Humic acids: impact on the human body, properties and application

Nature creates amazing and varied substances that people find useful in various fields. There are compounds called humic acids. Man has studied their structure and chemical composition and now uses their useful and unique properties. What are the benefits and harms of humic acids?

What are humic acids and what are they for?

Humic acids are high molecular weight organic compounds formed during the decomposition of dead plants in the process of humification. They are not a substance with a single chemical formula, but a mixture of many compounds with different structures.

Composition of humic acids

These chemical compounds are a long chain of molecules. These chains include various biologically active substances: hormones, catechins, flavones, peptides, quinones, polyphenols, carbohydrates, as well as about 20 amino acids. Moreover, these acids also contain minerals.

The rich chemical composition contributes to the use of these compounds in various fields.

Where are humic acids contained and how are they obtained?

They are found in plants, peat and, of course, in the soil layer - humus. These compounds are present in the form of salts in oxidized carbon. Usually, during the biodegradation of organic compounds, 2 end products are formed - carbon dioxide and water. In the case of the substances under consideration, this does not happen: the biomass does not decompose to these components. On the contrary, the remaining components (the previously mentioned polyphenols, amino acids and carbohydrates) cooperate and combine into long molecular chains.

These compounds can be artificially obtained by specially processing waste from coal production. They are added to water, and then a culture of bacteria is introduced into this environment, which accelerate decomposition, respectively, producing the production of the target product.

Comment! They are found in small concentrations in some food products: fried meat, coffee, tea.

Application of humic acids

The compounds have been used in various fields. For example, in agriculture, humic acids are actively used as fertilizers for plants. In addition, they are very often used in medicine, veterinary medicine and cosmetology. Another application of these substances is their use for the purification of waters and areas that have been harmed by humans with oil products, other organic substances and heavy metals.

Why is humic acid useful for humans?

The benefits of these substances for humans are widely known.

Due to their chemical structure, they are antioxidants. In addition, their antiviral and antibacterial activity has been studied. They can be used as an enterosorbent for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Moreover, in this case the effect will be intense in comparison with the usual sorbents, for example, activated carbon, since humic acid is a complexing agent capable of attracting other substances to itself, and not just a mechanical sorbent.Perceptible harm and discomfort from gastrointestinal diseases can be eliminated with the help of humic acids.

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These substances also help to eliminate harm from toxic substances such as heavy metals. They take part in the metabolism of the liver, thereby eliminating and neutralizing toxic substances, preventing them from participating in chemical reactions.

They have anti-stress activity, regulating the production of adrenal hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine, and an increased level of these hormones in the blood harms the psychoemotional state of a person, causes anxiety. However, humic preparations block excess hormones, preventing them from reaching their goal - nerve receptors.

Humic acids are also part of the mummy. What's more, they have anti-inflammatory properties and can improve the body's immune response. Thus, the tangible benefits of humic acids for humans have been proven, and harm can only be caused by using them for other purposes.

Humic acids for plants

In agriculture, the properties of these substances are used to accelerate plant growth, and also as fertilizer. However, their benefits do not end there:

  1. In the case of their long-term use, various soil properties, for example, buffer and ion exchange properties, as well as its structure, are improved.
  2. The activity of microorganisms inhabiting the soil is growing.
  3. In addition, they improve the ability of plants to adapt to unpleasant conditions, both external (sudden changes in temperature and humidity) and their own diseases.
  4. The compounds promote the accumulation of nutrients by the plants, thus minimizing the use and harm of other fertilizers.

Important! Since these compounds are not soluble in water, their properties are beneficial in plant growing in the form of ammonium, sodium, and potassium salts dissolved in water.

Use of humic acids in veterinary medicine

The compounds are used as additives in livestock feed. This allows you to accelerate the growth of muscle mass in animals without harming their body, which is very useful for meat breeds. The best survival rate of individuals with the indicated compounds in their food has been proven. In addition, these compounds contribute to better digestion of food in animals, which improves their well-being.

Important! These substances do not harm the health of animals, do not cause genetic mutations.

Humic acids in cosmetology

These substances are actively used in mud therapy. With the help of masks, ointments, baths and other cosmetics containing these compounds, toxins and poisonous elements are removed, which can accumulate in the skin and cause an allergic reaction or provoke other diseases that harm the skin. Thus, their usefulness in this area has been proven.


The benefits and harms of humic acids have been studied in some detail. Some scientists consider these substances to be a lost component of the human food chain. Therefore, the health benefits of these compounds are already well known and beyond question. In addition, the need for their use in many areas of human activity should not be underestimated.

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