How to whiten your white medical coat at home

Generally, overalls for workers in medical institutions are white, less often plain colored. Uniforms should always be clean, so you have to wash them often. Over time, the color fades, things turn yellow or even gray. You can whiten a medical gown yourself, and if the stains are difficult, then contact a dry cleaner.

Overalls for medical workers are made from natural thin material of light colors

Features of washing medical gowns

It is not always possible to clean and bleach a robe at home by yourself. Consider the nature of the pollution of the thing. If it gets blood or other biological material of an infected person, and contact with it poses a threat to health, the form is processed in a special way on the territory of the institution or disposed of.

You can clean and bleach your workwear yourself if the stains on it do not pose a threat. And the choice of the method depends on the color and quality of the fabric from which the item is sewn. Basically, cotton or coarse calico is used for production. It is possible to use fabrics with synthetic threads, they are more practical to wear, but require appropriate care, it will be more difficult to bleach such a material.

If the uniform has colored elements, for example, on pockets or collars, the approach to these clothes is different. Otherwise, after bleaching or normal cleaning, the parts may shed and stain the white material.

In order to wash work clothes on your own outside the hospital, a number of recommendations are taken into account:

  1. Uniforms for junior and senior healthcare workers are washed as they get dirty. For the middle staff, who comes into contact with patients every day during treatment, they wash every day.
  2. Clean the robe in a typewriter or by hand separately from personal belongings.
    Several white items can be washed without colored inserts, but not together with items decorated with elements of a different shade
  3. Before cleaning, overalls are soaked in cold water with the addition of disinfectants specified in the SanPiN standards.

Before the main wash, remove stains from the surface, you can only bleach the fabric after that.

What mode to wash a medical gown

Before choosing a cleaning method, you must familiarize yourself with the manufacturer's label, it will indicate the composition of the material and a recommendation for its care. If it is a completely natural fiber without colored elements, it can be washed on the Cotton mode after soaking. The program will automatically set the appropriate parameters. After the completion of the process, the product can be bleached if necessary.

If the fabric contains lavsan threads, it is necessary to wash in the "Synthetics" mode. In this program, the water temperature is lower, and the item will not be very wrinkled after cleaning, it will not lose its shape or decrease in size. You can also bleach synthetic material, but only with a chlorine-free product.

How to wash a medical white coat

You won't be able to use regular powder or gel for white clothes. When washing overalls, health workers choose an antibacterial detergent.This condition applies to both manual and automatic cleaning, regardless of the purpose: to bleach the fabric or simply to wash. Powders are used, liquid form. Convenient to use means dosed in capsules.

The most popular antibacterial detergent among medical workers is "Glav washing" of Russian production. There is no chlorine in the composition, but there is an effective disinfectant that destroys all pathogenic microorganisms from the surface of the tissue. It also removes blood stains.

Use a product for cleaning linen, cotton, synthetics

Top Hygia liquid detergent from Japan is suitable for cleaning products of any color and material. The active composition against bacteria and microbes destroys the pathogen of poliomyelitis, removes odors on the dressing gown. The detergent does not contain phosphate elements.

The product completely destroys bacteria and prevents their reappearance

Get rid of stains of a different nature in the following way:

  1. The blood is removed only in cold water, washed with hands, then a section of concentrated hydrogen peroxide is poured on top.
  2. If there is a trace of ink from a ballpoint pen on the product, the place is covered with laundry soap, tinder, the remains of the paste are removed with ammonia or ordinary alcohol.
  3. Ointment marks can be removed with a stain remover or any dishwashing detergent.
  4. Zelenka from white clothes is removed with hydrogen peroxide.
Advice! To remove the iodine stain, baking soda is poured onto the site and 9% vinegar is poured on top, during the reaction, the pollution will disappear.
Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take

At what temperature to wash a medical gown

The temperature regime will be indicated on the label, if it is not, they are guided by the composition of the fabric. Pure cotton can be washed at + 600C and above. To bleach, products can be boiled, so they will not shrink or deform.

Calico is washed in the same mode as cotton, but boiling is excluded, the structure of the material may shrink. With synthetic threads, the product is cleaned at a temperature of + 400C. Pre-soak only in cold water.

How to wash a white medical coat

Uniforms are made from a fabric that is machine washable. You can also clean the medical worker's overalls manually. The choice of the method does not matter, the main thing is compliance with the temperature regime of the water, if the composition contains synthetics.

How to machine wash a medical gown

Before cleaning in the washing machine:

  1. The product is inspected, all problem spots are removed.
  2. If a thing with metal elements (locks, buttons, buttons), it is fastened and turned inside out.
  3. Soak in water with the addition of an antibacterial agent for 2 hours.
  4. They are placed in a drum separately from household items and colored medical clothing.
On an automatic machine set the "Cotton" program, add one rinse and spin at medium speed
Advice! To wash and bleach your clothes immediately, you can use the Boil function.

How to wash a medical gown by hand

In a hand wash, the preparatory work with the form is the same as in an automatic wash. All existing stains are preliminarily removed or washed.

Following actions:

  1. Medical clothing is soaked in warm water with an antibacterial agent for 1.5-2 hours.
  2. The soap solution is drained, the detergent is added to clean water and the product is washed from problem areas (collar, pockets, armpits).
    For cleaning, you can additionally use laundry soap and a brush.
  3. After washing, rinse 2-3 times. If it is necessary to bleach, carry out the activities again. Twist, shake and dry.

How to whiten a medical gown at home

The method depends on the degree of soiling and the structure of the fabric. Here are some tips to bring white materials back to color:

  1. You can whiten a medical gown from yellowness using "Whiteness" if it is made of cotton.The product is placed in cold water and the product is added in the dosage indicated in the instructions, kept for 30 minutes.
  2. Any oxygen-based bleach will work for synthetic fabrics.
  3. If the color has changed slightly, the clothes are completely covered with laundry soap and left in cold water for several hours.
  4. You can whiten a medical gown from grayness in a solution: mix the juice of two lemons with 5 liters of water. The thing is soaked for 8 hours or overnight.

The fabric, which contains most of the synthetic thread, can be bleached with a self-prepared product:

  • salt - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • washing powder - 40 g;
  • hydrogen peroxide - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • ammonia - 1 tbsp.

All components are diluted in 5 liters of water, heated to 300 C, a thing is placed in the solution, it will take 3-5 hours to bleach.

How to properly dry a medical gown

Overalls are dried in an upright position, fixed on a clothesline with clothespins for the lower or collar part. Better when the product is in direct sunlight, and in winter - in the cold. The ultraviolet light will kill the remaining bacteria, and the lower temperature will help whiten the gown better.

Clothes are attached to the rope, turned inside out.

It is undesirable to dry things on heating devices, it will be difficult to get rid of folds. Ironing overalls for health workers from two sides: front and back.


It is possible to whiten a medical gown only after cleaning; the method is chosen in accordance with the structure of the fabric. Pure white cotton overalls can be boiled in an automatic machine with bleach. After hand washing, soak in "Whiteness", give the original color with soap, lemon juice, peroxide and alcohol.

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