Asparagus in Korean: the benefits and harms of what it is made of, calories

Soy asparagus is a popular convenience food made from soybeans. It is an integral part of East Asian cuisine. The benefits and harms of soy asparagus are controversial between nutritionists and nutritionists, but the benefits are very potent.

What is soy asparagus and what is it made of

It is a healthy herbal product. In the Russian-speaking space, it received the erroneous name "asparagus", although this semi-finished product has nothing to do with this type of plant grown in the ground. Its real name is fuju, it comes from the Chinese language. The beneficial properties of soybeans asparagus have been noted by the inhabitants of the east since ancient times. Koreans call her yuba, and the Japanese call her doupi. In Russia, this product is also called "Chinese fern" or "Korean asparagus".

For the preparation of dry asparagus, soybeans are used, which bring great benefits to the body due to minerals - potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron. The process consists of several stages. First, soybeans are filtered, soaked in water. Then bean curd is separated from it with special devices. Soy milk is prepared from the remaining product, it is boiled. A greasy layer is formed on the surface called fupi. It is removed, hung up, left to dry for a while. At the end of the process, long, wrinkled sheets of a familiar shape are obtained. This is a finished product - fuju.

Calorie content of soy asparagus

The calorie content of dry soy asparagus per 100 grams is 260 kilocalories. Due to its relatively low calorie content, an abundance of useful properties, it is often used in dietary nutrition. Protein content per 100 g - 42 g, carbohydrates - 23 g, fat - 14 g.

Advice! To further reduce calories, special cooking methods can be used. For example, Korean-style pickled asparagus is lower in calories, less harmful, and more beneficial.

Why is soy asparagus useful?

It is often called the "product of youth": Fuzhu has a high concentration of essential plant protein, which is absorbed by the body much faster and easier than animal protein. While soy asparagus offers tremendous health benefits, some research suggests that it can be harmful if overused. Eating a very large amount of fuzhu negatively affects the functioning of the pancreas, thyroid gland, and also harms the digestive processes due to its high fiber and protein content.

This product contains bioactive substances - phytoestrogens. For women, they bring great benefits: the use of soy asparagus during PMS, menopause or with an unhealthy state of the reproductive system will help reduce the risk of developing serious diseases, reduce harm from the influence of adverse factors.Isoflavones, a type of phytoestrogen contained in fuju, which have many beneficial properties, are excellent antioxidants, normalize hormones, and contribute to anticarcinogenic changes. Soy asparagus contains a special substance lecithin, thanks to its properties, the liver function improves, it prevents the accumulation of fat in the body.

What diseases does soy asparagus help against?

The benefits of soybean asparagus are in the prevention of certain cancers, heart problems, and blood vessels. The product has a very low cholesterol content, no lactose, so it is suitable for people with diabetes, milk sugar allergy. It is an indispensable source of protein for athletes and people who do not eat animal products.

The benefits and harms of Korean asparagus

The benefits of dried soy asparagus are undeniable, but despite this, there are several other points that prove the harm of this product in special situations.

  • Including this useful semi-finished product in your regular diet, you can daily receive the vitamins necessary for the body, useful elements: vitamins of group B, D, E, iron, potassium, sodium.
  • Asparagus in Korean is beneficial for the body of people with diseases of the heart system, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbiosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, chronic constipation. The product also neutralizes the harm from the effects of harmful food on the body.
  • This product is one of the leaders in the number of polyunsaturated fatty acids, therefore fuzhu soy asparagus benefits people suffering from hypertension, heart disease, atherosclerosis.
  • For men and women who lead an active lifestyle and exercise, soy asparagus benefits from an abundance of essential, easily digestible plant amino acids.
  • Fuju contains a lot of healthy fiber, which improves metabolism, reduces the damage from the effects of fatty foods and helps remove toxins from the body.
  • Nutritionists do not advise using it in excessive quantities, since its properties can harm the functioning of the endocrine and mixed secretion glands - pancreas, thyroid, and also impair the functioning of the human reproductive system.
  • Excessive consumption of fuju, like any other food, can lead to inevitable weight gain. Therefore, you need to rationally approach the composition of food, eat all products in moderation.

Soy asparagus in Korean for weight loss

Due to the low calorie content of Korean asparagus, it is often used in various weight loss programs, dietary courses. Korean-style asparagus has a pleasant taste, so it must be included in the daily diet not only for those who want to lose weight and follow a strict diet, but also for those who want to diversify their diet.

Important! Nutritionists advise eating this semi-finished product in the afternoon - for lunch or dinner. Thus, healthy vegetable protein will be absorbed in the best way and will bring more benefits to the body, and carbohydrates and fats will not be stored in the body as excess weight and will not cause any harm.

How to cook soy asparagus at home

It is very simple to prepare it: it will take no more than 30 minutes, but some preparation is necessary.

  1. The dried product must be soaked in cool water for at least 4 hours. If it is not possible to leave it for such a long time, then you can simply pour boiling water over the fuju and leave it for a couple of minutes to swell. But cooking this way will make the taste much less pleasant, and many of the flavors and health benefits of soy asparagus will not be fully revealed.
  2. After soaking in water, it must be rinsed, cut into pieces.
  3. As a supplement, you can choose any healthy vegetables: most often, these are onions, carrots, as well as legumes - beans, chickpeas.
  4. First, vegetables are fried in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan until medium cooked, and only then soy asparagus is added.
  5. Next, you need to thoroughly mix all the ingredients and leave to simmer under the lid for 7 to 10 minutes.
  6. For decoration and the final touch, the dish can be sprinkled with herbs - green onions, dill, then crush the garlic, sprinkle with pepper.

Delicious and healthy soy asparagus dishes

Fuju is used not only as an independent dish, but also as an integral part of many other healthy and delicious recipes. Basically, all dishes that include soy asparagus came from the cuisines of East Asian countries - China, Japan, Korea, India:

  • With Korean carrots;
  • Korean-style asparagus with paprika;
  • Diet Caesar with Soy Asparagus;
  • Oriental salad with fuju, seaweed and pickles;
  • Autumn salad with pumpkin, pear and fuju.

Korean asparagus recipe with carrots

Korean-style asparagus with carrots is one of the traditional oriental dishes, which is cooked there in every home. To prepare this dish, you will need the following ingredients:

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  • dried semi-finished product - 1 package;
  • vegetables: onions and green onions, garlic - 3 - 4 cloves, carrots - 1 kg;
  • various seasonings to taste. The main ones are black pepper and coriander;
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • vegetable oil (flaxseed, olive, sunflower, pumpkin or grape seeds);
  • vinegar 70% - 1 - 1.5 tbsp.
Recommended reading:  Black pepper: benefits and harms

First you need to soak the fuju.

  1. Next, start cooking Korean carrots. To do this, all carrots must be chopped on a fine or coarse grater (optional), add ground pepper, salt, 1 - 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and leave to infuse for 15 - 20 minutes.
  2. After that, finely chop the onion and garlic, fry them in vegetable oil in a pan with coriander, add asparagus.
  3. Pour the whole mass with soy sauce, stir, leave to fry for another 5 - 6 minutes. until complete readiness.
  4. From the frying pan, you need to transfer everything to the carrots, remove the salad in the refrigerator.
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The dish is usually served cold: this is how its taste is most noticeable.

Korean asparagus with paprika

This is another popular do-it-yourself Korean asparagus recipe.

First, you also need to fill the dried product with water for several hours.

And at this time it is necessary to prepare a marinade for soy asparagus:

  1. The basis is soy sauce, in which ground black pepper, salt, 1 - 2 tbsp are mixed. l. paprika, crushed garlic and finely chopped onion.
  2. The swollen mass is placed in the resulting marinade and left in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
Important! This recipe is complicated by the fact that if you overexpose asparagus in soy sauce, then its taste will become sugary and sour.

Soy asparagus harm

Eating too much fuju is not advised, as this can exacerbate some endocrine diseases. In young children, excessive use of it threatens future disorders in the work of the reproductive system. In general, the harm of this product to the body is quite insignificant, especially if you use it no more than 4 - 5 times a week.

Who is contraindicated in soy asparagus?

People with pancreatitis, as well as those with kidney diseases, problems with the endocrine glands - hypofunction of the thyroid gland should refrain from eating fuju. However, you should not completely exclude this useful product from the diet, since in small quantities it will only benefit.

How to choose and store soy asparagus

Soy was the first product on which scientists tested GMO technologies. Therefore, unfortunately, nowadays unscrupulous producers often find fuzhu made from low-quality low-grade soybeans. You should always read the text on the packaging: study the composition, production methods, product properties.

It can be safely put on the same shelf with pasta, cereals, legumes. It is advisable to choose dark cabinets or shelves.


So, it turned out that the benefits and harms of soy asparagus depends only on how much it is consumed. Fuzhu has a lot of useful properties, it is rich in essential vitamins, essential elements, so this product must be constantly included in your daily diet. Cooking Soy Asparagus Videos:

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