The benefits and harms of riding a scooter

A scooter is not only pleasant memories from childhood or a way to entertain your own children. There are many designs on the market today, many of which are suitable for an adult audience. The benefits of driving can hardly be overestimated for both children and adults.

The benefits of the scooter for adults

Contrary to the misconceptions that a scooter is purely child's play, a certain category of adults consistently uses this device. This is due not only to the fact that the scooter can be used as a means for walking and movement, but also for the purpose of improving health. Regular and correct use of the scooter really has a beneficial and strengthening effect on the body. Further in the article, we will take a closer look at what the benefits and harms of a scooter can be.

The benefits of riding a scooter for the human body:

  • prevention of varicose veins;
  • the risk of blood clots in blood vessels is reduced;
  • the general condition of blood vessels and the cardiovascular system improves;
  • strengthening of the lower limbs;
  • eye muscle training;
  • prevention of cervical vertebrae and lower back;
  • you can lose weight by riding a scooter;
  • cleansing the lungs and strengthening the respiratory system;
  • hardening and strengthening of immunity.
Important! Separately, it is worth mentioning the beneficial effect on the nervous system. After skiing, stress goes away, and a charge of positive emotions and cheerfulness comes.

In addition to its general tonic effects, it is also beneficial for both male and female health.

For women

First of all, women are given the opportunity to keep their figure in good shape. A thirty-minute walk with this unit is an alternative to fitness, and therefore the slimming scooter is one of the best tools.

Such loads make it possible to pump up the gluteal muscles, as well as the back and press. In certain places, systematic loading allows you to reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat, so the benefits of a scooter for your figure are invaluable.

For men

For men, rides on a scooter will be useful as a prophylaxis for adenoma and prostatitis. With active driving, there is an intense blood supply to the pelvic organs.

The benefits of the scooter for children

There are many prejudices and myths associated with the use of a scooter by children, which have long been challenged by doctors. If used correctly and safely, it will only bring benefits.

Unlike bikewhere only the lower body works, the scooter also connects the back muscles and the press to the work. This contributes to a more harmonious development of the child. Besides the fact that riding involves almost all muscles, it also strengthens the vestibular apparatus and develops coordination.

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Attention! One of the main advantages of children's scooters for the little ones is that they can be used even at home.

The safety of such a unit is definitely higher than that of a bicycle, roller or skate, from which you can easily fall and hurt yourself.

At what age will a scooter benefit a child

You can start skating even at the age of two.There is no need to worry about how to learn how to ride a scooter even for the smallest rider, as everything is very simple. For these kids, specialized lightweight, compact, easy-to-operate three-wheeled vehicles have been developed. They are as simple and safe as possible, but in addition to the beneficial effect, they also bring a lot of positives.

Advice! In general, it is recommended to offer a scooter to a child after he has learned to walk well. This is due to the fact that the child must develop a habit of performing complex movements.

The two-wheeled version is already suitable for children aged four to five years, who will be able to constantly maintain balance. After a certain experience and skill appears, you can acquire a trick variation of the device.

What muscles work when riding a scooter

During the ride, various muscles and their whole groups work:

  1. Leg muscles. The hip quadriceps and calf muscles work and develop.
  2. The gluteal muscles are strengthened, especially if you change your leg frequently.
  3. Back muscles.
  4. Press.
  5. Hamstrings.

How many calories are burned when riding a scooter

The amount of calories burned depends on two main factors: the person's weight and the length of the ride.

For example, a person with a mass of 70 kg in 5 minutes will burn 35 kcal, and per hour, respectively, twelve times more, that is, 420 kcal. Likewise, you can calculate data for any person and type of training in order to achieve maximum results.

How to properly ride a scooter

Despite the seeming ease of driving, it is recommended to observe the following set of rules:

  1. You should not go for a walk immediately after eating.
  2. Rest should alternate with an active phase.
  3. It is recommended to warm up before riding.
  4. To achieve maximum effect, regular arrivals are required.

The advantages of a scooter

Considering such a device as a scooter, one should highlight a number of its indisputable advantages over bicycles, rollers, skateboards and other similar units.

Among the main advantages are the following aspects:

  1. Active involvement of many body systems, their training and strengthening.
  2. Small size, compactness, lightness.
  3. Doesn't require a lot of storage space.
  4. There is almost no need for maintenance.
  5. Affordable price and remarkable durability.
  6. Operational safety, risks are negligible.
  7. Ease of management, care and control.
  8. Possibility of free movement on the sidewalk.
  9. The absence of pedals makes it possible to operate vehicles even in cold seasons.
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How to choose a scooter for an adult and a child

There are two groups of models: scooters and shirts. T-shirts are professional sports models with a special design for high-speed riding, but they will not be considered in this article.

Scooters also come in two main types: urban and stunt scooters. Stunt riders are intended for experienced and skillful riders who add all kinds of jumps and other elements to their trips, and often ride altogether only in special areas with jumps.

City scooters are the most familiar and simple option, which is suitable for children and adults, and you can also choose a scooter for the elderly. The three-wheeled variation is a purely children's model, only for the little ones. Otherwise, the choice is made based on the following parameters:

  • the size and type of wheels;
  • steering wheel height;
  • the presence of a hand brake for an emergency stop;
  • material of construction;
  • width of the foot pad.

The safety of scooter riding depends on the characteristics of the wheels. And speed, agility and efficiency will depend on the width of the footrest and rudder.

Scooter harm

Subject to the safety rules and correct operation, the considered mode of transport becomes harmless. The risk of injury or bruising is negligible and arises only in connection with unforeseen circumstances that may appear on a particular section of the path.

There are several misconceptions that claim that in certain aspects the scooter is harmful to the child. These opinions are classified as myths, since they have already been scientifically refuted.

There are three main misconceptions:

  1. The child may develop a curvature of the spine. This statement is based on the fact that while driving, the child constantly uses one side and allegedly skews because of this. Considering the short duration of children's trips, it is hardly possible to speak of some kind of curvature in such a short period.
  2. Such driving is harmful for children 2 years old. Again, the statement about the possible distortion of the spine. Doctors explain that for the occurrence of really negative processes, it will be necessary to drive continuously for 3-4 hours, which is more within the power of an athlete with a discharge, and not a child of 2-3 years old.
  3. Traumatic vehicle. Riding a scooter is safer than even cycling. It will not be possible to develop a really dangerous speed, and if necessary, you can dismount very quickly and gently. The only danger can only be a badly assembled or defective design.


This article discussed the benefits and harms of a scooter. Obviously, this is a simple and budgetary tool that makes it possible to improve your health, keep yourself in good shape, raise your mood and get a charge of emotions. Such a device is perfect for city trips, as well as for children's fun or family outings.

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