Why does the body need zinc, where it is contained, the daily rate

Back in 1869, Professor Jules Rowlin concluded that zinc (Zn) plays an important role in the functioning of human life support systems. Every cell of the body needs this element, because zinc takes an active part in all enzymatic processes. What are the benefits and harms of zinc, what role does it play in human life and how much should there be in the daily diet?

How zinc is useful for the body

For every person, the benefits of zinc are immense, since this chemical element is vital. Zinc is second only to iron in terms of its participation in important biochemical functions.

The main properties of zinc:

  • responsible for many enzymatic reactions;
  • promotes the formation of the immune system;
  • stabilizes metabolic processes;
  • participates in the processes of puberty;
  • is responsible for growth;
  • improves cell regeneration.

It is also responsible for visual acuity, preventing the occurrence of early myopia, therefore it is useful in the form of vitamin complexes for the elderly.

The element helps the formation of bone tissue, reduces the risk of developing diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism. The benefits of zinc also affect the nervous system: due to the property of increasing attention, reducing irritability, and improving mood.

The presence of zinc in the body plays an important role in the operation of almost all life support systems:

  • in the normal functioning of the nervous system, taking part in the transmission of nerve impulses through neurons;
  • assimilation of vitamins A, E and D necessary for health;
  • normalization of the immune system, the production of antibodies and stimulation of cellular antimicrobial activity;
  • the synthesis of stomach acid and digestive enzymes, which reduces the load on the pancreas and is beneficial for the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • accelerating metabolic processes, breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates, normalizing blood sugar levels.

This element will also be useful for people suffering from allergies, liver failure, fatigue, osteoporosis and diabetes.

For women

The benefits of zinc for a woman's body lies in its direct participation in the functioning of the reproductive system. Therefore, a deficiency of an element at a young age can lead to late maturation and even underdevelopment of the ovaries and uterus.

The benefits of the substance are invaluable for women in adulthood in preventing hair loss, the appearance of early wrinkles and premature menopause. In addition, the element allows the lady to look younger than her age and it is not for nothing that it received the name “the secret of eternal youth”.

For men

The benefits of zinc for the man's body: it consists in the production of hormones responsible for the formation of the genitals: a deficiency can cause irreparable harm, up to the underdevelopment of the testicles and infertility of a man.

In adulthood, zinc will be useful for men to increase potency, testosterone production. Therefore, its lack can lead to a decrease in sexual activity or insufficient sperm motility.In addition, the special properties of the element are important in the prevention of prostate adenoma, which the stronger sex faces with age.

For children

The benefits of zinc for children are especially invaluable, since it is responsible for the growth of the child, the formation of his immune and reproductive systems. It will also be beneficial for its wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Zinc deficiency is harmful to impaired growth and development of the child. The lack of an element becomes the cause of skin dysfunction, which is the main organ of protection against external factors.

The benefits of zinc for a growing human body are manifested in the normal functioning of the immune and nervous systems. Its deficiency can lead to frequent respiratory illnesses, moods, mental retardation and mental disabilities.

For athletes

This element will also be useful for athletes involved in strength sports. During exercise, bodybuilders need an increased dosage of zinc to generate testosterone, which affects muscle strength and endurance. In addition, the substance has the ability to remove lactic acid that accumulates in the muscles during intense training. Its excess leads to the appearance of muscle pain (soreness) and weakness after visiting the gym.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, as well as lactation, the rate of the substance should be increased by a third. Zinc is also useful in that it has a direct effect on the development of the fetus, in particular, brain cells.

Lack of zinc in the diet can harm the expectant mother and baby. The consequences can turn into a weight deficit in a newborn child, complications in the course of pregnancy, premature birth and even miscarriage.

Effects of zinc on hair and skin

Zinc deficiency is often cited by doctors as the main cause of poor skin condition and hair loss. It helps to better absorb vitamin E, which is necessary for maintaining healthy skin and hair. The beneficial properties of the element for the skin are manifested by its participation in the regeneration and renewal of cells. Therefore, its lack is the cause of various dermatitis, baldness and dandruff.

Zinc is responsible for hair growth and the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands, participates in the processing of fatty acids, thereby improving cell regeneration. Thanks to him, the regulation of hormonal balance prevents the appearance of inflamed foci, which prevents the development of acne and acne. Therefore, dermatologists advise people with problem skin to eat foods that are useful with a high zinc content.

Dry, dull hair indicates insufficient nutrition, which means metabolic disorders. Zinc normalizes metabolic processes, its properties of oxidizing fats provide the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles.

The use of zinc as a powerful antioxidant has always been valued in cosmetics for its ability to prevent aging of the skin, give it a healthy color, and give hair strength and shine.

How much zinc do you need per day

The substance is useful for every person, however, for children, women and men, the daily rate is different.

  1. For infants up to 6 months, it is 2 mg / day, from 6 months to 3 years - 3 mg.
  2. Children from 4 to 8 years old need 5 mg, and from 8 to 13 - 8 mg per day.
  3. For boys over 14 years old - and for adult men - 11 mg.
  4. For girls from 14 to 18 years old, the daily rate is 9 mg, and over 19 years old - 8 mg per day.
Important! Do not exceed the established limits, since an overabundance of an element can cause harm to health.

Symptoms of a lack of zinc in the body

Depending on age and gender, there are different symptoms of zinc deficiency in the body, but some of them are common to everyone:

  • poor regeneration of the skin, which is manifested by prolonged healing of even shallow abrasions and cuts;
  • increased fatigue, irritability and tearfulness;
  • decreased general immunity, frequent occurrence of herpes and stomatitis;
  • the appearance of night blindness, deterioration of the sense of smell and sense of taste;
  • decreased appetite;
  • circulatory disorders, anemia;
  • bad mood, apathy.

In addition, in people of age, the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the joints and exacerbation of arthritis is observed. The lack of this element harms the cells of the brain, which is manifested by memory loss and distraction. For older people, zinc is especially beneficial because it slows down the aging process of cells.

Symptoms and effects of excess zinc

An excess of zinc in the body leads to harmful consequences: after all, the element itself is quite toxic. The danger of significant harm to health is small, since the substance does not accumulate, however, you should not take it lightly.

The excess can be both one-time and chronic - with prolonged excess of the daily norm. In the second case, it is fraught with serious harm to the body, due to a decrease in the content of elements such as magnesium, iron and copper.

Symptoms of excess zinc:

  • nausea, vomiting, general weakness;
  • shortness of breath, chest pain;
  • damage to the mucous membranes of the mouth and stomach;
  • poor skin and hair condition;
  • decreased immunity.

An excess of the element is harmful to health, disrupting the functioning of the liver, pancreas and prostate gland. There may be a lack of bone mineralization, which is dangerous especially for children, as it leads to a growth arrest, as well as for the elderly - due to an increase in the fragility of inert tissue.

Important! The properties of zinc with its excess in the body are manifested in the neutralization of the action of a number of antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating drugs.

Products containing zinc

Since the effect of the properties of zinc on the human body is enormous, it is therefore important to ensure that a person gets the daily allowance every day. To do this, it will be useful to include in the menu:

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  • oysters;
  • wheat bran;
  • bitter chocolate;
  • seeds, nuts, sesame;
  • beef and pork liver;
  • chicken breast and heart;
  • eggs;
  • hard cheese.
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Oysters are the leader in this list: 100 g of the product contains 60 mg of zinc, which is several times higher than the daily requirement. Remembering not only the benefits of zinc, but also its harm to the body, you should not get carried away with this delicacy. A lot of zinc is also found in vegetables such as beets, carrots, cabbage and peppers.

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Zinc tablets and vitamins

Complex preparations based on zinc with the addition of various vitamins and minerals are very popular as biologically active additives (dietary supplements). They are prescribed to people who have a lack of a vital element to eliminate problems and diseases that have arisen against this background.

The benefits of zinc tablets for women are to restore and maintain the beauty and health of nails, hair and skin. In addition, the element activates metabolic processes, which helps in the fight against excess weight. Such drugs are prescribed for a speedy recovery after surgery in the field of gynecology. Common complexes for women are Duovit for Women, Complivit Radiance and Vitrum Beauty.

For men, zinc-containing preparations "Duovit for Men", "Vitrum Foraise" and "Selmevit" are often prescribed to restore body functions weakened by alcohol and smoking. And also to increase the mobility and vitality of sperm in the treatment of infertility.

For children, pediatricians recommend a zinc complex based on vitamin C, the benefit of which is to increase resistance to various diseases. In addition, the element has the property of increasing mental abilities, improving attention, therefore it is especially useful for the nervous system of hyperactive children.


From all of the above, we can conclude that the benefits and harms of zinc directly depend on its amount in the body. Both a deficiency and an overabundance of an element have negative health consequences. It is important, when alarming symptoms appear, not to be too lazy to visit a doctor and get tested.

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