Why Thai massage is useful and how to do it

Thai massage is a health improvement system that includes a set of methods for influencing the human body. The benefits and harms of Thai massage are directly related to the components of this complex:

  • passive exercise;
  • deep pressure on muscle tissue;
  • opening, stretching of the joints;
  • reflexology;
  • acupressure.

What is Thai massage

Thai massage is based on Chinese medicine and ancient Indian healing system. The first records of such procedures date back to the 5th century BC.

Health Benefits of Thai Massage

Therapeutic Thai massage with its unique properties will be especially useful for people who live in large cities. Regular passage of such procedures is a guarantee of protection from the negative effects of the environment and general health of the body. This is a useful tool, without any harm, to eliminate stress and the consequences of negative psycho-emotional situations:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • deterioration of the immune system;
  • mental and physical stress.

Thai massage will also be useful for elderly people who are characterized by an inactive lifestyle. The properties of the procedure will improve the flexibility of the spine, give mobility to the joints, which is an excellent alternative to traditional physical exercises.

Indications for Thai massage

The benefits of Thai massage for health and its properties are indisputable - the procedure allows you to strengthen the immune system, restore vitality, tone to the body. Any harm is zero. The indications for its conduct are:

  1. Low flexibility of joints and spine. With the help of special movements, the master is able to put the vertebrae in place and increase the mobility of the bone apparatus.
  2. Constant stress, high excitability and excessive irritability. Gentle, measured, smooth movements allow the patient to be immersed in a state of calm that lasts for a long time.
  3. General poor health.
  4. Being overweight.

Different techniques can be chosen to be used in the session, so the therapeutic effect will be targeted. For example, if the work is sedentary, then a Thai massage of the neck area and head is recommended.

The harm of Thai massage and contraindications

Much has been said about the benefits of Thai massage, but such procedures can also cause harm if they are carried out to people who have contraindications to them. For the following diseases and conditions, it is recommended to refrain from the session:

  1. High body temperature, febrile manifestations.
  2. The presence of inflammation in the body.
  3. Household or sports injuries.
  4. Arterial pathology.
  5. Exacerbations of chronic diseases.
  6. Tuberculosis.
  7. Acute heart failure.

In the presence of such contraindications, Thai massage with its characteristic properties is unlikely to be beneficial (definitely more harm than good). Because the procedure can lead to a general deterioration in the patient's condition and exacerbation of existing diseases. If harm is done by the procedure, then the person will feel it - the massaged parts of the body will hurt.

Types of effects and techniques of Thai massage

Massage therapists use all parts of the hand to influence the patient's body: thumb, hand, palm, elbow. The procedure can also be performed on the feet, wrists, knees and other parts of the body.

It is customary to distinguish two main types of exposure:

  • manipulation;
  • pressure.


The master's thumb is kept straight horizontally with the patient's body lines. With its help, pressure is exerted on the tissues, they are stretched, thereby improving blood circulation, lymph flow, and the working properties of the entire circulatory system.

Important! Craftsmen usually act with two thumbs at once, moving one of them relative to the other. Movements are performed along the lines of energy channels of the human body.


If the palm technique is used, then with its help the emphasis is placed on the area that is located close to the wrist. This creates deep pressure. This technique is used if you want to affect large muscles located:

  • on the hips;
  • on the buttocks;
  • on the back.
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Usually they work with one or two palms, laying them one on top of the other, or placing the wrist on the wrist.

Elbow joint

The benefit of using this technique is that strong pressure is applied by applying pressure to certain areas of the body. In order not to cause pain to the patient, a specialist with the elbow joint usually works out the most dense muscle zones - the thighs and buttocks.

If the patient experiences unpleasant and painful sensations during the procedure, the master can change the elbow to the forearm. In this case, the effect will be less pronounced, but the healing properties of the session will remain.


When using the knee technique, the properties and benefits of traditional Thai massage are especially pronounced - the patient's body is completely relaxed. With the help of the knee of the master, he presses on a certain area, as a result of this, the person relaxes, his working properties of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems improve, and excess fluid flows out.


This technique is chosen when it is necessary to intensively and clearly work out the back muscles, the lumbar zone, and the inner parts of the legs. The benefits of Thai foot massage are as follows:

  1. More pronounced impact (when compared with the use of hands).
  2. Painlessness.
  3. Minimal likelihood of injury.
  4. The individuality of the execution technique.

With the help of this procedure, muscle tension, stress are eliminated, pain in the back decreases, the properties of immunity are strengthened, metabolism improves, and blood supply is normalized.

Types of Thai massage and techniques

There are many ways to carry out Thai massage. It is possible to single out traditional techniques that are aimed at influencing different parts of the patient's body. Also, when performing the procedures, oils with a lot of beneficial properties, bags of herbs and other supplements that can be useful for humans can be used.

Classic Thai massage

A traditional procedure in which the master can use a variety of techniques to maximize the benefits:

  • impact on biologically active points;
  • passive yoga twists;
  • stretching the body;
  • kneading and stroking;
  • disclosure of joints;
  • deep pressure, etc.

Thai massage of feet and legs

There are especially many benefits from such a Thai massage for women, because the procedure allows you to eliminate fatigue in the legs, improve the working properties of the entire musculoskeletal system. Technicians usually massage the legs up to the knee. The feet are usually washed before the start of the session.

Important! Additionally, the salon can make a special bath with different aromatic effects. If required, the feet will be scrubbed.

The procedure is useful in that it relieves fatigue, restores strength, improves the properties of the circulatory system, makes joints more mobile, and muscles - elastic.

Thai massage with oils

The use of oils with medicinal properties allows you to provide the most beneficial, pleasant and relaxing procedure. The master performs smooth and soft movements (any "power" pressure is excluded), which simply cannot harm even delicate skin.

The client usually chooses the oil scent he likes. The most common options are:

  • lavender;
  • rose flower;
  • jasmine;
  • coconut, etc.

Such a useful Thai massage, in which oils with special properties are used, relaxes, relieves stress and fatigue, gives tone to the skin, and ensures deep sleep.

Head and neck massage

Usually, this procedure is completed after the traditional Thai massage. But often the session is held separately, it lasts long enough, because the master is working through all the problem areas.

It reduces pain in the neck and back, improves posture, eliminates headaches, migraine manifestations, has a beneficial effect on sleep and working properties of blood flow. He cannot do any harm - it will only bring benefit.

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Slimming Thai massage

Slim massage for weight loss is carried out with the use of special warming creams. The procedure is relevant for those people who want to get rid of extra pounds and cellulite. During the session, fatty deposits will be broken down, which will not harm even those people who do not suffer from excess weight.

Warning! During the procedure, the masters usually work out several problem areas at once so that the benefits to the body are maximized.

Thai massage Tok-Sen

Such a procedure involves a targeted therapeutic effect, combining Thai yoga massage and tapping with a stick and a hammer along the energy lines of the body. The instruments are made from tamarind wood.

During the procedure, the patient will not feel any pain. This is a relaxing session, in some ways even soothing, so its benefits are undeniable. Tok-sen is recommended for:

  • weak muscle tone;
  • violations in the work of immunity;
  • the need to recover after prolonged physical exertion and stressful situations.
  • overwork and lack of vitality.

Thai massage with herbal bags

This type of procedure is carried out on the floor using a special mat. The bags with herbs are steamed in advance, after which a light, healthy massage is performed with their help. While they are hot, the master slowly presses them on the problem areas, but after cooling down, a more pronounced physical effect is exerted on the patient's body.

The useful results of such a session include:

  • increased muscle tone;
  • increased softness and elasticity of the skin;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes in the body.

How to prepare for the procedure

If you are planning a trip to the master for a Thai massage (regardless of its type), it is recommended to take a closer look at the following recommendations:

  1. You should not eat 1.5–2 hours before the session. If you want to drink, then you need to choose plain clean water. It will be healthier than juices or other drinks.If you eat before starting the procedure, then excessive pressure will be exerted on the cardiovascular system.
  2. Before the session, the patient must take off all jewelry: rings, chains, pendants, jewelry, etc. All areas of the body that will be treated with treatment should be exposed. A person's body can be harmed if the jewelry remains.
  3. Many masters offer to drink water before the session. This allows the client to relax and the skin and muscles become softer.

Duration of Thai massage

This is not to say that there will be more benefit from Thai massage if it lasts longer. In each individual case, depending on the technique used and the area to be treated, the duration of the session will differ.

Important! Traditional Thai massage usually lasts 40 to 60 minutes, while a beneficial neck massage is no more than 20 minutes.

Sessions longer than an hour are usually harmful. the human body gets very tired.

Is Thai massage useful for children

Thai massage will be beneficial for children only if the procedure is carried out by an experienced specialist. The duration of the session and the technique of conducting will directly depend on the age of the child and the diseases that bother him.

High-quality Thai massage allows you to straighten the child's spine, stretch it, and make the joints mobile. The kid feels general beneficial relaxation. It is important to find a competent specialist - an amateur who does not know how to work with children correctly can cause serious harm.

Important! Consultation of a pediatrician is required.


The benefits and harms of Thai massage are not subject to controversy. The procedure is completely safe, useful for all age categories. With its help, you can get rid of stress for a long time, get a general relaxation of the body, eliminate pain in the head, back, legs and other parts of the body.

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