How to wash a jacket at home: by hand and in a washing machine

Many men, as well as schoolchildren, have a classic suit in their wardrobe. And if there are practically no problems with washing trousers, then washing a jacket at home is not an easy task for most. Often, suits are made of fabric that is very difficult to withstand contact with water, and also wrinkles a lot. Of course, you can always dry-clean the item, but in terms of savings, it is very costly, especially if there is a schoolboy in the family. The ability to wash a jacket on your own will help every housewife.

The washing process mostly depends on the material from which the item is sewn.

Can the jacket be washed

On any product there is a certain marking, on the clothes it is a label with information on proper care. It is according to the instructions on this label that they determine whether the jacket can be washed and in what conditions.

If the label contains a sign such as a crossed out basin, it means that washing is prohibited. In the case of the presence of a sign in the form of a basin with a hand, then only hand washing is allowed. There may also be other signs indicating the permissible water temperature for washing, the possibility of drying or ironing.

Attention! Usually, a jacket does not need a full wash, it is enough to gently brush and treat stains, creases.

Ways to wash your jacket

You can wash your jacket at home by hand or using a washing machine. But some fabrics can only be dry cleaned at all. Naturally, the choice of the method is carried out taking into account the characteristics of the product itself, namely:

  • the fabric from which the thing is sewn;
  • the presence of such details as lapels, sides and hangers.

The table below shows all the cleaning methods used, for which jackets they are suitable.


The fabric from which the jacket is sewn

Dry cleaning

Suede, leather, leatherette

Wet cleaning

Wool, semi-wool, velvet, corduroy


Natural fabric: cotton, wool blend, satin, polyester

Machine wash

Cotton and linen fabric, polyester

How to wash a jacket in a washing machine

Naturally, the first step is to make sure whether the jacket can be washed in a washing machine. This information is indicated on the label.

In addition to information on the recommended washing method, the label also contains signs that spin, dry and iron is possible.

If there is no prohibition on machine washing on the label, then you can proceed directly to the process itself. But, in order not to spoil the thing, it is important to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • it is best to give preference to a delicate wash when choosing a mode, since a feature of this method is the minimum number of revolutions;
  • spinning is carried out only if there are no indications about its prohibition or if the fabric is not subject to strong crumpling, while the spinning method should be chosen at the lowest speed;
  • it is advisable to use only liquid formulations as a detergent, it is easier to rinse them out without leaving traces and soapy streaks, in contrast to washing powder;
  • after washing, the jacket is immediately taken out, rinsed at least 2 times by hand in a large amount of clean warm water, then squeezed slightly, straightened and hung on a hanger to avoid wrinkling.
If there are stains, wipe them up with a damp cloth before machine washing.

How to wash a jacket by hand

You can also hand wash a blazer from a classic suit. This method is more preferable than an automatic process. And it is necessary to carry out hand washing in stages:

  1. Before washing, it is required to inspect the product, assess the degree of its contamination. If there are any stains, then they can be pre-moistened with ammonia, if this does not harm the fabric (to check the effect of ammonia on the material, apply a couple of drops of the substance to an inconspicuous area, and then observe the reaction).
  2. If the jacket is heavily soiled, then soak it for several hours in water at room temperature.
  3. After soaking, proceed directly to washing. You should not rub the fabric of your jacket, so it is advisable to use a soft linen brush or sponge for cleaning. In this case, water should not exceed 40 degrees, and it is better to use a liquid detergent for delicate fabrics as a detergent composition.
  4. As soon as the jacket is completely washed from dirt, it must be thoroughly rinsed in plenty of cool water at least 2 times, otherwise white soap stains may remain after drying.
Advice! It is much easier to rinse the jacket under the shower, and the detergent will rinse off the fabric much more effectively.
To eliminate the appearance of soap stains, the jacket must be rinsed in clean water several times

How to properly wash your jacket

The choice of washing method can also depend on the type of jacket and what material it is made of. As a rule, the peculiarities of washing such clothes are due to the specifics of the fiber and the texture of the fabric itself. For example, a product made from natural fabrics (linen, cotton) can be washed in water at temperatures up to 40 degrees. The polyester jacket should be washed in water, the temperature of which should not exceed 30-40 degrees. In the case of woolen products, if the percentage of wool in the fabric is not more than 45, hand wash at a water temperature of up to 15 degrees is permissible. A completely woolen jacket excludes washing; dry cleaning is used for such clothes.

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How to wash a school jacket

A school jacket requires frequent washing, so you should choose the most gentle way for it. In this case, it is better to give preference to washing under the shower, which is suitable for models with glued parts and for those sewn from highly wrinkled fabric.

You can wash a school suit jacket in the following way:

  1. The jacket is carefully shaken off and hung on a hanger next to the shower.
  2. They turn on warm (no more than 30 degrees) water, with the help of a shower head moisten the jacket first from the outside, then from the inside.
  3. A soap solution is diluted in the basin, it is imperative to use a liquid product designed specifically for the type of fabric.
  4. Moisten a brush or sponge in soapy water and start cleaning the thing. First, they wipe the most dirty places, and then completely the whole thing.
  5. They start rinsing, turn on the shower again and thoroughly rinse off the soap solution.
  6. After lightly shaking off the water, leave the school jacket to dry on a hanger.
After washing in the shower, in most cases, ironing is not required, unless you wring out the thing with your hands by twisting

How to wash a corduroy jacket

Any item made of corduroy requires special care, which excludes washing.For a corduroy jacket, only dry or slightly damp cleaning is acceptable, because this kind of material can lose its attractive appearance in direct contact with water.

Cleaning should be done with a dry or slightly dampened soft brush along the ribs. If stains are found, they can be washed off with a sponge. This is done with point blotting movements, but in no case should you rub the place of contamination, as a lightened spot may appear.

How to wash a linen jacket

For a linen jacket, you can use an automated wash. But before loading the thing into the drum of the machine, preparation should be done. It consists in examining the linen product for the presence of strong dirt and washing. You also need to fasten all the buttons, look through the pockets.

The washing mode for linen fabrics should be chosen delicate with a temperature of 30-40 degrees. The spin is required to be set to the minimum (500-600 rpm). If the jacket is very wrinkled, the spin can be turned off altogether. It is necessary to dry this product on a coat hanger with buttons fastened.

How to wash a wool jacket

It is categorically not recommended to wash a men's woolen jacket, since due to the mobility of natural woolen fibers, they are glued to avoid deformation when worn. And on contact with water, the adhesive dissolves, which can lead to stretching and loss of shape. To refresh the appearance of the product, use a dry or wet cleaning method.

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Wet cleaning can be done as follows:

  1. The woolen jacket is shaken, straightened and hung on a hanger.
  2. A cleaning solution is then prepared. To do this, take 1 tbsp. l. ammonia and dilute it with water (1 tbsp.).
  3. In the resulting solution, moisten a soft brush or sponge and clean the oiled areas.
  4. After cleaning, the jacket is hung out in the fresh air or in a well-ventilated area.
Important! Before cleaning, be sure to check the effect of ammonia on the woolen fabric so as not to spoil the thing.

If the contamination has not been completely eliminated, the woolen jacket should be dry-cleaned.

The most salted areas are sleeves, pockets and collar

How to wash a leather jacket

In most cases, leather goods are not suitable for machine washing, so you have to get rid of dirt at home in other ways. The very method of cleaning a leather jacket can consist of the following actions:

  1. You can wipe off the dirt with a soft, damp cloth.
  2. If you find heavily soiled areas, you can wash them with a mild soap solution.
  3. After removing the dirt, it is required to wipe the leather product dry with absorbent wipes.

If you need to clean the lining, you must turn the jacket out and button it up. Then the lining fabric is moistened with warm water, trying not to get the leather material too wet. It is best to use a soapy solution to eliminate serious dirt and unpleasant odors. After that, you need to blot well the wet lining.

How to wash a cotton jacket

As with the linen jacket, the cotton garment can be washed by hand or in the washing machine. In this case, the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. If the technique provides for a mode for cotton items, then you should choose it. Otherwise, it is required to give preference to a delicate wash. It is better to turn off the automatic spinning and perform this action manually in order to avoid strong wrinkling of the fabric.

If you need to remove stains from a white cotton jacket, you can use special stain removers. These funds will help to remove very difficult dirt, it is important to follow the instructions for their use.

How to dry a jacket properly

In addition to proper washing, the drying process is also important, because an incorrectly dried product can lose its appearance.

After washing and drying, the jacket can be tidy by ironing

The basic rule is that you should not squeeze out the thing, the water should drain on its own. For this, the jacket is hung on a hanger above the bathroom. The item should not be placed vertically, otherwise folds and creases may form.

When drying in the fresh air, it is important that the product is not exposed to direct sunlight. If the jacket is left in the bathroom to dry, it is important that the door is open.

If ironing is required, then it is performed at a time when the fabric has not yet completely dried out. The jacket should be ironed through cheesecloth in order to exclude the appearance of a shiny gloss. If the product is completely dry, then use the steam function. After smoothing, the jacket is again broadcast on a hanger.

Advice! If you have a vertical or manual steamer, then it is better to use it for smoothing, since it allows you to eliminate almost all the formed wrinkles.


Washing your jacket at home is not an easy task. Indeed, the appearance of the thing will completely depend on this process. In order not to spoil your favorite clothes, it is imperative that you first read the instructions on the label. And if washing is prohibited, but the jacket is seriously stained, it is better to take it to dry cleaning, where the process will be carried out by professionals using a method suitable for the fabric.

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