Emulsifier E471: harmful or not, composition, effects on the body

The effect of the food additive E471 on the human body has been well studied. Experts admit that the additive does not carry any harm to the body, since it is of natural origin. It is widely used in food production as an effective emulsifier and stabilizer when it is required to mix those liquids that cannot be brought to a uniform consistency without special additives.

What does E471 mean

Food stabilizer has no pronounced taste and smell

The element is a food additive of natural origin. It belongs to a group of substances that are able to maintain the consistency of products, significantly increase their viscosity. The component is a kind of extract from glycerin and plant components. It looks like a colorless mass without taste and smell. The supplement consists of fatty components that are well absorbed by the body. It is soluble in chloroform and alcohols, melts at 60 ° C.

The presence of the additive is indicated on all foods in which it is used. It is a fairly high quality emulsifier, also has the characteristics of a stabilizer and partly a preservative. According to its chemical properties, the substance belongs to the group of acylglycerides, which combines monoglycerides, diglycerides and their constituents, being at the same time an ester combination.

Important! In addition to the food industry, the additive is used for the manufacture of cosmetics - gels, masks, creams.

What is the stabilizer E471 made of?

A food supplement is obtained from fat-containing, oily substances - glycerin, fats and oils. All such substances are isolated using complex chemical production. However, there are components that are obtained from natural sources - soap root, egg white, lecithin.

The main domestic producers of the additive are considered the oil and fat plant in Nizhny Novgorod. The company produces monoglycerides of two brands - based on palm oil and stearin, and on rapeseed oil.

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Companies from Germany, Denmark, China and Great Britain stand out among the world's manufacturers. The additive is packaged in the form of briquettes, creamy mass, plates, tablets, balls.

Warning! Food supplement E471 inhibits metabolic processes in the human body, which leads to the rapid deposition of subcutaneous fat.

The benefits and harms of food additives E471

The use of all food additives is regulated by the following indicators:

  • maximum concentration in products;
  • maximum daily dose;
  • the maximum permissible daily intake for persons weighing up to 60 kg.
The additive is prepared under production conditions

Emulsifier E471 has no direct effect on the human body. The additive belongs to safe components and is approved for use in Russia, Ukraine, EU countries. The permissible daily intake for humans has not been determined, therefore, theoretically, the additive can have a harmful effect on the body if the products in which it is contained are consumed excessively.

The negative consequences are the following manifestations of the body:

  • inhibited metabolic processes;
  • body fat;
  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • disturbances in the work of the liver, kidneys, stomach and intestines.

However, with direct contact with the additive, negative reactions from the skin were not recorded. In addition, it is obvious that the preservative E471 is not toxic and is not an allergen. Numerous studies have not found even minimal harm from the use of this supplement.

Advice! Despite the proven safety of the substance E471, this does not mean that the intake of the additive in products can not be limited. The approach to nutrition must be competent, this will allow you to get only the benefits from food.

Dangerous or not E471 food additive

E471 dye is an absolutely safe food additive, it is approved for use in many countries of the world. It is very well absorbed in the intestines. The substance is added to baby food, since it is considered hypoallergenic. However, it is necessary to monitor the weight of the child. There is a risk of excess weight in a baby who regularly eats such a product.

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Where and why the food additive E471 is added

Emulsifier and stabilizer used for making ice cream

The main field of application of the food component E471 is the production of food products:

  1. The substance is added to the dough for stability of the mass to high temperatures, in order to improve the properties of gluten and increase gas formation. The additive allows you to increase the weight and volume of the product, significantly extend the shelf life.
  2. By adding a component to pasta, they avoid sticking during the manufacturing process and increase its elasticity.
  3. When preparing ice cream, cream, desserts, creams, the additive stabilizes the foam that forms during whipping and improves the consistency of the mass.
  4. The additive is used to prepare fats, oils, margarine, mayonnaise to give the product the desired structure, better mixing of the main components. In addition, the substance eliminates rancidity and ensures long-term storage of the product.
  5. Confectionery and chocolate products with E471 additive have better stickiness.

Often the component E471 is used for some fruits to protect them from spoilage.

In other areas, the substance E471 is used in the manufacture of products for baby food, cosmetics, as well as in the pharmaceutical industry.


The effect of the food additive E471 on the human body has long been well studied. Experts have found that the substance is absolutely safe even for young children. However, scientists warn that the E471 supplement, which is part of many foods, is quite high in calories. It is used as a stabilizer, emulsifier and preservative. It is considered a natural supplement. Produced in many countries, including Russia.

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