Medicinal properties of milk thistle honey and contraindications

The benefits and harms of milk thistle honey depend on the amount consumed and on individual characteristics. For a product to have a positive effect on health, you need to study its properties and proven recipes.

What milk thistle honey looks like

Milk thistle, or Maryin thistle, is a herbaceous plant from the Astrov family with numerous beneficial properties. Natural honey produced by bees from the pollen of this flower has a very beneficial effect on the body and improves health. Since the delicacy of this variety does not belong to the category of the most common, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its main features.

The color of a particular milk thistle honey depends on the conditions of collection

Milk thistle honey is usually light yellow in color, but it can also have a dark amber, yellowish-transparent and even white tint. The consistency is viscous, homogeneous and of medium density, reminiscent of syrup, the smell is persistent and pleasant, floral.

Recommended reading:  Honey: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications

Milk thistle honey has a sweet and well-defined taste with tart notes and a long aftertaste. The delicacy quickly becomes sugar-free, but even after crystallization it retains its softness and dissolves very easily.

Chemical composition

The medicinal properties of milk thistle honey are determined by its rich chemical composition. In particular, the product contains:

  • minerals and vitamins of all major groups;
  • tannins;
  • fructose and glucose;
  • a small amount of alkaloids;
  • resins and saponins;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids and flavolignans;
  • amino acids, including tyramine.

Despite the sweet taste, the bee product is low in calories, there are 304 calories per 100 g. With moderate use, the delicacy cannot cause any harm to the figure.

Why is milk thistle honey useful?

Any honey has a beneficial effect on the body. But the milk thistle variety is especially highly prized. There are several main positive properties of the product:

  1. Beneficial effects on the liver... Milk thistle bee product is very good at helping with inflammatory processes in the liver and biliary tract. It has a hepatoprotective effect, prevents the destruction of the organ, promotes its rapid recovery. You can use the product to normalize the production of bile.
  2. Ancillary Benefits for Hepatitis C... Milk thistle honey is not a medicine against a dangerous viral disease. However, in the early stages of the disease, it prevents pathogens from multiplying in the body and thereby helps alleviate symptoms.
  3. Firming effect... It is recommended to consume milk thistle honey in case of weakened immunity and lack of vitamins. The product helps to recover faster after a long illness, prophylactically protects against viral infections.
  4. Beneficial effect on the nervous system... You can use a bee product in case of stress, unstable emotional state and insomnia. It contains quercetin, which has a calming effect.In addition, the milk thistle variety improves brain activity and prevents the development of dangerous neurological disorders.
  5. Normalization of metabolic and digestive processes... In small quantities, honey can be consumed with a tendency to constipation, with slow digestion of food and intestinal cramps. The product accelerates the assimilation of nutrients from food and removes accumulated toxins from the body.
  6. Reduction of painful sensations in joint ailments... Milk thistle pollen bee product has strong anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, you can resort to his help for arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism, the delicacy relieves pain and helps to relieve local swelling.
Milk thistle honey variety improves skin and hair condition

Milk thistle bee treat is especially beneficial for women. Regular use of the product has a beneficial effect on the appearance and slows down the aging process.

How to take milk thistle honey

You can use the product in a free order, as a treat along with tea or herbal decoctions. But there are also medicinal schemes for taking milk thistle bee products, it brings special benefits for some ailments.

Milk thistle with honey for the liver

Traditional medicine especially emphasizes the regenerative properties of the honey thistle variety. The product helps with fatty degeneration of the liver, can contribute to the healing of cirrhosis in the early stages and accelerate recovery from hepatitis C.

It is recommended to take milk thistle treat for the liver in 1-2 large spoons daily

You can use the bee product in its pure form, but more often it is combined with warm herbal tea or warmed milk. The daily portion is divided into 2-3 doses, this increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

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Milk thistle honey is especially effective when used together with other beneficial ingredients. It can be taken with choleretic herbs or with royal jelly, which accelerates the synthesis of healthy liver cells.

For joints

The bee product is beneficial for rheumatism, arthritis, osteochondrosis and arthrosis. Milk thistle honey contains manganese and zinc, as well as flavonoids that neutralize inflammation inside the joints. Vitamin E and carotenoids trigger increased production of collagen, which is responsible for the health of connective tissues.

Milk thistle honey not only relieves joint pain, but also helps to restore cartilage

It is possible to take honey for joint diseases according to the standard algorithm - together with tea or warm milk, two large spoons a day. You can also use the treat outdoors. For example, lotions have a good effect - they lubricate the sore joint with the agent, and then wrap it with a film and warm cloth and hold the compress for about 20 minutes.

Application in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of milk thistle honey are highly valued in cosmetology. The product perfectly smoothes wrinkles, promotes collagen production and saturates the epidermis with vitamins and organic acids. You can use the product for skin diseases - psoriasis and boils, eczema and dermatitis.

Honey masks have a beneficial effect on hair. Against the background of the use of milk thistle, the follicles are strengthened and start growing more actively, the curls recover faster after damage.

Important! The anti-cellulite properties of honey deserve special mention; it is used for massage that smooths the skin's relief.
Recommended reading:  Anti-cellulite massage: effect, technique, photo and video

Milk thistle honey mask for hair

To stop hair loss and make your hair look more voluminous, you can use this recipe:

  • three large spoons of honey product are heated to 40 ° C in a water bath;
  • if necessary, dilute slightly with clear liquid;
  • applied to the scalp, rubbing thoroughly at the roots;
  • wrap your hair with plastic and a towel.
Milk thistle honey is beneficial for hair loss

The mask needs to be kept for half an hour, and the procedure is repeated every day for ten days in a row.

Honey face mask

From the first wrinkles, inflammation and acne, a simple milk thistle honey mask helps. They do it like this:

  • two large tablespoons of the bee product are slightly heated with steam so that the product acquires a liquid consistency;
  • the warm agent is distributed over the skin, avoiding the area around the eyes.

After 20 minutes, the honey is washed off with clean water and the skin is moisturized with a nourishing cream.

Milk thistle honey improves skin condition when applied three times a week
Attention! Before applying milk thistle to your face and scalp, you need to test it at the bend of the elbow to make sure that there is no allergy.

Contraindications to the use of milk thistle honey

Like most bee products, milk thistle honey can be beneficial as well as harmful. It must be taken with caution, and with some diseases, you should completely abandon the delicacy. The list of contraindications includes:

  • individual allergy to bee products;
  • pregnancy;
  • cholelithiasis in the acute stage;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic neurological disorders;
  • severe cardiovascular ailments;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • dyspnea.

Honey cannot be offered to children under two years of age. It is strictly contraindicated to use the delicacy for women during the period of breastfeeding, the newborn can react with severe allergies.

How to choose and store correctly

When buying milk thistle honey, you must carefully evaluate the quality of the product and avoid fakes. You can distinguish a real bee treat from a counterfeit by several signs:

  1. By color... Milk thistle honey traditionally has a light yellow color from amber to almost white.
  2. Consistency... The product crystallizes very quickly and usually is already sugar-coated on the shelves. At the same time, honey does not become tough.
  3. Scent... Real milk thistle honey has a subtle and persistent scent with tart notes.
  4. Taste... There is no bitterness in this variety, the delicacy is rather sugary.
When buying a milk thistle bee product, it is better to ask for a quality certificate

In order not to encounter a fake, you should purchase a milk thistle delicacy from trusted sellers or directly from beekeepers.

Important! This type of honey cannot be too cheap, it is rare and therefore highly appreciated.

It is necessary to store the bee product in a dark place with low humidity at a temperature of 5 to 20 ° C. It is best to keep the treat in a glass jar with a tight lid. But you cannot use metal dishes, honey will oxidize from contact with its walls.


The benefits and harms of milk thistle honey accompany each other. The product has numerous medicinal properties, but it has serious contraindications. Before consuming a treat, it is important to make sure there are no allergies and not to exceed small dosages.

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