Composition, benefits and harms of vanilla and vanillin for the human body

The effect of the smell of vanilla on a person is beneficial and calming. The spice is used in medicine, in cosmetology and in everyday life, it is used to protect against insects.

What does vanilla look like and where does it grow in nature?

Vanilla (Vanilla) is a perennial plant of the Orchid family with large vines capable of climbing up trees. It has a thick stem up to 10 m in length with branches, the leaves are oblong, dark green. Near the petioles, there are adventitious roots designed to cling to the support.

Vanilla begins blooming in early June

In the photo of how vanilla grows in nature, it can be seen that it blooms with pale yellow, cream or greenish tubular buds up to 3 cm in diameter. The pollination period is only a couple of days. The plant produces a crop in the form of cylindrical black-brown pods with a strong aroma, ripening for more than six months. Inside the fruit are black shiny seeds.

Important! Natural vanillin is obtained from the pods of flat-leaved vanilla. Only this species has valuable nutritional properties, while others are cultivated for decorative purposes.

Naturally, vanilla pods grow in Brazil, Mexico and the rainforests of South America. For industrial purposes, it is bred in India, Indonesia and China, as well as in Madagascar. The plant feels comfortable in humid and hot climates up to 1500 m above sea level.

Where does vanilla grow in Russia

Vanilla does not grow under natural conditions on the territory of Russia. The country's predominantly temperate climate is not suitable for tropical creepers. Decorative culture is bred in closed greenhouses and greenhouses in the middle zone and the Russian south, but even in such conditions it takes root with difficulty.

Chemical properties and composition of natural vanilla, vanillin

There are many beneficial substances in the vanilla product. The pods of the plant or natural dry powder based on them contain:

  • essential oils;
  • B vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • potassium and iron;
  • zinc, sodium and calcium;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins PP and K;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins.

The nutritional value is 287 calories per 100 g.

As for vanillin, this product is of two types - natural, made from real plant pods, and artificial, which is produced from waste of the paper and pulp industry. The latter can be distinguished primarily by its low cost. Its aroma is strong, but less rich than that of a real spice.

If the vanilla extract contains the same valuable substances as the pods, then the synthetic powder contains practically no useful components. It is used only as a flavoring agent.

The effect of the smell of vanilla on men, women

The action of the aroma of vanilla has a very beneficial effect on the human nervous system. The scent charges with positive energy, uplifts mood and reduces anxiety. The spice is often added to morning coffee for an invigorating effect.

In addition, the smell of vanilla is popular with men and women and has aphrodisiac properties. The spice is considered an aphrodisiac; you can use it in romantic meetings to relax and get rid of stiffness.

Why vanilla and vanillin are useful for the human body

Natural vanilla, when consumed in moderation, has a beneficial effect on the body. Namely:

  • helps to relieve nervous tension, irritation and anxiety;
  • eliminates insomnia;
  • acts as a mild antidepressant;
  • has anti-cancer properties due to the content of antioxidants;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • benefits for allergies and seizures;
  • helps with arthritis and rheumatism;
  • reduces fever;
  • normalizes metabolic and digestive processes.

Artificial vanillin improves the taste of dessert dishes, gives them additional sweetness and bright aroma.

Does vanillin help against mosquitoes, midges, ticks

Vanillin helps with gnats, as it is a good deterrent for most blood-sucking insects - parasites cannot stand its smell. In the summertime, it is useful to treat the room with a fragrant water spray prepared on the basis of a powder.

Vanillin also helps people from ticks; before walking in the forest or park, you can apply a solution with the addition of spices to the skin. The protective effect will last for about two hours. Another good folk remedy for mosquitoes is vanillin and cream. Such a composition is convenient to use and lasts longer on the body.

For mixing with vanilla, it is better to take a light cream that does not leave greasy marks on clothes.

Useful properties for women

Vanilla and vanillin are beneficial for women primarily for their sedative qualities. Natural substance and artificial powder help to normalize sleep, improve mood. In aromatherapy, vanilla is used to calm the nerves in stressful situations.

The spice can be used to normalize the monthly cycle and relieve severe pain. The product relieves PMS and regulates hormones.

But during pregnancy, it is better not to use vanilla and vanillin. They provoke an increase in appetite and can lead to serious weight gain. In addition, spices often cause allergies. It is also not recommended to consume vanillin and vanilla during breastfeeding - the child may react negatively.

Useful properties for men

For men, it is useful to use the healing properties of vanillin and vanilla when weakening potency. The spice helps to increase libido, has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in the pelvic organs. It can be used with increased physical and psychological stress to relieve stress and strengthen endurance.

What are useful for children

Vanilla contains valuable essential oils to improve baby's digestion. Regular use of the spice reduces the risk of developing diabetes, protects eyesight from diseases, and increases the mental activity of the child. The topical use of vanillin for mosquito bites in children is especially popular. Treatment with ointments and solutions with the addition of powder helps to protect the baby from blood-sucking insects at any age.

For the first time, you can offer a child a spice for internal use only after 3 years. Allergy to vanillin in children is rare, but its development cannot be completely ruled out.

Attention! Before using the spice for the first time, you should consult a pediatrician, the product has a number of contraindications.

The use of vanilla and vanillin in medicine

Vanilla is often used medicinally. The spice has a good effect:

  • with neuroses and outbursts of aggression;
  • with an irregular cycle and severe PMS in women;
  • with unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • with flatulence and dyspepsia;
  • with intestinal colitis;
  • with sluggish appetite;
  • with rheumatism and arthritis.

You can use vanilla for anemia, it contains iron and can increase hemoglobin levels. The plant extract is added to pharmaceuticals. Medicinal substances with a faint vanillin odor are more easily tolerated by children and adults, even if they have an unpleasant taste.

Advice! For medicinal purposes, it is enough to add the spice to drinks and food in small dosages on an ongoing basis.
Traditional medicine uses vanilla powder, its pods and essential oil

Vanilla has anti-inflammatory properties and is suitable for treating skin irritations and damage. But at the same time, spice-based products cannot be buried in the nostrils and auricles, or used for microclysters.

With diabetes mellitus

The beneficial properties of vanilla are clearly manifested in diabetes. The spice can be used as a safe sweetener. At the same time, it is important to use vanillin or vanilla, but not vanilla sugar - it will have the exact opposite effect.

When losing weight

Vanilla is beneficial for weight loss. Although the spice is often used to increase appetite and improve digestion, its smell when inhaled has the opposite effect - it dampens the feeling of hunger.

Vanillin can be added to tea and drunk half an hour before meals. In this case, the flavoring will also create a false satiety effect and help you get by with smaller portions of food.

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Home use

In everyday life, the aromatic properties of vanilla are appreciated, it is used to improve the atmosphere in the room. Spice can be poured into several miniature containers and placed around the room to fill it with a pleasant smell.

The aroma of vanillin repels insects. Therefore, the spice is used for processing leather and premises in the summer months with open windows. Also, using powder poured into a container or a dense fabric bag, it is convenient to flavor closed cabinets.

How to dissolve vanillin from mosquitoes, midges for a child

Vanillin brings a good effect against mosquitoes for children under one year old. With the help of spices, you can protect your child from insect bites both at home and on a walk. Such a remedy gives a good effect:

  • about 1/3 of the substance is squeezed out of a tube of baby cream;
  • mixed with a bag of vanillin;
  • apply a small amount of the product to the baby's skin.

For children with vanilla mosquito repellent recipe, you can use regular petroleum jelly instead of cream. A homemade ointment with a pleasant aroma stays on the skin for a long time and provides reliable protection.

When mixing a whole tube of cream, 3-4 sachets of vanillin should go
Attention! When using the product, you need to observe the proportions of vanillin from mosquitoes for children and make sure in advance that the baby is not allergic to the spice or its smell.

Application in cosmetology

The properties of vanilla and vanillin are very popular in cosmetology. The spice can be found in many finished products - masks, creams, lotions, body milk. Vanilla essential oil is highly valued, it is used in formulations for acne and early wrinkles, added to conditioners for weakened hair.

At home, vanilla extract is used to:

  • preparation of relaxing baths - it is enough to dilute a few grams of powder in 1 liter of water and add the solution to the filled container;
  • creating anti-cellulite scrubs - vanilla is mixed with sugar and coffee and problem areas are treated.

The spice is used in the production of perfumery - it is part of many perfumes, mainly for women. Aromatic solutions are also prepared at home, simply by dissolving vanilla in water. A liquid with a pleasant smell is applied to the skin and hair using a spray bottle.

Cooking applications

All variations of vanilla and vanillin are used for culinary purposes. Spice is introduced:

  • in flour and confectionery products;
  • in desserts;
  • in pastries and cakes;
  • in cocktails and mulled wine;
  • in sweets and chocolate;
  • into biscuits.

When using natural vanilla pods, they are added to dishes half an hour before being cooked, and then removed before serving. By themselves, the fruits of the plant are inedible, so it makes no sense to leave them inside baked goods and desserts.

In cooking, it is customary to add 1 to 10 g of vanillin per 1 kg of the main product.

Syrup is often made for cakes and pastries. First, an ordinary sweet solution is prepared from 400 g of sugar per 200 ml of water, and then 3 g of powdered spice, diluted in 50 g of vodka, is added to it. The components are thoroughly mixed and poured over the resulting liquid baked goods.

Advice! Vanilla and vanillin in culinary dishes go well with chicory, cinnamon, cloves, and powdered sugar.

Contraindications and harm of vanilla, vanillin for health

The benefits and harms of vanillin flavor and real vanilla are not always the same. It is not recommended to use spices:

  • during pregnancy and during feeding;
  • with individual allergies.

Vanilla and vanillin in excess are dangerous and can lead to the development of side effects - nausea, indigestion, migraines. It is allowed to consume no more than 1 g of pure powder per day. When using cosmetics containing vanilla, sunscreen balms should be used. The spice increases the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet rays.

Crystalline vanillin can be especially harmful. Coumarin, which has a similar odor, may be present among other food flavor components. In case of an overdose, this substance causes severe poisoning with a negative effect on the nervous system. When buying, it is better to give preference to vanilla, which does not contain this ingredient.

Will vanillin help a dog with fleas and ticks?

Not only vanillin with water from mosquitoes for children and adults is popular. You can use the food supplement for fleas and ticks in pets. There are several ways to use vanillin:

  • the animal's fur is sprinkled with dry powder and rubbed well, paying special attention to the belly, lower chest and paws;
  • dilute two bags of purchased vanillin in a glass of water, mix and spray the dog from a spray bottle;
  • dissolve one small packet of spices in 15 ml of alcohol, then measure out a small spoonful of the product and dilute it with 150 ml of water, and then apply vanillin tincture on vodka against ticks on the animal's hair.

The beneficial effect of the solutions lasts only about two hours. Therefore, they must be applied immediately before going for a walk with the animal.

When using any of the methods, it is necessary to take vanillin. Vanilla sugar will not work, it has a much sweeter smell and does not repel insects.

The magical properties of vanilla

Folk omens endow natural vanilla with mystical properties. It is believed that it helps to restore the energy field and purify the aura, helps free the chakras from negativity and restores spiritual harmony. Vanilla is used in love rituals to awaken feelings and increase affection.

Storage conditions and periods

Natural vanilla is most useful to acquire in the form of pods - smooth and plastic, with a pleasant aroma and white bloom on the surface. Good quality fruit should not break when bent. It is necessary to store the pods in a sealed glass container in a dark place at room temperature; you cannot put the container in the refrigerator.To extend the shelf life, you can wrap each of the fruits with cling film. Vanilla can retain valuable properties for up to three years.

When storing vanilla in jars, you need to regularly ventilate the container so that moisture does not appear

Artificial vanillin flavor is also stored in a dry and dark cabinet in paper bags. The shelf life depends on the manufacturer, but is usually 6-12 months. It is advisable to keep vanillin away from other spices and spices with a strong smell so that the aromas do not mix with each other and do not weaken.


The action of the smell of vanilla is used to treat nervous disorders, as an aphrodisiac and to repel blood-sucking insects. While natural spice is most valuable, the aroma of synthetic vanillin powder also has beneficial properties.

Reviews on the use of vanilla mosquito repellent for children

Petrenko Olga Denisovna, 34 years old, Kaluga
My three-year-old daughter is allergic, so finding a good mosquito repellent was very difficult. But it is impossible to do without it, we live on the first floor, in the summer there is just darkness for insects. On the advice of a friend, I tried to dissolve vanillin in water, and the torment was over, the remedy really helps. After processing the body and clothes - not a single bite in a few days, and most importantly, the child does not have an allergic reaction.
Startseva Anna Georgievna, 32 years old, Vladivostok
My daughter reacts very sensitively to any harsh odors, she could not use any repellents - immediately a headache, tears, a bad mood. Vanillin simply saved - they tried to mix the powder with baby cream, anointed his hands and neck, and after the first walk they did not get any bites. At the same time, the child likes the aroma, does not irritate, the head does not hurt.

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