How to remove stains from denim: how to remove old stains

Jeans entered the wardrobe of every person, gaining popularity due to their practicality. Unfortunately, denim, like any other material, is susceptible to contamination and is not immune to untidy marks. Knowing how to remove a stain from denim using folk methods or household cleaning products will be useful for keeping your wardrobe presentable.

Features of removing stains from jeans

Comfortable and non-marking clothing for American workers, jeans have spread from America throughout the world over time. In order for your favorite denim pants to last as long as possible and not lose their neat appearance ahead of time, you need to be able to take care of them

Recently, a new trend has been actively gaining popularity - not to wash jeans, but to clean them dry, for example, to remove dirt with brushes. Admirers of this approach believe that this method can significantly increase the life of the thing and protect it from fading and loss of shape. However, it is not possible to dry off old stains from jeans.

The best option for caring for things made of denim material will not go to extremes and wash the product in the usual way (in a washing machine or, if this is not possible, by hand), having previously read the information on the label about the washing mode. Following the recommendations, you can remove old dirt, but it will also refresh the thing and return it to a presentable look.

But there is one caveat. In order to remove fresh stains from denim, it still makes sense to use the advice of adherents of "dry wash": wait until the dirt dries up, and then try to brush it off with gentle movements. If the stained area is soaked, the fabric may shed at the spot. Dry washing will help remove dirt and avoid the unpleasant fading effect (but only in some cases - when the stain is small, and also not too bright or deeply embedded).

Denim dry wash is presented in this video:

Recommendations for the care and washing of denim include important nuances:

  • you need to wash a denim product as it gets dirty;
  • it is better to do it manually, in cold water, using mild detergents;
  • before you send a denim item to the washing machine, it should be turned inside out, buttoned and zipped, and everything should be pulled out of pockets;
  • the optimum water temperature for soaking is up to 40 ° C (if you process the product in boiling water, it can shrink and lose its shape);
    Advice! In order to prevent the jeans from fading and keep their appearance, an alternative to regular washing is recommended: removing small dirt with a kitchen sponge while taking a shower. At the same time, it is convenient to hang jeans next to them, so that under the influence of steam they straighten. And the "big wash" can be done every six months.
  • if there is contamination on the denim, it must first be removed (using folk remedies or special stain removers), and only then sent to the machine;
  • when washing automatically, you should choose a gentle mode, while it is undesirable to dry jeans using the spin function: this can break the structure of the fabric; it is also not recommended to "twist" the product using the manual method;
  • detergents sometimes lead to a rapid loss of color in denim: to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to use detergents with a gel-like texture (such preparations are less aggressive, but just as effective as powders, they help to remove stains from clothes);
  • if there is decor on denim trousers - a pattern of beads, rhinestones, appliques or embroidery - such a product, in order to avoid damage to the sewn-on elements, is better placed in a special bag and only then sent to the wash;
  • Denim items should be washed separately from other clothing, especially white items, to prevent blue staining.

How to remove stain from jeans using folk methods

The advantage of folk methods over household chemicals is the ability to remove dirt from denim as delicately as possible. The most popular and budgetary ways to remove stains from jeans with your own hands will be useful.

How to remove salt stain on jeans

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The salt will help gently remove green grass stains left on your denim. Algorithm of actions:

  • sprinkle a pinch of salt on the soiled area of ​​jeans;
  • grind it using a small brush or cotton pad;
  • after 10 minutes. rinse the item and wash it in the usual way.

Alternative method of using salt:

  • Pour 40-50 g of salt into a glass of warm water, mix;
  • pour the resulting mixture on the stain on the denim;
  • leave for 5 - 10 minutes;
  • rinse and wash.

How to remove a jeans stain with chalk

Removing fresh stains from light-colored jeans is as simple as using regular chalk. If not, you can use tooth powder.

To do this, a small amount of chalk must be crushed, then sprinkle it over the place of pollution and rub thoroughly into the fabric with a brush. After 15 minutes. remove the remaining powder and wash the product in the usual way.

How to remove mustard stain on jeans

Mustard powder is capable of removing greasy and oily dirt left on denim, a small amount of which needs to be covered with a stain and left to interact for at least half an hour, then rinse in clean water and wash with detergents.

Important! This method is great for removing dirt from black or navy jeans.

How to remove old stains on jeans with laundry soap

Laundry soap effectively removes all types of dirt. In particular, they can quickly remove bloody stains from white jeans and remove traces of grass or oil.

Important! For light-colored fabrics, use a soap with a whitening effect. If you use regular yellow, you can leave untidy looking marks on your jeans.

Wipe off contamination with soap. After that, grind a small piece and dilute it in warm water. Soak clothes in the resulting soapy water for 30 - 60 minutes. This can be done immediately, without pre-processing. Then the product must be rinsed and sent to the wash.

How to clean a stain on jeans with hydrogen peroxide

It is not uncommon for jeans to form yellow stains after washing. They appear if you use too much powder or wash denim clothes in hard water. You can remove yellow marks from the fabric using hydrogen peroxide.

The agent must be applied to the dirt, grind and leave for a few minutes.If you cannot remove the yellow mark from the jeans, you can add a little ammonia to the peroxide and keep the resulting mixture on the fabric for 10 - 15 minutes.

How to remove a stain from jeans with starch

Food starch is able to remove oil marks or greasy stains from denim in no time. To do this, you need to apply a pinch of powder to the place of pollution, grind and leave for at least 5 minutes. If, after the lapse of time, the mark is still visible on the jeans, the remnants of the product should be removed, and then poured fresh. The procedure often needs to be repeated two or three times for better cleansing.

How to remove sugar stain on jeans

Granulated sugar also works effectively in combating oil or greasy foods (such as mayonnaise or sour cream dripping on jeans).

You can remove such a stain as follows:

  • first, the stain on denim should be washed off with laundry soap, powder or bleach;
  • then blot the material and add a small amount of sugar;
  • leave the product for 15 minutes, then wash in the usual way.

How to quickly remove stains from jeans with specialized products

Having decided to use household chemicals, you need to take a responsible approach to the choice of powder, stain remover or gel for washing. An overly aggressive detergent can damage denim, its color and texture.

The most popular names of household chemicals that are most suitable for washing denim:

  1. Ariel powder capsules... As mentioned above, it is undesirable to clean jeans with ordinary powders. But gels or capsules are perfect. Ariel is one of the most affordable capsule powders available. It is able to remove dirt of any complexity from denim.
  2. Gel Laska not only removes stains well, but also softens the material thanks to its conditioning effect.
  3. Flat - a specialized powder designed for denim. It is able to quickly remove stains and not spoil the color of the product.
  4. Oxygen stain remover Vanish can be attributed to "heavy artillery". It should be used if the contamination is so severe that it cannot be removed with more delicate means.

How to mask a stain on jeans

Some dirt from denim, alas, cannot be removed due to the coarse structure of the fibers. But this does not mean that it is time to throw out your favorite pants. You can try to hide the stain on jeans with decorative elements and embellishments.

The easiest way is to stick on a patch. This option to close the stain on jeans is more suitable for those who adhere to a youth or informal style of clothing.

You can creatively whiten the place of pollution: this will help diversify the look of jeans, give them originality. The procedure is very simple: drip on the stain whiteness and wait 5-15 minutes until the area of ​​the fabric brightens. Later, add a few more bleached spots or fake scuffs to emphasize the intended style and make the product organic.

Another original option: paint over the contaminated area. To do this, you can use ordinary acrylic or spray paint (spray can). The substance should be applied to denim and allowed to dry. It is recommended to use paper stencils to create a picture or pattern.


Removing stains from denim is fairly easy if you get down to business right away, rather than waiting for the dirt to dry. For washing, you can use both specialized powders and gels, and a variety of traditional methods. And if the pollution could not be removed, it can always be painted or hidden with a stylish patch, thereby transforming ordinary jeans beyond recognition.

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