Gendevit: instructions for use, reviews of doctors

Gendevit is produced by a domestic pharmaceutical company. The drug belongs to multivitamins. It is prescribed as a prophylaxis for women at the stage of gestation and breastfeeding. The instruction to Gendevit indicates that the food supplement has a general tonic effect on the body and makes up for the lack of certain trace elements.

What are Gendevit vitamins useful for?

The vitamin complex helps to normalize metabolic processes and raise the tone of the whole organism as a whole. After using pills, tissue respiration improves. There is normal growth and development of bone tissue, cartilage, and the epithelial layer of the mucous membranes.

The food supplement improves and strengthens the immune system, synthesizes the production of hemoglobin, collagen. Normalizes the breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Restores cells, strengthens the nervous system as a whole.

Many patients respond positively to the drug. This is due to the fact that dietary supplements are well tolerated by the body and rarely cause allergic reactions. It has a low cost, therefore it is available to everyone.

Vitamins Gendevit are available in the form of a yellow dragee, have a pleasant sweetish taste

Composition of vitamins Gendevit

The instructions for use for vitamins Gendevit indicate that the dietary supplement consists of the following substances:

  • vitamin C - synthesizes collagen, supports body functions, improves the process of absorption and assimilation of iron in the intestine;
  • retinol - ensures the normal function of the skin, mucous membranes, improves vision, is responsible for the development of embryonic tissues;
  • riboflavin - is considered the most important catalyst in the processes of visual perception and cellular respiration;
  • thiamine - normalizes the functionality of the nervous system, participates in the metabolism of carbohydrates;
  • pyridoxine - synthesizes neurotransmitters, improves protein metabolism;
  • nicotinamide - provides tissue respiration processes;
  • cyanocobalamin - participates in the synthesis of nucleotides, is responsible for the formation of epithelial cells, improves the functioning of the hematopoietic system;
  • folic acid - takes part in the synthesis of nucleotides, amino acids, is necessary for erythropoiesis, reduces the risk of developing fetal malformations;
  • pantothenic acid - participates in oxidation, normalizes regenerative processes in the endothelium and epithelium;
  • alpha-tocopherol - supports the work of erythrocytes, removes free radicals, prevents the development of hemolysis;
  • ergocalciferol - supports the performance of the musculoskeletal system, promotes the formation of bones and teeth in the fetus, takes part in mineral metabolism.

Also in the composition there are additional components in the form of sugar, wheat flour, peanut butter and starch syrup.

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The preparation contains 11 vitamins

The food supplement is produced in the form of pills. 1 package contains 50 pcs.

Indications for the use of multivitamins Gendevit

Adults are recommended to take Gendevit:

  • with the development of hypovitaminosis;
  • with increased fatigue;
  • for the prevention of vitamin deficiency.

The vitamin complex is prescribed for women at the stage of gestation and breastfeeding. The use of dietary supplements promotes normal growth and development of the fetus.

Also, Gendevit is indicated for recovery for those people who have recently suffered an infectious disease, colds, trauma or surgery.

How to take Gendevit vitamins

The instructions indicate that the Gendevit dragee can be absorbed or swallowed. The tablet is taken with or after meals. Dragee must be washed down with a glass of water.

Take 1-2 pieces per day. Prophylaxis lasts from 3 weeks to 2-3 months. If necessary, repeat the course in 1-3 months.

At what age can Gendevit children

The instructions do not indicate that childhood is a contraindication.

Important! It is better to consult a doctor before use.

Children are usually prescribed 1 tablet per day.

Application of Gendevit during pregnancy

Supplements are recommended for women at the stage of gestation and breastfeeding. It contains all the necessary trace elements that the body needs. Through the placenta or milk, vitamins are delivered to the child, thereby ensuring normal growth and development.

The instructions for use indicate indications, side effects and contraindications


Vitamins Gendevit are dispensed without a doctor's prescription. During the course, you must strictly adhere to the instructions. Exceeding the dose can lead to side effects or overdose.

Cannot be taken simultaneously with other multivitamin complexes.

While taking vitamins, there may be a change in the color of urine to a bright yellow or dark shade. This is not a side effect and is due to the presence of riboflavin in the composition.

If Gendevit is not suitable for patients or is not available for sale, then you can purchase similar analogues:

  1. Adivit... It is a combined multivitamin remedy. Suitable for children from 3 years old, schoolchildren and adolescents, pregnant and lactating women.
  2. Aerovit with ginseng... Contains vitamins that help to normalize the functioning of all organs and tissues. In addition to the main trace elements, it includes rutoside and vitamin PP.
  3. Alvitil... Multivitamin complex that stimulates metabolic processes in the body. It has 2 forms of release - tablets and syrup. Approved for use by children from 2 years old.
  4. Hexavite... Contains 6 essential vitamins: retinol, riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, vitamin PP and ascorbic acid.
Important! Before starting the course, you must study the instructions for the drug and exclude the presence of contraindications. Failure to comply with the rules entails the appearance of side effects and the development of complications.

Contraindications and side effects

Vitamins Gendevit have some contraindications in the form of:

  • disturbances in the work of the liver and kidneys;
  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach or duodenum;
  • a history of allergic reactions.

Gendevit is taken with caution in diabetes, osteoporosis and sarcoidosis.

Taking dietary supplements may be accompanied by the development of side symptoms:

  • rashes on the skin;
  • itching;
  • hyperemia;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • headaches.

In severe cases, anaphylactic shock occurs. If unpleasant symptoms appear, you must stop taking vitamins.

If you do not follow the instructions for use, then signs of an overdose may appear, which manifests itself:

  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased excitability;
  • irritability.
  • enhanced sweat separation;
  • visual impairment.

Then it is urgent to wash the stomach, take a sorbent and perform symptomatic therapy.


The instruction for Gendevit describes the method of application, indications and possible side effects. But in most cases vitamins are well tolerated.This complex is great for pregnant and lactating women. It allows you to compensate for the deficiency of trace elements, to ensure the normal growth and development of the baby.

Trace elements are quickly absorbed by the intestines and completely dissolve. The cost of the vitamin complex also attracts - it does not exceed 100 rubles per package.


Reviews about Gendewit buyers

Elena, 41 years old, Kostroma.
I have two children. At the moment she is pregnant with the third. For the first time she took expensive vitamins Elevit, Prenatal, Femibion. The effect, of course, was from them, but they are expensive in terms of cost. This time I decided to buy cheap multivitamins Gendevit. While I am taking, no side effects have been identified. But you have to take breaks of 2-3 months.
Anastasia, 33 years old, Murmansk.
Vitamins Gendevit is a good, cheap and affordable remedy. I take vitamins 2 times a year - in autumn and spring. I feel great. But the only thing I don't like is that there is no iron or magnesium in the composition. And for its price, a normal drug of domestic production.
Alexander, 38 years old, Norilsk.
It is strange why it is generally accepted that Gendevit vitamins are intended only for women. In the north, it is advised to take it in case of vitamin D deficiency. It is the most inexpensive and accessible drug. Rarely causes side effects. If necessary, the course can be repeated in 1-3 months.

Reviews of doctors about Gendevit

Ekaterina Petrovna, 31 years old, Lipetsk.
Most of all, vitamins are needed by expectant and lactating mothers. Everyone is accustomed to the fact that they are prescribed drugs of foreign origin, which have a high price. But you can also take more affordable means, such as Gendevit. There are no minerals in the composition, but it includes the necessary dose of folic acid, vitamin D and A.
Alena Pavlovna, 38 years old, Zheleznogorsk.
Knowing that Gendevit vitamins rarely cause adverse reactions, she prescribed them to one expectant mother. A few days later she came to me covered in a rash. They concluded that she developed a severe allergy to the constituent components. Therefore, before starting to take any remedy, I advise my patients to first consult a doctor, since all organisms are different and react to external factors in their own way.
Raisa Olegovna, 51 years old, Voronezh.
I do not advise taking dietary supplements of domestic production - Gendevit, Revit, Aevit, Undevit. They contain sugar, which is harmful to the body.
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