Oregano (oregano): benefits and harms, application, description, photo of the plant

The wild oregano plant is found in gardens, vegetable gardens. The benefits and harms of oregano are known to folk medicine and pharmacists, products with it are used to treat adults, sometimes children. Herbal tea appears on tables for no medical purposes because of its aroma, taste.

What does oregano look like and where does it grow

Oregano, another name for oregano, is cultivated by traditional medicine lovers. It grows in forests, in clearings, in Russia it is found everywhere, except for the Far North, in the wild. When planting in the garden, no special conditions are required. In Europe and the USA, it grows only in a cultivated form.

The benefits and harms of oregano are known to scientists who are interested in amateurs. The plant reaches a height of 70 cm, has a branched stem. Blooms in June and July. In hot summer, re-flowering is possible after cutting. Inflorescences are mauve, located in the leaf axils of the apex of the main and lateral shoots.

Composition and nutritional value of oregano

The beneficial effect of oregano is explained by the chemical composition of the plant sap. The plant contains a lot of vitamins C, K, A, E, tannins, up to 1.2% essential oil. It includes thymol and carvaclol. The high content of the latter makes the oil a powerful antihistamine and natural antibiotic.

The plant also includes:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • calcium.

Calories 100 g - 265 kcal. The nutritional value:

  • proteins - 10.9%;
  • fats - 5.2%;
  • carbohydrates - 83.8%.
Important! Oregano attracts bees. Therefore, care must be taken when collecting. Insects can attack without warning.

Why is oregano useful for the body

The beneficial effect that the oregano plant has on the body is noticeable from the first use. The herb affects health, benefits as a beauty tool. The plant has different effects on men and women. There is little harm from the grass, especially for girls.

Oregano properties for women

The benefits of oregano for women do not apply during pregnancy. In other cases, the plant:

  • stimulates menstruation;
  • regulates hormonal levels;
  • stimulates the formation of milk;
  • useful for cervical erosion;
  • with menopause, oregano relieves irritability, relieves hot flashes.
Important! Excessive use of decoction instead of benefit will bring harm, especially for people with low blood pressure. But with hypertension, it is useful to drink tea regularly.

The benefits of oregano for men

Oregano has a negative effect on potency, should not be abused, especially together with an unhealthy lifestyle and smoking. To strengthen immunity and treat colds, it is permissible to take extracts, preparations from the plant, without exceeding the dose determined by the doctor, then the herb will not bring harm.

Is oregano possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Oregano is useful for nursing mothers. Oregano increases milk supply, soothes.The plant is prescribed for breastfeeding problems due to this property.

For pregnant women, grass and drinks containing it, dishes are harmful, especially in the early stages. Oregano causes the uterus to contract, leading to miscarriages.

Is oregano good for children

It is believed that from the internal use of the herb for children only harm. The reason is the likelihood of influencing the hormonal background, accelerating puberty in girls, delay in boys.

However, after consulting a therapist, teas, plant-based preparations, baths, inhalations are useful for:

  • allergies;
  • colds;
  • sleep disorders;
  • bloating.

There will be no harm under the supervision of a pediatrician, but beneficial properties will appear.

Important! Pure essential oil for baby skin is harmful. Oregano in this form is too concentrated.

The properties of infusions, oil extracts from the plant are more useful for children.

What diseases does oregano treat?

Oregano herb helps with various types of diseases, from respiratory problems to allergies.

  1. Oregano is treated for cough. Rinse the throat with tinctures and broths.
  2. Oregano herb baths are used for allergies, especially with external manifestations. In other cases, teas are used.
  3. Hypertension attacks are removed with decoctions. Oregano lowers blood pressure.
  4. The infusion helps against pain - headache, toothache, muscle pain.
  5. Decoctions treat depression, hysteria, insomnia.
  6. For asthma, inhalation is used, tea is drunk.
  7. Baldness is also fought with the help of a plant, rinsed with infusions and decoctions.
Important! Oregano has diuretic properties. In some cases it is useful, in other cases it is only harm.

Traditional medicine recipes with oregano

Brewing tea with oregano is a long-standing folk tradition. The health benefits and harms of oregano have been known for so long that the first use is lost in history.

Oregano tea

The brew is made from dry leaves of the plant mixed with black or green tea, or entirely from herbs with a little spice addition. The drink is useful for:

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  • colds;
  • elevated temperature;
  • depression;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • anxiety;
  • insomnia;
  • migraines;
  • reduced immunity.

One of the recipes for cold tea:

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  1. 1 tsp dry oregano is placed in a teapot.
  2. Add ¼ tsp to it. dry linden flowers.
  3. Pour 2 tsp. black tea.
  4. Pour 1 tbsp. boiling water.
  5. Insist, covering with a towel, 5 minutes.

Add honey, cinnamon, allspice to taste.

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Infusion of oregano

The benefits of oregano infusion are manifested not only when used internally. It is used to make rinses for hair, water for washing. It is more concentrated than tea, but weaker than a decoction.

  1. 4 tbsp. l of dry raw materials pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. The mixture is infused for 1.5 hours.
  3. Filtered, used for 1-2 months.

The recipe is useful for external use, hair rinsing, washing, lotions.

Another recipe, more concentrated, where instead of 4 spoons, 6 are put in the same amount of water, it is favorable for ingestion, 1 tbsp each. l. 3 times a day.

Cold infusions are prepared only from fresh grass, sometimes peppermint or lemon is added to it. Such drinks are prepared for two or three hours in the refrigerator, they are drunk with ice. When using it, you should remember that the plant has diuretic properties, you should not abuse drinks with grass, especially when planning to go somewhere.

Important! Infusion and tincture are different things. The first is a remedy with alcohol. The infusion is made only on water. Alcoholic extracts are preferably prepared from fresh grass, water extracts - in different ways.

Oregano decoction

The beneficial properties of the broth are more pronounced than those of infusions or teas. Due to the preparation method, the extraction into water is stronger and more substances get into the product.

A decoction of oregano will be beneficial for such diseases associated with:

  • with menstrual irregularities;
  • with digestive problems;
  • with nervous disorders: insomnia, depression, neurosis, panic.

For skin diseases, it is useful to make lotions with a decoction. The harm will manifest itself only in case of plant allergy.

  1. 1 tbsp. l of raw materials pour 250 ml of water.
  2. The mixture is boiled over low heat for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool, filter.
  4. Take 1 tbsp. l.
Important! In the morning, the benefits can be neutralized by the property of soothing, lowering blood pressure.

Medicinal collection with oregano

Collecting oregano will provide health benefits for colds. Compositions with a leaf or raspberry fruit, coltsfoot, marshmallow root, linden blossom are made from grass.

  1. 20 g oregano, 40 g raspberries, 2 tbsp. l. mother-and-stepmothers pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  2. Insist from 15 minutes to 2 hours.
  3. Drink hot concentrated or diluted with cold water.

Another recipe:

  1. 40 g of oregano, 80 g of mother-and-stepmother, the same amount of marshmallow root is poured into 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Insist from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.
  3. Drink with honey to soften the taste of marshmallow. It is permissible to add sugar if you are allergic to bee products.

The collection is useful not only for colds, but also to alleviate the condition during quitting smoking.

Important! Herbs should be infused in thermoses or ceramic teapots wrapped in a towel.

The slower the water cools, the better. This will result in a higher quality aqueous extract. Useful properties will be revealed more fully.

The use of oregano in home cosmetology

The benefits will not only come from oregano tea and other internal uses. In home remedies for beauty, the properties of oregano are also actively used. This popularity is due to its pleasant smell and relative harmlessness.

Oregano for face skin

The benefits of oregano for women will appear when applied externally. For the beauty of the face, a diluted broth is used to wash, masks and creams are added to the oil. The products are suitable for problematic or combination, oily skin.

  1. 2 tbsp. l. fresh raw materials are ground into gruel.
  2. Mix with 1 egg white.
  3. The mixture is applied to the face for 25 minutes.
  4. Wash off with warm water.
Important! The dry plant is pre-steamed in boiling water, only then mixed with an egg and used.

For blackheads, make a mask with aloe:

  1. 1 tbsp. l. plants are poured with 0.5 tbsp. boiling water.
  2. Cut 1 leaf of aloe, take out the pulp.
  3. The pulp is mixed with the infusion.
  4. The mixture is applied to acne and kept for 20 minutes.
  5. Wash off with warm water.

The useful properties of the masks will be revealed when they are applied to cleansed skin. After the masks, it is permissible to use a moisturizer. When after application there is an itching, burning sensation, a rash appears - masks are excluded from the lists of cosmetic procedures, otherwise there will be more harm.

Oregano for rinsing hair

Rinse hair with infusions diluted with decoctions. Water extracts prevent hair loss and stimulate new hair growth. Rinsing gives shine, strength to weakened strands.

In addition to hair infusions, essential oil is used. 1-2 drops are added to 1 liter of warm water, poured over with a solution. After the procedure, no hair dryer is used, only a towel.

On the one hand, oregano is good for oily hair, scalp, and dandruff. On the other hand, rinsing is useful for dry, split hair. If dryness worsens, use should be discontinued.

Oregano essential oil: properties and uses

It is a concentrated product. It is not applied to the skin in its pure form, although the beneficial properties are more pronounced than in infusions, decoctions.

Although oregano is not used directly for weight loss, its cleansing and soothing properties help with diets and detoxification. In addition, the oil is useful for:

  • inhalation for asthma, bronchitis, cough;
  • treating fungus, acne;
  • relief of back pain, muscle pain, arthritis;
  • lotions for eczema.

1-2 drops are added to aroma lamps, the oil has a very strong odor. Inhalation overdose may cause dizziness.

Hair masks are made with oil, stimulating growth, regulating the work of the sebaceous glands.Regular procedures are helpful in preventing lice infestation.

Important! Synthetic imitations, instead of benefit, will harm if applied to the skin, even diluted. Rash, itching, burning - a reason to consult a dermatologist.

Oregano in cooking

Oregano will benefit the human body not only in its pure form. It is eaten as a spice, without thinking how beneficial the plant is.

  1. Oregano is added to meat and fish dishes as a seasoning.
  2. Oregano is put in sauces for savory hot dishes.
  3. Dried leaves are used to season soups and stews.
  4. Dry grass powder is added to meat, fish or egg pie fillings.
  5. When canning vegetables, mushrooms, oregano is also used as a seasoning.
  6. Fresh shoots are cut into salads.
  7. Syrups are made from oregano, added to preserves in moderation.

The benefits of oregano appear both after heat treatment and when eaten raw. The harm of the herb, when eaten, is not expressed. This changes the presence of contraindications. When not only eating, even sniffing flowers is dangerous. How oregano seasoning is combined with basil, black pepper, thyme, rosemary, marjoram.

Side effects of oregano and contraindications

Oregano is harmful to use in the following cases:

  • allergy;
  • hypotension;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys;
  • pregnancy;
  • disorders of the heart;
  • problems with blood vessels.

A relative contraindication is early age. But under the supervision of a therapist, oregano can also be given to children.

An overdose of oregano leads to dizziness, headache, lethargy, apathy, and bouts of nausea. In people prone to allergies, it can cause an attack, the beneficial qualities are lost.

Due to its soothing properties, it is harmful to use oregano before activities that require concentration of attention - driving a car, working on machines, attending classes, while hiking.

When to collect and how to dry oregano

In order for the raw material to retain its beneficial properties without harm, it is collected, dried according to a certain scheme.

  1. During flowering, from July to August, sometimes from June, flowers are harvested, the upper part of the stem. Cultivated plants can have 2 harvests in warm summer: in June and August.
  2. Collection of wild raw materials should be in the forest, meadows, but not next to roads. In gardens and vegetable gardens, this condition cannot always be met.
  3. The cut oregano is evenly placed in a thin layer in a well-ventilated area. Drying in the sun or in the oven is not recommended, so as not to lose useful properties and taste. There will be no harm from improperly dried raw materials, the plant will not bring any benefits either.
  4. When the stems become fragile and begin to break easily, rub in your fingers, it's time to put them away for storage.

After readiness, the dry product is stored in canvas bags or paper bags, in a dark place, away from products with a strong odor. It is allowed to grind raw materials and store them in tightly closed glass jars. Unlike mint or lemon balm, oregano is harmful to store in metal cans, even with tight lids.

Important! For harvesting, take healthy shoots, not affected by pests, without traces of rot, drying.

Poor quality raw materials will not be stored and will ruin everything lying nearby. A low-quality billet has no useful properties.


The benefits and harms of oregano are relative. When drugs with herb are taken contrary to contraindications, you can forget about the beneficial properties. But in other cases, the plant will not do any harm. For prevention, treatment, add to food, it is useful to drink tea with plant leaves. Besides, oregano gives flavor. And quality food improves your mood.


Larina Evgeniya, pos. Ugra
The gynecologist prescribed oregano to trigger menstruation when there were health problems. It was strange to be treated with herbs, but it helped. After two to three months of taking the infusion, she was cured. Now, when there are problems, I definitely drink a useful herb.
Grachov Igor, Valdai
I constantly add it to tea, for taste.This is what my grandmother always did, I liked it, from old memory, when I began to live alone, I continued. I didn't know anything about the benefits, but then I read it and understood why I never get sick during the seasons of colds. About potency, I doubt it's true. I never noticed any problems.
Alekseenko Larisa, Bologoye
With a delay in menstruation, I do not risk using oregano without a doctor's prescription, I am afraid to harm it with concentrated infusions. But I use its beneficial properties for colds, put a few leaves in a kettle and drink a hot drink without harm.
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