How to remove orange stains

There are several ways to remove orange stains - pollution is not at all fatal. But so that after cleaning and washing the thing is not completely spoiled, you need to know exactly how corrosive citrus stains are removed.

Features of removing stains from orange

Orange-yellow stains are considered some of the most difficult to remove in a wash. Even if you soak a stained item immediately after the stain has been planted, a mark may remain on the fabric. And old citrus contamination is generally considered hopeless, it is rarely possible to remove them with ordinary powder.

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To understand how to remove stubborn stains, you need to study their nature. The orange and yellow color of citrus juices is determined by the presence of beta and alpha carotene in the fruit. And it is carotene compounds that adhere so firmly to the fibers of the tissue, but their structure can be destroyed with the help of alcohol, alkaline or acidic agents.

To successfully remove orange stains from children's clothes or remove dirt from your own things, you must also take into account the "age" of the stain. Fresh citrus traces are much easier to deal with, old citrus stains are more challenging. If the garment has been stained with an orange, it should be immediately removed and washed, without waiting for the trace of juice to dry and adhere to the fabric.

Advice! Before using any stain remover, test it on a hidden area of ​​clothing, such as the inseam. This will ensure that the stain remover you choose will not backfire or make the situation worse.
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With white clothes

White items require extra care when removing orange stains. First of all, it will be especially difficult to remove an orange from white clothes - the stain must be removed completely, even a faint trace of it will remain noticeable on the clothes.

In addition, when washing white items, do not use specialized or household products containing chlorine, they give the fabric a yellowish tint. Hydrogen peroxide should be used with caution, it can also make white fabrics yellow, especially if the clothes are dry in the light.

With colored clothes

Removing an orange juice stain from colored clothes is a little easier, especially if the thing is colorful and bright, even if a small trace of an orange speck remains, it simply won't be visible. But you need to take precautions here too.

Colored things do not react well to high temperatures and intense mechanical stress. Therefore, hand or machine wash should be gentle, and the water temperature should be set low so that the thing does not lose color and beautiful appearance.

Some stain removers have a negative effect on the dye in the fabric.This must also be taken into account - concentrated chemicals can lead to the fact that the orange trail can be removed, but instead of it a distinct faded area will appear on the colored thing.

How to wash orange from clothes using folk methods

Orange stains do not need to be removed with expensive chemicals. Some home remedies work just as well to remove dirt.

How to remove an orange stain with cold water

Orange marks are removed not only by hot water, but also by cold water. This method works especially well for fresh dirt. The soiled thing must be quickly placed under running cold water and lightly rubbed the orange trace until it disappears completely. So that there are no spots left from the orange juice, after that the soiled thing should be removed and still loaded into the washing machine, then the result will be guaranteed.

How to use vinegar to wash orange from clothes

You can use table vinegar to remove fresh and aged orange stains. To remove a stain from an orange on white with this product, you need to moisten a cotton pad with the product and press it against the stained area for 5-7 minutes. Then you need to rinse the fabric in cold water if the stain is fresh, or send it to a full wash if the pollution has appeared long ago.

The method is suitable only for processing natural durable fabrics. It is impossible to remove spots from nylon, viscose and other synthetic things with vinegar, the product will damage the structure of the fabric.

Attention! You can remove contamination only with 9% table vinegar - strong 70% essence or wine vinegar will not work here, they will only ruin the fabric.

How to salt orange from clothes

Remove orange juice, if the stain is fresh, you can use ordinary salt. You just need to properly sprinkle the dirt - you need to do this while the stain is still wet. The salt will absorb most of the orange juice, so the stain on the fabric will be less visible and will be easier to remove later.

It is convenient to use salt if, for some reason, the damaged item cannot be immediately soaked in cold water.

How to remove orange stains with boiling water

Fresh orange specks can not only be soaked in cold water, but also scalded immediately with boiling water - the effect will be no worse. You can also treat old stains with boiling water before washing - hot water will make it more pliable, and it will be easier to remove the stain.

Important! You can use boiling water only for strong and dense white linen or cotton fabrics. Colored things, as well as synthetic clothes, should not be treated with boiling water - this will ruin the structure of the fabric or negatively affect its color.

How to wash orange juice with glycerin

You can also use homemade methods to remove orange juice stains from delicate fabrics. For example, glycerin works well - you need to apply it to the stain and leave it on for 2 hours. After that, the clothes are rinsed, loaded into the washing machine and washed in the delicate mode.

It is recommended to use glycerin for children's clothes - the product not only removes corrosive dirt well, but also softens the fabric, making it especially pleasant to the touch.

How to remove orange stain with baking soda

Another homemade way to remove specks from white fabric is to use baking soda. About 130 g of soda powder should be diluted in 1 liter of water, treated with the resulting solution on the stain and left for 20-30 minutes.

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After that, the clothes should be rinsed under running water and washed in the usual way in the machine to completely remove both the remains of soda and traces of the stain.

How to remove orange stains with household chemicals

If home remedies do not help in any way to remove a difficult stain, or you do not want to risk a beautiful thing when treating with improvised compounds, you can use specialized household chemicals. There are dozens of aggressive and mild liquids on the market, suitable for removing even the most stubborn stains.

For example, the following remedies bring good results.

  • Stain removers - there are many such products on the market designed specifically for high-quality removal of stubborn stains. It is very simple to use the product - you need to apply a small amount of liquid directly to the stain, leave it for a few minutes, and then put the item in the washing machine and run it for a regular wash. In this case, it is recommended to add the stain remover again - but this time in a special compartment in the dispenser. The exact dosage of the stain remover and the time period during which the liquid must be kept on clothes are indicated in the instructions for the specific products.
  • Bleaches - These chemicals are also specially formulated to restore garments to their original color and to remove stains. It is best to use such household chemicals for white clothes - when used on colored clothes, bleach can negatively affect the dyes in the fabric and reduce its brightness. Bleach is used in almost the same way as a stain remover - with the difference that the thing must be soaked in a specialized product entirely, also for a few minutes. Then the clothes are sent to the wash, and a little more bleach is added to the washing powder just in case.
  • Dishwashing liquid with baking soda, if you need to wash the orange juice urgently, and you cannot remove it by regular washing, you can use these household products. Mix baking soda and detergent in a ratio of 1 to 2 and apply on a dirty place for half an hour, then rinse in water.
  • Cleaning wet wipes are an interesting option., which also allow you to remove fresh spots. They differ from ordinary hygienic ones in that their impregnation contains substances that quickly and effectively dissolve fresh dirt. Stain wipes are especially convenient because they can be carried with you almost anywhere. If a stain is planted on your clothes at work, in a restaurant or while walking in the park, you don't have to wait to get home to get the pollution out.

Among household chemicals, it is necessary to mention the usual bleaching detergent, if there are no other specialized products at hand, then you can try to remove the pollution only with its help. But it must be borne in mind that for an old orange trace, the properties of the powder are likely to be few or the thing will have to be washed several times in a row. In addition, it is better to use such a powder on a white cloth, bleaching chemicals can make colored clothes fade.


It is quite possible to remove orange stains from both white and colored clothes. But it is better to start removing the stain immediately after it has appeared. If the orange juice has time to dry, it will become much more difficult to remove traces from the fabric - citrus fruits can leave very persistent dirt.

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