryngitis. To prepare it, you need to pour a small amount of flowers with boiling water, let it brew and strain.

How elderberry is used in cosmetology

All components of this plant are rich in flavonoids, vitamin C, tannins, carotenodes, which are actively used for cosmetic purposes. Thanks to them, the condition of the skin improves, its tone increases, the skin becomes more elastic, swelling and inflammation disappear.

Elderberry extract is found in the composition of modern cosmetics of a number of brands. Thanks to him, the condition of the skin improves, acne and acne disappear.

What can be cooked from elderberry

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A large number of different dishes can be prepared from this berry: compotes, jelly, preserves, jam, marshmallow, tea, juice, syrup, wine, liqueur, pie filling.

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The benefits of elderberry jam and honey

Elderberry jam is actively used to treat sciatica, rheumatism and other diseases, helps remove excess cholesterol from the blood. Eating a small amount of such a delicious treat helps diabetics maintain normal sugar levels.

The benefits of elderberry jam are obvious. It lowers blood pressure, fights dermatitis, eliminates puffiness, supports the liver, pancreas and thyroid gland.

Elderberry honey contains many useful substances. It is able to alleviate the condition of rheumatism, arthritis, enhance the functions of the immune system, improve sleep, help in curing the flu, bronchitis. The product has a diaphoretic, disinfectant, antipyretic, diuretic, sedative effect.

Elderberry juice: benefits and uses

The pulp of the berry is rich in nutrients. These include vitamins of group A, B, acids (organic), mineral compounds, essential oils.

The juice is able to have diuretic, antiseptic, astringent, expectorant, antipyretic effects. It is actively used in folk recipes as a medicine for coughs, flu and colds. The juice is also used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, rheumatism, furunculosis and other diseases.

Elderberry harvesting and storage

Black elderberry is deservedly popular among residents of different countries and peoples. Many tasty and healthy dishes are prepared from berries. The rest of the parts (leaves, bark, roots) are used to make medicines.

Fresh berries are allowed to be stored for up to six months. The bark and dried leaves retain useful substances for up to 2-3 years.


Almost any plant has contraindications for use. Black elderberry is no exception. You can not use its fruits for ulcerative colitis, intestinal and gastric diseases.

Expectant mothers and lactating women should exclude this product from the diet. Berries should be given to young children with great care and only from the age of 12.

Elderberry-based medications should not be combined with other medications that affect immunity (for example, corticosteroids).

To learn more about the properties of the black elderberry plant, it is recommended to watch the following videos:


The benefits and harms of elderberry in this or that case are determined by the nature of the disease, the individual characteristics of the organism.

It can be a good helper in improving the overall tone of the body, treating skin diseases, etc. If used incorrectly, it causes poisoning, diarrhea and worsens the general condition of the body. Elderberry preparations should only be taken on the advice of a doctor.


Ivanova Maria, 41 years old, Kostroma
With the regular use of tea based on dried elderberries, I noticed that I became less likely to get colds.
Perepelkina Irina, 67 years old, Moscow
Elderberry tincture helped to normalize stools. I took the course, according to the instructions.
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