How to scrub tar from the car

Bitumen (tar) is a product obtained in the process of oil refining. In the modern world, this material is widely used in the field of road construction. In the event that road surface repairs are carried out in hot weather, there is a high probability that tar will get on the car's paintwork. Dealing with such stains is a very difficult task. To wipe off the bitumen from the car, you can turn to proven folk methods to eliminate pollution or use specialized chemicals.

Reasons for the appearance of bitumen stains on the machine

Bitumen stains appear on the body of the car, falling on it from the asphalt surface. The main reasons for this phenomenon lie in the following:

  • premature use of the newly repaired road section, when the new road surface has not yet fully formed;
  • in a hot period of time, asphalt tends to melt under the influence of high temperatures. Resin, which is actively used in road repair and filling holes, is subject to the same process. In combination with the fact that in the heat the temperature of the car body can reach 80 ° C, bitumen, when it hits a heated paintwork, is very easily incorporated into its structure;
  • The reason for the appearance of such contamination is also the fact that tar particles get on the car body from the wheels of nearby passing cars. It should be borne in mind that the higher the speed of movement on the new road, the further such particles will fly off.

Advice! In order to scrub the bitumen from the machine, you need to start this process as soon as possible after the contamination has been detected. Fresh dirt (when tar has not yet fully absorbed into the paintwork) is much easier to remove than frozen stains.

Most often, the following elements of the car body suffer from this kind of pollution:

  • bumper;
  • wheel arches;
  • the lower part of the doors;
  • thresholds.

There are certain preventive measures that will minimize the risk of bituminous contamination on the car body:

  • compliance with the speed limit for travel on a recently repaired section of the road (ideally, the speed should not exceed 50 km / h);
  • observance of the distance between cars when driving (especially for trucks, from passing next to which, bitumen can even get on the windshield of the car);
  • timely installation of special mud flaps;
  • applying a protective coating to the car body.

How to scrub bitumen from a car with improvised means

Before you go to the store and purchase specialized expensive products for removing tar stains from the surface of the car's paintwork, you can try using proven folk remedies that can also help wipe off bitumen from the car.

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The most common options for wiping off dirt are:


Brief characteristic and efficiency

Common solvents (647, 646, etc.)

It is advisable to use them only for fresh stains. Due to their increased volatility, they will not help wipe off old dirt and therefore will be ineffective.

White Spirit

It is a proven method for removing bitumen from a machine, but requires taking certain precautions when working directly with it to protect the skin and respiratory tract of a person and the paint itself. In terms of the speed of surface cleaning, in some cases it works even faster than specialized products.

Gasoline / kerosene / diesel fuel

Very popular products that have proven to be effective against old dirt. Using this method also requires taking precautions when handling tar stains.


It is rarely used to clean bitumen stains, however, due to its composition, 50% of which is white spirit solvent gasoline, it perfectly copes with the task set before it to wipe away tar traces.

Alcoholic beverages / cosmetic nail polish remover containing acetone

Less popular methods that can only deal with very minor bitumen stains. They should be used only when there are no more available means at hand to wipe off tar.

How to scrub bitumen from a car with gasoline

Gasoline is one of the most popular methods used to wipe bitumen stains from a car. This is explained by two main factors:

  • high efficiency in removing even old tar stains;
  • the availability of this substance and its availability at hand.

In order to wipe off tar in this way, it is necessary to prepare in advance the cleaning composition itself (gasoline) and clean unnecessary rags.

To wipe the bitumen from the car with gasoline, you need to moisten a cloth with gasoline and carefully treat the elements of the car damaged by tar. The procedure must be repeated until the bitumen completely disappears from the surface of the vehicle.

Important! In the process of processing, you need to carefully monitor so that only the bitumen is wiped off the car body, without affecting the paint. Processing must be carried out in such a way as not to go beyond the spot and not to touch the "clean" surface. If you neglect this rule, then you can very easily damage the paintwork of the car and thereby spoil its appearance.

How to scrub bitumen off a machine with a solvent

You can use a solvent to wipe the bitumen off the machine. It is less effective than gasoline, but in the case of fresh tar spots on the body it shows high efficiency.

The sequence of actions in order to scrub off tar should be as follows:

  • first you need to wash the car from large particles of dirt. To do this, use a regular car wash shampoo and water;
  • then the surface to be treated must be allowed to dry completely;
  • using a cotton or foam tampon, apply the cleaning composition to the tar and leave everything in this form for a maximum of 5 minutes;
  • after the required amount of time, remove dirt from the machine using a clean and soft cloth.
Advice! In the event that the solvent does not give the desired result, repeating this procedure is meaningless. In order to wipe off bitumen from the car in this situation, you need to use more potent components (for example, gasoline).

How to wipe bitumen stains on a car with specialized means

If the available tools could not cope with the problem of removing tar from the car body, you should turn your attention to professional cleaning agents.They are highly effective and easily deal with both fresh and old bitumen stains. Among these drugs should be highlighted:

  • A variety of professional cleaners (Grass, Kangaroo, Liqui Moly, Pingo, Sonax). Most of these products are available in the form of aerosols, which makes working with them as convenient as possible; some require a certain amount of time after application to a bitumen-contaminated surface, others do not. With their help, you can quite easily and quickly scrub the bitumen from the machine. When choosing a specific purifier, you should focus on the average price category and the country of the manufacturer;
  • Car scrubs - one of the latest inventions in the field of car care. They are produced in the form of a rubberized material in the shape of a circle, napkin or mittens. Such means are distinguished by the convenience of use and the effectiveness of removing various types of contaminants from the car body;
  • Synthetic clay - is also one of the new developments. The big advantage of this product is very effective and at the same time - gentle removal of tar from the surface of the machine. In appearance, clay is a bit like plasticine, it penetrates into the structure of bitumen, envelops and removes it.
Important! When working with all these products, you must strictly follow the instructions for their use indicated on the packaging for the product.


To wipe off bitumen from the car is a question that almost every motorist has encountered. It should be remembered that contamination of this nature requires careful attention to itself, and it is worth removing them as soon as possible after the moment of detection. In order to rid your car of tar, you can use the proven products available at hand or resort to professional cleaning compounds. If you follow all the necessary recommendations for processing a surface contaminated with bitumen, you can easily and quickly return your car to its original appearance.

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