Vitamins for pregnant women Elevit Pronatal: composition, instructions for use in the 1,2, 3 trimester, reviews

Elevit for pregnant women is prescribed in order to normalize the processes of intrauterine development of the child. The vitamin complex is aimed at restoring the supply of vitamins and minerals, thereby reducing the risk of developing various pathologies. Efficacy and safety have been proven by numerous clinical studies.

Composition of vitamins Elevit Pronatal for pregnant women

Elevit Pronatal vitamins are at the top of the list of popular nutritional supplements for pregnant women. They are of high quality and performance. The substances that make up the vitamin complex provide protection for the vulnerable female body and have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. Elevit Pronatal contains the following components:

  • folic acid;
  • nicotinamide;
  • thiamine;
  • vitamin A;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • riboflavin;
  • biotin;
  • vitamin B.
Elevit's country of origin - Germany
Attention! If Elevit provokes nausea, you should postpone the reception to the evening.

Does Elevit Pronatal contain iodine

Iodine is not present in Elevita. It must be taken additionally. The optimal daily dosage for pregnancy is 200 mcg.

Is it possible for Elevit vitamins not to be pregnant

During pregnancy, the daily intake of vitamins and minerals increases. Normally, a person does not need such a large amount of nutrients. The exception is pronounced vitamin deficiency and pregnancy planning period.

Can Elevit Pronatal be taken for men

For the stronger sex, a variety of vitamin complexes have been developed that strengthen the immune system and stimulate spermatogenesis. Therefore, taking Elevit Pronatal is inappropriate. In addition, the daily intake of minerals and vitamins for men is much higher than for women.

Release form

Elevit is produced in the form of tablets of a grayish-yellowish hue. They are distinguished by their oblong shape and have a dividing line in the middle. The package contains 30 or 100 tablets. The cost ranges from 650 to 1400 rubles.

Why is Elevit useful for pregnant women

The benefits of Elevit during pregnancy are invaluable. The composition contains not only 13 essential vitamins, but also additional components. Already at the planning stage of pregnancy, the vitamin complex brings significant health benefits. It prepares the body for the upcoming gestation of the baby and improves the quality of the egg.After implantation, vitamins contribute to the full attachment of the embryo to the uterine region. The useful properties of dietary supplements also include:

  • increasing the body's defenses;
  • elimination of puffiness;
  • preventing a neural tube defect in a child;
  • decreased uterine tone;
  • elimination of symptoms of toxicosis;
  • participation in the formation of the baby's musculoskeletal system;
  • prevention of stretch marks;
  • improving the condition of mucous surfaces and skin;
  • launching metabolic processes;
  • reducing the risk of developing anemia.

How does

For vitamins to have the desired effect, you need to take them on a regular basis. They are well absorbed by the body and rarely provoke side effects. The process of complete absorption of vitamins into the blood is carried out after 12-18 hours. For better digestion, the complex should be taken with or after meals. It contains components that do not dissolve in the absence of fats.

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If it is necessary to combine Elevit with other medicines, it must be remembered that ascorbic acid enhances the effect of sulfonamides. The use of antibiotics can slow down the absorption of iron. In this case, the interval between pills should be at least 2 hours.

Due to their small size, the tablets are easy to swallow

Testimony of Elevit Pronatal

The main indication for taking dietary supplements is pregnancy and preparation for it. During these periods, the body is especially in need of vitamins and minerals. In addition to preventive measures, the reasons for taking a vitamin complex can be:

  • hair loss;
  • increased sleepiness;
  • unstable emotional state;
  • pronounced toxicosis;
  • poor dental health and bleeding gums;
  • deviation of blood pressure level;
  • dry skin.

How to take Elevit Pronatal when planning

Doctors recommend preparing the body for an upcoming pregnancy 3 months before conception. During this period, it is permissible to take vitamin complexes. Elevit Pronatal will strengthen the body and increase the chances of a successful conception. The vitamins that make up it have a positive effect on the maturation of the egg and the growth of the endometrium.

Important! Before use, you must exclude the possibility of allergies to the constituent components.

How to take Elevit for pregnant women

In order not to face an overdose of the constituent components during pregnancy, it is necessary to take a vitamin complex in accordance with the indicated scheme. If you need to take it together with other drugs, you need to study the corresponding section in the instructions.

Elevit Pronatal for pregnant women in the 1st trimester

In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, the components present in the vitamin complex are directly involved in the formation of the vital organs of the child. At the same time, symptoms of toxicosis are stopped. The dietary supplement should be taken 1 tablet with meals.

Elevit for pregnant women in the 2nd trimester

In the 2nd trimester, the body of a pregnant woman experiences an increased need for calcium and iodine. They are essential for building the skeleton, teeth, and the endocrine system. The dosage of the vitamin complex does not change during this period. If a woman has nausea after taking it, then the drug is best taken in the evening.

Elevit for pregnant women in the 3rd trimester

In the 3rd trimester, the body begins to prepare for labor. For this, he needs useful substances. Replenishing them with the help of Elevit, you can increase the chances of a successful birth and strengthen the baby's immunity. An increase in the daily dosage is allowed only after consulting a doctor.

Allergy to Elevit Pronatal during pregnancy

In most cases, dietary supplements are well tolerated by the female body.But due to the multicomponent composition, there is a risk of an allergic reaction. Its characteristic symptoms include the following:

  • skin rash;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of mucous surfaces;
  • itchy sensations;
  • difficulty breathing.
The tablet must be taken with plenty of water.

Elevit Pronatal after childbirth

The possibility of using the vitamin complex after childbirth is determined by the doctor. If necessary, the woman should continue to take the supplement. Complicated labor is a serious indication for this. Vitamins in this case will speed up the recovery process.

Elevit Pronatal while breastfeeding

While breastfeeding, many women experience hair loss and deterioration of the skin. This is due to the strongest depletion of the body. Elevit helps to correct the situation by eliminating unwanted complications.

Side effects of Elevit Pronatal

If used improperly, dietary supplements can worsen the well-being of a pregnant woman. Most often this occurs due to an overdose or taking the drug on an empty stomach. Side effects of the vitamin complex include:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • sleep disorder;
  • slight dizziness;
  • allergic reaction;
  • indigestion.


During pregnancy, it is extremely important to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications to the vitamin complex. Among them, the following are distinguished:

  • excess vitamins D and A;
  • impaired absorption of iron and calcium;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • excessive levels of copper, magnesium and phosphorus in the body.


For each individual component of the vitamin complex, a daily dosage is provided. If you take vitamins in excessive quantities, you can face an overdose of these substances. It is dangerous for both the woman and the child. For example, too much vitamin A can cause kidney disease or nervous disorders in a child. Excess iron contributes to damage to the vascular walls and myocardium.

Comment! In case of an overdose of the drug, you should immediately consult a doctor.

How to replace Elevit Pronatal for pregnant women

Individual intolerance to food additives during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon. In this case, analogues are selected. They may contain the same set of components, but their dosage may differ. The most common analogues of Elevit are Gendevit, Multi-tabs Perinatal and Complivit Mama.

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Elevit for pregnant women is indicated for admission from the very first day of conception. It ensures the intake of the necessary substances in the child's body in the required volume. This reduces the likelihood of developing various pathologies and has a beneficial effect on the woman's body.


The opinion of people who have tested the vitamin complex in action will help to make a decision regarding its intake. But it is important to consider that each organism can respond to vitamin therapy in its own way.

Reviews when planning pregnancy about Elevit Pronatal

Sudakova Kristina Alekseevna, 24 years old, Krasnoyarsk
I started taking Elevit 2 months before trying to conceive. Previously passed the necessary tests and gave up bad habits. As a result, the pregnancy happened exactly when it was planned, and proceeded without complications.
Korlyakova Maria Andreevna, 28 years old, Moscow
The genetic material in the egg is laid long before pregnancy. Therefore, vitamins must be taken regularly, and not just in preparation. I have always monitored their level, but during pregnancy I increased my vigilance. The child was eventually born healthy.
Volkonskaya Yulia Eduardovna, 38 years old, Sochi
It is especially important for women of mature age to take vitamins in preparation for pregnancy. I settled on Elevit. Thanks to him, there were no problems with conception.I hope that the drug will have a positive effect on bearing a baby.

Reviews during pregnancy about Elevit Pronatal

Goncharova Svetlana Yurievna, 32 years old, Ufa
I took Elevit during my first pregnancy. I have not encountered any side effects. The baby was born large and healthy. The second time I also plan to take this dietary supplement.
Krupa Elena Borisovna, 26 years old, Svetlogorsk
I chose between Femibion ​​and Elevit. I made a choice in favor of the latter. I thought I heard more good reviews about him. The drug is not bad, there was no nausea while taking it.
Okunkova Valentina Stepanovna, 42 years old, Saratov
Elevit contains all the substances necessary for pregnancy. His price is quite reasonable. I have been taking the 2nd trimester, no side effects have arisen. The main thing is to take the tablets after meals.

Reviews of gynecologists about Elevit Pronatal for pregnant women

Moroshkova Vitalina Sergeevna, reproductologist, St. Petersburg
I often prescribe this complex to women planning pregnancy. At the same time, I try to solve the problems that prevent conception. The level of vitamins in the body plays an important role in this case.
Zheltkova Angelina Nikolaevna, obstetrician-gynecologist, Tomsk
I believe that vitamins during pregnancy are essential. But it is also tender to forget about nutrition. After all, substances that enter the body from natural sources are absorbed much better.
Kravchuk Vladimir Veniaminovich, gynecologist, Tver
Practice shows that Elevit is less likely to provoke nausea and other bad symptoms than other vitamins. For me, it is a proven option. Therefore, I often insist on using it, both during planning and during gestation.
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