Trepang on honey: what it treats, reviews and contraindications

Before starting treatment, you need to study the beneficial properties of trepang on honey. This method is especially widespread in China. Trepang is a representative of the animal kingdom, which is also called sea cucumber. It is considered a unique delicacy with a huge amount of useful substances.

What is honey trepang for?

Trepang is an echinoderm mollusc. Its body width is 10 cm, and its length is about 45 cm. Its characteristic features include the presence of acicular processes, which are called spicules. The mollusk is widespread in Russia, Japan and China. Delicacies and folk remedies are prepared from it.

100 g of product contains only 34 kcal

Trepang on honey, the photo of which is presented above, is used to generally strengthen the body and eliminate certain problems. The remedy contains micronutrients and organic substances. Scientists have found that there are no pathogens of viruses and pathogens in the body of a mollusk. Due to its composition, it has a rejuvenating and restorative effect on the body. In addition, sea cucumber has the ability to disinfect the water it is in.

Recommended reading:  Honey: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications
Comment! If the trepang loses part of its body, it regenerates it on its own within 1.5-2 months.

Why is trepang on honey useful?

Trepang on honey is recommended for people who work in hazardous industries and live in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions. It protects the body from the effects of pathologically dangerous substances. There is an opinion that trepang even copes with alcoholism. In addition, it is considered a low calorie dietary product. The beneficial properties of sea cucumber include the following:

  • increasing resistance to viruses;
  • activation of mental activity;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • acceleration of the regeneration process;
  • elimination of insomnia and depressive disorders;
  • vasodilating action;
  • normalization of blood pressure levels;
  • antioxidant effect on the body;
  • normalizing cholesterol;
  • reducing the risk of malignant tumors;
  • prevention of diabetes.

When used externally, trepang on honey does an excellent job with skin diseases. It speeds up the healing process of wounds and abrasions and relieves acne. In the presence of dental problems, trepang tincture is used for rinsing.

Useful properties of trepang on honey for men

Men have used trepang tincture on honey since ancient times.She helped replenish energy and revitalize the reproductive system. It was believed that the healing agent has the ability to prolong life and improve health.

The equally important useful properties of sea cucumber for males include:

  • acceleration of muscle building;
  • decreased susceptibility to stressful situations;
  • increased likelihood of successful conception;
  • elimination of radioactive substances from the body;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
The remedy is taken in a strictly prescribed dosage
Advice! After scalding with hot water, the carcass of a sea animal is reduced in volume by 20%.

Useful properties of trepang on honey for women

The shellfish on honey has no less benefit for women's health. Healing agent helps to prolong youth and get rid of diseases of the reproductive system. For gynecological ailments, tampons are soaked in tincture of sea cucumber, after which they are inserted into the vagina.

Other important functions of the remedy include:

  • help in losing weight;
  • reducing the risk of malignant tumors;
  • relief of inflammatory processes in the small pelvis;
  • infertility treatment;
  • normalization of metabolism.

For gynecological diseases, the product is combined with sea buckthorn oil. The resulting mixture is impregnated with a tampon and inserted into the vagina before going to bed. The procedure is done daily for 10 days.

Harm of trepang on honey

Shellfish with honey can harm people who are prone to allergic reactions to seafood. In this case, taking a remedy can provoke Quincke's edema and skin rash. For hypotensive patients, the use of molluscum can result in changes in blood pressure with concomitant symptoms. In other cases, the trepang does not do any harm. The possibility of using the drug in conjunction with medicines should be checked with the doctor on an individual basis.

Contraindications to honey trepang

Before using such a unique product as sea cucumber, you need to take special care. This primarily concerns contraindications. These include the following:

  • high blood pressure;
  • allergic reaction;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

How to cook trepang with honey

Due to its rich composition, honey enhances the positive effect of sea cucumber on the body. To get the most out of this product, you must follow the rules for its preparation. Experts advise you to study several common recipes and choose the most preferred one.

The sea cucumber is used dried. It is purchased at a specialty store or pharmacy. Fresh trepang can only be found in Japan or the Far East.

It is better not to buy old honey. For these purposes, a herb, acacia or lime fresh product is perfect.

Dried trepangs are soaked in water for 12 hours before cooking. The fresh product is gutted, cleaned and thoroughly rinsed with running water. Before pouring honey, the raw material is crushed. You need to insist on the remedy for at least two months.

Attention! In diabetes mellitus, alcoholic tincture helps to lower glucose levels in the body.

Honey trepang recipes

There are several options for cooking clam with honey. Each of them differs in a certain set of ingredients and an algorithm of actions. Depending on the recipe, the concentration of the medicinal product may also vary.

On alcohol


  • 100 g dried trepang;
  • 1 liter of 40% alcohol;
  • 1 kg of honey.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Raw materials are poured into a deep container and filled with boiled water.
  2. After a day, the liquid is drained, and the trepang is crushed as much as possible.
  3. It is poured with alcohol, the container is corked and placed in a dark, cool place for 20 days.
  4. After a specified time, the medicinal product is mixed with honey and consumed according to the recommended scheme.
The main advantage of the tincture is its natural origin.

Tincture without alcohol base


  • 1 kg of honey;
  • 1.5 kg of fresh shellfish.

Cooking steps:

  1. Mollusc carcasses are gutted and washed thoroughly. Then they are finely chopped and poured into a glass container.
  2. Raw materials are poured with honey.
  3. It is necessary to withstand the remedy for two months in a cool place.
You can use a plastic bucket to store the tincture

Trepang with honey and vodka


  • 1 liter of quality vodka;
  • 1 kg of honey;
  • 100 g of dried raw materials.


  1. Trepangs are cut into rings about 1 cm wide. They are placed on the bottom of a glass container.
  2. Raw materials are poured with honey and vodka. All are mixed thoroughly.
  3. The container is sealed and removed in a dark place for 21 days. The container is shaken every 2-3 days.
  4. After the specified time, the medicinal product is ready for use.
The product can be filtered before use.

How to take honey trepang

Mollusk tincture with honey is taken on an individual basis, depending on the nature and severity of the disease. The maximum daily dosage is 1 tbsp. l. The remedy can be taken before bedtime or twice a day. The optimal duration of treatment is one month. After the therapeutic course, you must definitely take a three-week break. As a rinse, the tincture is used 2-3 times a day. Before local treatment of wounds and boils, the medicinal product is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

How to take trepang on honey for adults

Adults take trepang with honey for 1 tsp. 1-2 times a day. Reception is carried out 15 minutes before meals.

How to take trepang on honey for children

Before the onset of 15 years, giving the tincture to children is contraindicated. This is due to the fact that studies of the clinical effect of a therapeutic agent on an immature organism have not been carried out. In an older age, the tincture is taken 1 tsp. no more than once a day. It is advisable to dilute it with a little water. For sinusitis, the agent is instilled into each nostril, two drops twice a day.

Possible side effects of trepang on honey

If used incorrectly, trepang on honey can lead to adverse reactions. The provoking factors include excess dosage and an allergic reaction. In these cases, the following side symptoms occur:

  • skin rash;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hypotension.

Trepang on honey for cancer is taken only after consultation with the doctor. In some cases, it can be beneficial, and in others it can harm even more. Any stimulating agent can provoke the active growth of malignant cells.

Important! If you rub the trepang tincture into the scalp, you can significantly accelerate hair growth.

How to store trepang on honey

Clam tincture needs to be stored in optimal conditions. The most suitable place is the refrigerator. The maximum storage temperature is + 6 ° C. It is desirable to indicate the exact date of manufacture of the medicinal product on the container. Subject to all the rules, the shelf life of trepang tincture on honey is 12 months.


It is important to study the beneficial properties of trepang on honey for everyone who suffers from chronic diseases and vitamin deficiency. The product quickly strengthens the body and reduces its susceptibility to bacteria and viruses. When used correctly, it does not cause side effects.

Customer reviews on honey trepang

Kadnikova Natalya Ivanovna, 32 years old, St. Petersburg
The taste of trepang on honey is quite specific. But for the sake of a beneficial effect on the body, you can close your eyes to it. I was taking a product to regulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Within three weeks, the state of health returned to normal.
Martynenko Georgy Vasilievich, 41 years old, Novosibirsk
I am not a supporter of alternative medicine, but a friend highly praised the action of the sea cucumber. I took it in combination with honey to normalize the emotional background.I began to fall asleep much faster, irritability disappeared. Now I began to treat alternative methods of treatment with great confidence.
Orlova Ekaterina Nikolaevna, 26 years old, Arkhangelsk
Trepang was prescribed for me to treat erosion. For 10 days I made tampons with a medicinal mixture. The result pleased me. Bleeding and discomfort during intimacy disappeared. Only finding a remedy in a pharmacy was not easy at all.

Reviews of doctors about trepang on honey

Lineytsev Mikhail Alexandrovich, therapist, Ufa
I prescribe clam honey tincture to my patients to improve the effectiveness of the main treatment. I can note the high efficiency of the product. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, which allows you to activate the hidden reserves of the body. It is important not to exceed the dosage and not to use the product without a prescription.
Elena V. Koshevarova, gynecologist, Yekaterinburg
Trepang tampons are one of the most effective ways to cope with the inflammatory process and erosive formations. They give approximately the same effect as some vaginal suppositories. But before use, it is desirable to exclude the presence of contraindications.
Oleg Vyacheslavovich Korolev, oncologist. Moscow
I do not approve of the use of alternative medicine. Especially when it comes to serious diseases. It will not have the same effect as drugs, but it can take time and money. As for trepang with honey, it can only be used to increase the effectiveness of the main therapy.
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