Black radish: useful properties and contraindications, reviews

The benefits and harms of black radish are an important issue for lovers of simple vegetables from the garden. You can meet a radish in any store, it is available to everyone, it remains only to understand its characteristic properties and features.

Chemical composition and caloric content of black radish

To assess the health benefits and harms of black radish, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of this vegetable. It contains:

  • fiber and starch;
  • ash;
  • mono - and disaccharides;
  • organic acids;
  • beta carotene;
  • vitamins K, C and PP;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamin E;
  • glucosides;
  • B vitamins;
  • iron, potassium and phosphorus;
  • magnesium, sodium and calcium.

The calorie content of the vegetable is very small - only 36 calories per 100 g of pulp.

Why is black radish useful for the body?

The vegetable has extremely beneficial properties for the body:

  • helps to quickly defeat a cold and get rid of a cough;
  • fights bacteria and viruses and relieves inflammation;
  • serves as a good choleretic and diuretic, can dissolve small stones in the gallbladder, kidneys or ducts, relieves swelling;
  • regulates bowel function;
  • lowers cholesterol, removes toxins, strengthens blood vessels and facilitates liver function;
  • helps with chronic joint diseases;
  • has a beneficial effect on the function of the thyroid gland and evens out the hormonal background.

The benefits of black radish for the heart are highly appreciated - it strengthens blood vessels and prevents the occurrence of cardiac pathologies.

The benefits of black radish for men

The main benefit of radish for the male body is that the vegetable supports the genitourinary system and protects the prostate gland from the appearance of tumors. In addition, black radish is beneficial for men's health in that it helps to avoid early heart attacks and strokes.

The benefits of black radish for women

For the fair sex, radish helps with gynecological malfunctions. Its properties help to align the cycle, reduce pain during menstruation. Eating a vegetable is useful for cystitis and other urinary ailments.

Is radish possible for pregnant and lactating

During the period of bearing a child, you cannot eat a vegetable. The components in its composition increase blood circulation, and this can be harmful, both in the early and late stages.

Caution must be observed during lactation. It is better to introduce the product into the mother's diet a few months after childbirth and in very small quantities.An excess of vegetables will be harmful - it will cause colic in the baby.

Black radish for a child

For the first time, you can offer a healthy vegetable to children no earlier than 3 years old, otherwise it will be harmful. A sharp root vegetable irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, and babies simply cannot digest it normally.

After 3 years, you can offer black radish for coughs to children - with the addition of honey. It is better to start with a few drops of juice; over time, portions can be increased to 1 large spoon.

Important! Since for certain ailments the vegetable is harmful and is strictly contraindicated, before introducing it into the children's diet, it is necessary to obtain permission from the pediatrician.

Is black radish good for weight loss?

In a dietary diet, a vegetable can be of great benefit. Its calorie content is very low, so it does not cause any harm to the figure. At the same time, the vegetable muffles appetite and enhances intestinal peristalsis, and, therefore, helps to get rid of excess weight.

However, it is impossible to use the vegetable in large quantities, since its properties can harm the stomach.

The benefits of black radish juice

Radish juice is popular. It contains a full set of vitamins and trace elements present in a vegetable, and has many beneficial properties.

The drink is often used for:

  • treatment of cough, bronchitis, pulmonary ailments - the benefits of black radish juice with honey are especially pronounced;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • strengthening blood vessels and improving digestion.

The drink has antiseptic and healing properties, has an expectorant and antipyretic effect.

Folk recipes with black radish for the treatment of diseases

The medicinal properties of black radish are often used in home health recipes. But you need to use the product correctly, not forgetting about the dosages.

Black radish with cough honey

The most famous of all is the recipe for black radish with honey. Do the medicine like this:

  • cut off the top of a fresh vegetable and remove the pulp from the inside;
  • honey is poured into the resulting "cup", and then covered with a cut top;
  • the product is insisted for several hours until the honey inside draws the juice out of the vegetable, and the liquid rises to the top of the "cup".

The benefits of black radish with honey are that it is an excellent expectorant. You need to use the medicine in small dosages - 1 large spoon no more than 6 times a day.

Important! Children are given black radish for coughs 1 teaspoon per intake - and also a maximum of 6 times a day.

Black radish for colds and bronchitis

Black radish treatment is very effective for fever, runny nose, weakness and bronchitis. Usually they make warming compresses from the cake, that is, the pulp, from which all the juice is squeezed out.

The cake is wrapped in gauze, applied to the back or chest, covered with a towel and held until a burning sensation appears. The properties of such a "mustard plaster" help to liquefy phlegm and help to cough up, and also eliminate fever.

Drops for runny nose and sinusitis

Vegetable juice cleanses the sinuses well. With nasal congestion, the agent should be instilled into each nostril twice a day - no more than 6 drops.

Remedy for constipation

There is a lot of fiber in the product, so it promotes bowel movement. If you are prone to constipation, it is recommended to add the vegetable to salads and side dishes for main courses in an amount of no more than 50 g per day.

Mixture for hypertension

This remedy helps well against high blood pressure:

  • 1 large spoonful of radish juice is mixed with the same amount of carrot juice;
  • add 1 large spoonful of horseradish and beetroot juice;
  • dilute the product with juice squeezed out of one lemon.
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The mixture is stirred and drunk 1 large spoon on an empty stomach three times a day.

For joint pain

Black radish for joints is good for arthritis and arthrosis.It is necessary to mix several components in equal proportions - radish juice, alcohol, medical bile, sea salt and honey.

The tool is applied to a piece of gauze and a compress is made for the affected area for the whole night, and in the morning they wipe the skin with vodka or alcohol. It is recommended to use useful compresses for at least 2 weeks in a row.

With diabetes

The product may lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, in diabetes, it is extremely useful for consumption, and its properties do not cause harm.

The vegetable can be added to regular food, or you can make a healing infusion with the addition of bay leaves. For this, several bay leaves are first poured with boiling water and insisted for 3 hours, and then they are consumed 100 ml three times a day. Each time, 20 ml of radish juice is added to the product.

From tumors of the uterus and mastopathy

The properties of the vegetable contribute to getting rid of benign and malignant tumors. Usually they use a tincture - a fresh root vegetable is cut into small pieces, poured with vodka and infused for 2 weeks, and then drunk three times a day before meals, 1 teaspoon.

Important! It is necessary to carry out therapy for benign and cancerous tumors with medications, radish is allowed only as an auxiliary agent.

Black radish for the treatment of osteochondrosis

To relieve discomfort and pain in the spine, it is recommended to daily apply compresses from the grated vegetable peel to the sore spot.

Black radish for sciatica

Homemade vegetable-based ointment will help relieve pain and restore lower back mobility. Prepare it like this:

  • a large spoonful of grated pulp should be mixed with honey in the same volumes;
  • add a pinch of salt;
  • pour the product with half a tablespoon of vodka;
  • stir and leave for 2 hours.

With a ready-made remedy, they rub the back and lower back, with painful attacks, the ointment relieves inflammation and soothes the pain.

To cleanse the liver

The properties of the radish will help remove accumulated toxins from the body and improve liver function.

  1. Fresh vegetable juice should be taken three times a day.
  2. In the first week, a single dosage is a large spoon, but every week the volume of the medicine is increased by 1 spoon.
  3. Thus, in the last week, the radish is already taken 6 tablespoons at a time.

So that the concentrated drink does not harm the stomach, it is better to dilute the product with water by about 30% by volume.

Black radish for various skin diseases

The useful properties of the product are also highly valued for external use. Vegetable juice is used to lubricate cuts, irritations and scratches, and you can also make homemade ointment. To do this, knead the pulp into a gruel and pour red wine, and then keep it steamed until the wine has completely evaporated.

The remaining gruel is cooled and applied to the affected areas as needed. The ointment helps with dermatitis and eczema, acne and acne, promotes healing of wounds and burns.

Black radish in home cosmetology

Useful properties of the product are used for beauty care. The vegetable has a beneficial effect on both hair and skin, starts renewal processes and has a cleansing effect.

Hair Mask

The main benefit of the hair product is that radish masks strengthen curls and stop hair loss. Applying the product to the hair is very simple - squeeze the juice of a fresh vegetable, and then rub it into the skin at the roots of the hair and wrap the head with a warm towel. After 2 hours, the mask is washed off.

Mask for the face

The properties of the vegetable will help remove the first wrinkles and rejuvenate the skin. A useful mask is made as follows: 1 large spoonful of grated pulp is mixed with the same amount of olive oil and low-fat sour cream. The mixture is spread over clean skin and washed off after a quarter of an hour.

What can be made from black radish

A spicy healthy vegetable goes well with any herbs, other vegetables, fruits. Most often it can be found in salads along with carrots, cabbage, beets. The vegetable is often added to meat dishes, soups, potatoes or stews.

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Sometimes the product is even used in the preparation of desserts, for example, served with honey.

Delicious and simple black radish salad

In just a few minutes, you can prepare a healthy and tasty salad from a fresh vegetable.

  1. The radish is peeled from the tough skin and washed, then grated.
  2. The resulting gruel is placed in a colander and scalded with boiling water to eliminate a possible unpleasant taste.
  3. Cut onions, mix with grated radish, and the onion should be 6 times larger.
  4. The salad is seasoned with sunflower or olive oil, salted to taste, if desired, add a little black pepper.
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The finished dish can be poured with fresh lemon juice and garnished with herbs, and then served. The benefit of black radish salad will be that it will not harm the figure and will have a beneficial effect on metabolism.

How to remove bitterness from black radish

The disadvantage of a vegetable is that it tastes slightly bitter. However, the bitterness can be easily eliminated - it is enough to cut the root vegetable, salt it properly, stand for 7 minutes, and then drain the juice that has come out and rinse the product under water.

How much black radish can you eat per day

The benefits of black radish for the human body depend on the amount of vegetables in the diet. The daily rate should not exceed 150 g, otherwise health may be harmed.

How to choose and store black radish correctly

Choosing a product is pretty simple.

  1. The most delicious and healthy root vegetables are medium in size. Vegetables that are too large have a tough pulp with large veins.
  2. A good root vegetable should be firm and firm, without cracks or dents in the skin.
Advice! If you want to buy a sweet product, then you need to choose rounded roots. An elongated radish usually has a sharp, pungent taste.

You need to store the vegetable in the refrigerator in a dry place, while it is recommended to place it separately from other products. From time to time, you need to remove the root crop and check for soft barrels and mold spots. The vegetable is stored under the conditions for a month.


The benefits and harms of black radish depend mainly on compliance with the measure. In excessive quantities, the vegetable will lead to stomach upset and harm, but in small doses it will become a tasty part of the diet and will help cure many ailments.


Petrova Marina Alexandrovna, 36 years old, Yekaterinburg
I remember black radish for coughing with honey since childhood - her parents gave me it, and the remedy always helped with colds. Now I myself give black radish for coughs to children - and it is very pleasant that they like this effective remedy.
Voronina Lyudmila Alekseevna, 55 years old, Saratov
Black radish for joints provides me with irreplaceable help in exacerbations of arthritis - it becomes much easier to move. In addition, I use black radish for sinusitis - the drops quickly relieve nasal congestion, and there are no side effects from the use.

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