Vitamin K2: what does the body need for, where it is contained, the norm

Vitamin K2 is found in food, especially where animal and milk proteins are present. There is his greatest concentration. The substance plays an important role, therefore it is necessary to control its intake into the body with food. In addition to natural sources of this useful component, there are pharmaceutical preparations that are taken for pathologies associated with a lack of this vitamin in the body.

What is vitamin K2 for

One of the most important substances in the human body is vitamin K2

Some time ago, scientists conducted experiments to study cholesterol in birds. A special diet was developed for the subjects, which contained carbohydrates, proteins, all the necessary vitamins and minerals, but there was no fat. After prolonged use of such a diet, the birds developed symptoms of anemia, blood clotting was impaired, and after a while all the birds died. It was obvious that the diet of the experimental birds was missing a very important nutrient, which is found in fats. Over the years, biochemists were able to isolate this element. The substance was named vitamin K2 or menaquinone.

Menaquinone is extremely important for the human body. Its main function is the regulation of metabolic processes. The substance modifies proteins for subsequent calcium binding. In addition, menaquinone has the following functions:

  • creates conditions for the proper assimilation of vitamin D, thereby participating in the growth and development of bone tissue and the formation of the skeleton in children;
  • participates in many oxidation-reduction reactions of the body;
  • neutralizes some strong poisons such as coumarin;
  • normalizes liver function;
  • increases the body's resistance;
  • provides gastrointestinal motility;
  • has an analgesic, antibacterial effect.

Also, vitamin K2 is involved in anaerobic respiration of nervous tissue and muscles during oxygen starvation, especially during excessive physical exertion.

Vitamin K2 is a form of fat-soluble K that is responsible for many important functions in the human body. It is a nutrient necessary for the healthy flow of all life processes.

Vitamin K2 comes in several forms, but the most famous and important are MK4 and MK7. Both forms are necessary and useful, they differ from each other by a different chemical formula. MK7 has more chain links, so it is considered to be more active. It is known that this form circulates in the blood for more than 70 hours and during this time it manages to get into all tissues and organs. Thus MK7 is the same menaquinone, but more effective.

Longer side chain menaquinone formula

Menaquinone combines well with fat-containing foods, does not interfere with the absorption of other nutrients. However, the absorption of vitamin K2 by the body is negatively affected by antibiotics, some sleeping pills, alcohol, nicotine, as well as flavors, dyes and preservatives.

The benefits and harms of vitamin K2

Recently, interest in vitamin K2 has increased markedly. Accordingly, more information appeared about the beneficial properties of the substance.It is known to interfere with the aging process - it stops the calcification of arteries, glands, heart valves. Promotes the production of collagen, elastin, which are essential for maintaining healthy and youthful skin. Menaquinone prevents excess calcium leaching from bones, thereby inhibiting the development of osteoporosis in adulthood and old age.

Vitamin K2 is also valued as a remedy that helps fight rheumatoid arthritis and significantly reduces the risk of prostate pathology, including cancer. Some studies have shown that it is quite effective for other forms of cancer, such as colon, liver, stomach, nose and mouth. Moreover, it was found that menaquinone can promote self-destruction of cancer cells.

No harm from vitamin K2 has been identified. However, in case of an overdose of drugs containing menaquinone, an imbalance in the balance of calcium in the body and allergic reactions can be observed. An overdose of natural menaquinone - vitamin K2 is hardly possible, since the body is able to excrete excess nutrients on its own.

Where is vitamin K2 found

Many experts believe that menaquinone is able to synthesize on its own in the small intestine. But since sometimes the body cannot make enough vitamin K2, you can get it from food.

Important! Soy natto contains the most menaquinone - 875 mg per 100 g of product. In second place in terms of content is goose liver pate - 370 mg.
Menaquinone is also found in plant foods

A large amount of the substance is found in animal products - milk and cottage cheese, liver of geese and calves, chicken, beef, yolk, and hard cheese. But it is formed only in those fats of animals and birds that were fed with food of natural origin. Today, Japanese scientists have established that soy and a dish such as natto have a lot of menaquinone. The following plant foods are also sources of vitamin K2:

  • most cereals;
  • some root vegetables;
  • spinach;
  • rosehip;
  • cabbage, including sauerkraut.

The substance is found in small quantities in greens (lettuce, parsley), broccoli and avocado.

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Vitamin K2 norm

The amount of menaquinone required to maintain body functions depends on the person's weight and age. Thus, for 1 kg of body weight, 1 μg of vitamin K2 is needed.

For children under one year old, the dosage of the daily intake of vitamin K2 is 0.01-0.012 mg. Almost all breast formulas add menaquinone and this amount is enough for the baby for normal development, provided that the baby is healthy.

The lack of a substance in the human body is not uncommon. This is usually associated with impaired gastrointestinal function. Sometimes the deficiency provokes the following pathologies:

  • liver and gallbladder diseases;
  • pancreatic tumors;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • long-term therapy with antibiotics or other drugs that negatively affect the intestinal microflora.

Menaquinone is found in many foods, so it is clear that the reasons for a lack of vitamin K2 in the body are not simply the absence of certain foods in the diet.

Symptoms that indicate a menaquinone deficiency include:

  • rapid fatigue, weakness;
  • joint pain;
  • fractures, especially in the elderly;
  • diabetes;
  • hypertension;
  • early aging of the body;
  • frequent bleeding from the nose;
  • bleeding gums;
  • long healing of wounds on the skin;
  • indigestion.
Menaquinone is involved in the formation of the skeleton and bone tissue

With a prolonged lack of menaquinone, violations in the skeletal system are noted, osteoporosis develops, various deformities, and blood clots form.

Vitamin K2 preparations

Since, in some pathologies, the body cannot synthesize vitamin K2 from food, the patient needs to take the substance in supplements, complexes where they contain more.

Attention! Menaquinone in vitamin complexes is not a drug. Doctors prescribe it in addition to the main therapy.

Here are the main drugs:

  1. Swanson ultra is a biologically active form of vitamin K A preparation obtained from a fermented soy product - natto. Contains excipients: beeswax, lecithin, gelatin, sunflower oil. Take 1 capsule with water. It is not a drug.
  2. Vitamin K2, Source Naturals - a preparation containing vitamin D3, menaquinone and calcium. The complex is often prescribed to strengthen teeth and bone tissue. Made from soy and milk components. The drug is not recommended for use by children, pregnant and lactating women.
  3. Vita K2 - vitamin preparation from Great Britain. It is prescribed as a prophylactic agent for cardiovascular pathologies. Contains linseed oil, cholicalceferol and menaquinone. Contraindications include individual drug intolerance, pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  4. Vitamin K2 Dr. Mercola... Produced by fermentation of soybeans, it has a high content of active substances in 1 capsule. Considered a "premium" additive. Also available in combination with vitamin D.
  5. Vitamin K2 Now Foods... In addition to K2, the composition contains vitamin D. The drug cleans blood vessels, improves the absorption of calcium. Contains alfalfa, which helps increase the body's resistance to infection and inflammatory diseases.

Which vitamin K2 is better

Pharmacy form K2

It is rather difficult to choose any specific complex containing menaquinone. Most of the supplements have natural ingredients in their composition, are safe to take, developed by leading experts in the field of medicine and pharmacology. Therefore, it is necessary to contact your doctor for recommendations. He will prescribe the complex, based on the individual need of the patient, indicate the required dosage.

How to take vitamin K2

Additional administration of menaquinone in the form of pharmaceutical preparations is indicated for all age groups. It is prescribed for children to prevent bone tissue disorders, during the formation of tooth enamel, for adults - in combination with the main treatment for pathologies of the cardiovascular system, therapy of osteoporosis.

Additional intake of K2 is necessary for a person with the following conditions and diseases:

  • anorexia;
  • long-term therapy with corticosteroids and statins;
  • damage to tooth enamel;
  • spinal compression fractures;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Vitamin K2 is available in several forms: tablets, vegetarian and gelatin capsules, solutions. The liquid form of the drug is recommended for use in newborn children, dosed in drops, based on the doctor's prescription and the age of the child. For adults, it is recommended to take the drug according to the instructions and prescription.

It is advisable to take the vitamin with food or immediately after it, drinking plenty of water. The course of treatment is about a month.

Contraindications to vitamin K2

Menaquinone Prevents Premature Aging

Contraindications for taking vitamin K2 include the following conditions:

  • embolism, thrombosis;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • individual intolerance;
  • increased blood clotting.

With care: children, pregnant and lactating women. In case of deterioration of health, allergic reactions, the use of the product should be discontinued and consult your doctor.

Warning! Sometimes menaquinone is used in the MK7 form. It goes well with vitamin D3 and some minerals - calcium, iodine, boron, zinc.

Side effects of vitamin K2

Possible side effects of vitamin K2 include decreased appetite, decreased performance, fatigue, irritation, muscle tension, and breathing problems. Some swelling may appear, sometimes violations of the liver are observed - an increase in volume on palpation, yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes. As a rule, side effects of the drug are caused by an overdose.

Vitamin K2 overdose

An overdose of the natural form of the substance is rarely recorded. This usually happens when the patient does not take the dosage into account when taking a pharmaceutical drug. An excessive concentration of menaquinone in the body leads to an increase in blood clotting, the formation of blood clots, and the development of vascular diseases.


Vitamin K2 is found in food, but sometimes it may not be enough if you have a history of certain diseases. In this case, the doctor prescribes the pharmaceutical form of the substance. Vitamin is important for bone tissue, human cardiovascular system. It is he who provides the interaction of vitamin D and calcium. Therefore, it is often prescribed to older people prone to bone fractures. In newborns, the substance is involved in the formation of the skeleton.

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