Why is Kalmyk (Kalmyk) tea useful and how to make it

Tea drinking traditions are appreciated in every family. Tea has many compositions and types for brewing. Many varieties got their name due to national characteristics. The benefits and harms of Kalmyk tea are the subject of controversy among many tea experts. This drink is unique in its properties and principle of preparation.

What is Kalmyk tea and what is it made of

To understand why this tea has beneficial nutritional properties, you need to find out how it came about. Tea was used by the nomadic peoples of modern Kalmykia, it was the main source of heat on cold foggy nights, which the nomads spent in the open air. Researchers claim that the Mongolian tribes borrowed the recipe for the drink from the Tibetan monks and then spread it throughout Central Asia.

The health benefits and harms of Kalmyk tea are hidden in the properties of the main components: green tea and milk. The rest of the ingredients are additives to the main composition.

Various recipes indicate that fat, pepper, and spices are added to the drink. The main recipe for Kalmyk tea involves cooking with salt. Some methods involve the addition of herbs.

The composition and benefits of Kalmyk tea

Green tea differs from classic black tea in the way it is extracted, because of this, their useful properties differ.

Green tea is rich in flavonoid-type substances. Contains ascorbic acid, a group of useful minerals. It is a powerful antioxidant that benefits the body when consumed.

Milk can be anything. It is useful to use coconut, goat, soy milk.

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Kalmyks traditionally prepare tea based on cow's milk. The benefit of this method is the ability to saturate the body. Milk is rich in calcium, potassium, magnesium. It contains useful phosphates. Butter is packed with carbohydrates, proteins and B vitamins.

The calorie content of 100 g of Kalmyk tea is 250 kcal. It is believed that adding oil to the drink can be harmful to those who monitor cholesterol levels. But the recipe for classic Kalmyk tea does not imply the rejection of fat, this additive is based on the property of tea - to saturate the body.

Useful properties of Kalmyk tea

Tea leaves have the beneficial property of having a tonic effect, increasing the mental activity of the body. Green tea is used for weight loss because it improves metabolic processes and prevents the accumulation of fats. This property is appreciated in the preparation of diets and detox programs.

Milk enriches the body with calcium, the vitamin complex improves immunity.

Flavonoids have a positive effect on the processes of hematopoiesis, increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, and have an effect on blood clotting.

The benefits of the drink during the cold season are due to its richness in spices and nutrients.It has the ability to warm and have anti-inflammatory effects.

Green tea is known for improving the functioning of the heart muscle, and has a preventive effect on the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

It is recommended to drink it for pyelonephritis, because it has a mild diuretic effect.

The combination of green tea with milk is good for the digestive system, this tandem helps to eliminate harmful toxins from the body. This useful property is used to cure gastrointestinal inflammation.

Is Kalmyk tea useful for nursing mothers

Eastern medicine recognizes the benefits of Kalmyk milk tea for nursing mothers. Kalmyk tea based on milk with the addition of a minimum amount of spices is recommended to increase lactation. The mechanism of action is based on the combination of nutrients that affect the flow of milk.

Many mothers use special teas if they have difficulty feeding. Tea will not harm, but will only benefit if prepared and used carefully.

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Rules for making Kalmyk tea

Making tea is a special procedure, similar to the national rite. The recipe for classic tea involves a gradual infusion over several hours. The modern classic recipe takes into account the peculiarities of the 21st century life. If several centuries ago Kalmyk tea was prepared exclusively from pressed tea tiles, today they use large leaf tea.

The benefits of Kalmyk tea bags lie in simplification for those who do not have free time. Manufacturers make tea leaves with milk powder. Only spices are added to this drink and infused for 10 to 15 minutes. True connoisseurs of Kalmyk tea believe that this method minimizes the benefits of drinking.

A distinctive feature of the national brewing method is the process of oxygenation. To do this, the liquid is constantly stirred, scooped up portions of water and poured back, raising it above the edge of the container.

Interesting! Adherents of tradition assure that this technique must be repeated 46 times, only in this case the tea will be beneficial.

How to brew Kalmyk tea at home

For self-preparation, you can use cream or milk. The formula for calculating the components should take into account the number of guests. It is not customary to heat tea, it is drunk freshly prepared in order to enjoy the taste and benefit from the ingredients.

Pieces of yeast dough, prepared in advance, are served with tea.

Classic Kalmyk tea

Self-preparation is carried out using tea leaves or tiled tea.

  1. 200 g of tea leaves are poured into 2 liters of cold water, put on the stove, brought to a boil, the heat is reduced, simmer under the lid for 15 minutes.
  2. Add 1.5 liters of cream to the drink, boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Add 50 g of butter to the mixture.
  4. Salt and pepper are also added.
  5. Remove from heat, insist under a closed lid for 5 - 10 minutes.

Before pouring the drink into cups, put a pinch of nutmeg. Drink hot, add oil if desired

Kalmyk tea with milk

Any type of milk can be used to make tea. Soy milk and coconut milk are taken in the same amount as the water for brewing. The higher the fat content of milk, the less its volume.

Jomba with black tea

You can often find other names, often called Jomba tea. This name is mentioned by A. Pushkin in his travel notes. Fans of increased strength use black leaves for brewing, which have a more pronounced tonic effect, have an invigorating effect. Black tea contains caffeine, which can be harmful to people with high blood pressure.

Jomba with green tea

Jomba with green leaf is a classic recipe. Tiled tea is cut with a knife and then pounded until softened.Only then does the cooking process begin. Such tea is not easy to find; it is sold in the markets in specialized tea pavilions. Tiled tea is not stored for more than 3 years from the date of pressing: brewing can be harmful due to the release of esters.

Jomba with green and black tea

Some peoples, immigrants from Mongolia, have preserved recipes for mixing two types of tea leaves. A mixture of green and black teas produces a special invigorating effect. However, this drink is not useful for everyone, since it can harm the cardiovascular system due to the caffeine content.

Thick Kalmyk tea

The cream of high fat content and the addition of wheat flour add thickness to the drink. The longer you brew Kalmyk tea, the thicker it becomes. Initially, the drink was supposed to quench not only thirst, but also hunger, so those who are familiar with this drink perceive it as a first course.

How to make Kalmyk tea even healthier

To increase the beneficial properties, medicinal herbs or plant parts are added to tea, which increase the benefits of drinking:

  • bitter almond leaves (tend to have antimicrobial effect);
  • grape seeds (give a rich shade, have a useful property - to increase the body's defenses);
  • rosehip flowers (improve the shade, add a unique astringency to the taste, are useful for use in the cold season).
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Traditional additives are pepper, nutmeg, bay leaves, and cloves. Spices have the property of positively affecting the parts of the brain responsible for mental and physical activity. From the photo of Kalmyk tea, you can determine whether auxiliary components are added or it is brewed on the basis of water and milk.

Harm of Kalmyk tea and contraindications to use

The harm of Kalmyk tea can be assessed depending on the composition, method of preparation and the state of human health.

Strongly brewed tea based on a mixture of green and black leaves is harmful to those who have difficulties with normalizing blood pressure: it has an exciting effect on the nervous system. It is harmful to drink this tea at night for people suffering from insomnia.

If you are lactose intolerant, tea will be harmful if brewed with cow's milk.

It is recommended with caution to children under 3 years of age: its action carries the risk of harm to the not yet formed digestive system.


The benefits and harms of Kalmyk tea depend on many characteristics. Compliance with the rules of preparation is necessary in order to obtain a traditional national drink as a result. It enriches the taste buds and benefits the body. It is prepared on the basis of green and black tea leaves, experimenting with recipes. Such a drink can not only quench your thirst on a hot day, but also saturate the body completely.


Ishchenko Maria Semyonovna, 62 g, Zabaikalsk
I have long been taught to make tea in Kalmyk style. He firmly entered our life. I noticed that those who are unfamiliar with it, at first do not even want to try it, and after trying it, they either fall in love with it, or never drink it again. This is such a special property. Many people you know think it is unhealthy because of the oil.
Potapov Mikhail, 59 years old, Krasnoyarsk
I love this tea. I drink it very strong. I don't think he can be harmful. I add a lot of butter. But no one else in my family drinks it, so I have to enjoy it alone.

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