Air ionizer for an apartment: benefit and harm

Air ionizers are useful devices that help clear air from contaminants. They have been used for quite some time and have gained considerable popularity among people due to the many beneficial properties that improve health. Along with the benefits, they can also harm the body. Therefore, it is important to find out what the benefits and harms of an air ionizer are.

What is ionization for?

To find out the harm and benefits of air ionization for the human body, you need to have an idea of ​​what such air is, what properties it has.

All substances are made up of atoms, which in turn are made up of a positively charged nucleus and negatively charged electrons. When an atom donates either a proton or an electron, the particle turns into an ion. This process is called ionization.

Nature provides for the following: in order for a person to feel good, useful air must be enriched with ions of light mass, preference is given to negatively charged particles.

If the condition is not met, then this affects the general state of health, which is harmed: headaches, lethargy, fatigue, decreased immunity.

In order for a person to feel fully, the necessary chemical composition of air has formed in nature, which has useful properties, but due to industrial development, it has changed significantly. A large number of vehicles, industry, electrical appliances - all this reduces the useful level of air ionization.

What is an air ionizer and how it works

What is the use of an air ionizer in a room or office? To understand this, you need to know how the device works.

An ionizer is a device with special equipment that allows air to pass through, which is cooled or heated in it, thereby saturating with negatively charged ions, gaining useful properties.

As a rule, air conditioners are equipped with ionizers. They have two electrodes, between which a high voltage is created. Under this influence, water molecules break up into ions. In addition, useful free electrons are formed on the electrodes, which descend along them, combining with oxygen molecules, form additional negative ions.

Comment! A specialized device, an ionometer, will help to determine the useful degree of ionization.

At the same time, the air is well cleaned of smoke particles and various microorganisms, acquires useful properties with a minimum of harm to human health.

Types of ionizers

Before you find out what are the benefits and harms of an air ionizer for an apartment and other rooms, you should get acquainted with the classification of devices.

By the type of ions produced, ionizers are:

  1. Bipolar. Emit both types of beneficial ions.
  2. Unipolar. Emit either positive or negative.Timers are built into such devices to prevent the formation of an excess amount of ions of the same name, which can do more harm than good to the environment.

By the nature of the air flow:

  1. Active. The useful flow is directed by a fan. The speed increases, therefore, in less time the air will be saturated with the required number of useful ions. Create sound inconveniences.
  2. Passive. No fan.

Why an air ionizer is useful for the body

How does it affect the human body? Is it doing more good or harm? Here is a list of the main benefits:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • stimulates appetite;
  • increases the efficiency of the brain;
  • increases useful performance;
  • inhibits aging processes;
  • helps to normalize the work of the respiratory system;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • has an anti-allergic effect;
  • reduces exposure to radiation from electronic gadgets.

Is the ionizer good for newborn babies

Attention! It is possible to activate the ionizer in the room for a newborn baby only after consulting a pediatrician.

For parents, nothing is more important than the health and well-being of children. The problem of the state of the environment is acute in the world. Every day colossal harm is caused to her due to not the most useful human activity.

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This is especially true for cities where there is an excess of road transport. To protect your child from harm, you need an air ionizer, which has special properties.

For the normal state of the baby, it is necessary to ensure the air humidity at the level of 50-70%. But in natural conditions this is difficult to achieve. For this purpose, it is necessary to use an ionizer.

The device can be used after the child is one month old.

Purchasing an air ionizer for a child solves several problems:

  1. Allergens are removed from the air. Children are now more susceptible to allergies than they were 100 years ago.
  2. The decrease in immunity is suspended.

Properties that are harmful, not beneficial:

  1. The child's body gets used to the conditions provided by the ionizer, therefore, after a collision with the air on the street, it can catch the disease.
  2. An excess of ions with a minus sign is possible.

Therefore, it is worth following the recommendations: do not place the device near the child and activate the ionizer for children for a certain period of time, calculated either by the device or independently.

The benefits and harms of using an ionizer during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman's body is susceptible to various kinds of harmful infections. He also needs a greater supply of useful oxygen. Therefore, purchasing a device will help the expectant mother to cope with a number of harmful problems:

  1. Will increase the supply of oxygen to the body.
  2. It will increase the protective properties of the body.
  3. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Fatigue will decrease, headaches will subside.

When the ionizer is operating indoors, it is more useful for a pregnant woman to leave it.

Advice! Useful guidelines for choosing a device should be followed. It is also necessary to frequently carry out wet cleaning, since harmful dust will more intensively settle to the surface.

How to use an air ionizer correctly

To correctly use an air ionizer, so that the device maximizes its useful properties, you need to do the following:

  1. Ventilate and turn on the ionizer at different times. The efficiency of the device with an open window will be minimized, and its useful properties will literally fly out the window.
  2. In the first 10-15 minutes of device operation, it is better to leave the room so as not to harm your own body.
  3. Smoking is strictly prohibited when the device is turned on, as even more carcinogenic substances appear in the air.
  4. It is recommended to place the device at a distance of 1-3 m from the person. It can be hung on a wall or placed on a nightstand.
  5. To remove harm from exposure to televisions or computers, you need to place the device between the viewer and the screen.
  6. If useful ionization is performed for the first time, you need to limit yourself to 20 minutes of device operation.
  7. If both a computer and a TV are located in the room, then it is worth leaving the device for a longer time so that the harm from electronic devices is minimized.
  8. If the risk of developing harmful diseases of the respiratory system is increased, you can carry out 3-4 sessions for 10 minutes a day. Then the body will receive more benefits.

Is an air ionizer harmful?

Sometimes they talk about the dangers of an ionizer. What are the negative properties of the device?

  • During operation, dust particles also acquire a charge, therefore, increased accumulation of dirt may occur. If at this time a person does not leave the room, harmful charged dust can easily enter the respiratory tract.
  • If at the same time in a room with a working ionizer there are a person with an infectious disease transmitted by an aerogenic mechanism and healthy people, the risk of infection increases many times over.

Contraindications to the use of air ionizers

When is it more useful to refuse to use the device so that it does not show its harmful properties?

  1. If a person has cancer.
  2. The body is sensitive to ozone.
  3. With increased body temperature.
  4. If there are any harmful deviations in the general state of human health that appeared after using the device. For example, headache, nosebleeds, irritability. In such cases, it is recommended to activate the device for a shorter time the next time and leave the premises for the duration of useful work.
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How to choose an air ionizer for an apartment and a house

To select the correct air ionizer, there are a number of questions to answer.

  • For what purpose is the device purchased?
    Comment! Most of the buyers are afraid of ozone harm, but the concentration will only be exceeded if using an ionizer that has the property of "wind with ions".
  • If you need to bring useful freshness into the room and improve your well-being, a conventional ionizer for small rooms will help. It brings minimal harm to health and has standard health benefits.
  • If the ionizer is purchased to rid the air of harmful allergens, you need to buy salt lamp, which has soft ionization and does not emit ozone.
  • If you need to get rid of harmful tobacco smoke, it is better to buy an ionizer that actively generates ozone, since it decomposes tobacco smoke particles and thereby brings the necessary benefits.

The HEPA filter will help to remove all harmful dust from the air, which will carry out the necessary cleaning and will not emit ozone.

What is the optimal power? The power should be selected according to the area of ​​the room.

What level of noise will be comfortable? There are devices with fans that have a higher air purification rate, but create noise discomfort that can harm the nervous system.

How dry is the indoor air? If you feel dry, you need to purchase an ionizer that has the beneficial properties of a humidifier.

Where will the device be installed? If it is going to be a crowded office with a lot of computers, a powerful ionizer is needed.

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the characteristics before use. This is done to prevent the formation of excess negative ions.

The above questions can help you choose the best air ionizer in terms of benefits and harms for a home or other room.

Attention! It is imperative to buy an ionizer equipped with a filter that can be easily removed to remove sediment.

Do not forget to take care of the state of the ionizer so that the efficiency does not decrease and it does not begin to bring harm, not benefit. For example, wash electrostatic filters at least once or twice a week.

Why is bipolar ionizer better

This type of ionizer is more beneficial because it produces two types of ions, both negative and positive. There are conditions in which this is necessary, for example, improving the air in rooms with sick people.

In a room where there is a large amount of technology, this will only aggravate the situation and do more harm than good. In addition, bipolar ionizers are much more expensive than conventional ones.

Doctors' opinion about air ionizers

With proper use and following all recommendations, healthcare professionals are not opposed to using the device. In most cases, the positive effect on the human body is obvious:

  1. Benefits - increases the protective functions of the body.
  2. Eliminates the air from allergens and microorganisms that are harmful to health.
  3. Promotes the normal functioning of the circulatory system.


The benefits and harms of an air ionizer are not comparable. The device enriches the air with the required amount of negative ions, removes harmful particles and microorganisms, and can also humidify the air flow passing through it. But it is strictly forbidden to activate it in the same room with small children or pregnant women. It is better for them to leave the room during air ionization.


Andrey Viktorovich Volkov, 42 years old, St. Petersburg
I purchased the ionizer as a car device. After using it for a month, I can say that it actively purifies the air and removes unpleasant odors. True, in the fall, the smell of dampness began to be felt, but on the whole I was satisfied and plan to buy a household one.
Kirill Antonovich Krivosheev, 30 years old, Tver
I bought an ionizer because of problems with nasal congestion. It was difficult to breathe. There is an assumption that this is due to the city air. As soon as I purchased the ionizer, the problem disappeared. I don't use it every day. Enough once every few days.
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