The composition and useful properties of chacha from cherry plum, grapes

Chacha is a national Georgian drink of high strength. You can prepare it at home if you study the basic recipes, rules for fermentation and storage of alcohol.

What is chacha

Real Georgian chacha is a strong alcoholic drink made from grape pomace. According to the classic patented recipe, it is prepared exclusively from raw materials grown on the territory of Georgia, Abkhazia, Meskheti, Kakheti and some other regions. Real chacha has a bright taste and aroma, a transparent colorless structure, although with good aging, a pale golden or dark straw color of the drink is allowed.

Yeast is not used in the process of creating a traditional product. Fermentation occurs only due to natural microorganisms remaining on the surface of the grapes.

It is not customary to add sugar or alcohol to chacha according to the classic recipe.

In addition to grape chacha, there are other varieties made on the basis of fruits and berries. In Georgia, they are often called the word "brandy" to emphasize the differences from the classic drink.

Chacha composition and taste

This drink contains a large number of useful substances. Among the main ones are:

  • potassium;
  • vitamin PP;
  • iron and phosphorus;
  • sodium;
  • riboflavin;
  • magnesium.

Strong alcohol prepared according to the classic recipe has a mild, slightly tart taste and a pleasant raisin note. If chacha is made on the basis of fruits or berries, then appropriate shades will be felt in it.

Calorie content of chacha

The nutritional value of the product is 225 calories per 100 ml. The composition contains 0.5 g of carbohydrates, and fats and proteins take 0.1 g each.


Grape alcohol, on the basis of which chacha is made, has a strength of 70-80%. But ready-made homemade drink is usually diluted with water to an average of 55-60%. Shop versions of alcohol are approximately equal in strength to vodka.

Why is chacha useful?

Strong Georgian chacha has many beneficial properties. When consumed in moderation, the drink:

  • lowers bad blood cholesterol;
  • serves as the prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps fight inflammation;
  • relieves swelling and improves kidney function.

In Georgia, chacha is called "the drink of longevity" precisely due to its strengthening properties. But the beneficial qualities of the product are manifested only if moderate dosages are observed. If taken too often and in large quantities, it will cause the body the same harm as any other alcohol.

Chacha in small quantities prevents the development of oncology

Useful properties of cherry plum chacha

One of the cooking options offers to take as raw material not grape cake, but yellow wild plum. An alcoholic drink based on cherry plum retains the benefits of fresh fruits. Namely:

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  • has a tonic and refreshing effect;
  • prevents the appearance of vitamin deficiency;
  • prevents the development of diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • removes toxins and toxins from the body.
Important! Cherry plum chacha contains little sugar even when using sweeteners. Therefore, you can use it without fear of an increase in blood glucose levels.

Benefits of grape chacha

The classic grape chacha is known primarily for its anti-inflammatory properties. It helps fight viruses and infections, improves blood circulation and normalizes digestive processes. Drinking small amounts of the drink is beneficial for hypotension, as it increases blood pressure.

Benefits of chacha tincture

Tincture with increased strength is excellent for the symptoms of flu and colds, lowers fever and eliminates general malaise. The drink has antiseptic properties, fights bacterial processes in the oral cavity. Externally, the product is treated with cuts and wounds for disinfection.

Diluted chacha tincture can be used to gargle with sore throat

How to cook at home

There are several recipes for making delicious and healthy chacha. In many ways, they are similar to each other, but there are differences.

Classic grape recipe

The classic recipe suggests making a drink from the following ingredients:

  • grapes - 25 kg;
  • water - 50 l;
  • sugar - 10 kg.

The sweetener in this recipe is used as desired. It negatively affects the real taste of chacha, although it allows you to increase the yield of the drink.

The scheme for creating alcohol is as follows:

  1. Unwashed grapes are properly kneaded by hands along with scallops and seeds in a large container, water is added and stirred with a wooden stick. If it is decided to add sugar to the drink, then you need to fill it up at the same stage. The container is not completely filled, about 10% of the free space for fermentation should remain.
  2. A water seal is placed on top of a vessel with grape cake and transferred to a dark, warm place for 30-90 days.
  3. After fermentation is over and bubbles stop appearing in the container with water, the wash is drained from the sediment and primary distillation is carried out in a special cube. The heating is set to maximum, after the temperature rises to 95 ° C or more, the selection is stopped.
  4. The resulting moonshine is diluted with water to 20% and a second distillation is carried out. The first 350 ml of the resulting product is disposed of, this fraction contains a lot of acetone and vinegar, and you cannot drink it. The remainder is drained until the strength of the jet drops to 45%.

It remains to dilute the finished grape chacha with water to 50-60% and taste.

Before use, it is recommended to insist grape chacha for 2-3 days in a cool dark place

Chacha from cherry plum

Another popular recipe suggests using ripe cherry plum instead of grapes. The ingredient list looks like this:

  • cherry plum - 10 kg;
  • water - 5 l;
  • sugar - 2 kg.

The cooking recipe largely repeats the classic scheme:

  1. The bones are removed from the unwashed cherry plum. It takes a lot of time, but it is undesirable to put the pulp to ferment with them, the finished chacha will acquire bitter notes.
  2. The remaining fruits are kneaded by hand to a state of homogeneous gruel. You can also use a meat grinder.
  3. The cake is poured with sugar syrup made from 500 g of sweetener and 1 liter of water. The neck of the container is closed with gauze and the container is removed to a warm, dark place for fermentation for a couple of days. If on the third day foam, sour smell and hissing do not appear, 150 g of pressed yeast will have to be added to the mixture. According to the recipe, this should be avoided, since real chacha is prepared with “wild” sourdough.
  4. After the expiration date, the fermented mixture is poured into a new container. Another portion of the sweetener is added - 1.5 kg of sugar is diluted in 4 liters of water and the syrup is poured into the cherry plum mash.A water seal or a punctured glove is placed on the neck of the vessel and removed to a dark place with a temperature of up to 28 ° C for 15-45 days. The fermentation rate is determined individually and depends on the microclimate and the activity of natural yeast.

At the end of the period, the solution is drained from the sediment and passed through cheesecloth, squeezing out the remains of the cherry plum pulp. As in the classic recipe, chacha is distilled twice over a cube. The finished product is diluted with water to a level of 40-45% and removed to infuse for several days.

Cherry plum chacha contains many acids, so sugar is added to it contrary to traditional technology

Chacha from apples

The original recipe suggests using apples as raw materials. To make chacha, you need the following ingredients:

  • apple extracts - 10 kg;
  • wine yeast - 11 g;
  • sugar - 6 kg;
  • water - 30 liters.

The recipe for making chacha is very simple:

  • poured apple extracts with warm water in a large container, add sugar and stir thoroughly;
  • pre-diluted yeast is added to the wort;
  • a water seal is placed on the container and sent to a dark, warm place for 10-15 days;
  • mash for chacha is poured through cheesecloth and squeezed out the remnants of apples;
  • the fruit liquid is distilled through the cube at maximum power up to 5% of the strength of the stream;
  • the resulting crude is diluted with water to 20%;
  • at low power, the so-called "heads" of the drink are taken, or the first 5-7%, unsuitable for consumption;
  • the "body" of the wash is drained to 60-85% of the fortress in the stream.

Apple chacha is traditionally diluted with water to 45-55% and poured into glass bottles. It is recommended to put them in a dark, cool place for a couple of weeks before use.

Apple chacha has a very intense fruity aroma reminiscent of cider

Chacha from apricots

A tasty and healthy chacha with a sweetish taste can be obtained from apricots. The list of ingredients is as follows:

  • apricots - 10 kg;
  • water - 15 l;
  • dry yeast - 15 g;
  • sugar - 5 kg.
Important! Yeast in the recipe is used as needed, if natural fermentation is reluctant.

The preparation of a drink looks like this:

  • apricots get rid of seeds and knead by hand or mechanically, you do not need to rinse the fruits first;
  • the pulp in a large glass vessel is poured with water and sugar is added;
  • the neck is covered with a water seal or an ordinary punctured glove and the vessel is removed to a dark warm place for 40 days;
  • if fermentation does not start after a couple of days, presoaked yeast is added to the solution;
  • after the glove is deflated or bubbles cease to appear in the water seal, the mash is filtered from the pulp through gauze.

Next, the resulting drink is distilled in a moonshine still. The distillation is finished when the strength of the jet is reduced to 30% or less. The alcohol is diluted to 20 ° C and a second distillation is carried out to 40%. After that, chacha is diluted with water and kept in the cold for a couple of days before consumption.

Apricot chacha retains its sweetish fruity notes even with a low amount of sugar

Chacha from tangerines

An unusual recipe suggests making chacha from citrus pulp. Required for cooking:

  • tangerines - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 2.5 kg;
  • yeast - 500 g;
  • water - 11.5 liters.

The recipe is as follows:

  • tangerines are peeled and crushed into gruel using a mortar or by hand;
  • sugar is diluted in warm water and mixed with citrus pulp;
  • pre-prepared yeast is added;
  • the container is covered with a shutter and left to ferment in a warm place for two weeks;
  • after the expiration date, the wash is filtered from the sediment and distilled at a temperature of 79-84 ° C;
  • the crude is diluted with water to a concentration of 30% and distilled again.

When re-distilling, the first 250 ml of the product are poured separately - they cannot be drunk. The main distillate is diluted to about 45%, defended for 3-4 days and tasted.

Attention! Yeast in the recipe with tangerines is used without fail, since without them the pulp cannot ferment.
For an interesting taste and aroma, you can add a couple of cherry leaves to the tangerine sourdough

Homemade chacha tincture recipe

In addition to the traditional drink, you can make a medicinal tincture from chacha. The most popular recipe using pine nuts, which will require:

  • chacha 45% - 1 l;
  • pine nuts - 20 g;
  • sugar - 17 g

To make a tincture of chacha, you must:

  • mix nuts with sugar, after breaking the shell, but not removing it completely, it should only lose its integrity;
  • pour the chacha ingredients and mix;
  • seal the container and send it to a warm, dark place for two weeks;
  • Pass the finished tincture through folded gauze.

The drink is poured into a new container and stored in the refrigerator.

Chacha tincture on pine nuts improves blood circulation and brain activity

How to use correctly

Traditionally, chacha is consumed from ordinary vodka glasses. The aged drink is served at room temperature, and if the alcohol is of medium quality, it is pre-cooled to 10 ° C.

It is recommended to drink chacha 30-50 ml from time to time - on holidays or in cold weather. You can eat it with salty or sweet foods, grapes and salads, vegetables and fruits, khachapuri and hard cheeses.

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In Georgia, chacha is consumed with almost any national dish

Cooking applications

Usually alcohol is used in its pure form, but it is also allowed to use it to create cocktails. The drink is mixed with fruit juices and liqueurs, red vermouth or vodka, depending on the recipe.

In small dosages, strong alcohol is allowed to be added to tea or coffee, as well as to baked goods. In the latter case, the pastry acquires an unusual aroma and special splendor.

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Contraindications and harm of chacha

The benefits and harms of chacha are related to each other. You cannot drink the drink:

  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding;
  • with hypertension;
  • with chronic heart ailments;
  • with stomach ulcers and gastritis with high acidity;
  • with pancreatitis.

It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverage for children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

Conditions and shelf life

Strong alcohol is stored in a glass container under an airtight lid or stopper with sealed lids and stoppers in a place protected from direct sunlight. The optimum temperature is 15-20 ° С, the air humidity is about 85%. It is strongly not recommended to keep the drink in a plastic container, as it will become cloudy and may form a sediment. In some cases, strong alcohol simply burns through the container.

Subject to the conditions, the drink can be stored for years and decades without loss of benefits and taste. It is believed that after 3-10 years of aging, it only reveals its best properties and rich aroma.


Chacha is a strong alcoholic drink with numerous preparation options. Traditionally, it is made from grape pomace, but there are other recipes based on berries and fruits, with or without yeast and sugar. When consumed in moderation, chacha has a very beneficial effect on the body.

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