L-carnitine for weight loss: reviews, instructions for use

Among the supplements used for weight loss, the most popular is L-carnitine. This substance is produced in the human body and is a mixture of amino acids. L-carnitine is involved in fat metabolism and accelerates fat burning. But this happens only with physical exertion. Therefore, L-carnitine is effective for weight loss if taken during sports training. This substance is often added to sports nutrition.

Why does a woman need L-carnitine

L-carnitine is produced by the liver. This substance is a synthesis of amino acids, vitamins, enzymes. Similar in properties to vitamins of group B. L-carnitine is involved in metabolic processes. Accumulates in liver, brain and muscles. The main property of this substance is to transport fatty acids into cells, burn them and use them as an energy source. This is what explains its popularity for weight loss.

L-carnitine is formed from the amino acids lysine and methionine. They enter the body with red meat, fish, cottage cheese and other protein products. But sometimes not enough L-carnitine is produced. This happens with improper diet or high physical exertion. Then you need to take additional L-carnitine in the form of supplements.

Important! A lack of this substance can lead to obesity, decreased mental activity and performance. Similar effects can be observed with overdose.

This substance is necessary for a woman's body, as it is the main stimulator of metabolic processes and helps in losing weight. It is L-carnitine that converts fats into energy. It is especially important for the proper functioning of the heart, kidneys and brain. L-Carnitine Required for Women:

  • with rapid fatigue;
  • increased physical and mental stress;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • loss of appetite or diseases of the digestive tract;
  • with a vegetarian diet or insufficient nutrition;
  • excess weight;
  • planning pregnancy;
  • decreased immunity.

It is especially often recommended to use supplements with this substance when playing sports, fitness or bodybuilding. Girls need carnitine to lose weight and improve training results. It helps to avoid fatigue, muscle pain and fat accumulation.

The benefits and harms of L-carnitine for women

L-carnitine supplements and preparations are used in medicine, dietetics, and sports nutrition. This substance is necessary for the normal functioning of the body and maintaining efficiency, for weight loss. Therefore, an additional reception is useful for various pathologies and to improve metabolic processes. The benefits of L-carnitine for women are that it has the following properties:

  • lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • improves the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • increases tissue resistance to oxygen deficiency;
  • stimulates fat metabolism, prevents fat accumulation;
  • has an antioxidant effect, protecting cells from free radicals and slowing down the aging process;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • increases efficiency, reduces fatigue;
  • improves digestion;
  • accelerates the elimination of toxins;
  • improves the processes of tissue recovery and regeneration;
  • restores liver function;
  • prevents blood clots;
  • increases resistance to stress and psycho-emotional overload, improves mood;
  • improves memory, attention, mental activity;
  • normalizes sleep.

This substance is natural for the body, as it is produced by the liver. Therefore, the additional technique does not do any harm. Moreover, they produce drugs with L-carnitine, which are as close to natural as possible. Most reviews note good tolerance and positive effects.

This does not mean that everyone can take L-carnitine supplements for weight loss in any amount. It is recommended to consult a doctor who will help you choose the optimal dosage and duration of administration.

Does L-carnitine help you lose weight?

The benefits of carnitine for women and the ability to speed up metabolism contribute to the fact that it is often taken for weight loss. This substance actually captures fatty acids and stimulates their breakdown. In order to lose weight, it is necessary to combine the intake of L-carnitine with physical activity, and preferably with a low-carb diet.

This is explained by the peculiarities of the action of the substance. L-carnitine does not burn fat on its own, but only accelerates the penetration of fatty acid molecules through the cell membrane into mitochondria. It is there that they are split and converted into energy. But if the body does not consume this energy, it does not need it, the excess L-carnitine is simply excreted from the body. But the opposite effect is also possible: taking the supplement stimulates the appetite, as a result of which the weight may even increase.

L-carnitine only helps you lose weight when combined with exercise. If a person spends a lot of energy, then this substance acts as a fat burner. L-carnitine recycles existing fatty deposits, breaks down fatty acids coming from food, preventing them from accumulating, contributing to weight loss.

Cardio loads work best, that is, those exercises that lead to intense energy expenditure. This is running, walking on a treadmill, fitness, cycling, swimming, dancing. The ability of L-carnitine to lower the level of bad cholesterol improves the supply of energy and oxygen to the heart muscle.

Comment! Those women who write that taking L-carnitine did not help them lose weight simply do not take into account its features. It may take 3-4 weeks before the first results, so you should not expect instant weight loss.

With regular physical activity, taking L-carnitine will reduce weight and improve athletic performance. Stimulating energy production provides strength for training, promotes muscle building. It is recommended to drink both for athletes who are accustomed to exercise and for those who have just started to exercise. It will help you adapt faster, start the process of losing weight and increase your energy reserve.

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L-carnitine is popular in sports nutrition due to the fact that it has the following properties:

  • tones up, increases endurance during physical exertion;
  • provides muscles with the necessary energy, protects against injury and damage;
  • accelerates the renewal of muscle tissue, promotes their growth;
  • blocks the accumulation of lactic acid, thereby preventing pain after exercise;
  • reduces the feeling of fatigue.

Which carnitine is best for weight loss

L-carnitine is produced in various forms: tablets, capsules, syrup, drops or powder for oral administration. There are also ampoules for injections, but they are most often used for medical purposes. Athletes prefer tablets or liquid form of the drug. Their composition is the same, the only difference is that liquid carnitine begins to act immediately. And it will take some time to digest the tablets.

Each form of release has its own pros and cons:

  • capsules and tablets are convenient, simple to determine the dosage, easy to drink, but they are not absorbed well;
  • the syrup has a pleasant taste, it is easy to dose, but it is not recommended for weight loss due to the presence of additives;
  • the powder needs to be diluted in water, which is not very convenient, although many people like the fact that it is easy to dose and can be mixed with drinks;
  • ampoules are used for injection, which is inconvenient, but many athletes take the contents of the ampoule inside.

There are many products that contain L-carnitine. They can differ not only in the amount of the active substance, but also in the form. In addition to pure L-carnitine, supplements with the following names can be found:

  • L-carnitine tartrate - has greater bioavailability, is quickly absorbed, best suited for weight loss;
  • acetyl carnitine is a compound with an acetyl group, which increases neurostimulating properties;
  • propionyl carnitine obtained after combining the substance with glycine, it is used for people with cardiovascular diseases;
  • carnitine fumarate - this compound with fumaric acid, has a better effect on the heart, increases endurance, promotes weight loss.

Due to the wide variety of release forms, it is difficult to choose the best carnitine for weight loss. But there are several drugs that are more popular and have earned many positive reviews:

  1. Optimum Nutrition offers 500 mg L-Carnitine per capsule. A pack of 60 tablets is enough for a monthly course of administration. Contains calcium and phosphorus, is well absorbed.
  2. My Protein Powder contains Acetyl L-Carnitine. Available in sachets of 250 and 500g. You need to drink 25 g three times a day, dissolving in water or juice.
  3. Sports nutritionists recommend Now softgels. Contains carnitine in the form of acetyl. They are well absorbed, increase mental and physical performance.
  4. Inner Armor Carnitine Powder is popular. The drug is well tolerated by the body, in addition to fat burning properties, it has the ability to improve heart function.
  5. Many people love Carni-X Capsules from Scitec Nutrition. Enriched with vitamins, tones up and starts the process of losing weight.
  6. Bio Tech offers Liquid L-Carnitine in 2000 mg ampoules. It is convenient to take, but many people note an unpleasant taste.
  7. Power System Attack 3000 Syrup. It comes in individual 50 ml bottles, each containing 3000 mg of carnitine plus caffeine and guarana.
  8. Professional athletes often choose Allmax Nutrition's Liquid Carnitine. This syrup contains pantothenic acid in addition to carnitine. Not recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Advice! For moderate weight loss workouts, Carni-X from Scitec Nutrition or Optimum Nutrition is best. And for those who have high physical activity, you need to pay attention to the funds from MyProtein or Power System.

How to take L-carnitine for weight loss

The dosage and method of use for each is determined individually, depending on the energy consumption and the characteristics of the organism. Despite the fact that this substance is sold without restrictions in any sports nutrition store, it should not be abused. To understand how to drink L-carnitine for weight loss correctly, you need to consult your doctor or trainer.

There are several admission rules to help you avoid mistakes:

  • for athletes with intense energy consumption, the dosage is 2000-3000 mg of carnitine per day;
  • the dosage depends on the weight, so girls need to take from 500 to 2000 mg for weight loss;
  • it is undesirable to use supplements for more than a month and a half, you need to take a break, then you can repeat the course;
  • during admission, at least moderate physical activity is needed, without which L-carnitine will not work;
  • increased efficiency when taken together with a complex of amino acids;
  • the liquid form of the drug is not recommended to be washed down with water or consumed immediately before a meal;
  • in the evening, it is undesirable to take the drug because of the tonic effect.
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Instructions for the use of carnitine for weight loss recommends dividing the dosage into 2-3 doses. Half of the daily dose should be taken before each meal, and the rest should be drunk 30-40 minutes before training. On days when there are no classes, you need to take before breakfast and before lunch for 20-30 minutes.

All manufactured drugs and supplements contain different dosages. You need to focus on the amount recommended by a trainer or doctor. Preparations in tablets or capsules are usually taken 1-2 pieces 2-3 times a day. Sometimes it is recommended to drink the entire dose on the day of training 30 minutes before it. Usually this is how the drug is used in powder - it is diluted with water and the resulting cocktail is drunk. It is convenient to use ready-made drinks, but they are expensive.

In liquid form, L-carnitine is better absorbed, but it is not recommended to use syrup for weight loss, as it may contain sugar and other additives. Best of all drops or solution in ampoules. It is diluted in a little water, added to drinks or drunk.

Attention! It is imperative to look at the concentration of the substance - the daily dose of L-carnitine should not exceed 2000 mg.

Contraindications and side effects

L-carnitine enters the human body with food, so its additional intake in the form of dietary supplements does not cause harm. It is well tolerated and can be taken by almost everyone. Contraindications include only individual intolerance. Indigestion and headaches may occur, and it is recommended to stop taking the drug immediately. This substance is also contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Important! People with chronic diseases who regularly take medications should consult a doctor before using L-carnitine. This is especially important in kidney disease: this substance is contraindicated during hemodialysis.

If used correctly, the carnitine fat burner for weight loss is well tolerated. Most of the reviews mention only positive effects. Side effects are most often associated with individual intolerance or exceeding the recommended dose. In this case, the following side effects can be observed:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • indigestion;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic reactions;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • pain in the kidneys.

But these reactions are very rare. Frequent side effects of L-carnitine intake include insomnia and increased nervous irritability. This is due to its tonic properties. In this case, you just need to reduce the dosage and not drink the drug shortly before bedtime. It is also recommended to give up other stimulants, such as caffeine.

Some women also report that they notice an increase in appetite while using the supplements. After all, L-carnitine accelerates the burning of fatty acids and improves digestion. Therefore, at the time of taking such drugs, you should adhere to a special diet: there is more often, but in small portions. You can combine them with MCC to help avoid hunger.

Sometimes a condition called trimethylaminuria develops with L-carnitine supplements. It is characterized by the appearance of a specific fishy odor from the human body and from his urine. This condition is not dangerous, but unpleasant for others.


L-carnitine for weight loss is taken by many women. Its advantages are good portability and increased efficiency. But it must be borne in mind that fat burning under the influence of this substance will occur only with physical exertion. Therefore, this is not a diet pill, but a tool to help you lose weight during exercise.

Reviews about Levocarnitine for weight loss

Due to the nature of this substance, reviews about it are contradictory. Many people note the complete absence of the effect of weight loss, or vice versa, the opposite effect is increased appetite. This is due to the misuse of carnitine.In order for it to help you lose weight, you need to take it in combination with physical activity and proper nutrition. Those who take this into account leave positive reviews.

Galina Sergeeva, 27 years old, Saratov
I take carnitine for weight loss on the advice of my trainer. I started practicing two months ago, but the trainer said that I did not need to take it right away while the loads were small. I drink it in liquid form before training. It's been 3 weeks now and I notice that my belly fat has decreased.
Oksana Petrova, 32 years old, Pskov
I have been taking L-carnitine capsules for the third course. I have been doing fitness for a long time, 1-2 times a week. Before, after training, everything hurt. But as I started taking the supplement, I began to feel better, and vigor appeared. In addition, she noticed that she had lost weight. It seems that the weight has not decreased much, but the jeans have become loose.
Tatiana Nikitina, 38 years old, Moscow
On the advice of a friend, she began to take L-carnitine. She said that the supplement helped her lose 10 kg. True, she goes to the gym, but I thought it didn't matter. The drug did not have such an effect on me, I did not feel any changes. Yes, performance has improved, but this did not affect the weight in any way.
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