Is fasting good for the body?

Fasting is one of the most pressing and controversial topics among adherents of a healthy lifestyle. The method of restricting food has been used since ancient times and has survived to this day in the form of ritual fasting, used to cleanse the body and soul. Another wave of discussions about the benefits and harms of fasting was sparked by the craze for hunger in Silicon Valley - to improve performance and overall health.

What is fasting

Fasting is a voluntary refusal to eat for a certain period of time. Used for therapeutic purposes, fasting is called unloading dietary therapy (EAD), one of the main tasks of which is the prevention of human health.

In the method of healthy fasting, the following principle works: when food stops entering the digestive tract, the body enters a "recovery mode": activation of the endocrine system is activated, and the body begins to use its internal resources to maintain vital activity. This condition is called an acidotic crisis, which serves as a signal that the body has begun to engage in deep healing mechanisms.

Those who regularly practice fasting say: if done correctly, periodic unloading helps to cleanse the body, get rid of the harm of accumulated toxins and toxins, and also rejuvenate the body. With a competent approach, the beneficial properties of fasting can fully complement the complex of therapy for a number of diseases.

Types of fasting

Nutritionists identify several types of fasting, each of which has its own unique effect. The ability to distinguish between them will help you choose the most suitable option for yourself.


Fasting therapy is a complete rejection of any food, and sometimes liquids, for health purposes. To do this, throughout the entire period of fasting, a person completely limits himself in food intake - until the end of the prescribed period, during which the set therapeutic task is achieved.

An acidotic crisis does not occur immediately, but only with prolonged abstinence from food: its precursors are signs of increased irritability, weakness, constant hunger, bad breath, headache, dizziness and nausea in a hungry starving person. However, immediately after the crisis passes, the state of health improves significantly, the symptoms of the transition gradually disappear. This type of fasting most actively causes changes in the functioning of the body, contributing to the activation of the "self-healing" mode.

Due to the long period of curative fasting, its benefits, as well as its purpose, will be individual in each case: much depends on the characteristics of the organism, on the general state of health and resistance to hunger.


Medical fasting is practically no different from medical fasting.The only difference is that in the first case, the procedure is carried out in clinics or sanatoriums under the strict supervision of a doctor. To achieve maximum benefit, according to the diagnosis, additional healing methods are included in the fasting program: physiotherapy, drinking mineral water, exercise therapy, sauna, swimming, massage, etc.

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The basis of water starvation is a complete rejection of solid and liquid food, as well as any drinks: only water is allowed. The most beneficial will be the intake of distilled, melted, alkaline or structured water. The most popular option is a one-day fast on water, which, if all the rules are followed, will provide invaluable benefits for the liver and cardiovascular system.


Unlike water fasting, in wet fasting, the use of decoctions of herbs and freshly squeezed juices without pulp is allowed. This option will be more gentle for the body, while the benefits for the body remain.


Dry fasting is the most severe variant of hunger. A person completely refuses to use any dry and liquid food, as well as water. There are two variations of this method: without limiting external contact of the body with water, or with a complete rejection of hygiene procedures throughout the entire period of fasting.


Intermittent fasting has become especially popular in the United States, where it is called fasting. In Silicon Valley IT companies, there are even fasting communities, whose members are confident that periodical refusal to eat helps not only achieve a new level of performance, but also prolong life.

With intermittent fasting, it is customary to divide the day into two "windows", in one of which you need to pack all the meals for the day, and the second should be left for hunger. There are several options for the duration of the windows (12/12, 1/23, 10/14), but the most common ratio is considered to be 8/16 - when food intake is only 8 hours a day, and the remaining 16 are given under the “hungry window”. This type of intermittent fasting is most effective and beneficial because then most of the hunger occurs during sleep, and meals are distributed throughout the day.

Benefits of fasting

The main benefit of fasting is the rapid mobilization of all reserves of the body, which helps to improve the functioning of the main systems and organs, as well as to lower the level of "bad" cholesterol and blood sugar.

In order to restore its energy reserve, the body begins to use fat and ketone bodies. It helps to increase the production of adrenal hormones (corticosteroids), which are anti-inflammatory and regenerative.

Fasting also stimulates the cleansing of the blood from the harm from outside chemicals.

In 2016, the University of Southern California conducted a study that proved the benefits of therapeutic fasting for men: as part of the experiment, participants were asked to periodically fast for 2 to 4 days for six months. As a result, the effect of strengthening immunity (several times), as well as a significant improvement in sexual activity, was revealed.

Interesting! The most effective beneficial effect on the body's immune system is provided by dry fasting. It is known that most microbes, viruses and protozoan bacteria can reproduce exclusively in a liquid aquatic environment. During temporary complete dehydration, active cells take all the water from the lipid (fat) layer of the body, and pathogenic microorganisms die.


Wanting to lose weight, many women turn to the fasting method, because periodical refusal to eat food has effective benefits for the female figure:

  1. Even without receiving food from the outside, the body continues to expend calories to maintain its vital functions, while expending fat reserves.
  2. Thanks to cleansing the body during the period of hunger, the woman's metabolism is normalized, as a result of which the body begins to quickly get rid of extra pounds.
  3. During fasting, the volume of the stomach is significantly reduced. After getting out of hunger, you can see that the feeling of satiety comes much faster.
  4. Unlike the diet that most women practice, getting out of fasting does not lead to rapid gains in weight loss. On the contrary, the body will maintain the acquired weight further, it is only important to follow all the recommendations after a long hunger.

To cleanse the body

Indian yogis, who are considered the pioneers of curative fasting, are confident that hunger is the most effective way to cleanse the body, both physiologically and spiritually.

Often, all food consumed by a person does not have time to be completely digested by the body, as a result of which food stagnations form in the stomach, which hunger helps to remove.

In addition, fasting helps to cleanse the body of toxins and poisons that accumulate in cells and organs throughout life. Hunger can be used as a separate cleaning method or combined with other techniques. Due to the refusal to eat food, the gastrointestinal tract is unloaded, and the body turns on the mechanisms of self-cleaning. Fasting is most beneficial for the liver, helping the body's natural filter to get rid of the harm of accumulated toxins and toxic substances.

You can find out more information about the benefits and harms of intermittent fasting, about its beneficial properties and effects on the human body from the video:

How many days can you starve

Fasting once a week gives the fastest benefit and is the safest method for the body.

Over time, you can try fasting for a period of 2 to 4 days, which are considered more gentle than the weekly hunger option. At the same time, in such a short period, the body does not have time to completely rebuild and use all the mechanisms of self-purification. Therefore, for a therapeutic effect after short-term fasting practices, it is recommended to carry out a procedure that includes the onset of an acidotic crisis - after consulting a specialist.

The duration of such fasting depends entirely on the person's early experience. This is influenced by two main factors: the level of slagging of the body and resistance to starvation (those who did not have prior experience of unloading, hunger is more difficult to tolerate). In a person with sufficient practice of fasting, the acidotic crisis occurs already on the 4th - 5th day of hunger, in a beginner - after 7 - 14 days.

Interesting! Doctors have recorded a world fasting record of 250 days. And research has shown that the main cause of death during hunger is not lack of food, but psychological stress.

The benefits and harms of prolonged fasting

Subject to all the main rules, the benefits of prolonged fasting for the body will manifest itself:

  • in deep cleaning of the body from toxins and toxic substances;
  • improving metabolism;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels;
  • normalization of the body's natural protective functions;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • getting rid of defective (including cancer) cells;
  • body rejuvenation and health improvement;
  • active fat burning;
  • reducing the risk of diabetes;
  • elimination of stress and depression.

However, it is always worth remembering: any fasting causes serious stress to the body, and long-term - in particular. In no case should you go into prolonged hunger without preliminary preparation: this can cause irreparable harm to the body, in the form of metabolic disorders, liver and kidney function; and also in the accumulation of poisons that negatively affect the cerebral cortex.

How to prepare for fasting

Before experiencing all the beneficial properties of fasting, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the chosen method and its features: how to enter and exit such hunger correctly, and what difficulties may arise.

It is important to think over the optimal period for fasting: at this time there should be no holidays, when the temptation to break off increases several times. Vacation will be the ideal time: it will be quite difficult to work with restricting yourself in food, since the body needs constant energy to work.

Equally important is the physical preparation of the body for the coming hunger. A few days before fasting, it will be helpful to gradually reduce the amount of consumed portion, allowing the body to re-adjust to the new regime. Before going into hunger, it is advisable to eat more vegetables and fruits: their fiber helps to stimulate intestinal motility, which prepares the digestive system.

How to fast

The benefits and harms of fasting are determined by a competent approach. For the maximum beneficial effect of the procedure, it is important to follow the main rules.

Fasting for one day

  1. You need to go into and out of hunger gradually and smoothly. You cannot eat at night, and in the morning immediately limit yourself to food intake. Preparing for hunger should begin several days in advance, gradually excluding the use of meat, fatty and heavy foods, and sugar.
  2. Drinking water is a must, because it is water that helps to remove toxins and poisons from the body.
  3. Individual program. It will be quite difficult for a person who is accustomed to eating regularly to endure without food for 24 hours. You need to start small: 8 hours, then 10 - with a gradual increase in duration. As a result, 24 or 36 hours without food will be much easier for the body.

In contrast to the popular belief, with daily fasting, the loss of body weight does not occur at the expense of muscles: their growth, on the contrary, can be increased by adding moderate physical activity, and this can be used with benefit by men during active training in the gym.

Fasting for three days

Researchers at the University of Southern California conducted another experiment to test the health benefits of a three-day fast for the body. The result showed: the main benefit of a three-day fast on water is to renew the immune system. Stem cells begin to actively divide, which helps to restore the body's defense system.

In order to avoid harm of possible negative consequences, you must follow the rules:

  1. The first attempts to fast should take place with the use of water - at least 2 liters per day. Severe dehydration can lead to negative consequences and the opposite result.
  2. Physical activity is a must. The stress on the body during hunger accelerates the growth of muscle mass and provokes effective fat burning.
  3. Exit from fasting should take at least two days: during this time, you need to gradually return to your usual diet, starting with the use of the lightest foods for the body - fruits and vegetables.

Seven Day Fasting

The main benefits of long-term fasting are fast weight loss and detoxification. However, it is worth remembering the rules that help prevent harm from the procedure both for the digestive system and for the body as a whole.

  1. 2-3 weeks before the seven-day hunger, it is necessary to completely exclude from your diet all food heavy for the stomach, flour and sweet, gradually switch to vegetables and fruits.
  2. The time to get out of fasting should be equal to the duration of the fast. The minimum period will be a week, but doctors recommend extending this period to 10 - 14 days.
  3. It is advisable to reduce your physical activity to a minimum. In this case, it is very important to go outside and breathe fresh air. However, you should be careful here too: everyone suffers hunger differently, so it is recommended to walk under the supervision of an accompanying person.

Correct way out

Correct entry from hunger mode will ensure that the risks of harm from the procedure are prevented. The way out of fasting is divided into several stages:

  1. Compliance with a diet of freshly prepared vegetable and fruit juices. You can drink them every two hours for ¼ glass. Pineapples, citrus fruits, pomegranates and grapes have the most beneficial cleansing effects.
  2. The transition to a fruit and vegetable table, when vegetable soups, light salads and compote are gradually introduced into the menu. Meals should be in small portions without added salt and sugar.
  3. Return to the usual diet, which at first excludes heavy protein foods: meat and fish dishes, eggs and legumes.
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The features of the output also largely depend on the chosen nutritional method:

  1. Hunger up to 3 days... At the exit from short-term fasting, meals should be frequent, about 5 - 7 times a day in small portions. The first three days should be accompanied by the use of fruits and vegetables, then you can return to your normal diet.
  2. Five day hunger... On the first day of recovery from such hunger, it is allowed to drink only water and freshly squeezed juices; on the second and third day, you can move on to the fruit and vegetable table. On the fourth and fifth day, dairy products and dried bread are introduced. In the following days, there is a complete return to the usual diet.
    Important! In order for fasting to be as useful and effective as possible, after leaving it you need to eat in small portions, thoroughly chewing food.
  3. Seven days hunger... A restriction on food for such a long period can be compared to a full-fledged medical procedure. At the end of such fasting, an acidotic crisis often occurs, accompanied by extremely unpleasant symptoms of cleansing the body. After the onset of a crisis, the health of the starving person returns to normal, but the way out of hunger must be carried out just as slowly.

How not to break

During the fasting period, taste buds become more susceptible to food, which is why the risk of breakdown increases several times. There are some tips that will help distract your brain from thinking about food and stay hungry for as long as you need it:

  1. Keeping yourself busy with activities that will help shift your focus and leave no time to think about a snack. This can be work, home life, relaxing treatments, or moderate physical activity.
  2. Water procedures or a trip to the sauna. In addition to distracting from food, the bath will enhance the beneficial properties and effectiveness of fasting: accumulated toxins and toxins are removed through the skin along with sweat. Water treatments also help to maintain body temperature, which can drop during hunger.
  3. Dedicate time to yourself: take a walk in the fresh air, do yoga or Pilates, read a book. Each person has a to-do list that has been put aside. Avoiding food can be used to bring them to life.
  4. Charge yourself with psychological support from others: it can be both friends and relatives, and members of various forums and groups dedicated to weight loss. Feeling moral support, a person will be much easier to go towards the goal, and the results of other people will create additional motivation.

The harm of fasting and contraindications

Despite all the beneficial properties, fasting has many negative sides, neglecting which, you can seriously harm your body.

  1. Prolonged hunger is always stressful as the body begins to perceive lack of food as a threat to life. In this regard, the amount of bad cholesterol increases rapidly, which increases the risk of thrombosis.
  2. Prolonged hunger can harm your metabolism. In the absence of food, the body gradually rebuilds to a different level of life support, strenuously storing fat reserves.The body also uses the first portions of food received to store fat in order to protect itself in the future.
  3. Both the beneficial effect and the harm of fasting directly depend on a person's physique. For thin people, for example, you need a more gentle fasting regimen.
Attention! Hunger is a serious procedure in which failure to comply with the main rules of entry and exit can result in death. This is especially important with prolonged fasting.

In addition, hunger has many contraindications. You must absolutely not starve:

  • with severe encephalopathy;
  • acute ischemic heart disease;
  • diseases of the heart and kidneys;
  • acute tuberculosis;
  • diabetes;
  • infectious polyarthritis;
  • thyrotoxicosis.


The benefits and harms of fasting continue to be actively studied by scientists and nutritionists. Increasingly, scientific research is being conducted to study the effects of prolonged fasting on the human body. The beneficial properties of temporary refusal of food intake in cleansing the body, strengthening the immune system and its restoration in general have been proven. However, to prevent harm, all this is possible only with strict adherence to safety rules - under the supervision of a medical specialist.


Alexey Zharkov, 32 years old, Kazan
By the time I was 30, I became interested in the topic of health hunger. Having carefully studied the available information about the benefits and dangers of fasting, I decided to start with the one-day option. The first experience gave an amazing state of lightness in the body, clarity of mind and activity. Now I practice fasting regularly and even tried a three-day fast. I don't suffer from fanaticism, I just listen carefully to my body and follow all the rules so as not to harm myself.
Alexandra Smolina, 38 years old, Vladivostok
A friend of mine told me about the benefits of short-term fasting, since she herself managed to lose 4 kilograms with the help of regular one-day without food. Now I also periodically turn on hungry days: after several months it is easy for me. As for the three-day fast, I think that it should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor, otherwise you can cause irreparable harm to your own health.
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