The healing properties of fir oil, use and contraindications

The healing properties and contraindications of fir oil are important for connoisseurs of traditional medicine. The remedy is powerful and is often found in homemade recipes.

Description and composition of fir oil

The oil is made from the branches and young cones of Siberian or white fir. In the process, the method of water-steam distillation is used, which leads to a fairly large consumption of raw materials, but at the same time allows to obtain high-quality pure ether. The finished product has a greenish-yellow tint and a pleasant pine aroma.

Fir ether should be thick but fluid

In the composition of fir pomace, more than half of the volume is occupied by the substance bornyl acetate. In addition to it, the product contains:

  • phytoncides and flavonoids;
  • hamazulene;
  • carotenoids and tocopherol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • tannins;
  • myrcene and camphor.

The benefits of fir oil for the human body are its pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and strengthening properties.

What does fir oil cure and what helps

The use of fir oil for medicinal purposes is recommended for a wide variety of ailments. In particular, it benefits:

  • for coughs, bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • with flu and SARS;
  • with angina;
  • with skin inflammation and physical damage to the epidermis;
  • with radiculitis, arthrosis and sciatica;
  • with angina pectoris;
  • with colitis;
  • with prostatitis.

Fir oil can be treated even with fractures; it accelerates tissue repair. With its help, they strengthen the immune system and cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. The product can be used for pain relief, anti-edema, skin and hair care.

What is good for women

Among the indications for the use of the properties of fir oil are gynecological diseases. The remedy helps with mastopathy and cervical erosion, with cysts, improves the condition during menopause and with painful menstruation. The product can be used in the complex treatment of infertility, the ether fights the inflammatory processes of the reproductive sphere and improves local blood flow.

During lactation, the product is allowed to be used with cracks in the nipples by external methods. Compresses with fir ether promote quick healing of injuries and prevent the development of mastitis.

Benefits for men

Indications for the use of fir oil are prostatitis and prostate adenoma. The agent is taken internally and added to medicinal baths. Ether also brings benefits in the fight against hemorrhoids. The product helps to improve reproductive functions in men, strengthens the cardiovascular system as a whole and serves as the prevention of heart attacks.

What is useful for children

Fir helps well with children's colds and skin irritations. The oil extract is used in solutions for inhalation, added to baths or mixed with rubbing cream. At the same time, the product can be used for the first time only after the child reaches three years of age in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

Attention! Fir pomace has strict contraindications. Before treating a baby with it, you need to consult a pediatrician.

Is it possible to take fir oil inside

Fir oil extract has a high concentration of active elements that can irritate the esophagus and stomach. In large quantities, it is not consumed inside, however, the agent can be taken in minimal dosages. Previously, the product must be diluted in water, honey or mixed with sugar.

Undiluted fir oil can burn mucous membranes

Is fir oil possible during pregnancy

It is strictly forbidden to consume ether while carrying a child, regardless of dosage. The product can cause allergic reactions or bleeding. Substances in its composition can lead to dangerous disorders of fetal development.

The use of aromatherapy and rubbing agents is allowed. But at the same time, it is important to first make sure that there is no individual negative reaction of the body, and the product does not cause nausea, dizziness or skin rashes.

How to make DIY fir oil at home

You don't have to buy the product - you can make fir oil at home. The cooking process looks like this:

  • young needles and thin branches of the plant are washed in cool water, dried and finely chopped;
  • fall asleep in a glass two-liter jar, leaving about 5 cm of free space on top;
  • poured with unrefined sunflower oil;
  • loosely cover the container with a lid and put it in a water bath;
  • evaporated for five hours.

Then the jar is removed from the pot of water and allowed to cool. The needles are pulled out, properly squeezed through thick gauze and discarded, and the remaining liquid is poured into a clean container. A new portion of needles and twigs is poured into the first jar and the whole procedure is repeated using the oil already obtained.

Homemade fir oil works well for rubbing skin and joints

After re-squeezing the needles, it will remain to finally cool the finished product. When making fir oil at home, the final product will not be as pure and concentrated as the purchased one, but it will still bring a lot of benefits.

What is fir oil used and used for?

Fir ester can be found in many traditional medicine recipes. The tool is used to treat joint, inflammatory and colds.

How to take and drink fir oil internally

It is forbidden to use undiluted ether, it is too caustic and will burn the throat and esophagus. But 2-5 drops of the agent are added to infusions, decoctions and herbal teas. In this case, the concentration is reduced and the product becomes safe.

Fir oil for internal use can also be mixed with honey - no more than three drops per small spoon. It is allowed to apply a small amount of ether on a sugar cube for subsequent resorption.

The use of fir oil for joints

The beneficial properties of fir oil are in demand for arthritis and arthrosis - baths with ether have a good effect. Ten drops of the product are added to 1 liter of water, and then the solution is poured into a filled container. In order for the benefits and harms of fir oil for joints to be balanced, you need to take a bath for a quarter of an hour. In case of exacerbation of ailments, it is advisable to repeat the procedure every evening for two weeks.

Also, with arthritis, it is allowed to add a drop of ether to a small spoonful of sunflower oil, soak a piece of bread with the mixture and eat it for breakfast or lunch.

Recommended reading:  Why yeast-free bread is useful and how to bake it

The use of fir oil for colds

Fir oil is useful for the speedy cure of colds. You can do foot baths daily with the addition of the product - 20 ml per small basin. Legs soar for ten minutes, the procedure accelerates blood flow and helps to activate the immune system. It is permissible to carry it out if there is no elevated temperature.

Also, for ARVI and influenza, you can add six drops of ether to a small spoonful of honey. The mixture should be taken three times a day on an empty stomach.

Spine Fir Oil

The use of fir oil in folk medicine is recommended for almost any diseases of the spine. The product improves blood circulation, helps relieve muscle spasms. For back pain, apply:

  • rubI - a few drops of pomace are applied to the sore spot and massaged, and then wrapped in a warm handkerchief;
  • baths - a glass of milk and eight drops of ether are poured into the water, and then immersed in a container for 25 minutes;
  • ointment - 50 g of melted lard should be mixed with two large tablespoons of turpentine, add four drops of fir and apply to the sore spot as a compress.

Vegetable ether is not able to cure chronic destructive processes in the spine. But it removes unpleasant symptoms very effectively.

How to use fir oil for coughs

For a cold cough, rubbing with fir is beneficial. A few drops of ether are diluted in a small spoon of the base and massage the chest and upper back with strong, but gentle movements. After that, you need to wrap yourself in a blanket and go to bed. Inhalations with fir oil when coughing are also useful - three drops of the agent are added to hot water and breathe in rising steam twice a day.

Fir ester warms up the chest with bronchitis and promotes expectoration

Fir oil for adenoids

With adenoids, ether is used for aromatherapy - every day in the room it is necessary to light a special lamp for 15-20 minutes. It is helpful to put a few drops of the oil extract on a handkerchief if you have a runny nose. It is allowed to add two drops of the product to the nostril rinsing solution, it is important not to exceed the dosage so as not to burn sensitive mucous membranes.

How to use fir oil in the nose for a cold for adults, children

With a cold, fir oil should be instilled into the nose, two drops. Concentration for adults and children should be very low. In 100 ml of water, no more than four drops of the extract are diluted and the resulting solution is drawn into a pipette. It is strictly forbidden to use a pure product.

The use of fir oil for osteochondrosis

Inflammation and pain in osteochondrosis relieve rubbing well. The recipe for fir oil for joints is simple, it is mixed with grape seed pomace in equal proportions and applied to the neck or lower back, depending on the localization of the disease. Coniferous ether will relieve muscle tension and eliminate limitation of movement.

Fir oil for oncology

Fir ester is not capable of curing cancer, but it works well when combined with official drugs. It is recommended to use the product, first of all, for the aromatization of premises - the extract will purify the air, soothe the sick person and normalize his emotional state.

Fir oil baths are beneficial - you need to add 5-7 drops to a filled container. Ether will have a stimulating effect on the immune system and activate the body to fight disease.

Fir oil for gout

The analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties of the extract improve the condition of gout. Healing baths bring a pronounced effect, and the instructions for using fir oil look like this:

  • 20 ml of the product is diluted in 1 liter of water;
  • poured into a filled container;
  • immersed in a bath for 20 minutes.

Three drops of ether can be mixed with a small spoonful of olive base and rubbed on sore joints. This procedure will help to quickly relieve pain.

Fir oil for otitis media

The healing properties of fir oil can be used for instillation with ear inflammation. The tool will reduce vascular permeability, accelerate blood flow and reduce swelling. First, five drops are diluted in 100 ml of clean heated water, and this solution is already instilled into the auricle up to four times a day.

You cannot drip pure fir ether into the ear, it is too concentrated

Fir oil for bronchitis

For acute or chronic bronchitis, fir extract is used in two ways:

  • for massage - the back and chest are rubbed with a mixture of 10 ml of the base and four drops of coniferous ether;
  • inside - dilute three drops of the extract in a glass of warm water and drink it in small sips.
Important! It is allowed to consume no more than 18 drops of fir per day in general, otherwise the remedy will lead to digestive upset or heart failure.

Fir oil for prostatitis

A useful remedy helps relieve inflammation and pain in prostatitis. Usually, douching is carried out with a solution of 100 ml of warm water with the addition of ether. The dosage of the extract is gradually increased and adjusted to 5-12 drops. In total, the treatment with fir oil takes a month, after which they take a break for 60 days.

Fir oil for vertebral hernia

For a hernia of the spine, rubbing is used with the following composition:

  • 4 drops of fir ether are added to 10 ml of base oil;
  • rub the area of ​​the diseased vertebrae;
  • a mixture of 100 g of honey and 1 g of mummy is applied to a heated place;
  • massage is carried out with light patting movements.

Then the rest of the mixture is removed from the back and warmly wrapped with a blanket or warm scarf. The procedure does not eliminate the hernia, but relieves inflammation and pain, and slows down the development of the disease.

Fir oil for toenail fungus

Fir ester has fungicidal properties and helps with fungus. A few drops of pine extract are applied to a cotton swab and pressed to the affected area for 20 minutes. The treatment is carried out within ten days.

Fir oil for burns

You can speed up the healing of the burn with fir compresses. A clean bandage must be moistened with the product and applied for 12 hours on the affected area, fixing on top with a film and a bandage.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to treat fresh burns with fir ether.

Fir oil for hemorrhoids

With hemorrhoids, applications with fir extract give a good effect. The procedure looks like this:

  • ether is diluted in equal proportion with almond or olive base;
  • moisten a cotton swab in the resulting product;
  • put it in the anus for no more than three hours.

Reviews on the method of using fir oil for hemorrhoids

indicate that if you repeat the procedure twice a day, the remedy will facilitate the resorption of the nodes and the healing of cracks.

For hemorrhoids, fir ether can be used continuously for two weeks.

Slimming fir oil

Fir extract accelerates metabolic processes in the body, triggers fat burning processes and reduces appetite. On a diet, the remedy is used in the following ways:

  • inside - 1 drop with honey or water twice a day;
  • in aromatic baths - 10 drops per filled container in the evening;
  • for aromatization - 3 drops per pendant and 4 drops per special lamp.

If you combine the use of fir with a healthy diet and exercise, pine extract will speed up weight loss.

Cosmetic application of fir oil

The properties of Siberian fir essential oil are used in skin and hair care. The extract improves the nutrition of curls and epidermis, accelerates cell renewal and slows down aging.

Fir oil for face skin

The use of fir oil in cosmetology is mainly aimed at combating acne and inflammation. 2 - 3 drops of the product are added to honey, kefir and fruit cosmetic masks, the extract can be mixed with healing clays.

Fir helps to get rid of the first wrinkles. To increase skin elasticity, you can mix 3 drops of ether with 15 ml of aloe juice and raw yolk, and then distribute the composition over the skin for 15 minutes. It is necessary to apply the product at least once a week.

Fir oil for acne

For acne and pustules, this mixture helps well:

  • 5 ml of grape seed oil is combined with 2 drops of coniferous ether;
  • smear inflamed areas;
  • after 15 minutes, wash off the product.

You can use fir oil daily until the skin is clear.

Fir oil for cellulite

The following scrub has a beneficial effect on orange peel on the thighs and abdomen:

  • 2 large tablespoons of ground coffee is diluted with water until a liquid gruel is obtained;
  • add 10 drops of fir extract;
  • rub the product into problem areas for several minutes.

Fir stimulates blood flow, promotes proper distribution of subcutaneous fat and restores good skin tone.

Fir oil for papillomas

With papillomas and warts, you can lubricate the formations with undiluted oil four times a day. It is only important not to allow the product to come into contact with clean skin - this can lead to burns.

Applying fir oil for hair

Fir oil is used for fine hair - it relieves curls from excessive dryness and dandruff. The following mask is popular:

  • 1 large spoonful of mustard powder is diluted with a small amount of water;
  • 1 drop of coniferous ether is added to the resulting gruel;
  • lubricate the hair roots with a product and leave for half an hour under a plastic cap.

Then the curls must be washed with shampoo. If a strong burning sensation appears during the use of the mask, it must be removed ahead of time in order to prevent burns.

Fir ester accelerates blood flow under the scalp and stimulates curls to grow

Contraindications to the use of fir oil

Fir essential oil may not be used in all situations. Contraindications for the extract are:

  • epilepsy;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • individual allergy;
  • gastritis and gastric ulcer in the acute stage;
  • lactation.

It is impossible to consume fir oil extract internally in a state of severe hunger. In this case, even a diluted product can lead to heartburn and stomach pain.


The medicinal properties and contraindications of fir oil are widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. The remedy helps with colds and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but requires minimum dosages.

Reviews on the properties and use of fir oil

Vilova Anna Vladimirovna, 33 years old, Kazan
I always use inhalations and rubbing with fir ether for colds. The cough goes away faster, it is possible to cope with nasal congestion with a cold. It is especially pleasant that the product does not dry mucous membranes, unlike pharmacy drops. During the autumn ARVI I try to wear an aroma pendant with the addition of ether - this increases the immunity.
Yartseva Inga Sergeevna, 29 years old, Petrozavodsk
I suffer from cervical osteochondrosis and regularly rub it with fir ether. The action is very good - the agent warms up the muscles and relieves pain. In terms of properties, it is not inferior to pharmaceutical ointments and gels, but it smells much nicer.In addition, the product does not dry out the skin with frequent use, if it is previously mixed with ordinary oil.
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