Angelica honey: useful properties, contraindications, reviews

Our ancestors were well aware of the beneficial properties and contraindications to angelica honey. It was believed that it prolongs life, strengthens memory and imparts wisdom. Healers actively used this unique beekeeping product to treat viral and bacterial infections, including the plague. Nowadays angelica honey belongs to the elite class products; unfortunately, it is rather difficult to find it on the open market. And he is recognized as the most useful of all types of honey.

Description of angelica honey

Angelica honey has a high nutritional value and biological activity. It contains the following substances:

  • sugars - glucose, fructose, maltose, a small percentage of sucrose;
  • organic acids;
  • trace elements - potassium, magnesium, iodine, sodium, phosphorus, iron, nickel, chromium, fluorine;
  • vitamins H, E, K, B2, B6, PP;
  • essential amino acids;
  • biogenic stimulants.
Attention! In terms of the percentage of mineral salts necessary for a healthy human life, angelica honey ranks first among beekeeping products.
Recommended reading:  Honey: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications

What does angelica honey look like?

Angelica honey has a thick, viscous consistency. It pours from the spoon in a continuous stream. Transparent, homogeneous. If fresh honey quickly thickens and becomes sugared, this means, at least, a mixture of angelica pollen with other honey plants that are less useful for the body. The color is pleasant, reddish brown, amber, slightly lighter or darker. Sometimes a greenish sheen is present, depending on the pollen collection brought by the worker bees. What angelic honey looks like can be seen in the photo.

Angelica honey contains a large amount of fructose, so it is permissible to use it even with diabetes, after consulting with your doctor

What is angelica honey made of?

Angelica honey is produced by bees from the pollen of the Altai medicinal angelica. Otherwise it is called angelica. The medicinal angelica is a biennial plant with a pleasant aroma. It reaches a height of 2.5 m, the stem is powerful, tubular, branching in the upper part.

Important! Angelica honey is a high-calorie product with a high carbohydrate content. 100 g contains about 330 kcal.

The honey plant blooms in the second year of life, from June to August, depending on weather conditions, releasing large spherical complex umbrellas up to 15 cm in diameter. Small yellowish-green flowers have a surprisingly rich scent that attracts bees. The flowering period, when pollen is available for collection, lasts only 2 weeks. The short period of time is compensated by the abundant release of juice, which makes it possible to receive up to 100 kg of pure nectar from one bee colony. It grows mainly in places saturated with moisture - in ravines, along the banks of rivers and streams, in mixed pine-birch forests and forest-steppe.

Comment! Angelica medicinal has long been used as a spicy and medicinal plant. Its roots are especially appreciated.
Angelica is often found in hazel thickets, among other herbs.

Where is collected

The homeland of Angelica officinalis is the northern part of the Eurasian continent, Scandinavia, from where it gradually spread to the entire territory of Europe, Siberia, Altai Territory. In Russia, pure angelica nectar is collected only in Western Siberia and Altai.

Beekeepers pre-install bee houses near angelica thickets in order to get an exquisite product during its flowering

Angelica honey taste

Angelica honey has absorbed the whole palette typical of the producing plant. It has an exquisite taste with caramel-floral notes. Light bitterness adds piquancy. The pleasant aroma inherent in angelica is completely repeated in its nectar. With its richness, it is very gentle.

Thanks to its rich taste and aroma, culinary experts willingly use angelica nectar to create real masterpieces.

The benefits of angelica honey

The medicinal properties characteristic of the medicinal angelica are also transferred to honey with angelica. It has the following qualities useful for the human body:

  • anti-inflammatory and wound healing;
  • antiviral and immunostimulating;
  • antibacterial and tonic, antifungal;
  • soothing and toning.

In addition, angelica nectar binds and removes radionuclides, toxins and toxins from the body. Helps to enhance mental activity, concentration and improve performance. Indispensable as a prophylactic agent in the cold season, to restore a weakened body.

Important! Angelica honey is excellent for amnesia and developmental delay, and is indicated for immunosuppression.

Angelica honey harm

Angelica honey is a unique product, whose benefits are undeniable, and there are very few identified side effects. Possible harm from its use is negligible:

  • the increased calorie content of the product with excessive use can cause weight gain;
  • high allergenicity, like any other beekeeping product, can cause an individual reaction, especially in children;
  • In people with diabetes, angelica honey can cause high blood sugar levels.

If you have doubts about the advisability of using this product, you can consult the appropriate specialist.

How to use angelica honey

Uncontrolled consumption of angelica nectar can lead to a variety of complications. For an adult, 50 g of the product is enough during the day. Basic Rules:

  1. It should not be heated, including in a water bath, dissolved in hot drinks or drunk with them. Any heating has a negative effect on the nutrients contained in the product, turning it into just expensive sugar.
  2. Do not mix with milk and dairy products.
  3. You can drink it with clean boiled water at room temperature, mix with juices, compotes, fruit drinks, jelly.
  4. A mixture of nuts and angelica honey gives an excellent effect, including a healing one. If there are no contraindications, such food saturates with useful substances, heals, gives a tremendous energy charge for the whole day.
  5. For medicinal purposes with bronchitis, angelica product is mixed with aloe juice in a ratio of 1 to 1 and consumed orally before meals in an amount of 20 ml.
Comment! Natural angelica honey is a storehouse of beneficial substances for the body, while having an excellent taste and tempting aroma. Children willingly enjoy this healthy product.
A solution of nectar can be used to rinse the throat and mouth in case of inflammatory processes.

The use of honey with angelica in traditional medicine

For a long time, angelica honey has been used by healers to treat a wide variety of pathologies. Many recipes and recommendations have survived to this day. It can be used to treat various diseases:

  1. Gastrointestinal problems, chronic colitis, constipation, gastritis with high acidity.
  2. Poisoning with toxic substances, including chemicals.
  3. Hypertension and low blood pressure.
  4. Diseases of the CVS, kidneys, liver.
  5. Muscle spasms, dystrophy.
  6. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the work of the circulatory system, preventing spasms.
  7. Helps with asthma, reduces the risk of recurrent attacks.
  8. Restores the body after serious illnesses, serves as an effective tonic.
  9. Relieves stress, cheers up.
  10. Treats diseases of the upper respiratory tract - bronchitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, tracheitis. Indispensable for viral infections, colds, flu.
  11. Effective for gynecological problems, including fungal ones.
  12. Helps with insomnia, strengthens the immune system and increases stress resistance.
  13. Promotes the regeneration of internal organs and skin.
  14. It is indicated for various skin infections, eczema, fungus, acne.
  15. Perfectly rejuvenates and regenerates the skin, relieves swelling.

Angelic nectar-based products are used to combat cellulite, mimic wrinkles.

How to distinguish angelica honey from fake

Angelica honey is quite rare. That is why you should not believe cheap price tags - there is a great risk of acquiring a useless fake. A kilogram of natural nectar will cost from 900 rubles and more. It is best to purchase an expensive elite product in places of its collection, in beekeeping farms in Altai and Siberia - where angelica grows. You can buy in specialized stores that have certificates confirming the quality of products. If you still have doubts about the quality of honey, you can use several quick and affordable ways to check:

  1. Bring an open flame to a spoon with honey. If a viscous liquid starts burning around the edges, it is one hundred percent fake.
  2. Real nectar remains transparent for a very long time; even at the end of winter, only a few sugar crystals can be found. If fresh honey has time to be candied, it means that starch and caramel have been introduced into it. Or this honey is a cheaper flower honey, a mixture with various additives.
  3. A drop of iodine will help to identify the presence of starch in the product if the composition turns blue.
  4. When colors and flavors are added, honey takes on a distinct layered structure.
  5. Natural nectar does not appear on sale until September.
  6. If the honey aroma is barely perceptible, a distinct bitterness is felt on the taste, or one sugar sweetness without additional notes is a fake.

When purchasing an elite product, you should know that contact with metal is unacceptable. Just like a variety of plastic containers. It should be packed in glass, ceramic or wooden containers.

Important! One of the main features of real nectar is its slow crystallization. It is able to maintain transparency throughout the winter, becoming only thicker and more viscous, resembling in consistency a tree sap.
If, after all the checks, you still have doubts, you can contact the laboratory

Contraindications to angelica honey

Before using angelica honey, you must familiarize yourself with its contraindications:

  • individual intolerance to the components of the product;
  • the period of pregnancy and lactation - the baby may develop severe allergies;
  • children under 5 years old;
  • allergic reaction, rash, diathesis.

Like any potent biologically active substance, it should be consumed in small quantities. Use with caution for people suffering from obesity and diabetes, due to the high content of sugars and calories.

Advice! If you experience any side effects after consuming a portion of nectar, you should consult your doctor.

Terms and methods of storage

Fresh angelica honey should be stored in a dark place out of sunlight, away from heating appliances. The optimum storage temperature is 16-20 degrees Celsius. The jar must be tightly closed.It is impossible to scoop honey with metal devices, from this it oxidizes. Better to take a wooden spatula or a special honey spindle. Also, moisture should be avoided. Under such conditions, natural nectar will be stored for years without losing its unique beneficial properties.

Important! In no case should honey be stored in the refrigerator, as it loses most of its beneficial properties.


Useful properties and contraindications to angelica honey make it widely used for the treatment and restoration of the human body. The beekeeping product has an excellent, slightly caramel taste with a subtle bitterness, rich aroma. The vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances contained in it effectively replenish strength, increase immunity and destroy pathogenic microorganisms. When stored properly, angelica honey can retain its unique properties for years. You should beware of fakes from unscrupulous sellers.

Angelica honey reviews

Dobrynina Olga Mikhailovna, 63 years old, Yekaterinburg.
The grandchildren often suffered from colds. A week or two to school are like, and again bronchitis, acute respiratory infections. What they have not tried, the doctor will write out one thing, then another. And then my friend advised me to take angelica honey, and even gave the address of a person who has his own apiary in the Altai Territory. Its price, of course, "pleasantly" amazed. I didn’t think that such expensive honey could be. But we decided to try it. They were given a little at first, so as not to cause allergies, with juice or water, at night and in the morning. And about 3 months later there was a noticeable improvement. Than to drink medicine, it is better to spend money on natural honey, with benefit.
Kirsanova Lyubov Denisovna, 24 years old, Nikolsk.
I saw angelica honey by chance, at a beekeepers fair. I had never heard of this, so I decided to buy - out of curiosity. Then I read about its beneficial properties. His taste is really unusual. Similar to buckwheat, but much softer and more aromatic. A liter can of angelica nectar was enough for our family for several years, and all this time it remained transparent, not candied. And the effect of taking it is noticeable - they began to feel better, fatigue disappeared, and there were fewer colds. I liked it, I will buy more, despite the high price.
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