Pine cone jam: benefits and harms, recipes with photos, reviews

The benefits and harms of jam from pine cones are concluded in the correct choice of the main ingredients for cooking and the individual sensitivity of a person to the product. Before the advent of a wide selection of medicines, pine needles were used for medicinal purposes. A useful composition containing vitamins and trace elements has the ability to cope with various diseases.

The chemical composition of pine cone jam

Pine cone jam is not only a tasty delicacy, but also a storehouse of useful substances that a person needs. It contains essential oils that have beneficial effects on mental health. There are antioxidants, bioflavonoids and various acids that help to strengthen the immune system and get rid of diseases as soon as possible.


Pine jam is good for all body systems. It contains:

  1. Vitamin B. It has the property of positively affecting the cardiovascular system. Useful for people who are often stressed and depressed.
  2. Vitamin K. Takes part in the biosynthesis of the body.
  3. Vitamin C. It has an immunostimulating effect, protects against infectious diseases.
  4. Vitamin E. Good for people with skin problems. Promotes cell rejuvenation, preventing their rapid aging.

The vitamin complex in the composition of the jam can increase the mental capacity of a person, stimulate physical activity and prevent the development of many diseases, not only of infectious origin.


The product contains a complex of minerals:

  1. Aluminum. It has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, has a strengthening effect on epithelial cells.
  2. Iron. Prevents the development of anemia (lack of oxygen). Benefits for thyroid function.
  3. Copper. Gives elasticity to the skin. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract.
  4. Chromium. Normalizes blood sugar levels.

The chemical composition of cone jam has the property of a general strengthening character.

Calorie content of pine cone jam

The energy value of the product depends on the amount of sugar added during cooking. On average, it is 180 kcal per 100 g. But, compared to other sugar-containing delicacies, this figure is small, if you take into account the useful composition of the dessert and do not abuse pine cone jam, then harm to the figure is excluded.

Useful properties of pine cone jam

The benefits of young pine cone jam for the body:

  1. Biologically active substances phytoncides found in plants inhibit the development of harmful bacteria. Contributes to the destruction of fungal infections. Coniferous extract is often used in folk medicine to treat ARVI.
  2. The delicacy relieves the main symptoms of colds (headache, fever, runny nose). It is used to prevent acute respiratory infections.
  3. Spruce jam - immunity benefits. The high content of vitamins and minerals has a general strengthening effect. A person's working capacity is stimulated, brain cells are activated, which leads to its improved functioning. The psycho-emotional state is normalized thanks to the essential oils in the dessert.
    Advice! To improve the beneficial effect on the body, lemon and walnuts can be added to the dessert.
  4. The expectorant property helps to clear the respiratory system. The use of jam is recommended for complicated types of lung diseases (bronchitis, pleurisy, tuberculosis and others).
  5. Useful vitamin B. Improves the functioning of the heart muscle. Jam prevents the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes.
  6. The product has antispasmodic properties. Suitable for people with joint pain. Apply as a compress to the problem area. Dentists recommend dissolving the cone jam in the mouth with severe toothaches.
  7. Pine cone jam improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  8. Due to the content of antioxidants, the product prevents malignant formations in the body (tumors).
Important! Despite the beneficial properties of pine cone jam, you should consult your doctor before using it internally.

Diseases that pine cone jam copes with:

  • tuberculosis;
  • lack of vitamins in winter;
  • lack of vitamin C in the body (scurvy);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • ARVI and ARI;
  • diseases caused by fungal bacteria;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • heart failure;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • pleurisy.

A useful product prevents bile stagnation and stimulates the excretory function of the stomach.

Is it possible to make cone jam for pregnant and lactating women

The benefits and harms of spruce cones jam for women in a state are individual. Pregnant women should try the product with caution to protect the fetus from negative effects. It is important to consult a specialist before use.

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If approved for use by a doctor, the daily dose should be no more than 1 teaspoon. It is necessary to closely monitor changes in the body. Pine cone jam in pregnant women can cause allergic reactions.

Women who are breastfeeding should refrain from consuming cone jam.

Important! The product causes allergies and is not recommended for use by children under 7 years of age, and even more so by infants.

At what age can pine jam be given to children

You can try to introduce a healthy dessert into the diet after the child is 3 years old. But due to the allergic properties of the product, the first dose should be minimal and not exceed 1/3 tsp.

After the first test, it is necessary to carefully examine the child for 3 days. If no negative reaction is observed, you can continue to use the same amount no more than 1 time per day.

Important! Cones jam for children is a benefit for immunity, but you can increase the intake of a healing agent after the child reaches 7 years of age.

It is allowed to eat up to 1 tsp. in a day.

How to take jam for medicinal purposes

The healing properties of pine cone jam have been identified since ancient times. Today the benefits of the product are scientifically proven. It contains all the necessary elements to fight various diseases. But independent use without medical advice is prohibited.

When coughing

The remedy helps to cope with any type of cough.

With a dry reflex phenomenon, the use of cone jam helps to quickly eliminate symptoms, but the dose should be within the range prescribed by a specialist in order to exclude harm in the form of throat irritation from a sweet product.

When coughing up phlegm, a healthy dessert helps to thin the secretions and gently remove them from the respiratory tract.

To get the effect of a natural preparation, it should be taken regularly for 1 tsp. no more than 2 weeks.

With angina

The use of green pine cones jam for angina is to eliminate severe symptoms of the disease. It relieves pain, redness and copes with increased body temperature.

Advice! To get the most out of the jam, drink it with tea. At high temperatures, the drink should be warm.

It is allowed to eat up to 1 tbsp per day. l. facilities. Children can take 1 tsp.

For the prevention of stroke

The tannins included in the dessert are the main components of medicines for stroke. A pineal delicacy has the ability to restore the body after an attack. Normalizes physical activity and the ability to speak.

Preventive use can be daily. The dose is determined by a specialist.

Against parasites

Pine dessert is a cure for lamblia. Despite the sweet taste, the parasites cannot tolerate spruce jam. It is also used for preventive purposes. So that the problem does not bother you need to take 1 tbsp. l. medicines.

Important! The product is eaten on an empty stomach 30 minutes before a hearty meal.

The course lasts 14 days. For this period, sugar-containing foods are completely excluded from the diet.

For bronchitis

To get rid of the disease, eat 1 tsp. jam 3 times a day. Moreover, it is abundantly washed down with water or warm tea. Drinking hot liquid is not recommended, so as not to harm the diseased organ.

For asthma

Experts recommend using pine jam for asthmatics to avoid complications of the disease. Reception is carried out every day for 2 tbsp. l. The dose is divided into several small portions. Jam should be eaten 5 minutes before meals. You cannot drink the product with liquid.

Pine cone jam for weight loss

It will not work to get rid of extra pounds with the help of the tool. Its high calorie intake on a diet can do the opposite. Therefore, nutritionists are allowed to take dessert in minimal doses, which cannot replace other valuable products. Buds do not have the ability to burn fat.

When and how to harvest pine cones for jam

Pine cones are harvested in May or June. It depends on the region of residence. Young green cones are suitable for jam. They can be easily cut with a knife, and they are no more than 4 cm in length.

The collection should be carried out away from the roadway so as not to collect cones with harmful impurities from car exhaust.

How to make pine cone jam

Beforehand, the cones are thoroughly washed under running water. Then they choose the most suitable ingredients without flaws and start preparing a healthy treat.

Advice! The buds produce a sticky gum that is difficult to wash off the hands. Therefore, it is best to wear gloves.

Classic jam recipe

For this you will need:

  • pine cones - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • water - 10 glasses.


  1. Cones are placed in a prepared pan. Pour with water so that it covers the fruits 2 cm higher.
  2. Cover with a lid. After boiling for half an hour.
  3. The finished broth is left overnight in a dark place.
  4. Pine cones are removed from the tincture with a slotted spoon. Then add the amount of sugar equal to the proportions of water.
  5. The syrup is boiled until thick.
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A useful product with healing properties is poured into containers and cooled.

A quick jam recipe

The ingredients are the same as in the classic jam recipe.

To save time as much as possible, carry out the following actions:

  1. Pour the cones with water and immediately add sugar in a 1: 1 ratio.
  2. The contents are simmering on the fire for 1 hour 30 minutes.

During the cooking process, skim off the foam as it forms. The jam is obtained with a reddish tint.

No boiling pine jam recipe

The number of ingredients is selected taking into account the capacity.


  1. The cones are cut into small pieces.
  2. Each part is rolled in sugar and stacked in layers in a jar.
  3. Additionally, add sugar on top.
  4. The container is placed in the sun and covered with gauze to provide oxygen access.

When the sugar is completely dissolved, the jam is ready to eat.

Pine cone jam with lemon

The combination with lemon will add more beneficial properties to the jam.


  • pine cones - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 6 l;
  • lemon - 1 pc.


  1. The cones are covered with sugar.
  2. Pour in water.
  3. Cook for 1 hour 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Bring to thickness and squeeze lemon juice at the end.

The mixture can be preserved for the winter. The taste of pine cone jam with lemon is bright and rich.

The method of making cone jam on the video:

Harm of pine cone jam and contraindications

The benefits and harms of pine cone jam directly depend on the characteristics of the organism. You can not use the product for people:

  • allergy-prone;
  • hypotonic;
  • women in position;
  • nursing mothers;
  • suffering from kidney disease;
  • with an acute form of hepatitis.

For a healthy category of people, a pine delicacy is harmful if abused. It can provoke gastrointestinal diseases, headaches, fatigue and drowsiness. Harm is possible if the dessert is made from bad fruit collected from the road, with the presence of dirt or insects.

Is it possible to eat pine cones

Lovers of a delicious dessert even allow themselves to eat pine fruits. There are no contraindications to the use of cones: if there are no negative reactions from jam, then harm from raw materials is excluded. The main thing is to adhere to the measure.

How to choose cone jam in the store

When choosing, follow these recommendations:

  1. The size. Pine cones should be no more than 4 cm in length. Then they will be soft and full of vitamins.
  2. Fruit integrity. Unscrupulous growers cut them to hide overripe buds.
  3. GOST. The technological standard of the Russian Federation is prescribed as follows - 53118-2008. When found, the buyer can be calm about the quality of the goods.
  4. The number of pine fruits. Low bud content - a rare jam. The main component is 70%.
  5. Additional additives are excluded. Artificial preservatives and additives reduce the beneficial effects of jam on the body.
  6. Naturalness. The composition should contain only natural ingredients.

Subject to the rules, the probability of buying a low-quality product is minimal.

How to store pine jam at home

To prevent pine jam from losing its beneficial properties, it is poured into glass containers. Banks are sterilized with steam beforehand and dried. Cover the treat with plastic lids.

Important! Do not let the sun's rays fall on the jar. Otherwise, the pine dessert will go bad and do more harm than good.

The ideal storage place for the product is the refrigerator. But a dark, cool cellar also works. The temperature for the content should be 0-18 ° C. This mode allows you to preserve the useful composition and properties of the jam.

The aroma from the dessert is quite sharp, so it is not recommended to store foods that absorb foreign odors next to it.


The benefits and harms of pine cone jam are unequal. A harmful effect is possible in case of non-compliance with consumption standards, individual intolerance to the product and the presence of certain diseases. Otherwise, a useful product can only have a positive effect.


Anastasia Goloborodko, 37 years old, Penza.
The doctor recommended a jam against bronchitis. After a week's course of 1 teaspoon a day, the phlegm disappeared, and the cough hardly bothers. Best consumed with a lemon wedge.Useful properties increase significantly. Tea with such jam warms up perfectly in inclement weather.
Elena Knyazeva, 42 years old, Belgorod
I use a teaspoon of pine cone jam every day. My doctor recommends for the prevention of heart attack. I do not observe any problems or allergic reactions. Perfectly replaces sugar when drinking tea. Just do not abuse it, the calorie content of the jam is very high. You can gain significant weight after these teas.
Ekaterina Smirnova, 29 years old, Ufa
I use pine cone jam compresses against joint pain for my husband. The doctor said the poultice would reduce pain. After such a procedure, the husband feels much better. After work, jam will always help relieve tension in your legs. The next day, the joints do not twist, and the pains are not so sharp.
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