Exercise bike lying on your back: benefits, how to do, reviews

The benefits and harms of exercise bike lie in an individual approach. The person will not receive much harm. Exercise will be useless if a person does not give up bad habits, does not follow certain rules.

Why exercise bike is useful

Exercise has the ability to have a beneficial effect on muscle tone, heart and metabolism. The muscles of the press, legs, hips develop. After regular exercise, a person will get a strong back, toned buttocks.

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For the press

The benefit of doing a bicycle exercise while lying on your back is to burn belly fat. Training will not help you immediately get abs cubes if the person did not have them initially. She will be able to enhance the effect, hone the pattern of cubes on the stomach, which were developed earlier.

Exercise a bicycle has a positive effect on the development of the rectus abdominis muscle, and also pumps oblique muscles. In addition to the press, there is a beneficial effect on the work of the intestines. Exercise is beneficial for people with gastrointestinal problems.

Advice! Do not practice immediately after eating!


The exercise bike for weight loss will be useful if the practitioner starts to eat right. Extra pounds will go away in the first 2 months. Proper nutrition is the main tenet during exercise for weight loss.

Increase the number of repetitions after each week of exercise. It is advisable to add 5 exercises for 1 approach. A person can see a positive result in a few weeks.

Important! Fat is burned faster during heavy exercise.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Exhausting exercise will not help, but will only worsen the condition of the body.

For legs

Exercise bike is suitable for the prevention of varicose veins. Training makes the veins elastic, the leg muscles elastic. They become beautiful, slender.

Important! Doctors do not recommend doing the bike exercise if you already have varicose veins in the anamnesis.

Useful properties of exercise bike will help ladies who walk in heels. The lesson will improve blood circulation, raise the tone of the body as a whole.

For thighs

Women and men will feel the benefits of training. For men, exercise bike is useful due to its potency improvement property. Elastic buttocks and the disappearance of cellulite will be beneficial for women.

The benefit of hip training is to improve circulation to the pelvic organs. This will have a positive effect during pregnancy, childbirth. Strong muscles of the thighs and abdomen are the key to a woman's health.

The process of childbirth will become less painful, the risk of birth injuries will decrease. For women, the benefits of cycling exercise are invaluable due to the positive effects on fertility.

What muscles are trained

When observing the technique of performing the exercise bike, the following muscles are involved:

  • oblique and rectus abdominal muscles;
  • buttocks;
  • lumbar muscles;
  • hip flexors;
  • legs.

This exercise will help the beginner and experienced person to strengthen their body contours. Allows you to become athletic.

How to do the exercise bike correctly

The execution technique must be strict, without deviations from the path outlined by the coach. It will be useful to follow the correct diet, without overusing fatty foods. Then the exercise bike will benefit the training participant, not harm.

There are 2 types of execution technique:

  • for newbies;
  • for experienced athletes.

Separation is necessary so that beginners cannot harm themselves: get injured, stretch muscles. In this case, they will be ready to quit classes the next day, as soon as they can not rise from the overload due to the training the day before.

Experienced athletes are not suitable for beginners' technique. They will just mark time, not getting any benefit from the classes.

Technique for beginners

Beginners cannot go on to a difficult type of lesson. Concentration on the exercise should be extreme. In the early days, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to harm your health. It is important to maintain the desire to continue doing useful work.

Bike steps for beginners:

  1. Place the rug on a flat, hard surface.
  2. Lie on it.
  3. Relax, keep your arms along your body, palms to the floor.
  4. Then put your hands behind your head, the lower back should be pressed to the surface. Do not lock your hands behind your head.
  5. Tighten your abdominal muscles, raise both legs, bending the knees at a 90 degree angle. The shins are parallel to the surface.
  6. Rotate your legs as if you were riding a bicycle. In this case, the lower back should be firmly pressed to the floor, not torn away from it.
Advice! While moving your legs, you need to feel how the muscles are tense, working.

For beginners, 16 repetitions at a time is quite enough. Speed ​​doesn't matter. The main thing is to learn how to use the right muscles.

Technique for experienced athletes

Before doing it, you need to concentrate. Lying on the couch and swinging your legs in the air won't do you any good.

To complete, you need to prepare:

  1. Choose a flat, hard surface.
  2. Lay a rug on the floor so as not to chill the lower back and back.
  3. Take the starting position. Lie on the floor. The back is firmly pressed to the floor.
  4. Put your hands behind your head, relax your neck. Raise your legs, hips should be in a position strictly perpendicular to the floor.
  5. Extend one leg forward. The second is to slowly pull in the knee to the chest.
  6. Pull the elbow opposite the knee slowly to the bent leg by twisting the spine.
  7. Straighten the leg bent at the knee and pressed to the chest. And, on the contrary, bend a straight leg, lead the knee to the chest. The opposite elbow should come close to the knee of the bent leg.
  8. The exercise is similar to cycling. Full extension of the spine and body should occur at the time of exercise.
  9. Breathe evenly, perform actions measuredly and slowly.
  10. Exhale - pull the knee to the elbow. Inhale - straighten your leg.

Nuances and recommendations for performing the exercise

Beginners try to exceed the number of times in 1 lesson. The reason for this is the desire to quickly pump up the press, burn excess fat. A large number of times, done in 1 exercise by an unprepared beginner, can harm him.

The lesson should be performed with the correct approach, which will increase its benefits:

  • warm up the muscles before training;
  • even breathing, uniform rhythm;
  • concentration of attention on the lower part of the press, muscle tension must be felt;
  • elbows do not touch the knees when turning the torso to the bent leg;
  • do not move your head forward;
  • the lumbar spine is firmly pressed to the floor;
  • combine the bike with exercises for the press and hips;
  • stretch after exercise.

If pain occurs during the process, it is recommended to stop and rest. If the pain persists, then the next day it is better to consult your doctor. Don't try to exercise through pain. It can harm the body.

In working muscles after exercise, a person will feel a slight burning sensation and tension. This is the norm. This means they are developing.

The number of approaches and reps

The number of approaches and repetitions depends on the level of a person's physical development. With a small number of repetitions, the beginner will pump the abs well without harming the body.

Training table:

Athlete level

Number of repetitions

Number of approaches

Rest between sets

Beginner (spinning legs in the air)



90 seconds

Advanced (with turns one way or the other)

6 (each side)


1 minute

Experienced (with turns one way or the other)

10 (each side)


1 minute

How many calories does exercise bike burn

Exercise the bike burns about 10 kcal per minute. The beneficial properties of training will appear in combination with proper nutrition, an active lifestyle. In case of improper nutrition, the benefits are canceled.

Cycling contributes more to the acquisition of a beautiful relief than weight loss.

With additional load, using pancakes, the beneficial properties increase. More calories are burned.

Frequent mistakes during exercise

Performing a bike correctly is a guarantee of the health of the body. A person, if done correctly, will not be able to harm himself.

Beginners make mistakes that must be avoided in order not to harm their health.

The main ones are:

  • the choice of a soft surface for performing the exercise - a sofa or bed gives an additional load on the lumbar region;
  • making sudden movements, the speed of the lesson does not contribute to development - the useful properties of the bicycle are lost;
  • holding your breath - pressure rises, heart function is disrupted;
  • it is recommended to thoroughly, qualitatively warm up before class - this will relieve sprains, prepare the joints for the load;
  • it is necessary to rest between approaches - the body should have a good rest and prepare for the next approach;
  • pain during exercise - switch to another exercise, consult a doctor;
  • pulling the head up with the hands injures the neck.

What exercises can you combine with

The benefits of a bicycle will be more effective when you combine training with other types of exercise. For instance:

  • run;
  • jumping;
  • squats;
  • swing legs while lying on your back.

It is recommended to alternate or combine them.

Exercise bike after childbirth

After giving birth, mothers need to be attentive to their own health. It is not recommended to overload the body.

Cycling is a permitted exercise. With a reasonable approach, a woman can see the beneficial properties of training after the first month.

2 sets of 8 reps are allowed. The body will respond positively. He will not be harmed.

Contraindications to exercise bike

It is not recommended to perform for the following diseases and conditions of the human body:

  • heart diseases;
  • high blood pressure;
  • after operation;
  • with various injuries;
  • pregnant women;
  • severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • high body temperature;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • malignant tumors;
  • during exacerbation of infections;
  • hernia.

Failure to comply with these rules will cause harm to the body, which can affect the deterioration of already poor health. After going to the hospital for advice, the doctor will tell you how to replace the bike.


The benefits and harms of exercise bike lies in the correct performance. Beginners should do the bike in the presence of a trainer so as not to harm the body. Exercise bike will bring equal benefits for men and women in the form of a slim, toned body.


Sidorov Lavrenty Pavlovich, 46 years old, g.Murmansk
Indeed, a useful exercise. We have been doing it with the whole family for 5 years. I started training, then I taught the children to do the exercise, then my wife joined me. The real benefits were felt after a year. No excess weight, always a good and cheerful mood. I don't feel any harm. Children are also delighted.
Kan Valeria Andreevna, 30 years old, Khabarovsk
I started doing exercise bike weight loss in my youth. Now I am seriously engaged in fitness. I walk without passes. The coach taught me how to make a bike correctly so as not to get injured. I began to use weights. My weight is not enough for me. The doctor and the trainer are not against additional loads. According to them, I am in excellent health.
Chekhov Andrey Andreevich, 26 years old, Vologda
I have been playing sports since childhood. I love the embossed body. I recently learned about the useful properties of a bicycle. I really felt its power literally after 3 months of training. After doing it, I do not experience any painful sensations. I regularly consult a doctor.
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