Storage of the inflatable boat: in the garage and outdoors, in summer and winter

It is necessary to store the PVC boat in winter in accordance with all the rules, this will help to avoid damage to the swimming facility. In order for it to serve for a long time, you need to competently prepare it for winter and take into account all the features of the material.

Is it possible to store a PVC boat outside

PVC inflatable boats, with proper care, are characterized by high durability and good endurance. The material perfectly tolerates high temperatures and humidity up to 100%.

However, it is recommended to store the inflatable boat indoors, both in summer and in winter. In summer, the strength of the material is negatively affected by the sun's rays, and in winter, the state of PVC can be damaged by frost. Under the influence of the sun and low temperatures, the material dries out and cracks, therefore it is impossible to store the swimming device outdoors.

You need to store the inflatable boat only indoors - you cannot leave it in the cold

Storage Features of PVC Inflatable Boat

The material is considered very resistant to external influences. But it also has its own safety margins, so when storing an inflatable boat, you must take into account its features:

  1. You can store an inflatable boat only in a cleaned state; after the final use of the current season, it is thoroughly washed from dirt, mud and sand. At the same time, you need to use special products suitable for the care of PVC - aggressive chemicals can negatively affect the condition of the material.
  2. You need to store a rubber boat in a dry state - you cannot preserve it wet, this will have a bad effect on the durability of the material. The boat is dried in an inflated form, if you first blow off the structure, then accumulations of moisture will remain in the folds and creases.
  3. It is recommended to store PVC either half-deflated or fully deflated and rolled up. You cannot leave the craft inflated for the whole winter or summer.
  4. During storage, the boat should not be used as a support or support, it should be kept separate from other objects in the room and, if possible, not even in contact with them.
  5. During storage, do not allow the boat to come into contact with any oils, gasoline and solvents, all these substances will spoil the material of the boat. Moreover, you should not lubricate the boat before storing it in the winter, this will not do the rubber material good.
  6. It is not recommended to store the boat in a residential area. Polyvinyl chloride emits a certain amount of vapors, which, if inhaled continuously, can pose a danger to human health.
Important! Before mothballing the boat for the winter, it is recommended to carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer. It usually describes in detail exactly how to store the swimming device during the period when it is not in use.
The most practical way is to hang the swim device from the ceiling.

PVC boat storage conditions

In order for a PVC boat to calmly endure the conservation period and become suitable for use next season, it is necessary to provide suitable conditions for it.There are not so many requirements for PVC inflatable boats, several can be attributed to the main ones.

  1. Temperature regime - PVC reacts negatively to low temperatures, which is why it is strictly forbidden to store a PVC boat in the cold. It is best to keep it in a garage, insulated dry shed, in a closet or on a closed balcony. The optimal temperature regime for boats ranges from - 10 to + 45 ° С.
  2. Pressure... The best indicator for an inflatable boat is 185 mm of mercury, in other words - 250 g per sq. cm. If PVC is inflated too much, it may burst when temperature conditions change. It is recommended to deflate the boat at least halfway during winter storage. The boat cannot be kept fully inflated even in summer. If the temperature outside in the shade or indoors rises, then the pressure in the cylinders will increase with it.
  3. Inaccessibility to rodents... An interesting feature of inflatable rubber boats is that mice, rats and other pests like to gnaw them. In order to avoid damage, winter storage of the PVC boat is best carried out in a suspended state so that rodents cannot get to the swimming device.
Advice! If in winter the PVC boat is stored in the garage at low temperatures, then it is better not to touch or shift it until the onset of heat. Even from slight touches, the material can crack in the cold.

At what temperature can PVC boat be stored

It is believed that it is possible to store a rubber boat in summer and winter at temperatures from -10 to + 45 ° C. But experienced fishermen and lovers of water walks recommend making sure that in practice the temperature in the room does not fall below + 3 ° C.

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Too cold air damages the material of the boat. It becomes more vulnerable, it can be accidentally damaged by a slight touch.

Preparing for storing motor boats

Before storing a boat for long-term storage, it must be properly prepared. The preparation process includes several stages:

  1. Washing the swimming equipment... In the inflated state, the rubber boat must be thoroughly cleaned of sand, adhering silt and dirt, especially carefully treating its bottom and side joints. For washing, it is allowed to use products safe for PVC, for example, "Fairy" gel or ordinary soap solution, but it is better not to use more aggressive chemicals. Washing with soap or gel will not only clean the PVC, but also eliminate unpleasant odors.
  2. Minor repairs... If the PVC has cracks and punctures during the swimming season, they should be marked and sealed after the PVC is dry. Otherwise, after winter, the damage will become wider, and then it will be more difficult to repair them.
  3. Drying... A wet boat must be placed inflated in the shade and wait until it is completely dry, including at the joints and in places of folds. To dry the bottom, it is necessary to turn the boat over from time to time.
Before winter storage, the boat must be thoroughly washed

As long as the craft dries after washing, you can wash and, if necessary, repair accessories - pump, seats, oars, and so on. After complete drying, the cylinders are either slightly deflated or completely bleed off the air.

If the air from the floating craft is completely etched out for the winter, then to blow it off it is necessary to spread it out on a flat surface, unscrew the valves and completely remove all the air. You need to start from the ends of the flotation device, located at a distance from the valves, gradually moving towards the latter.

The deflated swimming device is folded by folding the cylinders from the sides towards the bottom, and then the swimming device is rolled into a roll and placed in a cover. Oars, seats and other accessories must be stored separately; removable items cannot be put in the same cover.

Attention! When folding the boat, make sure that the material does not bend or stretch anywhere, otherwise cracks may form in it during the cold season.

How to properly store a PVC boat

PVC conservation rules depend on the season. A video on how to store a PVC boat in winter confirms that in the cold, the swimming facility will have to pay more attention. In the warm season, it will not be difficult to prepare the boat for storage and remove it.

In both summer and winter it is better to keep the boat indoors.

How to store a PVC boat in winter

The main thing that needs to be remembered by the owners of inflatable PVC is that such watercraft cannot be stored in the winter in the cold. The boat must be kept indoors; a heated utility room or a garage will do. The optimum temperature is from + 3 to + 15 ° C, lower temperature indicators are undesirable, and in this case it will be more difficult to store PVC.

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In order for the boat to survive the winter safely, the room must be dry, and you also need to make sure that there are no moisture residues in the folds of the boat itself. It is completely unacceptable for water to enter through the open valves inside the cylinders.

If there is enough room in the room to hang your rubber inflatable boat, you can store it half inflated. If the storage room or garage is quite cramped, then the boat needs to be blown away.

Both the half-deflated and the fully deflated boat must be kept separate from other items. Ideally, for storage in winter, the PVC boat should be positioned so that it does not come into contact with either furniture or walls, otherwise condensation may appear at the points of contact, it will negatively affect the condition of the material.

If the boat is supposed to be stored in a warm place, then once every 2 months it can be carefully deployed for ventilation and even pumped up - this will not damage the boat. But in a cold garage it is better to store the boat, not touching it at all during the winter.

Since PVC material has some rodent appeal, care must be taken to keep mice and rats away. Not least for this reason, boats are often suspended from the ceiling - this additionally protects them from damage by pests.

Advice! With the onset of the summer season, the flotation device must not be inflated immediately. First, the boat must be moved to a warm place, spread out on a flat floor and wait until the folds straighten out and the material acquires ambient temperature.

How to store a PVC boat in summer

Proper summer storage of a PVC boat differs little from winter storage:

  • Before putting the craft away for storage, it should be thoroughly washed, and not with river or lake water, but with warm tap water using soapy water or dishwashing detergent.
  • Before folding the boat, dry it properly; you can do it outdoors, weather permitting. It is only important not to leave the craft in direct sunlight, they will damage the PVC material.
  • A clean and completely dry boat can be left in a dry and shaded area outside, but it is best to put it in a shed or garage. If in a short time the floating craft is supposed to be used again, then it may not be completely blown off, but only slightly deflated and suspended from the ceiling of the garage.
  • If there is nowhere to place the inflated boat, then the air from the cylinders must be pumped out entirely after the watercraft dries, and then roll it up and pack it into a cover.

To prevent the PVC material from being damaged by rodents, the room in which boats and boats are stored can be treated with special chemicals. But you cannot sprinkle them directly on the watercraft, poisons for rats and mice can corrode the surface of the boat.

Rodents will not get to the boat if you fix the boat to the ceiling


It is necessary to store a PVC boat in winter according to all the rules, then next season you will not have to buy a new craft. It is important to protect an inflatable boat made of polyvinyl chloride from low temperatures, humidity and mechanical damage. Subject to the basic conditions, the craft will not lose its quality characteristics over the winter.

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