Why a humidifier is useful

The benefits and harms of a humidifier are discussed in many forums. Doctors advise to have a device in the house. What is special about this miracle technique and how to use it, now let's try to figure it out.

What is a humidifier for?

By the name of the device, it can already be concluded that its direct purpose is air humidification. The main benefits of a humidifier are manifested in summer, when it is hot dry weather outside. The device allows you to maintain an optimum indoor humidity within 40-60%. Many may wonder why this is necessary. The fact is that a person consists of 74% water. Constant stay inside a dry room negatively affects health. A person's health worsens, the mucous membranes dry out, and microcracks appear on the body. The moisture evaporator helps restore a microclimate that is favorable for humans, pets and plants.

Important! The humidifier will help to normalize the air in the winter during heating operation and with the heating devices turned on.

Types of humidifiers

Before looking for advice about the dangers or benefits of a humidifier, you should familiarize yourself with the existing varieties of the device. Each device has different properties, is able to maintain a certain level of moisture, has its own pros and cons. Three types of humidifiers are considered the most common in everyday life.

Cold model

The simplest type of device is also called traditional, natural or classic. Quiet operation is a distinctive feature. A fan is installed inside the device case, which takes air from the room and drives it through a damp sponge - an evaporator. The last element is additionally a filter. The sponge is impregnated with an antibacterial solution. The water vapor cloud supplied to the room is completely cleared of bacteria. Thanks to the installed silver rod, the humidifier has the ability to ionize the indoor air every time steam is supplied.

There are traditional models with additional humidity sensors, hygrostat, antibacterial cassette. The device consumes little electricity and is easy to maintain. Care consists in the timely filling of water, cleaning the tank from sediment, flushing or replacing the filter.

Steam model

A working evaporator resembles a boiling kettle. Water boils inside the tank. The generated steam is thrown into the room in jets. When all the water has boiled away, the device will automatically turn off. A steam humidifier is more beneficial than harmful. The steam enters the room is always sterile, since all microbes die during boiling. If you take a cold humidifier for comparison, then if the antibacterial filter fails, such a device will only harm. Microbes will get inside the room with the sprayed water.

The steam model consumes a lot of electricity, but it works for a short time. The device is similar to a traditional evaporator, only electrodes for heating water are additionally installed inside the tank. If the device is not equipped with a hygrometer and hygrostat, then it is advisable to buy the sensors separately. There are models with additional containers for essential oil, allowing for aromatherapy.

Advice! You can get the most out of a steam humidifier by placing it in your child's room. However, one must remember about hot steam. To prevent the child from getting burned, the humidifier is placed in an inaccessible place.

Ultrasonic model

A modern humidifier crammed with electronics. The device is equipped with a hygrostat, hygrometer. Many models come with an LCD display. Electronics allows remote control of functions, signals a filter failure, turns off the device if there is no water in the tank.

The main benefit of an ultrasonic humidifier is precisely maintaining the required humidity level. This is clearly monitored by electronic sensors. Water turns into a vaporous cloud due to ultrasonic vibrations. Cold fog is released into the room due to the operation of the fan.

Important! If untreated water is poured into an ultrasonic humidifier, you can harm the apartment environment. Over time, white deposits of solid deposits will appear on walls, furniture, glass objects.

Is a humidifier useful in an apartment

For humans, the optimum air humidity is 40-60%. The microclimate in a city apartment is often overdried with gas stoves, air conditioners, heating, and heaters. Harm is caused not only to human health, but also to domestic animals and vegetation. Dry air tends to quickly become contaminated with dust. Small pile of animals, dust mites enter the respiratory tract, causing allergies. Dry air even worsens the property of human skin, which can be determined by the formation of peeling.

Important! Research has proven that dry air is harmful to wood products. Door blocks, furniture, parquet flooring are crumbling. The laminate dries out and cracks.

The benefits of a humidifier are described in the video:

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Use of a humidifier for kids

Pediatricians talk about the benefits of a humidifier for a child. The following important factors are highlighted:

  • Dry air damages the mucous membrane of children. A low concentration of moisture leads to a deterioration in the structure of mucus. Bacteria that cause sinusitis, rhinitis and other diseases penetrate through the overdried airways.
  • The vaporizer will benefit the child in the form of an accelerated recovery. If there is a lack of moisture, then there is a threat of drying out of bronchial mucus. It becomes more difficult for the child to breathe, there is a threat of bronchitis or pneumonia.
  • Dust and hair of pets are extremely harmful to the health of children. The humidifier suppresses allergens flying in the air.
  • A useful moisturizer for an infant, which affects a good sleep. The newborn is less capricious.

Maintaining the optimal level of air humidity in the nursery has a positive effect on the regular heat exchange process in the child.

Humidifier during pregnancy

Pregnant women benefit from the moisturizer. First of all, the process air ionization improves immunity. The body of the expectant mother is better able to resist pathogens. With optimal humidity levels, pregnancy is easier. A woman does not suffer from dehydration, she is full of vital energy.

Advice! The use of soothing essential oils with a moisturizer helps to normalize the state of the nervous system.

How to use a humidifier correctly

Each model of the evaporator differs in design and has its own properties.In order not to harm the body, you must follow the rules for operating the device. It is important to read the instructions before using the humidifier. For almost all devices, the following rules must be observed:

  • The optimal location is in the center of the room. The evaporator is not placed on the floor. You need a stand with a height of about 1 m.
  • If there are children in the house, the device is placed out of the reach.
  • To prevent the vaporous spraying of water from damaging the environment, the nozzle is turned away from furniture, electronics, walls.
  • Any water tends to deposit solid accumulations. In order not to harm the device, timely clean the filter, reservoir, and other working parts specified in the instructions.
  • In the absence of a built-in hygrometer, the user controls the room humidity level independently.
  • Indoors, it is desirable to maintain a constant air temperature from 20 to 24aboutC, do regular ventilation.

The operating time of the humidifier is determined by the automation. If the device is not equipped with sensors, it is advisable to buy them separately. The operating time will have to be adjusted manually. The filter is usually changed every three months. For evaporators in the children's room, the filter is changed monthly. In order not to get harm from the humidifier, but only benefit, distilled or high-quality filtration is poured into water.

Attention! Together with tap water, the evaporator saturates the room with chlorine impurities.

Can essential oils be added to a humidifier

A humidifier can be used for aromatherapy, but not every device will work. You will need to purchase an evaporator with an air washer function or a special model with an oil compartment. There is a lot of talk about benefits of essential oils for a humidifier, but you can't overdo it. The aroma vaporizer will create a wonderful indoor atmosphere, but oils can harm allergy sufferers, patients with bronchitis, pregnant and lactating mothers, and babies. It all depends on which plant the oil is obtained from. If there is a listed contingent of people in the house, aromatherapy is performed with the permission of a doctor.

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Why a humidifier is harmful

If used improperly, harm can be obtained from any household appliance. As for the evaporator, the following points are distinguished:

  • A steam vaporizer can cause burns on contact with steam. The downside is the increase in temperature in the room during operation, which is undesirable in hot summer. Steam can harm any object it hits.
  • The harm of a cold humidifier is air contamination. Such a nuisance occurs if the filter is not changed in time.
  • The ultrasonic evaporator can be harmful if used with untreated water. Solid impurities will quickly settle on the surface of all objects in the room.

Subject to the rules of use, they get only benefit from household helpers.

Is it possible to catch colds and get sick from a humidifier

Colds most often appear with the onset of damp weather. The same happens when using a humidifier. When the evaporator maintains the humidity in the air, the respiratory tract produces the required amount of mucus. With a strong waterlogging of the air, the amount of mucus increases. Bacteria begin to multiply. A cold appears, which can end with a sore throat.

Air humidifier for bronchitis

Bronchitis can take a long time, especially in a dry room. Lack of moisture affects the appearance of mucus clots. The patient has difficulty breathing. Dry mucus is impossible to cough up. If the humidifier maintains the level of humidity in the air, the patient will recover faster. However, you cannot overdo it with moisture. With high humidity, a patient with bronchitis is at risk of getting pneumonia.

Is an ultrasonic humidifier harmful

Ultrasonic evaporators operate at a frequency of 20 kHz, which is completely safe for the entire living environment. However, the device, along with the benefits, is harmful. It is impossible to find perfectly clean water for filling. Harmful impurities will definitely be present. Together with the spraying, they settle not only on objects, but also get through the respiratory tract into the human body. Ultrasound models can cause harm in the form of asthma, colds, bronchitis, allergies.

Attention! Do not use the ultrasonic humidifier near the pacemaker.

Doctors' opinion on humidifiers

On the benefits of a humidifier, medical advice comes down to the fact that the device should be in every home. Dry air is not only harmful to health, but dangerous for him. In addition to the fact that the skin and mucous membranes suffer, dryness has a negative effect on the work of the heart.

As for the harm of the vaporizer, the doctors also have a firm position. A strong concentration of moisture threatens the appearance of chronic diseases. Mold develops inside the premises, which negatively affects human health.

How to choose the right humidifier

In order for a household appliance to bring no harm, but only benefit, the following rules are followed when choosing a model:

  • The performance should correspond to the volume of the room. You cannot take the device with a margin.
  • The power consumption depends on the power. Steam models are considered the most energy-intensive.
  • The operating device should not make noise. The optimal level is allowed in the range of 34-40 dB.
  • Compactness is not the best indicator of an evaporator. Small tanks will need to be refilled frequently. It is optimal to give preference to models with a capacity of 5 liters.
  • Additional functions are chosen at their discretion. It is important to have a built-in hygrometer and hygrostat.

When the home assistant is selected in all respects, you can pay attention to the design, find a model at an affordable price.


The benefits and harms of a humidifier depend only on how a person uses the device. With the right approach, the evaporator will help create a microclimate inside the room that is favorable to all household inhabitants.

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