Chinese schisandra: useful properties, contraindications, photos, application

The benefits and harms of Chinese magnolia vine are an important question for those who love unusual products in the kitchen and in the home medicine cabinet. To figure out what properties lemongrass has, you need to familiarize yourself with its composition and characteristics.

What does lemongrass look like and where does it grow

Lemongrass is a liana-like plant that grows in East and Southeast Asia. The plant is found in Japan, China and Korea, and in Russia it grows in the Far East, Kuril Islands and Sakhalin.

Schizandra vines can grow quite long - up to 15 m. They are covered with elliptical dark green leaves. The main value in the Chinese plant is its fruits - juicy red berries that appear on the shoots with long dense clusters.

At first glance, it seems that both the liana and the berries have nothing to do with lemons. The question arises - where does the name come from? The answer is very simple - the berries, leaves and stems of the plant emit a distinct lemon scent.

The chemical composition of Chinese magnolia vine

The berries of the Chinese plant are quite small. And, nevertheless, they contain a lot of valuable and necessary substances for the body. Namely:

  • vitamins C and E;
  • vitamin PP;
  • antioxidants lignans, important for both cancer prevention and cholesterol lowering;
  • mineral components iron, potassium, barium, calcium, iodine and zinc;
  • substances selenium, manganese and magnesium;
  • organic acids - for example, tartaric, malic and lemon;
  • fatty and essential oils;
  • flavonoids;
  • pectins and tannins.

Also, the benefits of Far Eastern lemongrass for the body are expressed in the high fiber content in fresh and dried fruits.

Nutritional value and calorie content of lemongrass

The berries of the Chinese plant do not contain fat at all. But 19 g in them are carbohydrates, and the share of proteins is about 10 g. The calorie content of berries is very low - only 120 kcal per 100 g of product.

Why is Chinese lemongrass useful?

The benefits of Chinese lemongrass for the human body are quite large. With the constant use of berries:

  • fight overwork and replenish energy reserves;
  • cope with muscle pain;
  • increase the level of immune resistance and strengthen the nervous system;
  • help to quickly get rid of excess body fat;
  • lower blood glucose and equalize blood pressure;
  • strengthen the vascular walls and thereby protect the heart from ailments;
  • activate brain activity and have a beneficial effect on the hormonal background;
  • help in the treatment of stomach disorders and colds.

In addition, the beneficial properties of lemongrass berries prevent the development of vitamin deficiency and anemia. The plant helps to extend the overall lifespan as it strengthens all important body systems.

For women

The benefits and harms of Chinese lemongrass for the body of women are expressed in the fact that the properties of the plant eliminate poor health and mood swings during menopause. It is useful to use it during menstruation and simply during periods of intense mental and psychological stress.

The benefit of lemongrass for women is also that the properties have a beneficial effect on female beauty - on the basis of the plant, many effective home care products are prepared.

For men

The berries of the plant contain a lot of phenolic compounds and biologically active components that prolong the youth of the male body. The benefits and harms of the Far Eastern lemongrass are manifested primarily in relation to the hormonal background of men - the properties of the product increase libido and potency, and protect against impotence.

The benefit of lemongrass for men is also expressed in the fact that the berries prevent inflammation of the prostate and improve the quality of the genetic material.

At what age can lemongrass be given to children

Useful components in the berries of the plant will have a positive effect on the child's body, but only with proper use. For the first time, Chinese lemongrass can be offered to a child after 12 years, until that time, the properties of the product will rather harm health.

In addition, in order to avoid harm, the first dosage of berries should be very small - several fruits each.

Attention! Since the Chinese magnolia vine is a potentially dangerous and allergenic food that can harm the body, you need to consult a doctor before introducing berries into a children's diet.

Is lemongrass possible during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The health benefits and harms of lemongrass are expressed in a fairly strong tonic effect. During pregnancy, this property of berries becomes rather dangerous, moreover, their use often provokes uterine contraction. For these reasons, it is better for women in a position to refuse to use the product.

The same applies to the lactation period. The properties of the substances in the Chinese magnolia vine can harm the health of the baby.

Indications for the use of Chinese magnolia vine

The properties of lemongrass fruits are used to normalize health in a wide range of ailments. Indications for the use of the berries of this plant will be:

  • anemia, vitamin deficiency and general loss of strength;
  • bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys and stomach;
  • problems in the sexual sphere in women and men;
  • skin ailments - inflammation and irritation;
  • intoxication of the body.

Schisandra berries are often used as a preventive measure during strong physical and mental stress.

The use of Chinese lemongrass in traditional medicine

Chinese lemongrass is used to create a variety of medicines. At home, mainly useful drinks are prepared from it, the properties of which quickly help with poor health.

Lemongrass juice

With a breakdown, bad mood and irritability, lemongrass juice is beneficial. It is extremely simple to make it.

  1. The fruits of the plant must be thoroughly cleaned of flowers and twigs, rinsed and poured into an enamel container, and then rubbed properly.
  2. The released juice is filtered into sterile jars and sterilized for 15 minutes, that is, heated to about 75 ° C with steam.

The cooled juice is sealed and stored in the refrigerator. It is usually consumed with tea, adding 1 teaspoon of the drink to a cup.

Lemongrass broth

Schizandra fruits are used to prepare a useful broth. It is necessary:

  • pour 1 large spoonful of fresh or dried berries into a saucepan;
  • pour water, and then boil for several minutes;
  • remove from the stove and insist under the lid for a couple of hours.

The cooled broth is filtered, if desired, natural honey or sugar is added to it and they drink up to 1 large spoon every day. The properties of the broth help well with an increase in blood sugar, cope with digestive disorders and malfunctions of the nervous system.

Important! Drinking a decoction is useful for symptoms of oxygen starvation, the drink saturates the body with vitamins and quickly improves well-being.
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Lemongrass infusion

The benefits and harms of lemongrass berries are manifested in a healing infusion. To create it, you need to pour 1 large spoonful of berries with a liter of boiling water, close the container with a lid and insist the medicine for 10 hours.

Drink the infusion daily in small quantities, no more than 1 large spoon. The healing properties of lemongrass show themselves with a weakened immune system and a breakdown, with a lack of vitamins and anemia.

Tincture of lemongrass seeds and fruits

A useful alcoholic tincture is prepared from a medicinal plant, most often lemongrass seeds and its fruits are used in it. The seed recipe is as follows:

  • 2 teaspoons of plant seeds are poured into a small glass vessel;
  • fill the raw material with vodka or pure alcohol;
  • tightly plug the vessel with a stopper and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks.

The container with the tincture needs to be shaken daily for better distribution of nutrients. When the medicine is completely ready, it will need to be drained. The berry tincture is prepared in the same way.

The medicine should be taken with excessive physical and emotional overload, with depression and loss of strength. The benefits and harms of lemongrass seed tincture depend on the dosage, they drink it only 20-30 drops before meals, no more than three times a day. In this case, the general course of treatment should not exceed 25 days, otherwise home medicine will be harmful.

Attention! Instructions for use for tincture from lemongrass seeds read - for minors, the medicine is strictly prohibited. Adults should not exceed the indicated dosages, otherwise the alcohol in the drug will harm the body.

Lemongrass berry and leaf tea

Aromatic and healthy tea is often prepared on the basis of Chinese lemongrass, and the recipes use not only fruits, but also the benefits of lemongrass leaves.

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  1. Pour a teaspoon of finely chopped dry leaves with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Infuse the tea for about 10 minutes, then add honey or sugar to it if desired.
  3. Drink in the same way as a regular tea drink.

Instead of leaves, you can use the berries of the plant - all parts of Chinese magnolia vine have a positive effect on health. The benefits and harms of lemongrass tea are determined by the amount of the drink - it is recommended to consume a maximum of a couple of cups per day. The properties of the medicinal drink tone up well, serve as the prevention of colds. The benefits of Schisandra leaves are expressed in the fact that the drink disinfects the oral cavity and reduces the risk of caries.

Lemongrass syrup

For lovers of sweet-tasting medicinal preparations, home medicine offers a tasty and healthy medicine - syrup from Chinese lemongrass berries. They do it like this:

  • the berries are thoroughly washed, wrapped in tightly folded gauze and squeezed out the juice;
  • the liquid is poured into a saucepan, and then covered with sugar, and 1.5 kg of granulated sugar should fall on 1 liter of juice;
  • the mixture is heated until the sugar is completely dissolved, and then removed from the stove and poured into a glass vessel.

The cooled syrup is taken 1 large spoon three times a day, with food or immediately after it. The syrup is especially indicated for use with low blood pressure and poisoning, with drowsiness and decreased libido, with infections.In total, you need to use the remedy for a month, then take a break.

Schizandra pills

Some medicines based on Chinese magnolia vine are available at the pharmacy. This list includes not only tinctures and syrups, the tool is also sold in tablet form.

Chinese lemongrass tablets are very convenient to use - when using it, it is easy to choose the dosage, you can take them with you on the road without unnecessary difficulties. The medicine will be useful with a tendency to heart disease and weak immunity, pills are drunk to strengthen blood vessels, slow down aging and for the general tone of the body.

Before using the pharmacy, it is recommended that you carefully study the instructions. But the generally accepted dosage of the drug is 2 tablets per day - in the morning and in the evening with meals. In total, you need to take a course of strengthening tablets for 1 month.

Schisandra Seed Oil

Another drug that you can buy at the pharmacy is a healthy oil made from the seeds of a Chinese plant. It is realized in the form of capsules, intended for use twice or three times a day immediately after meals.

The properties of the oil in medicinal capsules effectively increase tone and performance, relieve inflammation and help with digestive disorders. A useful agent accelerates the healing processes of wounds and abrasions, strengthens the body's defense systems. Especially useful oil is recommended for those whose work is associated with overheating or hypothermia, with radiation exposure or lack of oxygen.

Schisandra powder

Chinese lemongrass is treated with powder. To prepare such a remedy, you must:

  • pour water and insist the berries of a Chinese plant for several hours;
  • separate the pulp and extract the seeds;
  • dry them completely in the oven and grind into a fine powder.

Such a remedy is taken literally by a pinch, in an amount of 0.5-1 g twice a day. The powder is useful in the treatment of liver ailments, with a breakdown and gastritis with high acidity.

The use of Chinese lemongrass in cosmetology

The healing properties and contraindications of lemongrass are important, including in home cosmetology. Useful beauty care products are made from the plant.

Schisandra for face skin

The most famous herbal remedy is the cleansing lotion. To prepare, 2 large tablespoons of berries are poured with vodka and kept in a cool and shaded place for a week. Then the product is filtered and 1 large spoonful of glycerin is added to it.

So that the lotion is not harmful, it is diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1 to 3, and then daily wipe the face and neck. The tool helps to normalize the oily skin and get rid of acne.

Hair rinse

The beneficial properties of lemongrass leaves are used for hair care. Fresh leaves, twigs and fruits in the amount of 1 large spoon are properly crushed, poured into a thermos, poured with boiling water and insisted for 3 hours.

Then the useful product is cooled and filtered, so that after each shampooing, rinse the hair with a healing infusion. With regular use of the infusion, the curls are strengthened and stop falling out.

Chinese lemongrass in cooking

Mostly, the treatment with Chinese lemongrass is practiced at home, but this plant is often used in cooking.

  1. The plant's berry juice is added to fruit wines to give them an unusual taste and aroma.
  2. On the basis of fresh juice and berries, compotes and syrups, fruit drinks and jelly are prepared.
  3. The pulp is often found in candy fillings; sweet jams and preserves are made from it.
  4. Chinese lemongrass is found in marmalades, in baking fillings, in dairy and curd desserts.
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The benefits and harms of lemongrass jam are almost the same as those of herbal remedies. Eating delicious desserts is recommended to strengthen the immune system and increase the overall tone of the body.

Chinese lemongrass harm and side effects

Despite the benefits of lemongrass herb, the valuable properties of the plant can be harmful. With excessive use of medicines or desserts, side effects develop:

  • tachycardia and headache;
  • hypertension and insomnia;
  • increased gastric secretion.

Also, against the background of an overdose of a Chinese plant, an allergic rash may occur.

Contraindications to the use of lemongrass

In some conditions, it is strictly forbidden to consume drinks and sugary foods with a Chinese plant, regardless of dosage. Contraindications for admission are:

  • severe heart ailments and liver pathologies;
  • frequent migraines and hypertension;
  • increased nervous irritability and sleep disturbances;
  • epilepsy and acute infectious diseases.

Chinese lemongrass can cause individual allergies, so when you first get to know the plant, you need to use it in minimum dosages.

When and how to harvest lemongrass

The berries of a Chinese plant ripen en masse in September, at this time it is necessary to collect raw materials for harvesting. One brush usually contains at least 20 useful berries, or even more, so they can be collected in fairly large volumes.

Only fully ripe, red fruits need to be picked from the branches; you can return to the immature ones a little later, when they are ripe. The first half of a dry and sunny day is considered ideal weather for collecting. It is very important to choose an ecologically clean area for harvesting fruits - the properties of berries that have managed to absorb chemical waste will not benefit health, but only harm.

Advice! Since the berries of the Chinese plant are not stored fresh, the time for collection must be chosen in such a way as to be able to immediately start further processing of raw materials.

How to dry lemongrass berries

For long-term storage, the berries of the Chinese plant are usually dried. Correct processing looks like this:

  • the collected raw materials are laid out in the open air for 3 days, away from sunlight;
  • after that, the fruits are placed in an oven preheated to 60 ° C and kept in it for several hours until the pulp loses the remaining liquid.

The dried fruits are placed in paper bags or linen bags and stored in a dark, dry place. The medicinal raw material retains its beneficial properties for 2 years.


The benefits and harms of Chinese magnolia vine depend on the correct dosages - medicines and teas should be taken in small quantities. With proper use, the plant will help get rid of the symptoms of many ailments and generally strengthen the body.


Solovieva Tatyana Vladimirovna, 38 years old, Khabarovsk
Every year in the fall, I collect fresh fruits of a Chinese plant to prepare medicinal raw materials. Lemongrass for hair helps me to maintain the strength and natural shine of curls at no extra cost, and lemongrass for weight loss has helped me more than once to restore a slim figure. A very good effect is brought by the use of tea with the berries of the plant.
Vikentieva Nina Vasilievna, 49 years old, Vladivostok
I regularly use lemongrass for immunity - I brew tea from the leaves of the plant or simply add a spoonful of fresh juice to regular drinks. I have noticed for a long time that I have become much less likely to get sick with flu and colds. From lemongrass seeds I make a useful tincture - it helps well with a sudden loss of strength, vigor returns in just a couple of days.
Stasov Dmitry Ivanovich, 52 years old, Yakutsk
About 5 years ago I faced a terrible problem for a man - a decrease in potency. I managed to worry a lot for my own future and family life, and even going to the doctors was embarrassing.But the tincture of lemongrass saved for potency - the use of this remedy along with a healthy diet and physical activity returned libido to normal in a month.

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