Vitamins for children, calming the nervous system

Soothing vitamins for children help to improve not only the state of the child's nervous system, but also his physical well-being. In this case, it is necessary to know for what indications vitamins should be given, and what drugs are intended for different age groups.

When a child needs vitamins

The child's body needs nutrients on an ongoing basis. However, sedative-type vitamins cannot be given to babies and adolescents just like that. To receive the appropriate means, there must be indications, among which you can list:

  • increased excitability and hyperactivity of the child;
  • disturbances in nighttime sleep - if a child wakes up more often 2 times a night and cannot fall asleep back for a long time, we can talk about malfunctions in the nervous system;
  • a tendency to hysteria - all children from time to time arrange violent emotional scenes, but for some this is constant and unhealthy;
  • problems with concentration and perseverance, if most of the day the child runs, screams, actively gesticulates and does not listen to what he is told, this indicates the presence of violations;
  • Unusual depression and withdrawal, problems in communication with peers, and difficulties in learning and social interaction;
  • nocturnal enuresis after 3 years, frequent nightmares, stuttering and nervous tics.
Important! The psyche of children is very different from the psyche of adults. Increased emotionality and acute reactions to stress are normal for a child, but if this begins to affect physical health and socialization, the nervous system needs to be supported by sedatives.

What vitamins are needed to calm a child

Several basic valuable components are responsible for the health of the nervous system. When alarming symptoms appear, you must first check whether there is a deficiency in the body:

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  1. Vitamin A - the substance is responsible for good concentration of attention and for the speed of reaction of the nervous system. You can get the compound in its natural form from carrots, pumpkin and fish oil, as well as dairy products.
  2. Vitamin B1 - the compound is responsible for the quality of sleep and for mental activity, relieves stress and soothes. B1 is found in food products in nuts and legumes, in cereals and green leafy vegetables, in meat.
  3. Vitamin B2 - this substance is involved in the synthesis of new cells and in their recovery, therefore, B2 deficiency manifests itself in rapid fatigue, fatigue, sleep disturbances and headaches. The beneficial substance is present in nuts and meat, cereals and dairy products.
  4. Vitamin B3 - the compound does not allow the development of depressive states in children and is responsible for the normal blood supply to the brain. With B3 deficiency, fears, nightmares and depression often occur. You can get B3 from mushrooms, seeds, cereals, legumes and poultry meat.
  5. Vitamin B6 - the substance is responsible for the production of serotonin, relieves excessive excitement and normalizes sleep. The substance can be obtained naturally from sea fish, nuts, legumes and meat.
  6. Vitamin B9 - folic acid improves memory, helps to get rid of irritability and anxiety. With a lack of folic acid, hyperactivity and attention deficit are common. Most of B9 is found in broccoli, eggs, carrots, pumpkin, herbs and mushrooms.
  7. Vitamin B12 - the substance cobalamin prevents damage to nerve cells and improves brain activity. If there is a deficiency, it is necessary to introduce fish, eggs, seafood and green leafy vegetables into the child's diet.
  8. Vitamin C - ascorbic acid is a natural anti-stress compound, indispensable for increased emotional stress. You can get the substance from cranberries, rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants and bell peppers.
  9. Vitamin D - calciferol has a sedative effect and helps to better endure physical and emotional stress. To increase the level of calciferol in the blood, you need to introduce seafood, fish oil, butter, dairy products into the diet.
  10. Vitamin E - tocopherol protects against the destruction of brain cells and promotes the restoration of nerve fibers, has a calming effect in stress and anxiety. Most tocopherol is found in vegetable oils, seeds, nuts and eggs.
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Selenium, iodine, iron and zinc, magnesium and potassium are also responsible for the healthy functioning of the nervous system. A deficiency in any of the minerals will cause the baby to become irritable and whiny.

Soothing vitamin complexes for children

If the child is behaving too anxiously, and the tests showed a lack of vitamins, then it makes sense not only to revise the diet, but also to resort to pharmacy drugs. Vitamins for calming the nervous system for children should be selected according to the age of the child.

Up to 1 year

The choice of soothing vitamins for babies is quite limited. First of all, newborns can only be given mild natural sedatives without side effects. In addition, the funds must be liquid or water-soluble, the baby cannot swallow capsules and tablets.


A well-known preparation, which is an amino acid with a mild sedative effect, is also suitable for infants. The drug is prescribed for the child's nervousness and sleep disturbances, for stress and anxiety in the infant. The sedative drug is available in the form of tablets, but for children's use it is turned into a powder and offered to the child in the form of a suspension. Only an individual allergy can serve as a contraindication.

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Attention! The doctor should prescribe the dosage of Glycine. It is impossible to independently determine the amount of the drug for an infant under 1 year old.

Multitabs Baby

The drug is available in the form of drops, so babies have no difficulty in taking it. The main active ingredients of the agent are ascorbic acid, retinol and colecalciferol. Multitabs Baby not only has a mild sedative effect, but also increases the child's immunity.

The maximum dosage of the drug is 1 ml per day, but the pediatrician should set the norms for use. Give drops to children with meals or immediately after.

From 1 year to 3 years

For slightly older children, other soothing vitamins are allowed in the form of granules, tablets or capsules. The child should take drugs as prescribed by a doctor and under the supervision of adults, the dosages are also determined by the pediatrician.


The sedative contains hopantenic acid, calcium stearate and magnesium hydroxycarbonate. The drug improves cerebral circulation in children and reduces nervous tension, improves nighttime sleep and helps to fight infantile enuresis.

The average dosage of the drug for children is from 0.25 to 0.5 g, Pantogam is taken on an empty stomach three times a day.The whole course of vitamin therapy lasts from 1 to 4 months, after which it is necessary to take a break.

Vitrum Kids

Calming vitamins are approved for children 2 years of age and older. The preparation contains iron and selenium, iodine and zinc, vitamins B, C and E, vitamin D and ascorbic acid. Taking vitamins not only strengthens the nervous system, but also improves the child's metabolism, increases tone and mental activity.

The drug is available in the form of chewable tablets. You need to take Vitrum Kids twice a day with meals, 1 tablet, the exact dosage is determined by the doctor.

From 3 to 7 years old

At the age of 3 to 7 years, children begin to experience increased psycho-emotional stress, as they enter the phase of socialization. Attending kindergarten or kindergarten can be stressful for a child, but complex anti-anxiety vitamins can help manage it.

Multitabs Junior

The preparation in the form of chewable tablets contains all the main vitamins - ascorbic acid and vitamins A, E, group B, as well as iron and zinc, manganese and copper, selenium and iodine. The drug is prescribed for hyperactivity or anxiety in children against a background of stress, with a poor diet and a lack of nutrients.

Soothing vitamins should be given to children 1 tablet daily with meals. Before purchasing the drug, it is better to consult a pediatrician.


Pikovit chewable tablets have a sedative effect on the nervous system of children. The composition of vitamins includes magnesium and iron, zinc and calcium, vitamins A, D and E, as well as group B. Pikovit helps with anxiety, attention deficit and night sleep disorders.

Children need to take the drug with 2 chewable tablets during meals, the course of the drug is a month.

7 years and older

Children over 7 years of age are especially prone to nervous disorders. Stress at school and communication with peers often lead to stress, therefore, stronger vitamin preparations are recommended for adolescents.

Alphabet Schoolboy

Vitamins are intended for children from 7 years old, they can be taken to prevent and treat nervous disorders against the background of increased mental stress. The preparation contains all the main vitamin compounds and minerals, the dosages are calculated in such a way as to fully cover the child's daily need for vitamins.

The drug is presented in the form of chewable tablets, you need to take it three times a day. In the morning, together with breakfast, they usually take a red pill, in the afternoon - an orange one during lunch, in the evening - a white one just before bedtime.

Vitrum Junior

A multivitamin sedative complex for adolescents allows you to normalize the state of the nervous system in children during a period of increased emotional stress. The complex includes a full set of essential vitamins A, B, C and D, folic acid, minerals phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, zinc and others.

Children 7 years and older should take 1 chewable tablet daily. It is necessary to use drugs with a sedative effect with meals, so as not to cause stomach upset.

How to choose the right children's vitamins

When choosing soothing vitamins, you need to focus on several points:

  1. First of all, you should take the child for tests and establish exactly which compounds in his body are lacking, and which are contained in sufficient quantities. In accordance with this, a sedative and its dosage are selected.
  2. Vitamins with a sedative effect should have the most natural composition without dyes and flavors.
  3. When choosing sedatives, you must strictly adhere to age indications - pills for schoolchildren should not be given to babies, and vice versa.
  4. Soothing vitamins need to be taken in courses - on average, no longer than a month, otherwise hypervitaminosis will occur.
Advice! At the end of taking sedatives, it is necessary to visit the pediatrician again and undergo the examination again.This will allow you to understand whether sedatives helped, or the cause of the disorders lies in more serious malfunctions of the body.


Soothing vitamins for children are presented by complex preparations for different ages. If the disturbances are caused by stress or a lack of nutrients, multivitamins will have a beneficial effect and help restore the child to good sleep, calmness and the ability to concentrate.

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