Why is fish oil in capsules useful, instructions for use, reviews

The benefits and harms of fish oil capsules are of concern to health concerns, as this active supplement is in high demand during the cold season. To understand whether capsules are always beneficial, you need to understand their features and properties.

Composition of fish oil capsules

In pharmacies, there are quite a few varieties of the product. But regardless of the manufacturer or brand, the capsules contain the following components responsible for the benefits of fish oil for the human body:

  • large amounts of Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • retinol;
  • antioxidants;
  • vitamins E and D;
  • docosahexanoic and eicosapenoic acids;
  • bromine, iodine, phosphorus and sulfur.

Other vitamin supplements may be included in the capsules, depending on the specific brand of product. But the listed substances are always the basis.

Benefits of fish oil capsules for the body

Fish oil is beneficial and harmful to health, but if used correctly and carefully, the product will have a beneficial effect. In particular, capsules:

  • improve the condition and mobility of joints and prevent the occurrence of arthrosis;
  • strengthen the immune system and protect the body from colds;
  • have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and skin;
  • lower blood pressure and normalize metabolic processes throughout the body;
  • protect the eyes from inflammatory diseases and fatigue - this is the benefit of fish oil for vision;
  • prevent the development of ailments of the cardiovascular system;
  • promote the restoration of cells and tissues;
  • allow you to maintain natural youth longer.

Benefits fish oil for the brain and nervous system. When used, the feeling of constant fatigue goes away, efficiency increases and mood improves. The benefits of fish oil in oncology are known - the properties of a useful drug slow down the growth of malignant tumors.

For women

The benefits of fish oil capsules for women are that the properties of the product have a beneficial effect on the reproductive system. The use of capsules helps to reduce painful periods, the product as a whole helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.

The benefits of fish oil capsules for girls include the fact that it helps to take care of beauty. The properties of the product are used in homemade recipes for skin and hair care, and even the usual use of capsules inside helps to improve the condition of the epidermis and curls.

For men

The benefits of fish oil capsules for men are expressed in the positive effect of the product on hormones. The properties of the drug stimulate the production of testosterone, and this increases the endurance and strength of a man.

Fish oil is beneficial for men in bodybuilding as it helps them gain healthy muscle mass. Course use of capsules has a good effect on potency, and in addition, the quality of reproductive material improves.

For the elderly

Benefits fish oil for the elderly, it has a beneficial effect on all body systems. The capsules help lower cholesterol, strengthen blood vessels and protect against the development of Alzheimer's disease, as well as prevent the weakening of heart activity. For older women, there will be benefits from fish oil during menopause - the properties will help regulate hormones and reduce the frequency of hot flashes.

In old age, the benefits of fish oil capsules for joints become especially valuable. The properties of the product stimulate collagen production and protect cartilage tissue from destruction, allowing healthy limb mobility to remain longer.

For children

Fish oil in capsules is beneficial for children, it prevents the development of rickets and strengthens the skeletal system, has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system. The benefits of fish oil capsules for teenagers are invaluable - the properties of the product promote good mental activity and improve memory.

A useful product is allowed to be given to children only after 7 years, until this age it can be harmful, since the child can simply choke on the capsule. At the same time, a liquid product can be offered to babies after 3 months of life.

Attention! For children, the product is used only in the presence of special indications, since it is potentially harmful. Before adding capsules to a child's diet, you need to consult a pediatrician about the advisability of such an action.

For pregnant and nursing

While carrying a child, it is not worth taking the product without special indications, it must be prescribed by a doctor. If a pregnant woman gets too little fatty acids and vitamin D from regular food, dietary fish oil will be beneficial. It is best to choose the drug that contains the maximum amount of docosahexanoic acid, which is important for the formation of the fetus.

As for lactation, here it is better to refuse to use capsules - they will cause more harm. Supplementation has a negative impact on the quality of breast milk. It becomes fatter, and this can not only harm the child, but also provoke lactostasis in a woman. If indicated, it is allowed to drink no more than 1 course of a useful supplement and only on the recommendation of a doctor.

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Fish oil in sports

Bodybuilders are well aware of the benefits of fish oil for athletes, they often include capsules in their sports diet. The fact is that the simultaneous use of protein products and fatty acids accelerates protein synthesis and promotes muscle growth. In addition, the beneficial substances in the product prevent the breakdown of muscle fibers after strenuous workouts, reduce swelling and soreness in the muscles and increase endurance.

The benefits of liquid fish oil for joints are highly appreciated by athletes. The supplement protects bones and cartilage, thereby preventing injury during exercise.

Is fish oil good for weight loss?

Despite the fact that the calorie content of the product is 902 kcal per 100 g, the benefits of fish oil for weight loss have long been recognized by nutritionists. The properties of the supplement help to improve metabolism, as a result of which fats and carbohydrates cease to be stored in extra pounds and are converted into energy.

Of course, the beneficial properties of capsules are most actively manifested when a diet is combined with physical activity, in which case weight loss is especially fast. It should be noted that the properties of the drug not only prevent the deposition of extra pounds, but also protect against muscle breakdown, and this allows you to maintain health and well-being.

How to drink fish oil capsules

When using a beneficial supplement, it is important to observe the daily dose of fish oil and follow the rules for its use.

  • The instructions for capsules from different manufacturers may vary slightly. The fact is that the content of nutrients in food supplements is not the same. But the daily dosage usually does not exceed 3-5 capsules.
  • You need to take capsules only with food or immediately after a meal, they cannot be consumed on an empty stomach, since the properties can be harmful and provoke indigestion.
  • It is necessary to drink the product in any dosage form in a course - at least 1 month in a row. A single dose of the drug will not harm, but it will not be beneficial either.

In total, the product is allowed to be taken in courses up to 4 times throughout the year. If you have special indications and health problems, you can use capsules more often. However, such a decision must be made by a doctor - self-medication can harm yourself.

The use of fish oil in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of fish oil in capsules are actively used by home cosmetology. The product benefits the skin and curls even during normal use, but its properties are even better revealed when used externally.

Masks with fish oil for hair

Vitamins E, D and A, as well as fatty acids make the capsules very useful for hair care. The valuable properties of the product prevent hair loss and increase the volume of curls, make the strands silky and soft.

Advice! For the preparation of homemade masks, it is more convenient to use a liquid product, but if it is absent, you can open the capsules and extract the useful substance from them in the required amount.

To accelerate growth

The benefits of fish oil for hair are that the product stimulates the awakening of hair follicles under the skin and promotes the growth of new hairs. The following mask has a good effect:

  • 2 large spoons of the product should be mixed with a couple of tablespoons of corn oil;
  • add a similar amount of olive and sunflower oils to the mixture;
  • slightly heat the mixture until warm and apply to the strands along the entire length.

The hair is covered with a film and a warm towel and the mask is kept for about 45 minutes. Then the product will need to be washed off with shampoo.

Hair loss

The properties of a useful product prevent hair loss, since it effectively strengthens the bulbs and restores the structure of the strands. For loose hair, the following mask will benefit:

  • 2 large spoons of the substance from the capsules are mixed with 1 spoon of castor oil;
  • add 1 tablespoon of wheat oil and heat the mixture a little;
  • hair is treated with oils, paying special attention to the root area.

You need to hold the mask on your hair for at least 45 minutes, or even better, leave it overnight, after wrapping your hair with cling film and wearing a tight hat.

Face masks with fish oil

Benefits of fish oil for the face, its properties will be especially valuable for dry skin prone to irritation. The product softens the skin, makes it more elastic and prevents the appearance of the first wrinkles and folds on the face.

From wrinkles

The product serves as an excellent prevention of wrinkles and smoothes aging skin well. For example, the following mask has a beneficial effect:

  • fat in the amount of a small spoon is mixed with a large spoonful of starch;
  • add a drop of ginger essential oil;
  • Stir and apply with light massaging movements on clean and steamed face skin.

It is recommended to hold the mask longer - for 40-60 minutes. Then you will need to thoroughly wash and, if necessary, remove the remaining oils with cotton swabs.

For acne

The properties of the product normalize metabolic processes and have a positive effect on the skin of the face. To get rid of acne, the product is recommended to be mixed with other beneficial ingredients. For example, this mask will help you quickly cleanse your skin:

  • a substance from 3 capsules is mixed with 15 drops of calendula tincture;
  • add 10 g of gray cosmetic clay;
  • Stir thoroughly until smooth and rub into clean skin.
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You need to hold the mask for half an hour, then wash it off with water and add fresh lemon juice.

Important! Acne is especially common on oily skin. In such cases, the product should be used no more than once a week; if used excessively, it can clog pores and cause harm.

Overdose and side effects

The benefits of fish oil for adults depend on how well the supplement is used. An excess of fatty acids and vitamins in the body does no less harm than a deficiency of nutrients. Product poisoning manifests itself in symptoms such as nausea and dizziness, thirst and headache, tachycardia and confusion.

When side effects occur, you must immediately stop drinking capsules, take as much water as possible and give up foods containing a lot of calcium in order to smooth out the harm caused to the body. Long-term abuse of the drug poses a health hazard, for example, it can harm the benefits of fish oil for the liver, capsules can provoke the development of stomach and heart ailments.

Who is contraindicated in fish oil capsules

Healthy people can only get harm from an overdose of a useful drug. However, in the presence of certain diseases, the properties of the product are, in principle, dangerous for the body. Contraindications for capsules are:

  • kidney failure and stones in the gallbladder and ducts;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • peptic ulcer and gastritis in a state of exacerbation;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • increased content of vitamins A and D in the body;
  • excess calcium in the diet.

Before using the capsules, make sure that the product or individual components do not cause individual allergies, otherwise the body will receive severe harm.

How to choose fish oil capsules

In pharmacies, capsules are presented in a huge variety. To make the right choice, you need to pay attention to several factors.

  • The type of fish from which the beneficial substance was obtained. The more expensive the fish, the more valuable extract is extracted from it, for example, salmon fat is considered one of the best, although it is very expensive.
  • The composition of a useful drug. A quality product should consist exclusively of fatty acids with the addition of essential vitamins - there should not be any third-party substances in it. In addition, the volume of fatty acids must be at least 15%.
  • Variety. The capsule packaging must contain a note that the fat is classified as medical. The fact is that there is also a food product, its properties are also of great benefit and do not cause harm, but it is customary to use a medical product for medicinal purposes.

When buying, you should pay attention to the date of manufacture of the capsules. The fresher the product, the higher its benefits, and it is better not to buy a substance with an expiring shelf life, it can be harmful.

Which manufacturer of fish oil capsules is better

Basically, manufacturers of a useful drug can be divided into 3 groups.

  • Russian brands - Mirolla, Meller, Biofishenol. The listed companies make a product from the liver of cod fish species, the capsules are notable for their low cost and availability.
  • American brands - Natrol, MadreLabs. The price of American drugs is usually higher than that of Russian ones, since in the production process brands pay increased attention to multi-stage purification of raw materials.
  • Norwegian brands - Norwegian Fish Oil. For the production of the drug, expensive varieties of fish from clean reservoirs are used; the most modern technologies are used when creating capsules. Real Norwegian capsules are quite expensive, and you cannot find them in every pharmacy.

Brands of Norwegian origin are objectively recognized as the best manufacturers worldwide. But due to the high cost of capsules, the demand for Norwegian drugs remains low. If the budget is limited, it makes sense to give preference to American or Russian manufacturers, having carefully read the composition of specific drugs.

How to store fish oil capsules

It is recommended to keep useful capsules in an opaque container - it can be a pharmacy packaging, a glass bottle with dark walls, a matte plastic jar. Store the drug in a dry place away from sunlight, and the temperature should not exceed 25 ° C.

The shelf life is indicated by the manufacturer on the package and usually does not exceed 2 years, after this time the capsules will begin to be harmful.


The benefits and harms of fish oil capsules depend on the dosage. The drug must be used strictly according to the instructions, otherwise it may be harmful. But subject to the rules of use, the product will help to significantly strengthen the body.


Ivanova Tatyana Sergeevna, 32 years old, Moscow
I work indoors and often on irregular schedules, which makes it especially difficult to handle the lack of light and vitamins in winter. Fish oil invariably comes to the rescue, I drink it in a course from December to January, my health noticeably improves.
Olga Svetlova, 28 years old, Vladivostok
As a child, I really did not like fish oil, but now I appreciated all its benefits, it helps me take care of my hair and skin, and allows me to maintain harmony. The problem of unpleasant taste and odor is solved very simply - I buy the drug in capsules, and there are no unpleasant sensations when taking it.

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