How to clean an arctic fox from yellowness: white and dyed

The fox collar in the process of wearing ceases to shine, becomes dirty and loses its original appearance. This happens regardless of whether it is white or dyed. The process of wear of such things cannot be stopped, but it can be significantly slowed down if you know how to properly care for natural fur. To clean the polar fox collar from yellowness and return it to a presentable appearance, you can use improvised and professional tools. But it is important to take into account all the recommendations and strictly follow the sequence of actions.

Arctic fox collar perfectly complements winter outerwear

Is it possible to wash the fox fur

The Arctic fox has a long hair, so it is extremely sensitive and whimsical to care for. As practice shows, any mistakes during cleaning and further drying of such a collar can lead to damage to things. Therefore, the use of hand and machine washing in this case is unacceptable. You can return a presentable look to a fox product at home if you clean it dry or wet.

Important! The collar must not be washed as it will lose its luster and the pile will become brittle and tangled.

Also, during wet cleaning, you need to ensure that the base of the arctic fox product is not too wet, otherwise it may shrink when it dries. However, slight moisture is allowed. The main thing is to thoroughly dry the arctic fox collar in natural conditions without using heating devices and a hair dryer.

How to clean fox fur using folk methods

In case of slight contamination, the fox collar can be cleaned using the available components. The choice of a specific product depends on the color of the pile and the purpose of cleaning. In this way, you can return the shine to the collar, eliminate yellowness, and also remove minor stains that appeared during wear under the influence of external factors.

The main advantages of using folk remedies for cleaning a polar fox collar:

  • availability, because many of them can be found in every home;
  • ease of use, since their preparation does not require complex manipulations;
  • safety, if the indicated dosages are observed, it is impossible to spoil the thing.

How to clean an arctic fox fur collar with sawdust

Using this method, you can clean the dyed fox fur. To do this, you should purchase clean hardwood sawdust in advance. Aspen, birch, linden are best suited. Before using sawdust for cleaning, they must be abundantly moistened with alcohol, and only then used as directed.

Initially, rub a small amount into the arctic fox collar, and then gradually add more. It is good to process the fur along the entire length of the product with sawdust so that they absorb all the accumulated dirt and dust. At the end of the procedure, carefully comb out the bristles with a comb.

Important! In order to clean the arctic fox collar, you cannot use sawdust from coniferous trees, as they contain resins that lead to sticking of the pile.

This cleansing method is especially helpful in rebuilding the areas that come into contact with the neck and face.

With the help of sawdust, you can clean not only the Arctic fox, but also the silver fox

How to clean a polar fox fur coat with peroxide

This method is recommended to use in order to clean the light arctic fox from dirt and remove yellowness. For the procedure, it is necessary to add hydrogen peroxide (1 tbsp. L.) To pure water (200 ml), and then stir until smooth.

Moisten a sponge in the resulting solution, squeeze out, and then carefully process the fox pile along the entire length of the collar. After that, hang the product to dry so that it can be exposed to sunlight. This will enhance the whitening effect of hydrogen peroxide.

Important! You cannot use the preparation for cleaning colored foxes.

How to clean yellow fox fur with gasoline

This method will help restore the white polar fox collar and the dyed one. But in order to clean the product with high quality, you should use aviation gasoline, which does not contain impurities. To clean the fur, you just need to moisten the sponge in the product and carefully treat the entire surface.

However, to remove obsolete stains, a mixture of gasoline and potato starch should be prepared so that it resembles gruel in consistency. After that, apply the resulting composition all over the polar fox collar and rub it in lightly. As a result, the gasoline will evaporate, and the starch, along with dirt and dust, will remain to be combed out of the pile. It is necessary to carry out such cleaning in a ventilated area.

Important! The option with the addition of starch is only suitable for light polar fox collars, since the residues of the product in this pile will be invisible.

How to clean an arctic fox collar with ammonia

The method will help return the lost shine to the fox collar and eliminate the yellowness that has appeared. In order to clean the pile, dissolve 20 g of sodium chloride and 15 ml of ammonia in 250 ml of warm water. Then mix the resulting solution and evenly apply it to the fox collar, avoiding excessive moisture in the base.

At the end of the procedure, the thing must be dried, and then combed out carefully so that the villi do not break.

How to clean fox fur at home with talcum powder

This component has an absorbent property, so it helps to effectively clean the arctic fox collar from greasy stains. Talc also gives freshness, as it absorbs unpleasant extraneous odors.

In order to clean the product, it is necessary to spread the component in an even layer. Then, using a soft brush, spread it between the fibers and gently wrinkle it with your hands. When finished, shake the fox collar to remove any remaining powder.

Talc helps to quickly and effectively remove greasy pile

How to wash a fox collar with soapy water

Any shampoo or liquid soap can be used to remove dust and light stains. To clean the arctic fox collar, it is necessary to dilute it with warm water in a 1: 1 ratio, stir the mixture and beat slightly until a stable foam appears.

After that, apply it on the pile in the direction of growth and spread it evenly over the entire product with a soft brush. If necessary, you can additionally walk over the most contaminated areas with a sponge dipped in soapy water. After finishing it is necessary to dry the arctic fox collar in natural conditions.

Important! It is best to purchase a special long-haired animal care shampoo to clean the arctic fox.

You can also clean the product with white soap, which does not contain dyes and aggressive components. To do this, you need to grate it and then add warm water. You should get a saturated, homogeneous soap solution.

Wet a sponge in the mixture and squeeze it out slightly. Rub the problem areas to create foam. Leave in this form for 5 minutes, and then remove the remains with a clean dry cloth and dry the fox collar.

How to refresh fox fur at home with soda

This method is recommended for cleaning white fluff. To return the fox collar to its presentable appearance, it is necessary to lay it out on a horizontal surface. Then sprinkle generously and evenly on top of the baking soda, and to better distribute it in the pile, use a soft brush. After that, spray the fur with warm water from a spray bottle, without too wetting the base.

Recommended reading:  Baking soda: beneficial properties, application, how to take

At the end of the procedure, you need to slightly wrinkle the pile and dry the product in a natural way. Then shake the collar several times to remove the baking soda. If necessary, the procedure should be repeated several times until the pile returns to its original shade.

How to wash a fox fur collar with blue

This method is recommended for restoring the silver fox. To clean the collar, you need to dissolve a little blue in water and mix thoroughly. In this case, the liquid should acquire a pale blue tint.

The resulting solution should be moistened with a sponge, squeezed out and walked over the pile or sprayed with a spray bottle. After that, the collar should be dried and then combed. This method helps to remove dust.

Important! You need to comb the polar fox collar after it has completely dried, otherwise this can lead to damage to the product.

How to clean an arctic fox at home with specialized products

Household chemicals also help to clean the arctic fox collar from dirt and yellowness. You can buy them in specialized stores.

Professional tools easily cope with their task

Most effective:

  1. A professional product that helps to clean tough stains, while refreshing and improving the appearance of the collar. In addition, it prevents the appearance of new stains, prevents the undercoat from falling off and has an anti-static effect.
  2. Spray cleaner made in Germany. Effectively and quickly removes not only fresh, but also old dirt. Gives shine to the pile, makes it elastic, which significantly extends the life of the product. This spray also protects against moisture damage and repels moths.
  3. It features a unique formula based on plant extracts, which reduces the likelihood of developing allergies when the lint comes into contact with the skin. Allows you to remove fresh and old dirt, and also returns the pile smoothness, shine and makes it more durable.

Professional products help to quickly clean the arctic fox collar, but they should be used as directed according to the attached instructions. Almost all of them have a peculiar smell, so they need to be used in a well-ventilated area.

How to care for Arctic fox fur

Proper care of natural fur helps to keep the fox collar presentable for a long time. This can be achieved by following simple rules:

  1. The polar fox fur does not suffer from strong winds and frosts, but so that it does not fall off, it must be regularly brushed with a special brush.
  2. You should not hang clothes with a light collar next to dark products, since with prolonged contact it becomes stained, and it is very difficult to remove such a shade later.
  3. If the fur gets wet in snow or rain, it must be dried naturally to maintain its quality and prevent lint from falling out.
  4. During cleaning, the thing must be combed along the growth of the pile, and not against it.
  5. In summer, outerwear with a polar fox collar should be stored in a dry, ventilated place, excluding exposure to sunlight.
Important! It is forbidden to iron the arctic fox collar even on the back side, as well as to use aggressive bleaches during cleaning.


It is not difficult to clean a polar fox collar from yellowness and dirt at home with the help of improvised and professional tools. But before using them for the first time, you need to test the action in an inconspicuous place. It should also be understood that respect for natural fur can not only prevent frequent pollution, but also significantly increase the service life of the product.

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