Why lentils are useful, how to cook them deliciously

The benefits and harms of lentils are an important issue for connoisseurs of a healthy diet. This inexpensive and simple product has a lot of useful properties, but in order to avoid harm from it, you need to study the features in detail.

What are lentils

Legumes, lentils, or rather, lentils, are a product mentioned in ancient Roman and ancient Egyptian sources. Many centuries ago, on the territory of the Mediterranean, flour was made from grains and bread was baked, porridge and stews were cooked. From warm countries, lentils came to Europe, and from there they spread to Russia. Until the 19th century, it was a very popular product in the diet of ordinary people, then it was forgotten for almost a century, and only in Soviet times, interest in this culture was revived.

At the moment, lentils are very popular among fans of healthy eating. It is grown in many countries of the world, and India, Turkey and Pakistan are the leaders in grain production. Lentils look like a low plant up to 75 cm in height, bringing small rhomboid beans - the grains of the culture are located in them.

Types of lentils and their benefits

There are quite a few varieties and types of product. It is customary to distinguish several varieties of beans according to their color, they are all useful, but have different properties.

  1. Red lentils - the leader in the content of potassium and iron, therefore it is very useful for the heart and nervous system.
  2. Green lentils, or French - unripe beans with a high fiber content. This variety is especially recommended for use in cases of hypertension, rheumatism, ulcers and cholecystitis, as well as in case of intestinal malfunction.
  3. Benefits of yellow lentils almost the same as that of green, since they are almost the same in properties. The yellow variety represents the same beans, only polished. However, grains boil faster, therefore they are often used in cooking.
  4. The benefits and harms of brown lentils manifest themselves especially well for joint problems, as well as for respiratory ailments.
  5. Black lentil contains a large amount of antioxidants and is especially appreciated. It has anti-aging properties and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart.

When using a product for medicinal purposes, it is important to understand which variety will bring the maximum health benefits.

The chemical composition and calorie content of lentils

The product is highly regarded in cooking for its rich elemental composition. The grains contain:

  • vitamins A and E;
  • vitamins B1, B9, B2 and B5;
  • beta-carotene and vitamin PP;
  • mineral components phosphorus, calcium, sodium and magnesium;
  • potassium, iron, iodine and fluorine;
  • fiber and a large amount of vegetable protein.

The calorie content of the product is 292 kcal per 100 g of grains. At the same time, proteins occupy 24 g in the product, carbohydrates - about 45 g, and only 1.5 g are fats.

Useful properties of lentils

The product, with regular use, has a positive effect on the body. The benefits and harms of lentils for human health are that grains:

  • regulate blood pressure and promote normal heart function;
  • help with constipation and diarrhea, normalize bowel activity;
  • have a preventive effect against oncology;
  • have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and maintain a good mood;
  • cleanse blood vessels of harmful cholesterol and thereby help the liver;
  • raise immunity and improve resistance to infectious and viral diseases.

The properties of the product are capable of lowering blood sugar levels, therefore grains are very valuable in diabetes mellitus.

For women

The benefits of lentils for a woman's body is, first of all, that the product has anti-cancer properties. Grains prevent the appearance of malignant and benign tumors, rejuvenate cells, and regulate hormonal levels.

The use of the product makes it easier to endure monthly female ailments and menopause - pain decreases, mood swings become less pronounced.

For men

The health benefits of lentils for men is that the product has a positive effect on potency and helps in the treatment of prostatitis. Since grains have a strengthening effect on blood vessels, their use reduces the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes.

For athletes

The product is very rich in plant protein and therefore helps to build muscle mass. The main thing is to combine it with other sources of protein and amino acids - fish, dairy products, meat. In this case, the diet will be complete, and the volume of muscles will increase, and excess fat deposits will not appear.


The benefits of lentils for women when losing weight are very great - despite the fact that the calorie content of the product is average. The grains contain almost no fat, so the product is well absorbed, and does not harm the figure.

In addition, the benefits of lentils for weight loss are that the grains help cleanse the intestines and normalize metabolism. The product has the ability to fill the stomach, so a small portion is enough to suppress hunger for a long time.

Can lentils during pregnancy

The benefits of lentils during pregnancy are that the product is actively involved in the process of hematopoiesis, protects a woman from the development of anemia and supplies the fetus with useful substances.

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However, grain should be consumed in small quantities - no more than 50 g per day. The product is slowly digested and therefore can lead to nausea, and if a woman has kidney problems, then the development of urolithiasis is possible.

Are lentils good for a nursing mother

During lactation, the product is allowed and even recommended for use. It strengthens the immune system of the baby and does not allow anemia in the mother. Grains help to regulate the stool and cleanse the body of toxins. The product rarely causes allergies in a baby, although, of course, the baby's reaction must still be carefully observed.

At what age can lentils be given to children

A useful product can be offered to infants after reaching 8 months, and if the child suffers from intestinal problems, then even after 2 years.At the same time, for the first time, it is recommended to give a baby red lentils - it contains the least fiber, and therefore the risk of gastric disorders is lower.

To begin with, the child should be offered only half a teaspoon of mashed lentils. If a negative reaction does not occur, the dosage can be increased over time. In the children's diet, lentils should not be a permanent product; it is quite enough to offer it to the baby once every 2 weeks.

Attention! Since in some conditions even the benefits of lentil porridge can be harmful, before introducing the product into the baby's diet, you should definitely consult a pediatrician.

When is it better to eat lentils: for breakfast or at night

The first half of the day is considered the best time for grains - the product helps the body to wake up, activates the intestines and stomach. However, you can eat grains at night, but in very small quantities, no more than 50 g as a side dish. Otherwise, the grains will be harmful due to the high content of carbohydrates, which can be deposited in extra pounds.

The benefits and harms of sprouted lentils

A sprouted product is especially highly valued among fans of healthy nutrition. The benefit of lentil sprouts is that they contain much more fiber, antioxidants and vitamins. And in particular, seedlings contain 16 times more ascorbic acid than ordinary grains.

However, according to the advice of doctors, sprouted lentils should be consumed with caution. It is because of the high content of vitamins in excess that it can lead to hypervitaminosis - a supersaturation with nutrients. In addition, the properties of sprouted lentils are especially dangerous for people with a tendency to flatulence - due to the large amounts of fiber, they can aggravate the disease.

Lentil-based traditional medicine recipes

Healthy lentils are used not only in cooking. With the help of the product, a number of diseases and unpleasant conditions can be successfully treated at home.

For constipation

For constipation, the beneficial properties of green lentils are especially in demand. Due to the high fiber content, the product helps to get rid of problems with bowel movement and prevent their occurrence in the future.

A lentil-based decoction works well. They do it like this:

  • 2 large tablespoons of grains are poured with one and a half glasses of water;
  • bring to a boil and boil for another 20 minutes;
  • cool, filter through cheesecloth.

You need to drink the broth shortly before eating, three times a day.

For healing wounds and burns

The fortified composition of the product contributes to the rapid healing of burns. To prepare a simple homemade ointment, it is necessary to grind lentil grains into flour, mix with an equal amount of butter and apply a compress to the sore spot. You need to keep the mixture for about half an hour, you can make a compress several times a day.

A remedy made from lentil flour and egg yolk will bring benefits - it will especially help with wounds on the skin.

With eczema

For dermatological diseases and eczema, the properties of lentil solution help well. For its preparation, a handful of raw grains are poured with 2 cups of boiling water, insisted for 2 hours, and then the softened lentils are pushed through a fine sieve. The solution should be applied to the affected skin every 4 hours, then the irritation will go away faster.

With increased fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome relieves a healthy lentil broth. Dry grains are boiled in 700 ml of water for half an hour, and then they drink the product in small portions throughout the day.

The benefits and harms of lentils for some diseases

The benefits of orange lentils, as well as green, yellow, and brown grains, differ for individual ailments. Sometimes it is very important to consume them, and sometimes grains should be completely abstained from.

With hypertension

The properties of lentils regulate blood pressure, so it is of great benefit for hypertension.It is recommended to use it at least three times a week - a product rich in potassium strengthens blood vessels, lowers cholesterol and, as a result, fights pressure surges.

In addition, a product-based drug can be formulated. About 30 g of lentil grains are mixed with 20 g of dry motherwort, boiled for half an hour over low heat, and then drunk three times a day, a couple of large spoons.

With kidney stones

Kidney stones are one of the few ailments in which lentils will have to be completely abandoned. The fact is that legumes with this disease only provoke the formation of new calculi.

With gastritis

The benefits and harms of lentils for the human body with gastritis depend on the acidity of the stomach. If the secretion of gastric acid is increased, then it is better to refuse the whole product - the grains will irritate the mucous membranes and cause increased gas formation.

But with low acidity, the benefits and harms of green lentils will be able to manifest themselves. When consumed in moderation, the product will help to digest food faster.

Important! To reduce gas formation, it is recommended to soak lentils for at least 8 hours before cooking with gastritis.

With gout

Gout is another disease in which lentils will need to be completely eliminated. The product contains a large amount of uric acid, so it will only harm and lead to excess salt deposition in the joints.

With pancreatitis

In the acute period of inflammation, it is strictly forbidden to consume any legumes, including lentils. The properties of the fiber-rich product will enhance the secretion of the pancreas and aggravate the disease.

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But during remission, you can use lentils, but only in the form of a mashed soup or properly boiled porridge. In addition, the benefits of lentil soup or porridge will only appear in small dosages. You should start with a teaspoon, gradually increasing the portions to half a glass of grains.

Advice! With pancreatitis, the benefits of red lentils will be especially in demand - they are devoid of a shell, softens well and is quickly absorbed by the stomach.

With diabetes

Lentils have a low glycemic index, slow down the absorption of sugars and lower blood glucose levels. Therefore, it is both possible and necessary to use the product for diabetes, for example, lentil sprouts and any variety rich in fiber will benefit.

With cholecystitis and liver diseases

The benefits of lentils for the liver are undeniable - the product removes toxins from the body, lowers cholesterol and reduces the load on this organ. However, in case of liver diseases and cholecystitis, grains can also bring harm - they are slowly absorbed and can aggravate painful conditions. It is better to reduce the consumption of the product to 1 time per week, and, in addition, the beneficial properties of red lentils will be the safest - this variety should be preferred.

The use of lentils in home cosmetology

The beneficial properties of lentils for the human body make them a very valuable ingredient in home beauty recipes. Grains have a positive effect not only on the epidermis, but also on the hair.

Face masks

Lentils are able to rejuvenate the skin, slow down the appearance of wrinkles and folds, eliminate inflammation and irritation. The following mask is popular:

  • 1 cup lentils are ground in a coffee grinder;
  • the resulting flour is mixed with a glass of sour cream;
  • the mask is spread over the skin and kept for a quarter of an hour.

After that, the product can be washed off, and it is best to use not water, but fresh green tea, which will additionally refresh the face.

Lentils for hair beauty

The benefit of red lentils for women is that a natural mask based on the product will help strengthen hair and stop hair loss. Prepare the product as follows:

  • 100 g of ordinary or sprouted grains and 1 large spoonful of dry fenugreek are ground in a coffee grinder;
  • the resulting flour is mixed with 100 ml of natural yogurt;
  • the product is refrigerated overnight.

In the morning, the mask is distributed through the hair for 3 hours and wrapped in a towel. Then the product is thoroughly washed off with plain water, without using shampoo.

Delicious and healthy lentil recipes

Despite the medical and cosmetological properties of the product, the beneficial properties of lentil cereals are most often used in cooking. Grains can serve as a side dish for many products, but most often they are used to prepare two tasty and healthy dishes.

Lentil porridge

The benefits of lentil porridge are that it has a beneficial effect on the stomach and is very easy to digest. At the same time, it is prepared simply and quickly - the grains are poured with water in a ratio of 1 to 2, then brought to a boil, slightly salted and cooked for 45 minutes over low heat. Stir the porridge periodically.

The benefits of boiled lentils will be even higher if you spice them up with good vegetable oil or add some vegetables to the porridge.

Lentil soup

It is not much more difficult to make soup with lentils. They do it as follows:

  • grains are poured with water in a ratio of 1 to 3;
  • bring to a boil and cook for about 40 minutes, until lentils are tender;
  • then add finely chopped garlic, cook for another 3 minutes;
  • remove from the stove and add a little pepper and vinegar.

Also, at the last stage, boiled potatoes or carrots can be added to the dish. The benefit of lentil puree soup is that it is quickly and easily absorbed and saturates the body with all important vitamins and minerals.

The harm of lentils and contraindications

For all its benefits, the product has a number of strict contraindications. The culture belongs to the category of legumes, so it cannot be used for dysbiosis, pancreatitis, gastritis with high acidity and severe liver diseases. In all these cases, the product will be absorbed too hard, leading to constipation and increased gas formation.

It is also impossible to eat lentils when:

  • gout and serious kidney disease;
  • joint ailments;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • hemorrhoids.

Even in good health conditions, the product must be cooked thoroughly before consumption to keep the grains completely soft. You should not eat the product every day and in large portions - this leads to flatulence.

How to choose and store lentils

Choosing a quality product in a store is not difficult. You need to pay attention to the condition of the seeds - they should be clean, not wrinkled, shiny and dry. Store the product in a cool and dry place, away from bright sunlight, in a container with a closed lid.

As for the shelf life of the grains, it is practically unlimited. However, over the course of a year, lentils begin to become drier and harder to boil. Therefore, it is best to use grains within six months of purchase.

Advice! Freshly purchased grains should not be mixed with the remnants of old ones, otherwise they will boil unevenly during the cooking process.


The benefits and harms of lentils depend on the state of health - the product has a number of contraindications. In the absence of certain ailments, the product will bring health benefits and help to cope with many unpleasant symptoms.


Antonova Margarita Ivanovna, 32 years old, Penza
I really like to use lentils for weight loss - very small portions are enough to stifle appetite. Lentil soup is very tasty and nutritious, and most importantly, excess weight goes away quickly - I managed to lose up to 3 kg per week on lentils and vegetables.
Sergeeva Lyudmila Alexandrovna, 41 years old, Krasnoyarsk
The lentil diet is one of the most effective. I like the product because it helps to quickly lose weight, but does not lead to the loss of nutrients.I usually go on a weeklong diet and eat lentils every day, of course in combination with vegetables and other healthy foods so that there is no harm.

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