Camelina oil: useful properties and contraindications

Not so often in recipes and in kitchens you can find unusual oil obtained from pressed camelina seeds. But those who know the benefits and harms of camelina oil appreciate it very much. What are its unique qualities?

What is camelina oil made of

The name of the product can be misleading - many think that the raw materials for it are the same names mushrooms... But this is not the case. In fact, it is made from the seeds of a flower that is very common in central Russia - the common sown camelina. This plant with small, bright yellow flowers can often be seen in fields, meadows and along roads.

Although, from the point of view of botany, camelina is a weed, its seeds store a lot of useful properties. Under industrial conditions, they are subjected to a hot or cold pressing procedure - and a valuable extract is obtained.

Camelina oil color and taste

The product has a recognizable, bright color - rich yellow or even orange. The shade depends on whether refining was carried out - the refined oil will be lighter.

Gourmets appreciate the product for its unusual taste. The bitterness clearly slips in it, but not too strong, pleasant.

The composition and calorie content of camelina oil

An unusual natural product has a pronounced calorie content - 900 calories per 100 g. Nutritional value is represented exclusively by fats.

The main benefit of pomace from camelina seeds is in its rich vitamin and mineral composition. The oil contains:

  • the most valuable elements are calcium and phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, iron;
  • many vitamins - rare F and K, as well as A, E, D;
  • a wide range of acids, including Omega-6, stearic and palmitic, Omega-3 and Omega-9;
  • plant steroid substances - phytosterols;
  • chlorophyll;
  • phospholipids.

Why is camelina oil useful?

The complex effect on the whole body - this is what the beneficial properties of the natural extract are. With regular use, the oil:

  • lowers cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure, strengthens blood vessels and the heart system;
  • supports liver function, accelerates metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the healing of ulcerative formations;
  • helps to fight inflammation, allergic irritation;
  • removes parasites from the body;
  • evens out the hormonal background.

For women

The benefits of camelina oil for women are as follows:

  • the product helps to better endure discomfort during menstruation;
  • taking the extract increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and this eliminates the feeling of weakness and relieves pain;
  • with menopause, the remedy restores a healthy hormonal balance.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy, the product not only can, but also needs to be added to food. The benefits will be enormous - the oil will saturate the body with vitamins and essential fatty acids, improve the woman's well-being and strengthen the fetus.

During lactation, camelina extract is also recommended for use. All its benefits will go to the baby through breast milk.

Attention! Although camelina oil is indicated for use by pregnant women and during lactation, you should definitely consult a doctor before taking it.

When losing weight

Is it possible to lose weight on the mushroom squeeze, which consists entirely of fats? Yes - you don't need to consume the product in large quantities. And small portions will help speed up metabolism, and it will be easier to say goodbye to extra pounds.

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During the diet, the remedy is advised to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Just a teaspoon a day for a month - and the benefits for the figure will be enormous.

Application in traditional medicine

The product is able to help in the treatment of many diseases. As a rule, traditional medicine recommends using it for the following ailments:

  • with gastritis, heartburn, chronic ulcerative lesions of the stomach;
  • in case of liver problems - oil helps this organ to work, as it lowers cholesterol;
  • with hypertension, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis and ischemia, as well as with varicose veins and a tendency to form blood clots;
  • with gallstone disease and cholecystitis;
  • for colds - the beneficial properties of the extract strengthen the immune system;
  • with kidney stones - camelina extract promotes accelerated fragmentation of stones.

Camelina oil treatment is effective for all kinds of injuries. They are lubricated with cuts and burns, frostbite, allergic irritations. The benefit is that the agent disinfects tissues, prevents the development of inflammation.

Important! In case of serious illnesses, camelina seed oil should be used only in conjunction with medicines and after consulting a doctor.

How to take camelina oil

For the treatment of ailments and prevention, the agent must be taken daily in the morning for a tablespoon. You need to drink it before breakfast, for 30-40 minutes, and preferably not with water.

Duration of admission is 1–2 months, then the beneficial properties will have time to manifest themselves in full force.

Camelina oil in cosmetology and dermatology

The presence in the product of vitamins, fatty acids, chlorophyll and phytoncides makes it an excellent cosmetic product. Camelina extract:

  • softens the skin;
  • helps to remove aesthetic defects - acne, blackheads, blackheads;
  • helps to smooth wrinkles;
  • helps to heal inflammation and irritation of an allergic nature;
  • protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and the appearance of age spots.
Advice! For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use unscented purified oil - it is absorbed better into the skin and hair, and the benefits appear faster.

Face masks

Camelina oil helps against wrinkles. A mask of 3 ingredients - 2 oils and grape seeds will have a smoothing and nourishing effect.

  • To 2 tablespoons of camelina oil add 1 tablespoon of peach oil.
  • Pour 3 tablespoons of crushed grape seeds into the mixture.
  • The mask is thoroughly mixed and spread over the face for 20 minutes.

It is possible to process the skin with only one extract from camelina seeds. But the benefits of the mask will be greater if you add other components to it.

For hair

To make the hair less split and grow thicker, it should be regularly treated with an extract from camelina seeds. For instance:

  • 3 times a week to lubricate hair at night, and rinse in the morning. You can wrap your hair in a towel before bed.
  • When shampooing, add a tablespoon of camelina extract to the shampoo.
  • From time to time, make a firming hair mask with the addition of 1 egg yolk per 5 tablespoons of oil.


The beneficial properties of the extract help to lose weight not only when taken internally. They can be used to treat the skin to get rid of ugly cellulite deposits. For this you need:

  • mix 2 oils - from camelina and wheat germ - in equal proportions;
  • add a couple of drops of orange essential oil to the mixture;
  • rub the mixture thoroughly into clean skin with massage movements.
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From diaper rash in children

Babies often have diaper rash, irritation caused by rubbing of damp skin. Camelina seed extract helps in their rapid healing. It is enough to gently rub the product into cleanly washed skin several times a day.

How to use unrefined camelina oil in cooking

It is the unrefined variety of oil that is most in demand in cooking. Unlike the purified extract, this extract has a pronounced herbaceous odor and a specific bitter taste. The benefits from it are maximum, since the product retains all natural valuable substances.

It is used mainly for dressing "cold" dishes - salads, boiled or stewed vegetables, macaroni... Can I fry in camelina oil? It is not recommended to do this - the taste and smell when heated change for the worse, and the benefit becomes less.

How to store camelina oil

The product is picky about storage conditions - in the light or at temperatures above 15 degrees, it begins to deteriorate. Therefore, it is best to keep the extract in the refrigerator.

As for the timing, the benefits of unrefined oil last the longest - up to a year. The purified product is suitable for use within 3 months.

Camelina oil: contraindications and harm

Camelina seed extract is an amazing product, the beneficial properties of which are almost not supplemented by contraindications. In small quantities, absolutely everyone can use it.

However, due to its high calorie content, it can damage obesity or provoke complications in gastrointestinal diseases.

Attention! A healthy person is quite enough 2 tablespoons of the product per day. This amount will fully satisfy the need for fatty acids and vitamins.


Alekseeva Svetlana Igorevna, 37 years old, Kazan
I got acquainted with camelina oil by chance - I saw it on a shelf in a store and decided to try it. From the very first time I really liked the taste and especially the smell - as if I was in a freshly mown meadow. Now I regularly add it to salads, and familiar recipes are rediscovered for me.
Grishina Alevtina Petrovna, 56 years old, Vladimir
I always keep camelina seed oil in the refrigerator - wherever it helped me. They can dress salad, and drink a spoon for heartburn, and anoint your hands when the skin begins to peel and crack. When the granddaughter was born, they began to lubricate diaper rash and prickly heat with this remedy - and all the irritations in the child passed in a day or two.
Kalinina Olga Sergeevna, 23 years old, Rostov-on-Don
I learned about camelina oil by chance from my grandmother, when I found myself in the village for a whole month without the usual creams and lotions, and my face began to burn and acne appeared. I smeared the skin with this remedy, it helped remarkably against inflammation. I returned home and bought oil in the store, now I regularly make masks based on it, the result is invariably pleasing - the skin is clean, soft, and all this without huge expenses.


The benefits and harms of camelina oil are determined only by its amount. When used wisely, the product will enrich food with a new unusual taste, help in the treatment of many ailments, and improve the condition of the skin and hair. It is only important not to get carried away with it beyond measure, since the product remains very fatty and high-calorie.

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