Why pork liver is useful and how to cook it

Pork liver is one of the healthiest by-products. The usual color is brown. Contains a large number of nutrients that promote recovery from illness and health. The meat is highly elastic. The benefits and harms of pork liver depend entirely on the age category, method of preparation, individual properties of the gastrointestinal tract and serving size.

Pork liver composition

The composition includes:

  • saturated fatty acids;
  • lipophilic alcohols - cholesterol;
  • amino acids and their residues;
  • water and a complex of inorganic substances;
  • a complex of trace elements - Se, Fe, Zn, MN, Cu, etc.
  • macroelements - Na, K, Ca, P;
  • vitamin complexes, a lot of vitamin C.

Nutritional value and calorie content of pork liver

The calorie content of 100 grams of pork liver is 109 kcal.

The content of organogenic elements per 100 g:




18.8 g


3.8 g


4.7 g


71.3 g

components digested by the intestinal microflora


When cooked, the calorie content and composition may vary. So the boiled product contains much less cholesterol, which can harm the circulatory system. Conversely, the properties of fried foods increase the volume of lipophilic alcohols.

Cooking method

Calorie content


89 kcal


219 kcal


109 kcal

Useful properties of pork liver

Due to its low calorie content, a large amount of vitamins, microelements and macronutrients, meat has the following beneficial properties:

  1. The high content of vitamin A helps in the treatment of eye diseases. The properties of pork liver are used for vitamin deficiencies to replenish the balance of essential substances.
  2. The contained folic acid is very beneficial for pregnant women and people with increased stress. The acid is involved in intrauterine development, helps in the formation of the fetus. Iodine is essential for the thyroid gland and immune processes. It also promotes brain activity. An increase in the amount of iodine activates cognitive processes related to memory and attention. In addition, as a supplement, it can be prescribed for diseases of the thyroid gland.
  3. The contained vitamin B12 in the form of cobalamins is useful in digestion processes, participates in the synthesis of amino acids. It is a necessary substance for atherosclerosis, due to its properties it enhances the work of the central nervous system.
  4. The high iron content of porcine liver helps with problems with oxygen transfer by red blood cells and anemia. It is used as an adjuvant, whose properties have a beneficial effect on people with anemia.
  5. In case of diseases of the digestive apparatus, it is eaten as a source of vitamin B
  6. The benefits of selenium for the human body in the composition of the pork liver is to significantly reduce the risk of malignant tumors.
  7. Vitamins B1, B2 are involved in stimulating the immune system.

For women

For a woman, the benefits of pork liver are manifested in the improvement of hematopoiesis processes.The high iron content is sent to the red bone marrow to create red blood cells. This increases the amount of blood deposited, which helps to speed up recovery from the menstrual cycle and reduce discomfort. The consumption of offal reduces the rate of a number of processes, increasing the restoration of cellular balance. In addition, pork liver is low in calories and nutritious, it helps to normalize metabolism, therefore it is often used in different diets.

For men

The male sex can be used to prevent heart attacks and strokes. Regular addition of offal to the diet helps to maintain normal physical shape. The properties of some of the components enhance sexual function.

For children

Pork liver is very beneficial for the growth and development of children. It is allowed to add to the diet from the age of one.

Proteins and amino acids that make up the by-product are involved in the development of bone, skin and muscle systems. Pork liver contains useful amino acids and substances that the body cannot synthesize due to age. Therefore, eating pork liver for children allows you to replenish the balance of physiologically necessary substances.

The benefits of offal for children:

  1. A large percentage of vitamin A, which is involved in the formation of teeth, derived from the skin, improves vision.
  2. Vitamin D is essential for calcium absorption. In the natural environment, it is synthesized by ultraviolet rays in the skin and enters the body with food. In addition, it is required for phosphorus assimilation, which is needed for growth.
  3. Vitamin PP is required for the production of hormones by the endocrine glands.
  4. Folic acid is involved in the intracellular synthesis of DNA and RNA. It is also necessary in the synthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin - hormones of happiness. Mediators are needed directly for the processes of excitation and inhibition of the central nervous system, which improves brain activity and sleep.
  5. B12 is involved in the normalization of the blood-forming organs, especially in the creation of red blood cells and the transport of oxygen.

Is pork liver possible for pregnant and lactating mothers

Pork liver during breastfeeding is allowed in a purified form. The dose in the diet of lactating women starts from 100 g per day. It can be given starting from the age of three months. Pork liver is not an allergen, so eating goes away without consequences for the child.

It is better to introduce into the diet gradually, starting with small portions. For cooking, it is necessary to completely remove veins containing harmful substances and films. It is allowed to eat stewed or boiled.

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During pregnancy, the components contained in the liver, especially folic acid, have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus. Their properties reduce the risk of intrauterine malformations, especially neural tube defects.

Pork liver intake

To avoid harm, nutritionists recommend eating pork liver no more than once a week. The product contains a large amount of purines that increase the volume of salts, uric acid, which harms and provokes diseases of the skeletal and muscular system.

How to cook pork liver deliciously

Pork liver contains many nutrients and is easy to prepare. From it you can do:

  • liver fried in a pan with onions;
  • stewed in sour cream;
  • pate.
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Fried pork liver with onions in a pan

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg of meat;
  • several heads of onions;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt, pepper, other spices to taste.

Cooking process;

  1. Cut the cooled product into small pieces: up to 5 cm long and 1 cm wide.
  2. Rinse the meat with clean water and place in a colander to let the liquid glass.
  3. Pour sunflower oil into a preheated pan and place the liver.
  4. Stir the meat for 10 minutes.
  5. Peel the onion, add it to the pan, stir the meat with the vegetable part for 5 minutes.
  6. The pan is covered with a lid, then the dish is stewed for 5 minutes until cooked.

Rice, porridge or pasta are served as a side dish.

Stewed liver in sour cream

This recipe requires ingredients:

  • 500 g of meat product;
  • 1 large onion
  • 200 g sour cream;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the meat into cubes, the onion into half rings.
  2. Preheat a skillet, fry the onion a little, then add the chopped liver.
  3. Fry over low heat for 1/4 hour, then add sour cream, stir, salt and pepper.
  4. Close the lid and cook for another 15 minutes over low heat.

Pork liver pate

Required ingredients for a pate:

  • 5 kg of pork liver;
  • smoked bacon 100 g;
  • lard and vegetable oil - 5 g;
  • middle head of a bow;
  • 50 g sour cream.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the onion and bacon into small pieces, fry until golden brown.
  2. Cut pork liver into small chunks, add to the bacon and onion mixture, season with pepper and salt to taste. Keep on fire for another 10 minutes. Wait until it cools down.
  3. Grind in a blender or meat grinder until smooth.
  4. Add sour cream, then chop again.
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Potential harm to pig liver and contraindications

The health benefits and harms of pork liver are determined by the preparation method. The individual characteristics of the organism also affect. The product can be harmful in the following cases:

  1. Large amounts of cholesterol can lead to poor circulation, so older people need to reduce the amount of pork liver they eat to avoid harm.
  2. Some of the components in the composition of meat affect the appearance of excess hydrochloric acid, which leads to gout and gouty arthritis.
  3. Fried liver can contain carcinogens if stored improperly.
  4. Individual intolerance. In this case, the harm to the body from the pork liver is less beneficial.

How to choose and store pork liver correctly

A quality product can be distinguished by the following features:

  • surface color - brown or dark red, monotonous, without spots;
  • smooth surface without obvious bulges;
  • sweetish aroma, without an obvious sour or pungent odor;
  • the cut product is granular, with pores;
  • elasticity - after pressing with your finger, the dent will quickly level out.

Meat is allowed to be stored in the refrigerator for up to two days. It is recommended to put it in the freezer for a longer period. Otherwise, the taste of the product will decrease.


The benefits and harms of pork liver depend on the preparation method and the characteristics of the organism. The product contains a large amount of substances necessary for the growth of children, strengthening the functions of various body systems, as well as replenishing the balance of micro and macro elements. However, the presence of purines and high amounts of cholesterol can be harmful if consumed in excess.

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