Why sports are good for health

The benefits and harms of sports are an eternal topic of discussion and controversy. The line between the two concepts is thin, although in fact everything is quite simple: food, sports activities, recreation and other human activities do not harm if you approach them intelligently and correctly dosed. If necessary, a doctor, a coach can be connected to the choice of a direction in sports. Without exceeding his capabilities, a person eliminates harm from sports.

The benefits of playing sports

It should be noted right away that morning exercises, a five-minute warm-up are not included in the concept of sports, but are types of physical activity. The correct definition of the word sport is grueling exercise with maximum impact, stress on a specific muscle group for each specific type of training.

What are the benefits of sports in human life, it is worth considering and, if necessary, making some adjustments in the usual way of life. It is important to identify all the pros and cons of the chosen sports section, so as not to experience disappointment, not to provoke harm.

Physical activity of varying intensity should be present in everyone's usual routine. Sport is important in the lives of children and benefits adults. Systematic exercise helps you achieve your goals.

Modeling character

Sports sections and circles discipline, make a person self-confident. People who go in for sports make decisions faster and get leadership skills. Sections with group sports are especially effective and beneficial in the development of the qualities of a socially active person.

Improving endurance and strengthening muscles

In the course of overcoming the loads, endurance is developed step by step. Visually, you can notice a transformation when beautiful reliefs appear in the body, muscle plasticity develops, excess fat leaves.

Improving mood and well-being

Sport energizes, accelerates sleep, increases labor productivity. Observing the regime, a person gets the opportunity to live a rich, full life.

Weight Loss

The benefits of sports are obvious, as it helps to get rid of obesity. Excessive obesity is a source of disease, leading to dysfunctions of body systems. Performing intense physical activity, a person controls his gastronomic addictions, does not consume foods that can be harmful to health.

Strengthening the heart

The vital organ ensures full blood circulation, delivery of nutrients to the organs. Dysfunction can cause various pathologies, including hypoxia. Sports exercises provide the heart with a feasible load, gradually strengthen it. The systematic nature of the classes eliminates the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, heart attack.The impact of sports on the cardiovascular system is predominantly positive, if you approach the issue reasonably.

Improving memory

Sport, regardless of the direction, is beneficial by improving the nutrition of the brain, which leads to clarity of thinking, improved coordination, and full-fledged perception of information. School-aged children especially need this.

Respiratory development

Correct breathing is essential in sports. Violation of its conditions can nullify all efforts. The increase in the volume of the inhaled area of ​​the lungs guarantees the absence of hypoxia in the cells.

Boost immunity

People who have sports in their lives are always in excellent shape. They are extremely rarely affected by infections. The health benefits of sports for children are obvious, since stable immunity is the key to well-being.

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Better sleep

Due to fatigue, after physical exercise in the life of a person keen on sports, such concepts as depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances disappear. A person has quality rest at night, which leads to the acquisition of harmony and tranquility.

Acceleration of metabolism

Sport benefits the digestive system by promoting proper bowel function. During exercise, metabolic products are excreted through the skin from the body in sweat. Well-established metabolic processes do not allow toxins, free radicals and slags to linger.

Why sports are useful for children and adolescents

Sport is important in children's lives. Besides the fact that the child is busy and having a good time, there are a lot of pluses that are worth paying attention to. The benefits of sports are:

  • in strengthening barrier functions;
  • the formation of endurance, strength;
  • positive effect on bone structure;
  • strengthening of vascular walls and heart muscles - exclusion of hypertension in the future;
  • the development of stress resistance;
  • the formation of correct self-esteem, an adequate response to criticism;
  • receiving the makings of a leader;
  • influence on physical development;
  • the acquisition of social skills, the ability to work in a team.

The influence of sports on the formation of adolescents is great, since strong immunity protects against colds that interfere with development. All systems work fully, the muscle corset is strengthened, the development of scoliosis, osteochondrosis is excluded. Important! The habit of playing sports is beneficial because it is incompatible with smoking and alcohol abuse. In addition, in adolescents, all energy is channeled into a healthy channel, they do not deliberately harm themselves.

Which sport to choose

Interest in sports should be instilled from childhood. In adolescence, changes occur in the muscle of the heart and blood vessels, preparing the fragile body for more difficult periods.

Attending school, sitting for a long time at the table forces you to be in a sedentary position for a long period of time. Inaction of parents can provoke harm to the growing organism in the improper formation of the skeleton.

A teenager should be mobile for at least an hour a day, the task of adults is to select dosage loads that are beneficial, to make sports a part of life.

Important! Children and adolescents are not as resilient as adults and it should be borne in mind that they expend more energy on every action.

Whichever sport is chosen, the benefits will prevail over the harm indicators.

Preference should be given to general strengthening types of load that have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and the full functioning of the heart. The health benefits of sport during adolescence come from the following:

  • swimming;
  • run;
  • cycling.

When choosing a direction, you should pay attention to the physique of a teenager.

Important! A short child will not be able to prove himself in basketball, but if he has strong legs, he could very well show good results in running.You should also pay attention to temperament. An active child will not be interested in playing chess, but in a team game he will not be equal.

When choosing a section for girls, parents always try to develop plasticity, femininity, harmony. Most often, preference is given to gymnastics and dancing.

Swimming is considered a versatile sport and is suitable for everyone, regardless of age or gender. It is prescribed for healthy children, as well as for many pathologies: exercise in water minimizes harm.

Sports rules

Passion for sports is one of the important points of a healthy lifestyle, from which people mainly derive benefit. Accordingly, the approach to it must be conscious and serious. The first step is to figure out what you can't do.

Lessons without shoes

Sneakers are selected for the sport, as the wrong shoes can harm the spine. Important! Exercising barefoot or wearing socks increases the pressure on the back. With a tendency to vascular disease, the harm from exercise increases significantly.

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Quench your thirst "at will"

Do not wait until the urge to drink is unbearable. Exercise is not a reason to dehydrate your body. You should make it a rule to take several sips of water every 20 minutes.

Training in shabby, old things

The tracksuit must be of good quality. In the composition of the fabric, in addition to cotton, the presence of lycra is desirable. Cotton clothes are soaked in sweat, blocking the access of air to the pores. Clothes that are many years old, but it is a pity to throw them away, should not be used in training.

Using antiperspirant deodorants

Excessive sweating during intense exercise is a natural condition. With sweat, harmful substances are removed from the body. Antiperspirants close pores and stop sweat from escaping. So that during sports products that are harmful to the body are easily eliminated, it is worth refusing to use skin care products during exercise.

Listen to music with headphones

It has been scientifically proven that intense training should not be performed with loud music. If it is impossible without musical accompaniment, it must be made quieter. If you ignore the recommendation, one day you may lose the opportunity to hear.

Asphalt is not a place to run

Paved roads are detrimental to the ankle, knees, hip joint, since they do not absorb the shocks when the runner is repulsed. The best place to run is a track in a hall, a stadium, a park - along flat paths.

Basic rules for doing sports for the benefit of the body:

  1. Sports training can be carried out at home, in the park, forest, sports clubs with the professional support of a coach.
  2. Beginners should not show excessive zeal, as it can harm the tendons, muscle fibers, ligaments, myocardium, blood vessels. Before the first lesson, you should consult a doctor, get the coach's recommendations. The increase in loads should be gradual. The selection of exercise complexes should be based on the real capabilities of the body. The head of the section can tell you how to get the most out of your training.
  3. If the goal of passion is in body shaping, you need to understand that it is impossible to influence weight globally by exercises alone. Additionally, nutritional adjustments are required.

To play sports with health benefits, you need to develop a system. Sport will become a habit more easily when a person gets the first stable results. The researchers concluded that it takes 21 days of continuous exercise to get them while running.

Cons of playing sports

The influence of sports on the human body is ambiguous. The wrong approach to loads, the pursuit of a quick result can bring irreparable harm. What to look for:

  1. When practicing, you must be able to stop in time.The first workouts should not be intense. Excessive hobbies quickly wear out systems and organs, lead to premature old age, which crosses out all ideas about the benefits.
    Important! Sports have their own rules, which should be followed - training cannot be approached only intuitively.
  2. Energizers, stimulants and what bodybuilders call sports nutrition actually threaten the harm of getting stress: foods give endurance to athletes, but absorb the inviolable reserves of energy.
  3. Requirements for yourself must be objective. If you are underweight, for example, excessive exercise can be harmful.

In a professional vein, there is practically no talk about the positive impact of sports on human health. Most of the career ends with pathological disorders of the joints, skeleton, digestive system.


The benefits and harms of sports are significant, therefore, in order to obtain an effect, it is important to reasonably approach the choice of activity. Having chosen the desired direction, it is worth finding out all the nuances, taking into account all the characteristics of the organism, age, gender. The harm from the impact of sports on the human body lies in the irresponsible attitude to exercise.

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