What foods cause insomnia

Difficulties with falling asleep do not always arise against the background of a violation of the regime, psycho-emotional changes. Neurologists and psychotherapists isolate foods that cause insomnia. Their exclusion during the evening hours can significantly improve the quality of sleep and facilitate the process of falling asleep.

Features of foods that cause insomnia

Sleep disturbance occurs in a significant number of people. Insomnia is often triggered by the following factors:

  • daytime rest;
  • excited state before going to bed;
  • intense workout in the evening;
  • mental fatigue.

The speed of falling asleep is influenced by the characteristics of the diet. It has been proven that some dishes are able to excite the nervous system, as well as load the digestive tract, which leads to a distortion of the sleep mechanism.

What foods cause insomnia

Insomnia is often caused by a variety of causes. The diet and the consumption of certain foods are essential.


This product often provokes sleep disturbance. Limit caffeinated foods in the afternoon:

  • Black tea;
  • chocolate;
  • chewing gum.
Important! Some medications, such as NSAIDs, diuretics, and cold medications, contain caffeine. Before using them, you should carefully read the instructions.
Experts emphasize that caffeine's effects are not straightforward

Fatty food

Certain foods have been shown to limit the supply of oxygen to the brain. These include fries and hamburgers. Special care should be taken for people with acid reflux.

High-calorie and fatty foods disrupt digestion, as well as the secretion of stomach acid. These factors impair sleep due to increased digestive stress and cause lethargy and lethargy.

Attention! Before going to bed, you should avoid eating chocolate, cheese, pork, tomatoes and potatoes. These foods contain the amino acid teramine, which converts to the brain stimulant norepinephrine.
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Causes insomnia: eating fatty meat or fish before bed

Yellow cheeses

Aged product includes teramine. This substance has an exciting effect on the brain. Teramin also inhibits melatonin synthesis.

Yellow cheeses are consumed a few hours before bedtime.

Spices and food additives

Adding some spices to food can cause insomnia. Hot spices containing garlic, as well as monosodium glutamate (E621), have an exciting effect on the nervous system.

Monosodium glutamate is a common cause of hyperactivity in children.


Peas and beans have a high nutritional value. However, dishes prepared with these products cause flatulence.

It is not recommended to eat legumes for dinner due to the risk of increased gas formation

Alcoholic drinks

Alcohol is one of the most powerful brain stimulants. Nicotine has a similar effect.

Important! You should not drink large amounts of water before bedtime, so as not to cause multiple urge to urinate.
Often alcoholic beverages provoke insomnia

Rules for the use of foods that cause insomnia

It is not recommended to eat foods that interfere with sleep at night. Fatty foods can be taken no later than a few hours before going to bed. Processed cheese is subject to long digestion. It can be replaced with hard grades.

The effect of products containing caffeine lasts from 1 to 12 hours. This should be taken into account in people who have difficulty falling asleep with the appropriate food.

The following foods cause insomnia in the elderly:

  • sugar;
  • White bread;
  • fig.

They raise blood glucose levels, which the body lowers through the production of insulin and the release of hormones (cortisol and adrenaline). That is why it is advisable to eat fruits in the evening that have a beneficial effect on sleep.

Herbal teas are good for the nervous system. You can also drink a mug of mildly brewed green tea before bed.

Insomnia products

Insomnia causes not only physical but also mental exhaustion. When it occurs, it is not necessary to immediately resort to the use of medications. You can fix the problem by changing your usual diet.

In the evening, it is preferable to eat foods that facilitate falling asleep
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Experts call the following foods that improve sleep:

  1. Bananas... Fruits contain magnesium and potassium, which help to relax muscles. The composition also includes tryptophan. This amino acid is essential for the synthesis of serotonin, melatonin. The neurotransmitter promotes good mood and relaxation. Melatonin is called the sleep hormone. It has antioxidant properties and is produced through food intake. Bananas should be eaten no later than 1 hour before bedtime.
  2. Sesame oil... Healthy products relax the nervous system due to the high concentration of tryptophan.
  3. Eggs... The product contains a significant amount of protein, which helps to fall asleep and eliminate acid reflux.
  4. Almond... Nuts contain protein and magnesium. Eating a handful of almonds is enough to fight insomnia. The recommended amount should not be exceeded due to its high fat content.
  5. A fish... Fish, in particular salmon, contain vitamin B6. This compound is required for the formation of melatonin.
  6. Milk... The product is rich in calcium and tryptophan. The amino acid is converted to melatonin, which helps you fall asleep faster.
  7. Cabbage... Calcium is found not only in milk, but also in green leafy vegetables.
  8. Cherry... The berry is a natural source of melatonin.
  9. Oatmeal... Each serving includes magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, calcium. These components help to eliminate insomnia. For the porridge to be extremely beneficial, it is not recommended to add a significant amount of sugar.
  10. Honey... Glucose raises insulin levels, which improves the conversion of tryptophan to melatonin. Before going to bed, it is advisable to eat no more than 1 spoonful of honey on an empty stomach.
  11. Grapes... A beneficial product includes melatonin, which soothes the nervous system.
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Useful Tips

The list of foods that cause insomnia contains various names. The impact of the same dishes on the body is ambiguous. If you experience sleep disorders, you should review your diet. This will help identify foods that trigger insomnia. It is not necessary to completely eliminate them from the diet. It is enough to move the use to earlier hours.


Foods that cause insomnia have a negative effect on the nervous system. Some foods cause difficulty falling asleep by increasing the load on the digestive system.

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