Coho salmon: benefits and harms, calorie content, contraindications

Coho salmon fish are useful due to the high concentration of substances and minerals that ensure the normal functioning of the body. Due to its low calorie content, it is suitable for a diet, and the almost complete absence of bones allows it to be used in baby food.

Where does coho fish live

Coho salmon belong to the salmon family. It differs from other species by the highest taste, in addition, fish is very useful for the body. She lives in the Pacific Ocean, as well as in the lakes and seas associated with it.

You can meet:

  • in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk;
  • on Sakhalin;
  • in the lake Kotelnoe;
  • in Kamchatka;
  • in the Magadan region;
  • in Lake Sarannoe.

There is a special species of coho salmon that lives in Chile on artificial farms. Fish grown in such conditions is small in size and contains little fat, but it is no less useful. An accelerated breeding cycle helps to quickly reach the desired fishing size.

Coho salmon fish usually reach a maximum of 1 m in length and weigh no more than 7 kg. In Asian waters, there are specimens weighing up to 15 kg. The main condition for living is clean clear water. It was not seen in polluted water bodies. They fish from a boat or from the shore only during the daytime, as they do not bite at night.

Important! On the territory of the Russian Federation, the catch of coho salmon is small and amounts to no more than 7000 tons per year, therefore the delicacy has a high cost.

The chemical composition of coho fish

The beneficial properties of coho fish lie in its chemical composition. It contains:

  • magnesium;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins B2, B3, PP, C, A;
  • ash;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • thiamine;
  • fluorine;
  • phosphorus;
  • chlorine;
  • molybdenum;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • nickel;
  • chromium;
  • calcium.
Because of the bright silver color of the scales, the Japanese nicknamed the fish "silver salmon"

Why is coho fish useful?

Seafood is good for the body, as with regular use:

  • has a positive effect on mental performance;
  • normalizes the activity of the central nervous system;
  • prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • improves the condition of bones, muscles and teeth;
  • helps to build muscle tissue;
  • reduces the risks of developing cancer;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • helps to improve the condition of the blood;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin;
  • reduces visceral fat deposits;
  • strengthens the immune system.
Important! Coho salmon meat contains practically no bones, so it can be given to children.

The fish contains astazanthin, a strong antioxidant. It helps to remove heavy metals and radionuclides. Due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition, it improves vision, as well as the condition of mucous membranes and skin. Due to the iodine content, it normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland, and the chromium in the composition regulates blood sugar levels.

Fish is especially useful for people with atherosclerotic vascular damage and coronary heart disease, but everyone needs to introduce it into their diet.

Harm of coho fish

Coho salmon practically does not harm the body. Fish is useful for people of any age and for children. During pregnancy, it is worth dosing the use and not overeating, so as not to harm the fetus.

Only a stale, low-quality product can have a negative impact. Therefore, it is worth strictly observing the storage conditions.

How many calories are in kijucha

Fish is especially useful for people who are overweight and follow a healthy lifestyle, as it belongs to dietary products. In 100 g, it contains 140 kcal. This figure may vary depending on the cooking method.

Most often steaks are fried at home. First, they are rolled in flour with the addition of salt. Then cook in olive or any other oil for no more than 5 minutes. The calorie content of fried coho salmon slightly increases and reaches 168 kcal per 100 g.

The product is smoked in order to improve its taste and increase its shelf life. As a result, its culinary properties are completely changed, and the aroma becomes more intense. The calorie content of cold smoked coho salmon in 100 g is 196 kcal.

Fish meat is easily digestible and nutritious. For children and people on a diet, it is better to eat coho salmon cooked in a double boiler. This is the healthiest option and retains most of the vitamins. The recipes use a minimum amount of additional components: spices, salt and herbs. In this case, the calorie content of steamed coho salmon is 135 kcal.

Nutritionists recommend regularly consuming gourmet meat, as it has a beneficial effect on the body and does not cause obesity.

Advice! Fish is useful for all categories of citizens and is recommended for daily consumption.
The most healthy and low-calorie dish is steamed

Contraindications to coho fish

Fish is not useful for everyone. It is forbidden to eat people with impaired gastrointestinal tract or liver. Also, you can not use people suffering from individual intolerance to seafood.

Rules for eating coho fish

Coho salmon recipes are varied. Cooks use simple and intricate cooking options. But in order for them to be beneficial to health, it is important to purchase a quality product. To do this, when buying, pay attention to the condition of the raw materials:

  1. High-quality coho salmon has smooth scales without yellow or brown spots with a matte overflow. The peel should not flake or peel off.
  2. Before freezing, coho salmon are glazed with water to preserve nutritional value and muscle structure. If there is snow or ice crumbs in the package, this means that the fish was thawed during storage and again frozen incorrectly. It is not worth purchasing such a product.
  3. In fresh fish, the body should be firm, moist, without sticky mucus. If the carcass is gone, then bumps and bruises form on the surface. As a result, the fillet will be tasteless and will creep when frying.
  4. In fresh coho salmon, when pressed, a hole appears, which immediately disappears.
  5. If a frozen carcass is sold with its head, then you need to pay attention to its eyes. If they are yellowish and cloudy, and there are dark smudges near the gills, then the product is spoiled.

Freshly caught fish can be stored in the refrigerator compartment for a maximum of five days. In a frozen state - two months. If you keep it in the freezer compartment for a longer time, the product will acquire an unpleasant odor and become watery.

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Advice! The meat of the gourmet fish is tender, so the taste can easily be spoiled by the hot pepper and alcohol added to the composition.
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Do not marinate frozen fish fillets for a long time. Before you start preparing the chosen dish, the carcass should be salt and seasoned with herbs, then stand for a quarter of an hour. Fry, bake and steam can only be done for the time recommended in the recipe. Otherwise, the coho will release all its juice and become too dry.

It is more delicious to cook fish caught in the sea, which has not lost its beneficial properties and fat accumulations. The Japanese eat it raw in the form of rolls and sushi. But salmon, albeit in rare cases, can be infected with lamblia, so you should not abuse raw fish. For disinfection, you can eat it with a particularly spicy sauce.

A delicious light and dietary soup is made from coho salmon

The use of coho fish

Fish is very popular all over the world, as it is not only healthy, but also has a high taste. Baked coho salmon are especially popular in restaurants. It is also fried in a pan in pure form and breading, added to various salads. Serve with fresh vegetables.

At home, coho salmon:

  • baked in an oven. Fish in foil is especially tasty;
  • cooked in batter;
  • salted;
  • fried;
  • boil soup;
  • twisted into minced meat for cutlets;
  • make a kebab. Gourmets are sure that it tastes amazing and surpasses meat in all respects, including health benefits.

A cold appetizer with coho salmon looks spectacular in the form of tartlets, sandwiches, the finest slices surrounded by greens.


Coho salmon fish is healthy and nutritious. It is recommended for use by children, pregnant women and the elderly. Due to its low calorie content, it is suitable for dietary nutrition.

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