Essential oils: useful properties and contraindications, how to use

The benefits and harms of essential oils are individual for each person. The use of active substances is justified by targets for specific problems or diseases; more on this later.

What is essential oil

Essential oil is a concentrated extract from plant parts. They contain chemical compounds that have medicinal properties. The chemical composition is complex and contains: terpenes, ketones, alcohols, aldehydes. The product can be obtained in several ways:

  1. Distillation using steam or vacuum (distillation).
  2. Maceration - extract from plants using vegetable oils with a neutral odor. Then the fatty component is removed with alcohols. The extraction process using non-polar solvents is based on the same principle.
  3. Cold pressing... It is used to extract valuable components from the peel of the fruit.
  4. Anflerage - absorption by fats. The method is applicable for especially rare plants.

It is possible to obtain several types of useful extract from one plant by different methods.

Why essential oils are useful

The health benefits and harms of essential oils are due to their chemical composition.

Adding them to the massage mixture will enhance its beneficial properties: it normalizes the physical and mental state. The properties of citrus fruits are used in anti-cellulite massage to break down fats. Facial massage with rose and sandalwood extracts will have a rejuvenating effect.

Adding valuable ingredients to cosmetics will multiply its benefits.

Actives with bactericidal properties are useful for colds and relieve inflammation.

The benefits of essential oils lie in the properties of their constituents:

  1. Ketones promote wound healing. The pure ketone is camphor. A large number of ketones are found in the chemical composition of sage, rosemary, hyssop, rosemary and eucalyptus.
  2. Ethers work as antiseptics, antispasmodics, and diuretics. They contain cloves, basil, parsley, anise, tarragon.
  3. Aldehydes have anti-inflammatory, sedative and antiviral properties. The benefits of aldehydes are found in lemon balm, lemongrass, citronella.
  4. Sesquiterpenes have high immunostimulating properties. They are useful for sedative and bactericidal effects. A large number of sesquiterpenes are found in chamomile, marigolds, immortelle.
  5. Phenols have bactericidal and warming properties. They are rich in cinnamon, cloves, oregano, savory.
  6. Terpenes burn fat and are useful as antiviruses. These properties are possessed by orange, lemon, pine, nutmeg.
  7. Alcohols benefit from their antiseptic and anti-cold properties. Many alcohols contain myrtle, patchouli, sandalwood, ginger, tea tree.
Recommended reading:  Cinnamon: beneficial properties and contraindications

The use of essential oils in cosmetology

The properties of essential oils in cosmetology are manifested in improving the condition of the skin and hair. The assets are used in professional and home cosmetology by enriching cosmetics with them.They are added to ready-made cosmetic products or self-prepared masks just before use.

For facial skin

The benefits of essential oils for facial skin depend on their type. In addition, the composition is selected according to the type of skin.

The properties of the most popular essential oils for the face are shown in the table.

The use of essential oils depending on the type of skin:

Depending on your skin type, you can use different recipes for cosmetic masks.

For the dry type, the mask is prepared as follows:

To warm base oil in the amount of 1 tsp. (rice bran, almond, jojoba) add 2 drops of sandalwood and rosewood and 1 drop of jasmine. The composition is applied to the face for 30 minutes. The remains are removed with a damp cloth.

For the bold type apply the following recipe:

  1. 2 tablespoons of white clay are mixed with warm water until the consistency of sour cream. Add 1 tsp. honey.
  2. Into the resulting mixture of clay and honey, 1 drop of essential oils of juniper and lemon are added.
  3. Distribute on the face, leave to dry and wash off with warm water.

For normal type useful mask:

  1. 1 tsp base oil of apricot, peach or grape seeds are enriched with 1 drop of grapefruit and mint ethers.
  2. An alternative would be rose or lavender.
  3. Apply for 20 - 30 minutes, remove the residues with a damp cloth.
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Comment! The mixtures are used at least 2 times a week in courses of 1 month with a break between them.

For hair

The benefits and harms of essential oils for hair are manifested, depending on the literacy of their use, in healing, accelerating growth, getting rid of dandruff and giving shine.

Table of uses and properties of essential oils, depending on the problem

Essential oils are used in masks, added to shampoos and rinses before use in a dosage of no more than 1 drop.

For masks, base oils are the basis, the benefits of which are different, depending on the properties of each of them:

  1. Hair growth is stimulated by pumpkin, castor, mustard oil.
  2. Reduces hair loss and smooths argan and burdock. The oils of pine nut and hazelnut have the same property.
  3. Reduces brittleness of macadamia, avocado and hemp.
  4. Reduce the appearance of oily seborrhea sesame, calendula and avocado.
  5. Remove dry dandruff cedar, poppy, peach and mustard.
  6. Universal oils that improve the condition in general are castor, linseed, olive, jojoba.

The hair mask is prepared on the basis of a base with the addition of 2 drops of different active substances according to the specific problems indicated in the table. For 2 tablespoons of the base, add 2 drops of ether, apply to the scalp and along the length of the hair. The mixture is kept under a warming cap for an hour and washed off with shampoo.

Important! The properties of essential oils for hair are revealed with the regular use of useful components, at least 1 time per week.

For body

For the body, essential oils are used as massage oil additives and during baths. Per serving of massage cream, add 2 drops of essential oil with a relaxing or invigorating effect. When taking baths, they must be added to the foam or directly into the water.

Important! To avoid harm to the body, a healing bath can be taken for no more than 15 minutes.

Properties of essential oils in aromatherapy

During aromatherapy, concentrated substances are absorbed through the sense of smell. The essence of the mechanism of aromatherapy is as follows: the molecules of the extracts through their inhalation enter the bloodstream and have a beneficial effect on the body. With the help of pleasant smells, you can improve your mood, eliminate the negative effect of stress factors. The benefit in this case consists in the general harmonization of the human condition.

The healing properties of essential oils in aromatherapy:

  1. Refreshing: fir, mint, citrus, lavender and immortelle ..
  2. Cleansing the body of toxins: rosemary, lemongrass, citrus fruits, rose, sage.
  3. Stimulants: hyssop, juniper, pine, fir, verbena, coriander.
  4. Harmonizing the inner state: all flower extracts.
  5. Inhalation of sandalwood, coniferous and lavender bark smells has a relaxing effect.
  6. The soothing properties are characteristic of mint, jasmine, incense, vanilla.
  7. Anti-stress: all floral scents.

In aromatherapy, the use of valuable extracts is possible by adding them to baths, massage mixtures, and aroma lamps.

The use of essential oils in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, active substances are used for compresses, inhalations. Basic properties:

  1. For colds, needles, anise, thyme, citrus fruits are recommended.
  2. Rosemary, thyme, sage, lavender are useful for wound healing.
Important! Ingestion is possible only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Can essential oils be used by pregnant and lactating women

The use of essential oils during pregnancy and lactation can harm both mother and baby and must be used with caution. It can be added to cosmetics if there is no allergy. You should consult a specialist.

Unambiguous harm during pregnancy will bring extracts of camphor, black pepper, conifers, jasmine, cinnamon, mint, thyme, marjoram, wormwood, mustard, ginger. They stimulate the tone of the uterus.

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Are essential oils good for kids

For children under one year old, esters containing menthol can cause irreparable harm. The harm of exposure is manifested in the fact that they can cause jaundice and even respiratory arrest. Menthol contains wintergreen, mint, eucalyptus.

Frankincense, chamomile, citrus fruits are relatively safe. Harm is possible in the presence of individual intolerance.

Important! Before using for children, you need to consult a pediatrician.

How to choose a quality essential oil

There is no quality standard for essential oils in Russia, which complicates their choice. Natural and synthetic substances are called essential oils. Pharmacy concentrates are mostly synthetic, and it is not worth buying them for cosmetology and treatment.

Many consumers purchase assets at low prices, which show that the product is made from synthetic ingredients. The real extract cannot be cheap because of the complex technology and expensive raw materials. The most expensive are flower extracts, the cheapest are conifers and citrus fruits.

The bottle of this product must be made of dark glass, have a dispenser and a package of 1 to 15 ml. The vial will show the name of the manufacturer, the name of the plant and the expiration date. It is also obligatory to mark that the composition is 100% natural - in Russian or English.

How to find your essential oil

Determining the essential oil suitable for yourself can only be done through testing. You need to make sure that you are not allergic to it, the smell should be pleasant and not lead to headaches.

Information! If the smell is unpleasant at the first impression, the ether will not be useful.

Harm of essential oils and contraindications

Harm can be caused by improper use, so you need to adhere to the restrictions:

  1. Do not apply it neat to the skin.
  2. Do not exceed 1 - 2 drops per serving of base.
  3. Do not combine more than 5 types at once.
  4. Do not use the same ether for more than 3 weeks.
  5. Do not ingest.

It must be remembered that the composition is flammable, so it must not be opened or mixed with the base near an open flame.

The most serious harm can be caused by allergies. It manifests itself in a wide range of symptoms, from facial flushing to choking.

Important! Before using, it is necessary to carry out an allergy test: drip on the skin and track the reaction during the day.


The benefits and harms of essential oils depend on their properties and quality. It is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of the product and use only in the indicated dosage. Substances have a strong biological activity, and bring tangible benefits to the body only with proper use. Harm can also happen from fake mixtures.

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